The Price of Civilization

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The Price of Civilization Page 2

by Jeffrey D. Sachs

  The two main political parties are not showing a way out of the crisis. Even when the fights between them are vicious—on taxes, spending, war and peace, and other issues—they actually hew to a fairly narrow range of policies, and not ones that are solving America’s problems. We are paralyzed, but not mainly by disagreements between the two parties, as is commonly supposed. We are paralyzed, rather, by a shared lack of serious attention to our future. We increasingly drift between elections without serious resolution of a long list of deep problems, whether it’s the gargantuan budget deficit, wars, health care, education, energy policy, immigration reform, campaign finance reform, and much more. Each election is an occasion to promise to reverse whatever small steps the preceding government has taken.

  The general deterioration of conditions is taking its toll on life satisfaction in the country. Americans have long been a satisfied population. Why shouldn’t they be, living in one of the world’s richest, freest, and safest places? Yet we should listen more closely to the message over recent decades when Americans have been asked about their life satisfaction or happiness. As the economist Richard Easterlin discovered many years ago, America hit a kind of ceiling on self-reported happiness (sometimes called subjective well-being, or SWB) several decades back.5 The trend line of happiness between 1972 and 2006 is flat, varying between 2.1 and 2.3 on a scale from 1 (not happy) to 3 (happy), even as per capita GDP doubled from $22,000 to $43,000, as we see in Figure 2.1.

  Even as the GDP per person has risen, the happiness of Americans has not changed and perhaps has even declined among women, at least according to a recent careful study.6 The citizens of many other countries now report a higher level of life satisfaction, putting the United States no higher than nineteenth in a recent international comparison by Gallup International.7 Americans are running very hard to pursue happiness but are staying in the same place, a trap that psychologists have christened the Hedonic Treadmill.8

  Figure 2.1: U.S. GDP per Capita and Happiness Trend Line, 1972–2006

  Source: Data from U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis.

  Source: Data from General Social Survey.

  The Jobs and Savings Crisis

  America’s unemployment rate is nearly 9 percent of the labor force and has been stuck there for two years.9 In all, 8.6 million jobs were shed from the peak employment in 2007 to the trough in 2009. Even before the current crisis, the 2000s had the lowest growth of jobs of any decade since World War II.10

  The job-market pain is not felt evenly. The unemployment rate is by far the highest among lower-skilled workers, reaching 15 percent among workers with less than a high school education and 10 percent of those with a high school diploma or some college. Workers with at least a bachelor’s degree have come through the crisis with more modest, though still very real, losses. Their unemployment rate hovered around 4 percent as of December 2010, up from around 2 percent in 2006.11

  The widening gap in labor-market outcomes of those with and without at least a bachelor’s degree is a theme to which we will return many times. In the figure below, we see the trajectory of earnings of workers according to their educational attainment, all relative to a high school diploma. In 1975, those with a bachelor’s degree earned around 60 percent more than those with a high school diploma. By 2008, the gap was 100 percent.

  Figure 2.2: Real Salary Growth Limited to Bachelor’s and Advanced Degree Holders, 1975–2007

  Source: Data from U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Survey (2008).

  The 2008 financial meltdown also deepened the financial distress of millions of Americans who kept their jobs but lost their homes and savings. The fall in housing prices beginning in 2006 spelled the end of a couple of decades in which middle-class households treated their homes as ATM machines, drawing on the ostensible value of the home through home equity loans. With the collapse of the housing bubble, millions of households found that their homes were now worth less than their mortgages, leading them to default on their mortgage payments.

  This widespread financial distress is the end stage of a generation-long decline in Americans’ propensity to save. The national savings rate, which measures how much of the nation’s income is put aside for the future, tells a striking story. Saving for the future is the main kind of self-control needed for a household’s sustained well-being. Yet starting in the 1980s, the personal savings rate out of disposable income began to fall sharply, as we see in Figure 2.3, and began a small recovery only after the calamitous 2008 financial crisis. In the three decades leading up to 2008, the nation as a whole, through countless individual decisions of households, lost the self-discipline to save for the future.

  What occurred at the household level was echoed in Washington. Just as households were abandoning their personal financial prudence, Congress and the White House lost the discipline of budget balance. The trajectory of the budget deficit is shown in Figure 2.4. For the period 1955 to 1974, the budget deficit was mostly below 2 percent of GDP. Then, from 1975 to 1994, it increased markedly, mostly above 3 percent of GDP. A squeeze on spending (both domestic and military) combined with higher tax collections during the years 1995 to 2002 temporarily brought the budget deficit back under control. Yet as soon as the surplus was achieved, the politicians were eager to spend it for political gain. In 2001, the new Bush administration cut taxes sharply while increasing military spending, thereby sending the federal budget back to deficit. The deficit soared in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, which lowered tax collections, led to a financial bailout, and prompted Obama to push for a two-year stimulus package.

  Figure 2.3: Personal Savings Rate as Percentage of Disposable Income, 1952–2010

  Source: Data from U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis.

  Figure 2.4: U.S. Deficit as Percentage of GDP, 1955–2011

  Source: Data from Office of Management and Budget Historical Budget Tables.12

  The chronic lack of saving by households and by government (especially state and local government) means an impending retirement crisis for baby boomers. The oldest of the baby boomers were born in 1946, meaning that they hit the retirement age of sixty-five in the year 2011. With this long track record of undersaving, millions of baby boomer households will suffer a significant decline of living standards as they enter retirement. The Center for Retirement Research at Boston College prepares a “National Retirement Risk Index” of the percentage of households whose financial assets are insufficient to preserve their living standards during retirement. The evidence suggests that the percentage of households “at risk” has soared, from 43 percent in 2004 to around 51 percent in 2009, including 60 percent of all low-income households.13

  What is true at the household level regarding retirement risk for private-sector workers is also true for public employees at the state and local level. Pension plans for state and local employees are chronically underfunded relative to the promised benefits, though by exactly how much remains in dispute.14 The consequences of underfunded pension plans will be some combination of a squeeze on public spending, a rise in state and local taxes, and a renegotiation of pension benefits.

  The Investment Squeeze

  The decline of net national saving has also meant a decline of funds available for domestic investment to build capital stock.

  Whereas China, which saves around 54 percent of its national income, is building hundreds of miles of subway lines and tens of thousands of miles of fast intercity rail lines, America is building hardly any infrastructure at all.15 In fact, our existing infrastructure is increasingly decrepit, a point of shock to foreign visitors when they arrive. The American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) has been our eyes and ears on the growing crisis, publishing every few years a report card detailing the estimated five-year investment needs to correct major deficiencies in key systems. The report card is sobering reading, with few passing grades. The roads are worn out; bridges and dams are vulnerable to collapse; and levee and river systems need major upgrades, as the
tragedy in New Orleans shockingly exposed. The water supply is widely contaminated. The overall grade is D, “poor,” with an estimated five-year bill of $2.2 trillion to correct deficiencies in basic systems. At roughly $400 billion per year, we require a scaling up of infrastructure investment equivalent to 2 to 3 percent of GDP each year.16

  Intellectual capital, the pride of America, is also diminishing, as America cedes technological leadership to China and other countries in areas such as renewable energy and stem cell research. The energy system is in a deepening crisis. The power grid is outmoded, yet there is little advance in building a new state-of-the-art national transmission system. There is policy paralysis regarding many kinds of possible power generation: nuclear, coal plants with carbon capture and storage (CCS), offshore wind power, biofuels, gas shale, deepwater drilling, and many others.

  The most serious threat is to our human capital. The quality of the labor force will be the most important single determinant of American prosperity in the decades to come. The evidence, therefore, that America’s public schools are falling behind those of the rest of the world in core attainments in reading, science, and math is a harbinger of a deepening crisis. There is now a systematic global comparison of scholastic performance of fifteen-year-olds carried out every three years as part of the Program for International Student Assessment (PISA), currently covering sixty-five countries. The 2009 results are chastening. On the one hand, the United States ranked only fifteenth in reading, twenty-third in science, and thirty-first in mathematics.17 On the other hand, Shanghai, China, ranked number one in all three categories, and the fast-rising developing economies of Asia (including South Korea, Singapore, and Hong Kong) all ranked in the top ten, dramatically outperforming the United States. This is perhaps the starkest wake-up call in recent memory about our lagging educational performance and its implications for the future, yet it made hardly a blip in the U.S. media.

  There are other similarly stunning developments. The higher educational attainment of the United States, once the world’s unchallenged pacesetter, is falling behind. Currently, the United States ranks twelfth in the world in the proportion of twenty-five- to thirty-four-year-olds with at least an associate’s degree (meaning a degree from a two-year college or higher).18 Many other countries are enjoying a surge in college completion rates, especially in four-year colleges, which register the biggest returns to earnings, employment rates, and job security. In the United States, more students are attending college, but the percentage completing a four-year bachelor’s degree has stagnated since the year 2000.19 After decades of enjoying the world’s best-educated labor force, America’s educational credentials are now falling behind many countries’ in Europe and Asia.

  The Divided Workplace

  Workplace conditions have also deteriorated during the past three decades. We derive most of our income and many of life’s pleasures from productive work. A healthy workplace is key to a healthy society. Yet the overriding reality of the past thirty years has been a sharply widening gap in power, compensation, and job security between senior management and professionals, on the one hand, and the rest of the workforce, on the other. This has been an era of soaring CEO pay combined with a grinding squeeze on the wages and working conditions of production and clerical workers. Job security has plummeted for relatively low-skilled workers (those with a high school diploma or less). The working class has been caught in the pincers of low-wage competition from abroad combined with the technological obsolescence of many traditional low-skilled jobs.

  The top CEOs have cashed in as never before. As shown in Figure 2.5, the compensation packages of the top hundred CEOs soared from the mid-1970s onward. At the start of the 1970s, average top 100 CEO pay was roughly 40 times the average worker’s pay. By the year 2000, it had reached 1,000 times the average worker’s pay! The most important component of this compensation boom was the increased payment of stock options to CEOs and senior management teams.

  Figure 2.5: Ratio of Top 100 CEO Compensation to Average Worker Compensation, 1970–2006

  Source: Data from Database for “Income Inequality in the United States” (Saez and Piketty).

  While top CEO pay has been soaring, the median take-home pay of male full-time workers (adjusted for inflation) has stagnated since the early 1970s. This is shown in Figure 2.6. Incredibly, the median earnings of male full-time workers actually peaked in 1973. And it’s not just earnings that have declined. So, too, has job satisfaction, which has been on the wane for a quarter century, according to the surveys of the Conference Board.20

  Figure 2.6: Real Median Earnings of Full-Time Male Workers, 1960–2009 (in Constant 2009 Dollars)

  Source: Data from U.S. Census Bureau.

  The New Gilded Age

  The CEO-friendly political environment, the economic effects of globalization, and specific regulatory and tax policy choices made in Washington over the past thirty years have combined to create an inequality of income and wealth unprecedented in American history. We are living through a new Gilded Age exceeding the gaudy excesses of the 1870s and the 1920s. The extent of riches at the top of the income and wealth distributions is unimaginable to most Americans, especially at a time when one in eight Americans depends on food stamps.21

  The wealthiest 1 percent of American households today enjoys a higher total net worth than the bottom 90 percent, and the top 1 percent of income earners receives more pretax income than the bottom 50 percent.22 The last time America had such massive inequality of wealth and income was on the eve of the Great Depression, and the inequality today may actually be greater than in 1929. As we see from the figure, the New Deal and post—World War II reforms led to a dramatic narrowing of income inequality. Economic growth was widely shared from the end of the war until the 1980s. Then all the economic benefits tilted toward the rich (see Figure 2.7).

  Figure 2.7: Rising Income Inequality, 1913–2008

  Source: Data from Database for “Income Inequality in the United States” (Saez and Piketty).

  Soaring income and power at the top has changed American society. Many of those at the top of the heap have come to look upon the rest of society with disdain. We have entered an age of impunity, in which rich and powerful members of society—CEOs, financial managers, and their friends in high political office—seem often to view themselves as above the law.

  The recent cascade of corporate scandals has been unrelenting, often with close links between the scandal-ridden companies and powerful politicians. Dick Cheney went from being the CEO of Halliburton, a company involved in an endless tangle of bribery, contract violations, accounting frauds, and safety violations, straight to the vice presidency, where he used his high public office to coddle the oil industry. And Wall Street firms such as Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, and JPMorgan Chase not only were the central actors in the financial crisis of 2008 but were the very places to which Obama turned to staff the senior economic posts of his administration.

  It’s hard to know the ultimate cause of the breakdown in corporate truth telling and ethical business behavior in general. Dishonesty is a contagious social disease; once it gets started, it tends to spread.23 Our “social immune system” has been deeply compromised. Perhaps we’ve become inured to hucksterism through a lifetime of watching the phony claims of advertisements, campaign commercials, and official military statements on Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Perhaps the cause is the parade of CEOs who have cheated their own companies, their shareholders, and their customers, giving us the sense that everybody in corporate America is cheating. Perhaps the cause has been the repeated exposés of corporate lies in the drug and oil industries, financial rating agencies, investment banks, and military contractors.

  When something goes wrong—a drug proves dangerous in follow-up tests, a drilling practice proves hazardous, or a paramilitary unit engages in murder or torture—the inevitable response is to lie first, cover up next, and acknowledge the truth only as a last resort, usually when internal d
ocuments are finally leaked to the public. I witnessed this at Harvard as well, when the U.S. government charged a colleague of mine with insider dealing on a federal contract. The university’s response was to mobilize the PR machinery and fight the charges rather than to search for the truth.

  Perhaps the ultimate cause is the nearly complete impunity of lying or costly failures in leadership. Almost nobody at the top pays a price for such behavior, even when the truth is eventually exposed. The bankers who brought down the world economy remain at the top of the heap, sitting across the table from the president in White House meetings or dining at state dinners as the president’s guests of honor. Policy advisers such as Larry Summers, who led the U.S. government to deregulate the financial markets in the late 1990s, have been rewarded with lucrative positions on Wall Street and academia and then with renewed appointments at the top of government.

  Those who are actually found guilty of violating the law typically get off with a slap on the wrist, if that. When Goldman Sachs was charged by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) with stoking the subprime bubble through marketing of toxic securities under phony premises, the SEC agreed to a settlement of $550 million, a pittance compared to the firm’s $13.4 billion income in 2009. When another creator of the subprime disaster, Countrywide Financial CEO Angelo Mozilo, was sentenced for fraud, the fine was $67.5 million, seemingly hefty until compared with Mozilo’s 2001–2006 compensation, estimated at $470 million. The list is long. Wall Street has acknowledged wrongdoing in one case after another, only to walk away with mild fines.24


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