Wild Fire

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Wild Fire Page 12

by P. M. Briede

  She retained her composure, quietly waiting until I regained mine. Paige and I had disagreed before and she knew the drill when I reached my limit. I’m fairly easy going but once I’m through, I’m through. “You’re right,” she said evenly. “You know it and I do too.”

  “So he told you? Olivier told you about that night; that he was there?” Tears welled up in my eyes.

  She admitted Olivier had. “But Charlotte, Olivier didn’t put the drinks in the driver’s hands or drive the car.”

  “He didn’t do a damn thing to stop it either!” I charged.

  “He didn’t know,” she attempted to defend Olivier.

  “And he did the same with Wesley,” I barreled over her. “He’d said the plan had changed. I don’t believe he actually tried to figure out to what.”

  “You don’t honestly believe that!” Paige retorted. “You’re being overly judgmental. Is that really fair?”

  “Seriously,” I spat accompanied by a glare, “you’re going to talk to me about fair. Half the men I’ve dated during my lifetime have turned out to be Olivier. Wesley has not only made a mockery of my love for him but also my friendship. Giles is dead. One way or another they all failed me. I had complete faith that no matter what I could absolutely depend on all of them; that they’d always be there for me. They taught me that people are feckless and I’m a fool. You know who I have learned is the only person I can count on?”

  Paige didn’t let me tell her the answer. “You back that train right on up, sister! Exactly when have I ever failed you? Look, whether you like it or not, you brought me into this. I’m not doing it alone and I’m not walking away. I have three sons that I intend on having long, happy lives. You are their godmother so it’s your responsibility to save this world for them too.”

  She was right and it wasn’t just her boys that I should look out for. It was also my nieces and every innocent child in this world. Evading everyone in my life hadn’t simplified it. Pretending that the apocalypse wasn’t imminent didn’t make it so. I agonized about it every day. Acting like I didn’t care hadn’t kept me from missing Wesley and Olivier. I cried myself to sleep every night only to cry when I awoke from the specters that haunted my dreams. Defeated, I hung my head and sighed. “Fine, brief me on where we’re at.”

  Paige said the last think I expected. “We’ll do that tomorrow. Tonight you need to be reminded what it means to enjoy life. We’re getting back to our roots. So go change out of those nasty pajamas and doll yourself up for me.” After months of being alone and shunning all forms of human interaction, the last thing I wanted to do was go out. But she disregarded every argument I made and threatened to march me upstairs and throw me in the shower fully clothed.

  An hour later we were driving into downtown New Orleans. She parked off Canal in the Riverside Market parking garage and we walked down Bourbon Street to the Cat’s Meow. “You’ve got to be joking!” I exclaimed.

  “Nope. This is where we met during the sorority exchange with Phi Kappa Psi. Best night of my life other than when my boys were born. I truly got a sister in you. Now remember that when you see who’s here.”

  We were right outside the door when I stopped. I had great memories of this place as it is one of the few places that I’d never visited with any of the men in my life. I had a bad feeling that was about to change. “Who’s here?”

  She didn’t sugar coat it or make excuses. “He is and you already know it. But we’re not here to see him and if you want to ignore him all night go right ahead. Karaoke will help you relax and put a smile back on your face and most of your staff is here so he’ll be easy to ignore.”

  I was hesitant to enter the building knowing Olivier was on the other side of the door. “Look, they don’t know I’m here so they won’t miss me. Give me your keys and go have your fun. Text me when you’re done and I’ll come pick you up. I don’t want to see him.”

  While I was talking the door opened. “If it’s me you don’t want to see, say the word and I’ll leave,” Olivier’s deep voice drawled. Trapped in his hungry gaze, it was ridiculous that I’d forgotten exactly how good looking he is. Of course, I’d seen him every day since my self-imposed solitary confinement but I hadn’t really looked at him. He stood behind Paige, completely dwarfing her. He was a good two feet taller and her petite frame just made his broad shoulders look that much broader.

  At my “no” the fire sprang into his eyes. That was when I realized exactly how much I’d given up when I refused to interact with Olivier on a personal level anymore. Paige looked up over her shoulder at him and smirked. “I told you she’d eventually come around. She just needed time, granted I hadn’t expected her to take so much. But she’s back.” She grabbed my hand, pulled me under Olivier’s arm and into the bar as he held the door for us.

  I expected Olivier to lean into my ear as we walked to our table and whisper some endearment but he kept his distance. Everyone was welcoming when we got there. Paige disappeared and the reason became obvious when he walked up beside her carrying drinks. “Tristan!” I exclaimed.

  He handed one to Olivier and set his down on the table before pulling me into a warm hug. “It is so good to see you. We’ve all been so worried. I’m sorry. Every day I tell Wesley what a mistake it was to let you go. I can barely stand to be around him anymore.” He whispered the words and when he was done he kissed my cheeks.

  “Thank you but I don’t want to talk about it,” I hastily answered. Tristan nodded before the sympathetic eyes that had been looking at me brightened when he took in Paige. Seeing them together was hard. It was an agonizing reminder of what I’d lost, especially when she tried to downplay their relationship by pulling her hand away or turning her lips from his for my sake. To get her attention I squeezed her elbow. “Paige, enjoy him,” I whispered in her ear. “I’m sure he’s not in town very long so don’t waste it because of me.”

  Paige gave me a genuine smile and snuggled into Tristan’s side when he put his arm on the back of her chair. While I was mildly content to see her so happy finally, I couldn’t watch it anymore and looked around the table. I was surprised not to see Olivier in the seat beside me but three seats down and across from me. He was talking to Samantha Ryan, our art teacher, their heads bent together in a conspiratorial manner. It was a bar so in order to hear anyone you leaned into them, so I don’t think it was the act that inspired a spiteful boil to burn inside me. No, it was his relaxed posture and the genuine smile that turned up the corners of his lips. It wasn’t jealousy. He wasn’t mine, so to be jealous of another woman was ludicrous. But it worried me as to what it could be.

  After a while, Paige grabbed my arm and dragged me up to the small stage, along with Samantha. Sandwiched between my partners, Paige hit the screen and the All the Single Ladies by Beyonce started. I’ve heard it before but other than the chorus I wasn’t familiar with the words. So I let them carry the verses, only adding my voice at the chorus.

  It was the only song I sang during the evening. A couple of the other teachers tried to get me to join them and Paige made a few more attempts, but I wasn’t in the mood. I stood to tell Paige that I was ready to go when Olivier’s rich, drawling baritone froze me in place. I turned in the direction of his voice and, sure enough, there he was on the stage singing The Fray’s You Found Me. His eyes bored into mine, making it clear, at least to me, that he was singing for me.

  An emotional shift started in my heart as I listened to him sing. The damn song seemed to speak directly to my soul. Finding myself alone again after losing not only a lover but a best friend was gut wrenching. Where had Olivier been and why couldn’t he have stepped in? Then there was the fact that Olivier seemed to be insinuating that I was his savior instead of possibly being mine.

  As he wrapped up the song my eyes never left his. Could I trust him again? He’d played such an instrumental role in both of my losses. Had he made different decisions my current situation would be entirely different. But wasn’t that true about l
ife in general? Giles could have chosen not to work late that night. Wesley could have quit. I could have let him. Was Paige right? Was I unfairly judging Olivier on hindsight?

  When the last piano note died there was no polite applause. The room was quiet except for the sounds of a few clinking glasses. This reaction surprised me. I hadn’t thought he was that bad. I looked around trying to figure out why and noticed that everyone’s eyes were riveted on me. Apparently, they’d also picked up on the fact that Olivier had been singing to me.

  Embarrassed, I moved to escape the building. Unfortunately, I was quickly intercepted. “Interesting choice in song,” I mumbled, not making eye contact with Olivier.

  A mischievous smile crept onto his face. He tentatively reached for me, interweaving our fingers. When I didn’t readily pull them away he exhaled the breath he’d been holding. The lightning bolts speeding through my arm made me quiver, which I hadn’t intended. With his eyes glowing from the fire raging in them, his face took on an expression that made me think I was about to be devoured. “Charlotte, please say you forgive me,” he begged. “Release me from this prison of not being able to be near you. Tell me I can regain your friendship, that this won’t just be a work relationship. I thought you needed time and space. Tell me I’m not too late.”

  In an effort to underline the desperation of his plea, he’d pulled my hand until it covered his heart and was encapsulated in both of his. It was pounding inside his chest. I didn’t know what to say. So I didn’t say anything and ran for the nearest bathroom.

  I locked myself in a stall and dialed Wesley’s number out of habit. He’d be able to help me figure out what was going through my head and heart. Initially I was surprised when I got his voicemail, until I remembered we hadn’t spoken in months and he was dating Abigail. The sound of his voice on his voice mail broke my heart. The sob choked me so I hung up and gave myself a minute to recover before facing the bar. If Paige wasn’t ready to leave, I’d just take a cab home. Coming out had been a bad idea.

  I peered into the mirror, knowing that if anyone looked close enough they’d be able to tell I was upset. Hopefully between the dim lights in the bar and other points of interest, no one would. I shouldn’t have been surprised to find Olivier leaning against the wall in the hallway right outside the restrooms. Damn it, I’d hoped to have the hallway to rally my courage. I smiled and attempted to brush past him.

  His arm darted out to block me. “My dear, you look like you’re ready to go home. Would you mind terribly if I drove you?” I agreed without thinking; that’s how anxious I was to leave.

  Back out with the others, I grabbed my purse and told Paige Olivier was taking me home. Before leaving though I had to find out about something. The answer was going to be painful but I was a glutton for punishment. “Olivier, Paige, would you mind if I talked to Tristan in private for a moment?” They shared a worried glance but didn’t object. Tristan followed me a few steps away from everyone but he wasn’t happy about it, evidenced by the way he constantly wrung his hands. With my eyes glued to the picture that hung over his shoulder I made my inquiry because I didn’t want to see the pity that would be in his eyes. “Where’s the campaign tonight?”

  Tristan stuffed his hands in his pockets and shuffled his feet before answering. “We’re here for the weekend, but Charlotte, he’s not.” When confusion suffused my face, he continued. “He’s … scouting in New Hampshire … with Abigail.”

  The hesitation around the word “scouting” told me everything I needed to know. Wesley wasn’t scouting and he could have answered my call if he’d wanted to. “In the future, you don’t need to sugar coat it with me,” I informed Tristan. “I’m a big girl and Wesley wouldn’t be the first man to break my heart. However, he will be the last. Look, when do you leave?”

  “Monday.” The pity I didn’t want to see I couldn’t keep from hearing.

  “Do you think you could spare some time from Paige tomorrow to come by my house to pick up Wesley’s stuff? It’ll be a couple of boxes worth but I think it’s time I get his things out of my home and move on with my life. I hate to put you in the middle but he’s not answering my calls.” Not that I’d actually made any in the last couple of months. But Wesley hadn’t either.

  Before I knew what was happening, Tristan had me in a comforting embrace. “Of course, Charlotte. Are you sure you want to pack it? Paige and I can come do that for you. I’m sure she knows what’s his.”

  “Paige can’t know,” I responded, half joking and half serious. “If you tell her, that stuff will never make it to Wesley. She’ll take out the revenge I’d never be able to. I have a key to his apartment and the address if you’ve never been there. If you could just put everything there and give him back his key, I’d appreciate it.” I pulled away from Tristan and looked up at the ceiling to keep my tears from escaping.

  “Alright, I’m sure I can steal away from Paige to come and help you. Does Wesley still have a key to your home? Do you need me to get that from him?” It was so sweet of Tristan to ask but I’d already planned on changing the locks. I barely knew him and he was being a better friend to me than the man I’d called my best friend for twenty-two years. The thought of not only grieving him as a lost lover but also a lost companion made the brimming tears sting my eyes again. When Giles had passed away I thought that kind of loss was worse than divorce. Now, I wasn’t so sure. Giles had been taken. Wesley was rejecting me.

  Chapter 9

  The car ride to my house was quiet. I told Olivier he didn’t need to walk me to the door but he did anyway. When I tried to enter the house after thanking him for the ride, he stalled me. “Charlotte, can I please come in? We need to talk.”

  I pulled my keys out of the door and closed my eyes, turning to put a restraining hand on his chest. “Olivier, I don’t think I’m up for it tonight. We do need to talk and we will. Can it wait until tomorrow?”

  He bit back whatever he was going to say and slowly walked to his car. I noticed a package on the porch, picked it up, and waved one last time to him before entering the house. As I walked to the kitchen, I grabbed a pair of scissors to open the box. I was opening the package when the sound of footsteps startled me. Ready to yell at Olivier, I clamped my mouth shut when I saw the back door to my house. The glass had been punched out of the window and the door was slightly ajar! I quickly changed the grip I had on the scissors, preparing to defend myself.

  With my hand at my back I turned to find out who was in my house. There they were, Shorty and Squeaky. Is this seriously what my life has boiled down to? There was no way this was a coincidence. They’d attempted to molest Paige and me at Valentine’s in the middle of the House of Blues. Paige and I had fended them off, but it had required some basic self-defense. Because Alexander was present at the event the school had hosted, Shorty and Squeaky, what I’d named them as I never got their actual names, they’d been arrested. How had they found me? Paige said the police suspected them of some serial rapes and murders. So why were they standing in my kitchen?! “Good to see that you recognize us, kitten,” Squeaky slurred in his high pitched voice. “It’s going to make all of this a lot more fun, well for us anyway.” Why hadn’t I let Olivier come in?!

  Their sinister laughs told me that the plan wasn’t to let me walk away from this. I’d learned enough from Paige to know that. According to her these men liked to toy with their prey, physically and psychologically torturing them. So being cooperative and compliant was not going to save my life. God, I hoped Olivier hadn’t listened to me when I told him to stop eavesdropping on the goings on of my house! When the time came my plan was to wreak as much havoc and make as much noise as possible to give Olivier enough time to get here. So I kept my eyes trained on my intruders, biding my time.

  Shorty approached me, so I spread my legs to even my weight distribution. “Oh, kitten thinks she’s going to get the drop on us again. Tut, tut, we’re wise to your tricks there, princess. It’s why we’re both here. Now why don
’t you drop the scissors before you cut yourself?” Just a few more steps and he’d be upon me. Since they already knew I had a weapon there was no longer any reason to hide it. I pulled my arm in front of me but didn’t drop them.

  It was unsettling when he stopped his advance. “Well, since you’ve put yours out on the table it’s only fair if we do the same.” They both pulled their arms from behind their backs. Squeaky flashed a hunting knife and Shorty snapped what looked like cut bed sheets. Oh God! They were my cut bed sheets! How long had they been here?!

  Squeaky saw that my attention was riveted on the knife, flashed a devil’s smile, and waved it. “Don’t worry, kitten. This is for later. You don’t need to worry about it now. We are hoping you do plan to be difficult, as we both like it rough.” He set it down on the counter next to him and spun it around.

  Having held the fear at bay for this long, I began to lose control of it. My odds were quickly diminishing and the longer I stood here in the kitchen the shorter my timeline to get help got. I scooted around the counter, putting it between us, and forced myself not to look at the door to the hallway. “Why now?” I asked, proud of the steadiness in my voice.

  “She’s feisty but not too bright,” Shorty said to his partner over his shoulder. When I was fixed in his gaze again, he continued. “Trial got dismissed on a technicality last week, you stupid bitch. Didn’t Ginger fill you in?” Paige knew? “Don’t worry we have a plan for her as well.” Shit, shit, shit! God, I hoped she was at Tristan’s tonight. I hoped her boys were with their dad!

  “You know who my fiancé is,” I stalled. “He’s going to be home any minute.” Their laughter wasn’t such a great sign. Either they didn’t care or they knew we weren’t together anymore.

  Turned out it was the latter. “Kitten, do you think we’re stupid enough to attack you if we thought he’d be coming?” Squeaky sneered. “No, we’re not. He’s moved up; got a new girlie now. Did he forget to tell you? Sorry but you just can’t compete with the candidate’s hot daughter.”


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