Interconnected Hearts

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Interconnected Hearts Page 7

by Bethany Daniel

  A moment after I walk into our room and plop down on the bed, yanking my shoes off, Scott comes in and leans back against the door.

  "I'm so sorry baby, those guys are like vultures...."

  "I know, I'd like to go vulture hunting sometime."

  He chuckles before crossing the room to pull me into his arms. "Let's keep that gun of yours put away."

  I roll my eyes and lay my head on his shoulder, "They would deserve it." I mutter.

  "'Yes, yes they would. I guess we really can't hide from those guys."

  I sigh and look up at him, "I think we're stuck with them for a while."

  He shrugs before capturing my lips with his. "I believe we were in a much better mood before he so rudely interrupted us...and I can think of a much better way of spending our time than talking about those scum."

  "Mmm, I like the way you think."

  Early the next morning, an annoying cell phone ring goes off in my ear and I groan, telling Scott to deal with it.

  "Babe, that's your phone, not mine." He grumbles, pulling his pillow over his head.

  I reach my hand over the bed, searching for my purse and blindly search for the annoying device, finding it just as it stops ringing.

  "Of course." I mutter sitting up and opening the missed calls list. "That's was Zoie" I frown looking at the clock to see it only reads 4:20a.m.

  I silently slip out of the bed and make my way towards the bathroom, hitting the call button as soon as I close the door.

  "Hello." A broken sounding Zoie answers and immediately I know something is wrong.

  "What happened?" I demand.

  "I went to this party, you know, to unwind from work and just chill. I drank a lot, and left with this guy...I don't know exactly what happened, all I know is I woke up and was in this guys' bed and I'm not even sure where I am."

  Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath and shake my head. I suddenly have a new appreciation for the things I put my mother through in my teen years.

  "See if you can find out the address, and I'll come get you ok? I'm going to have to talk with your mother though, Zoie."

  "Yeah...I know. I'll look for a piece of mail or something and text you the address."

  "You be careful, ok? Don't go wandering around out there, freaky people are out at four in the morning."

  I hear a soft laugh through the phone before she responds, "Don't worry...I'll be ok."

  The line goes dead and I push off the bathroom door, Scott is not going to like this new development in the whole 'Let's Fix Zoie' project.

  Tip toeing back into the bedroom, I take a deep breath and not so gently shake Scott to wake him up. "Scott...I kinda need to borrow the car."

  One dark brown eye peers out at me. "You are not driving anywhere alone at four in the morning. What did Zoie need?"

  "She needs a ride home, and I told her I'd come get her." I hold up my phone showing the text with the address. "I swear, I'll pick her up, have a little chit chat with her and her witchy mama then come right back here and enjoy the rest of our getaway."

  "No you won't"


  He holds a hand up to silence me as he kicks the covers off and rubs his eyes awake. "We will go and then come back and enjoy our weekend. Besides, there is no way I'm handing you those keys."

  I grab the closest pillow and throw it at him as he digs into his suitcase for clothes.

  "Hey! What was that for?"

  "For being a butt this early in the morning!"

  His deep laugh reaches my ears while I grab the closest outfit I can find to go on this little journey. I pray that this boy didn't drug Zoie or worse, it's definitely not a good thing that she can't remember getting to his house. I don't understand how any mother could be ok with their 16 year old daughter being out at all these parties with who knows what kind of people. Even if she's a celebrity, it doesn't mean she's untouchable.

  "You ready?" Scott interrupts my thoughts, holding his hand out for mine.

  Sliding my hand into his, I take a deep breath and nod. "As I'll ever be...let's go."

  Chapter 14

  Thank God for GPS.

  This place is in the boonies and I'm pretty sure without the automated voice telling us which way to turn when, we would have wound up in a completely different neighborhood.

  "You're sure this is the right house?" Scott asks as we pull up to the single story home that has weeds that look like they could easily come up to my knees.

  I double check the address on the last text Zoie sent me and nod. "Yep, I'll just text her to come out."

  Just as I begin typing into the little white box, I hear a door slam shut and make out the form of Zoie's body followed quickly by a taller framed boy with shaggy hair moving to grab her.

  I jump out of my seat and dart to catch up to them but Scott beats me to it. He easily tackles the boy and holds him down while I run over and pull Zoie behind me. "What happened?! Are you ok?" I ask her as I frantically look her over.

  "I-...I'm fine. He didn't think it was time for me to leave yet." She gulps and looks over my shoulder to where Scott has a death grip on the boy.

  "What's your name?" Scott asks between clenched teeth.

  "Da...Daniel." He stutters out while trying his best to wiggle out from under him.

  "Listen here Daniel...I don't know what may have happened when you left that party tonight with Zoie, but there will NOT be a repeat, ever. And if you're smart, you will keep away from her and if I find out you did anything against her will, I will come back here and do a lot more than scare you. Understand?"

  His eyes widen and his head bobs up and down quickly when Scott shoves off him. As soon as he's free Daniel spares one look in Zoie's direction before running as fast as his scrawny legs take him back into his house.

  Scott turns to face us again and I don't think I've ever seen him look this mad. In a clipped tone, he looks over my shoulder and says "Get in the car."

  I silently guide Zoie to our SUV and open the back door for her to climb into.

  As she buckles her seat I hear a quiet "Thank you."

  I just nod my head before closing her in and sliding into my own seat where I see Scott staring straight ahead and making indentions in the steering wheel because he's squeezing it so tight.

  "Zoie...I don't know what the hell happened tonight, and I know I only play your big brother and have no right to get onto you, but my God, do you realize what could happen?! What if he drugged you? What if he raped you? You need a handler ASAP."

  "I do not need a handler, I'm perfectly fine."

  Now it's my turn to get angry. "You're fine? Fine? You don't even know how the hell you got to be in this sleazy neighborhood, did you even know that kids name before Scott asked it?"

  "No" She whispers and I want to throttle the girl.

  I take a deep breath to calm myself down and turn to face her. "Look, you did the right thing in calling me. The last thing you need is another headline about pulling a late night sleep over. But right now, it's just a little after five in the morning and you're gonna just be getting in the door. Does your mom and dad wait up for you?"

  She laughs and shakes her head. "No, they're probably too drunk to really care where I am at the moment."

  "How about you give us your address and we'll make sure you get home safely." Scott says in a much calmer tone.

  She rattles it off and I lean my head against the headrest and close my eyes when Scott turns the radio on to some random local radio station. What a night this has turned out to be. I want to shake Diane and Heath Reese and show them this child of theirs that's still here and in desperate need of their attention. So many things could have happened tonight, and they would be a few too many shades past drunk to know it was real if they were to, heaven forbid, get a phone call like that.

  I turn my head and watch Zoie curled into herself as she stares out the window, she's so young, so much potential and a grand life ahead of her. If I were her
mama, I would want to be protecting her from the crazies out there, not letting her wander all over L.A with who knows what type of people.

  "Hey Zoie?" I whisper turning my body to better face her.

  "Yeah?" She replies not even turning towards me.

  "I'm proud of you....for calling me and not just finding another place to party."

  A ghost of a smile crosses her face and she dares a quick glance in my direction before going back to watching the scenery pass her by.

  One problem solved, one more to go. Zoie's parents.

  Chapter 15

  About an hour later we pull up alongside the security booth stationed just outside of the community Zoie lives in. An older man peeks over at us before grabbing a clipboard and walking out of the booth to approach Scott’s window.

  “Can I help you folks?”

  Before Scott gets a word out, Zoie leans between our seats and flashes a dazzling smile at the man.

  “Hey Frankie! They’re with me. Just making sure I got here alright.”

  Frankie smiles one of those grandfatherly smiles at her and nods. “Well good, someone ought to girl. Go on.”

  Scott waves as he passes by and I look at Frankie’s distancing form in the rear view mirror as I turn to Zoie. “He seems sweet.”

  “Oh he is. There have been some nights that I've run away from the madness and came here and talked to him for hours. He has a grandson who’s just starting off in the business. We talk a lot about it. He's worried for him, so I try to give him as much advice as I can."

  “Smart man.” I mutter before turning back around.

  “Alright, Z, where the heck am I going?” Scott asks drumming his fingers on the steering wheel.

  “Go about a block down and it’s the first house on the right.”

  He does as she directed and I can’t stop my mouth from dropping open when her home comes into view. This place is so much more than a house, even by Hollywood standards.

  “How…how many bedrooms do you have in that thing?” I ask in awe of the four story mansion in front of me.

  Zoie barely glances out the window and shrugs. “13, I think. Plus a built in movie screen, pool room, and a bowling alley.”

  “A bowling alley?”


  Why anyone would need a bowling alley in their house is beyond me. I mean, isn’t the point of going bowling or something to get out of your house?

  Shaking my head, I step out of the car and take a deep breath to mentally prepare myself to face Diane Reese again. The woman makes my blood boil and if she’s trashed like Zoie says, I imagine she’s just peachy right now.

  “Is that a pool slide wrapping around the house?” Scott asks as he grabs a hold of my hand.

  Zoie nods and sighs. “Yep, my brother was big on parties and showing off. It didn’t take much for him to convince our parents to add that on.”

  I smile sadly at her, as much as this house probably causes her a headache, I imagine the little reminders of her older brother probably cause a little more heartache too.

  We walk up the steps to the double doors at the front and Zoie reaches into her pocket and pulls out a key. When she clicks the lock, she turns to us and plasters on a smile. “You guys don’t have to come in. I’m used to dealing with them and their disappointments in my partying ways.”

  “Oh honey, you’re funny. We’re talking to your parents.”

  She sighs and her designer flip flops clack on the tile floor as she walks ahead of us scanning each room as she passes them for Diane and Heath Reese.

  I frown seeing discarded empty bottles and knocked over wine glasses. Looks like they did their own kind of partying last night.

  We come up behind Zoie in what looks like a family room and see Diane sprawled out on the white leather couch, her red hair wildly fanned over her face and a forgotten glass of something sitting in front of her on the oak coffee table.

  Zoie sighs and walks around the table to shake her mother’s shoulder. “Mom, I’m home.”

  All she receives in response is a swat to the hand and a grumble. Wow.

  I walk around Zoie and shake Diane’s shoulder a little harder and say a little louder than necessary, “Mrs. Reese!”

  That startles her enough to rouse her from her intoxicated dreamland. “What?…Oh, it’s you. What has the child done now?”

  I cross my arms over my chest and glare down at her. “You’re child, you know the one you are supposed to pay attention to and care about, was at another party tonight. She left said party with a boy, but she was so wasted, she didn’t even remember how she ended up doing that! Your child, didn’t even feel like you were trustworthy enough to call for a ride, so she called me. Your child, the only one you have left, actually got home safely, because my husband and I actually care about her well-being, but I guess I can’t say the same about you and your husband.” I huff in disgust and look behind me when a disheveled Heath Reese comes into the room.

  “What is all this racket?” He whines before stumbling to a recliner.

  “Dad, this is Scott and Krista Adams. Scott is playing my brother in Redemption” Zoie introduces us and looks at the floor.

  “Why are you bringing work home?” He grumbles before leaning his head back and closing his eyes.

  “Actually sir,” Scott steps around me and looks down at the thin man. “We had to bring your daughter home tonight. She ended up in a sketchy neighborhood after a party and called my wife to bring her home. Because obviously, you guys were too busy getting blitzed to care where she was tonight.”

  That irritates the man enough for him to stand up and get in Scott’s face. “Now you listen here, young man-” but before he can get another word out, Scott easily pushes him back into his chair.

  “No, you listen to me.” He leans over, resting his hands on the arms of the chair. “I know that losing Trevor had to have been hard. And I imagine grief can pull one hell of a mask over your heart, but this is getting old and if you don’t wake up and pay attention, something is going to happen to your daughter right under your nose…again.”

  Heath glares at him. “You have absolutely no right to come into my home and insult me.”

  “This place is just a house. It hasn’t been a home since Trevor died!” Zoie spouts off and I gasp as her mother lunges off the couch towards her.

  “You shut your damn mouth you ungrateful little...”

  I quickly pull Zoie behind me and glare at the woman in front of me. “You touch her and so help me, I’ll call the cops.”

  “She’s my kid…I have the right to discipline her the way I see fit.”

  “Oh no you don’t. I’ve seen the way you see fit, and it will be over my dead body you lay a finger on her!”

  “You think she cares what you do for her, Mrs. Adams? She’s a spoiled brat that will have you do what she wants and then turn on you. That’s what children do. Do you think you can take care of her better than me? Keep her away from those soirees she enjoys so much. She can go live with you, see if I care!” She laughs and looks Zoie in the eye. “Get out.”

  I turn to look at Zoie and her face looks stricken. She may not be the biggest fan of her parents but this is all she knows.

  “You…you’re kicking me out?” She whispers in disbelief.

  Diane shrugs and nods. “You do nothing but get into trouble and bring shame on us, Trevor would be so ashamed Zoie.” She tsks and takes a step closer. “Pack your bag and go live with them since they can take such great care of you. Or better yet, just go find a shelter.” She shrugs and breezes passed her daughter and I take a quick glance at Scott who nods his approval.

  I put my hands on Zoie’s shoulders and take a deep breath. “Go on and pack a bag, sweetie. You’re gonna stay with us as long as you need to, ok?”

  She opens her mouth to object and I just shake my head. “No arguing, go on.”

  She lowers her head and makes slow movements to get to her room to pack up what little is wor
th it and I blow out a pent up breath. Looks like we just inherited a teenager.

  Chapter 16

  The drive to our house was silent. There wasn't a peep from Zoie after she threw her duffle bag into the back of the car and slammed the door shut without a look back at the extravagant home that she now no longer belonged to.

  By the time we pulled into our driveway, the sun was beginning to rise. So much for that get away weekend.

  "I'll call Anna and have her go by the Bed and Breakfast and get our stuff." Scott says bringing me out of my thoughts.

  I just nod and rub my eyes tiredly as I watch Zoie march up the steps to our door.

  "You guys live here?" She asks while she surveys the place. "It's...cute."

  "Yeah well, we can't all live in a gigantic mansion like your folks." I shrug following her up the steps. "There's a guest room down the hall next to the master bath." I tell her while I open the door. "It might not be what you're used to, but it's a nice room if I do say so." I smile at her. "I decorated it myself!"

  "Oh God, it's not pink is it?"

  Scott chuckles behind me and I shoot him a look before shaking my head. "No, it's blue. Ocean blue, lots of sea shells and stuff I found back home at the beach. It's pretty, thank you very much."

  "I'll take your word for it." She sighs looking down the hall toward the bedroom. "I promise I'll be out of your hair soon. Mother will get over her tantrum and be begging for me to come back soon."


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