Rumors: Justine & Devon

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Rumors: Justine & Devon Page 2

by Rachael Brownell

  Something about bowling. Beer. Nachos.

  The ride is all a blur. When we pull up in front of my apartment, Angela places her hand on my shoulder to shake me from my daze.

  “Thanks, guys. I’ll see you tomorrow, Em.”

  “Call me if you need to talk,” she replies.

  “Or me!” Angela hollers.

  My apartment feels empty as I close the door behind me. Hollering out for my roommate, I’m met with only the echo of my voice. Her car was in the parking lot, but I’m not surprised that she’s not here. She and her boyfriend spend Sundays together every weekend.

  Church in the morning followed by brunch with his parents. His family is high society here in Sunnyside. Unless you are on the straight and narrow, committed to the Lord in all aspects of your life, you are a sinner. I’ve met them once. They deemed me a sinner and tried to convince Audra to move out. I have a feeling once our lease is up in a few months, she’s going to.

  Her boyfriend, Keegan, has a strange power over her. His opinion becomes her opinion. Before she met him, she was as fun and outgoing as I was. There was only one difference between us. She was a virgin. She still is. That’s part of the deal of being with him. No sex until marriage. No living together until marriage.

  To each their own, I’m not judging them, but it seems like in this day and age, people would be more open-minded to the lifestyles of others and the choices they make. Not Keegan and not his family. If you have sex before your married, you’re a sinner. They don’t want to be associated with you. There’s no room in their life for people who choose to act in a certain manner.

  So, I’m not part of Audra’s circle anymore. The friend that I used to spend most of my time with, that I graduated college with, my roommate of over two years, barely has time to talk to me let alone watch a movie or get food with me.

  That’s fine.

  I have other friends.

  There’s Allison and Megan. Now I have Emerson and Angela. They accept me for who I am and don’t judge me for the choices I’ve made in the past. They’re real friends. Supportive. Caring.

  Flopping backward onto my bed, I stare at the ceiling, but all I can see is Devon’s gorgeous face. Chiseled. Strong. His beautiful eyes looking at me as we laughed over eggs and hash browns. Audra would like him, I think. If she gave him a chance. He seems like a good person.



  Sweet and charming.

  Reaching for my phone to text Audra, I find a waiting message from Allison. I wonder what happened to her last night. I feel bad because I ditched her. Sort of. If I hadn’t, she would have found a way to keep me from being alone with Devon. Being with him meant I couldn’t be with her and that’s what she wanted. A wingman. And, normally, that’s me. I’m always helping her, by her side when she needs me, but last night I was selfish, and I don’t regret it for a second.

  ALLISON: Have fun last night?

  ME: He’s nice.

  Before I can even compose a text to Audra, Allison replies.

  ALLISON: That’s all I get? Nice? He’s smoking hot. What happened? I want details. ALL OF THEM!

  ME: Nothing happened. We talked until the sun came up and then went to breakfast.

  ALLISON: I call bullshit.

  ME: I’m serious. We haven’t even kissed.

  ALLISON: I’m headed into the movies with Megan. I’m going to call you later for the real details.

  Rolling my eyes, I don’t bother replying, instead quickly type a text to Audra asking her when she’s going to be home and crawl under my covers. My belly is full and now I need sleep.

  “You’re lying. Why won’t you tell me what happened?”

  Allison won’t drop the subject. I’ve told her everything, twice, down to the last detail, but she won’t accept the fact that we didn’t sleep together. Is it that hard to believe that two people can talk for hours and don't have to have sex to enjoy each other’s company? Apparently it is for Allison.

  “Look, I can repeat everything again, but my story isn’t going to change,” I reply, grabbing a Diet Coke from the fridge in the break room. “We didn’t have sex. Is that clear enough for you?”

  “Why the hell not? He’s sexy and it’s been a while for you. I’m sure he was more than willing judging by the way he was checking you out the other night. He barely spared me a glance.”

  And there it is.

  Her jealousy.

  The oh-my-god-how-could-he-pick-you-over-me side of Allison. It doesn’t show itself often, but when it does, it tends to stick around for a while. It pisses me off that she thinks she’s better than everyone else, but at the same time, I can understand why. She’s gorgeous, has a killer body, and isn’t afraid to put it on display. She knows she’s hot. I’ve tried to explain it to her, that she tries too hard when it’s not necessary, but she doesn’t get it.

  Guys want a challenge. It almost like a game to them. If the game is easy to win, why play?

  “Look, I have to get back to my desk. Tyler left me a huge stack of stuff to get done today. We have new clients coming in all week and I want to be prepared.”

  “Fine,” Allison pouts. “I should probably get back too. Ryder wants to have a meeting with me this afternoon. Emerson won’t tell me why, but I have a feeling things are shifting around here, if you catch my drift.”

  “Would that be so horrible?” I ask.

  She’s been Hunter’s assistant since she started, over three years ago. A little change, variety, is a good thing sometimes. You don’t want to become complacent as your job.

  “No, but I don’t think he’s asking me if I want to switch. I think it’s a decision from the top. Megan does too.”

  Stopping in the middle of the hallway, I pull her to a stop next to me. “Why would you ask Megan what she thinks?”

  “Why not?”

  “She has nothing to do with the politics of the office.” I’m attempting to keep my voice low, but my anger is rising.

  Megan has nothing to do with what goes on around here. The fact that she’s asking her opinion means she’s also talking to her about it, about everything, and potentially stirring up trouble. Not for me but for Ryder.

  “Yeah, but she knows Ryder better than anyone, and I wanted to know why he was calling me in his office. I figured she might have an idea.” She’s being defensive, but she’s also avoiding eye contact with me. She knows what she’s doing.

  “And what did she say?” I ask, feigning interest.

  “She said she figured he was going to make me switch with Emerson so there weren’t any favoritism issues.” Her use of air quotes as she says favoritism isn’t necessary.

  The secret’s out about Ryder and Emerson, not that it was much of a secret to begin with. Sure, at first it was pure speculation, but it didn’t take long for people to notice that something might be going on.

  “Even if that’s what’s happening, it’s none of her business. You’re trying to stir stuff up and you know it.”

  Smirking at me, she shrugs her shoulders as she walks away. “Life is too boring.”

  “Ms. Justine,” Helen calls after me as I’m about to take a seat at my desk.

  Following the sound of her voice, I look over my shoulder to find Helen standing behind me. Her voice is muffled by a bouquet of flowers bigger than her head.

  Thrusting the flowers at me, I take them from her and she walks away without a word. Looking around, I see Allison and Emerson both staring at me from their respective desks. Emerson has a warm smile on her face while Ally’s smile is more devious.

  Carefully setting the arrangement down, I search them for a card as I smell each flower. Red, yellow, pink and peach roses. Two dozen of them. No card. No indication who they might be from, but there’s only one person I can think of that might send me flowers. Devon. If they’re from anyone else, I’d be surprised.

  The rest of the afternoon I try my best to focus on my work. I have a lot to do in a little amount
of time. Tyler and Hunter are leaving next Monday for a conference. Before they go, we each have things that need to be accomplished. Preparations are in full swing, projects need to be finalized and meetings need to be rescheduled. The office will be quiet while they’re gone, just us girls left to keep the ship afloat.

  Oh, and Ryder, but if Ally’s meeting goes the way I think it might, he’ll be working with her all week, attempting to get her up to speed on how he operates.

  My eyes keep drifting to the roses, their crystal vase, perfectly positioned on the corner of my desk. Thoughts of Devon and the night we spent talking about anything and everything keep distracting me from my work. Most of all, I find myself running my tongue across my lips, remembering the way his lips felt as they brushed against mine.

  Five o’clock comes and goes. Emerson and Allison pack up and leave for the day while I stay behind and attempt to finish a few more things. Two press releases for Tyler to approve first thing tomorrow morning and I should be done for the night.

  My phone chimes as I’m organizing stacks on Tyler’s desk. Reaching into my pocket, I pull it out to find a waiting text from Devon.

  DEVON: Anything special happen today?

  Is he hinting at something?

  ME: Nope. Just another day at the office. How was your day?

  DEVON: I spent most of it waiting for this beautiful girl to text me.

  ME: I’m sorry. I was really busy today.

  DEVON: Just to be clear, you did get the flowers I sent, right?

  They were from him. A sense of relief washes over me, his words bringing a smile to my face.

  ME: I did. There was no note so I wasn’t sure who they were from or I would have sent you a thank you.

  DEVON: That’s odd. I spent ten minutes on the phone trying to make sure I didn’t sound like a douche on the card.


  My message goes unanswered. I hope he doesn’t think I was laughing at him. I was laughing at the situation. Things like that always happen to me. I’ll put time and effort into something important and then shit doesn’t go the way I want it to.

  DEVON: I’m serious. I’m about to leave work. Can I call you in a few minutes?

  ME: I’m on my way out, too. I’ll call you when I get in my car.


  Quickly packing up my things, I contemplate taking my flowers home, but instead leave them where they are. They brighten up my desk and my mood. Knowing they’re from Devon will keep a smile on my face while I work. Hopefully they won’t be as much of a distraction tomorrow as they were today.

  “Ms. Justine.”

  Helen’s voice startles me as hit the button to call the elevator. Her head pops up over the top of her desk and she holds out a tiny envelope for me.

  “What’s this?” I ask as I take the envelope and flip it over.

  “I found it on my desk. I opened it and it appears that’s the card that goes with your flowers.”

  “Oh,” I reply, shoving the card in my purse. “Thank you.”

  “Have a nice night, dear,” she says as I step into the elevator. When I turn, there’s a naughty smirk on her face. The elevator doors close between us before I have a chance to ask why.

  It has to be the card. What did he write?

  Chapter Three

  Reaching into my purse, I pull out the envelope and turn it over. Sure enough, my name is printed on the outside. Slowly lifting the flap, I remove the tiny card and read Devon’s note, wondering how many times he changed it before deciding on what he wrote.


  I wanted you to know that I’ve been thinking about you since we first met. I hope these bring a smile to your face the way thoughts of you bring a smile to mine.


  Cheesy, but it worked. I have an enormous smile on my face right now. Pressing my lips together as I dial his number, there’s no chance he won’t be able to hear that I’m smiling.

  “Hey,” he answers sounding out of breath.

  “Hey. What are you doing?”

  “Running to my car. The sky just opened up and I’m getting soaked,” he explains.

  Wet clothes. Sticking to his body. Muscles on display. Water running down his face, glistening in the light, making his eyes look brighter.

  “Justine. You there?” he asks between ragged breaths.

  “Yeah, sorry.” My apology is lack-luster. I’m not really sorry for spacing out. The visual image was worth it.

  “Where’d you go?”

  “Nowhere. I was just thinking.” It’s times like this I wish I was better at lying.

  “You get lost in thought like that a lot. What were you thinking about this time?”

  Now that’s a loaded question if I’ve ever heard one.

  You. Always you. That’s what I want to say, but I don’t have the guts to confess the truth.

  “Nothing important,” I reply instead. “Hang on. My phone is going to connect to my car.”

  “Okay.” There are a few moments of silence while my Bluetooth picks up Devon’s call.

  “So, I got your note.”

  “I thought you said there wasn’t a card with the flowers.”

  “There wasn’t. It must have fallen out. The receptionist found it,” I explain as I back out of my parking spot.

  “Who? Helen?”

  “Yeah. You know Helen?”

  “She’s worked there since they opened. Five dollars she read the card,” he laughs.

  “She admitted she did.”

  “And the envelope has your name on it.”

  Joining him in laughter, I confirm Devon’s suspicions and repeat what Helen said to me. Apparently, this isn’t the first time Helen has poked her nose into someone else’s business. It’s a common practice of hers according to him. Ryder’s told him a few stories I guess. The more he tells me, the more some things begin to make sense.

  She knew about Ryder and Megan’s divorce. Or rather, she wasn’t surprised when Allison told her.

  She also wasn’t surprised when Allison told her about Emerson and Ryder. Or when I broke up with douche canoe in human resources. She seems to know everything before we tell her. She gladly sits quietly and listens to our stories, but nothing seems to shock her.

  Devon and I talk my entire ride home and for an hour after I get there. As I fix myself something to eat, he tells me about his day. He was in and out of meetings all afternoon. He blames me for being unable to focus since he was waiting on a text from me about the flowers that never came.

  If anyone else was explaining what it meant to be a financial officer for a major pharmaceutical company, I would find it boring. Not Devon, though. The sound of his voice soothes me. It’s deep and confident as he explains his job to me. I could listen to him talk for hours.

  “I should probably let you go,” I finally say. I don’t want to get off the phone with him, but Audra should be home soon and she mentioned bringing Keegan back with her to watch a movie. That’s my cue to disappear for a few hours.

  “Wait,” he replies hastily. “What about this weekend? You never answered me.”

  This weekend. He wants to come here. I would love to see him again and hang out, but how can I invite him when he can’t stay at my place. Where would he sleep? Audra has a strict rule about no guys staying over. I respect her enough to understand her rule, even if I disagree it.

  “You know, I would love for you to come up this weekend, but my roommate isn’t keen on having people she doesn’t know stay here. It’s kind of a thing.”

  Audra is the one thing we haven’t talked about. We should. Eventually, the topic will come up. He knows I have a roommate, but that’s as much as I’ve shared with him. It’s an awkward topic of conversation for me. What would I even say?

  My roommate is committed to her religion and believes that sex before marriage is a sin. Having you stay over would be a sin. Everything I do is a sin according to her.

  It makes sense, it’s the truth, but I w
ould hate for him to think I believe the same thing. Yes, I believe in God. I go to church, not with Audra because I’m not welcome, but there is a great church I attend from time to time near the college. I have my beliefs, but I was always taught that it’s best to be true to yourself and believe in what’s important to you, not what’s important to others.

  Am I slut? No.

  Do I want to sleep with a bunch of random guys because I enjoy sex? No.

  Do I think if you are in a solid, strong relationship with someone that you shouldn’t have sex until you are married? No, I don’t. I think physical intimacy is important in a relationship. I think it’s part of being compatible. If there’s no chemistry, physically and sexually, as well as emotionally, the marriage will fail. Both parties have needs and if the other person can’t fulfill them, love dies. People resent each other. It’s human nature.

  “What if I stayed with Ryder?” he suggests.

  “As long as he’s okay with that.”

  “He won’t care. The four of us could hang out. If you want, you can stay with me over there.”

  The front door opens and Audra walks in, Keegan closely behind her. I wave and head into my room before she can ask who I’m talking to. I value her opinion on certain things, but only on certain things. What we order for dinner. What cleaning products we use. She has great taste in books and music.

  My personal life is the one thing I don’t ask her opinion on. Not since she’s started to date Keegan. As far as Devon goes, I won’t tell her about him until I have to. I didn’t share any details about the last guy I dated. Or the one before that. Or the many failed dates I’ve been on. It’s not her business, and her opinion on the topic will more than likely piss me off.

  “My roommate just got home,” I reply, changing the topic quickly. “Can I call you tomorrow and we can talk more after you’ve cleared things with Ryder?”


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