Rumors: Justine & Devon

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Rumors: Justine & Devon Page 9

by Rachael Brownell

“What did I miss?” Emerson asks, a curious smile slowly spreads across her face.

  “Someone’s ex was here the other day.” Allison’s statement makes my skin crawl. Why did she have to associate him with me?

  “He’s a client,” I say, taking a seat at my desk and firing up my computer.

  “Oh, shit! Really?” There’s a sense of panic in Emerson’s voice that I wasn’t expecting.

  “Yep,” I reply, popping my P for emphasis. “And he’ll be back today at noon. They’re on a tight timeline, so Tyler asked me to meet with him.”

  “Oh, shit. Is there anyone else who can meet with him instead? Ryder? Mr. Dixon? Want me to do it?” Ally’s suggestion brings a smile to my face. I can only imagine how that meeting would go. I have a feeling he would run out screaming.

  “Thanks, but I can do this. It won’t be fun, and I’ll keep it as brief as I can, but I have to do it. Tyler’s counting on me.”

  “Did you tell him he was your ex?” Emerson asks, her voice catching me off guard. I almost forgot she was standing here.

  “Yes, he knows. I assured him it wasn’t an issue and honestly, it shouldn’t matter,” I explain, attempting to sound braver than I feel and stronger than I am.

  Emerson shoots me a sympathetic smile as she rushes over to her desk to answer her ringing phone.

  “You know where to find me if you need me,” Ally states reassuringly. Nodding, she heads over to her desk to start her day as well.

  Two hours later, I’m still struggling to focus on what needs to be accomplished before he arrives. I’ve organized my desk, disposed of Devon’s flowers that died over the weekend, and read through Tyler’s proposal at least six times. My mind keeps drifting back to the years JP and I spent together. The good times we shared. The moments we celebrated together.

  As images of my past continue to flash through my mind, I try to remember the person he once was. The good man that swept me off my feet in the beginning. The man who would hold doors open for me and take my hand when we crossed the street to keep me safe.

  The same man who pulled the wool over my eyes for years, keeping his fetishes a secret. He knew it would scare me off. He knew I wouldn’t want any part of it. So he lied. He went behind my back and carried on as if nothing was wrong.

  After we broke up, I found out all his dirty secrets.

  For years, he had been participating in things I had no idea even existed. People would hire him to seduce their wives while they watched. How he connected with these people, I still don’t know. I don’t want to. And for his sake, I hope he’s moved on from that life.

  Browsing through the file again, I familiarize myself with the company he works for. A large chain of hand-made furniture stores. I’ve never heard of them before, but it appears they’re opening their first location in Sunnyside in a few weeks. That explains the sense of urgency to get the media plan in place.

  Flipping to the last page, I read-over his contract with Dixon Advertising. Only, it’s not his contract.

  It all makes sense now. Why I didn’t know he was coming. How his name slipped past me.

  I couldn’t have prepared to see him because he wasn’t the one Tyler was originally meeting with.

  My phone chimes, my attention happily drawn away from all things involving JP.

  DEVON: Hey, beautiful. Moved my schedule around. I’ll be there Thursday night, late.

  ME: Great. Where are you staying this time?

  DEVON: I’ll probably stay at Ryder's again. Is that okay with you?

  ME: Is it okay with Ryder? Don’t forget to ask him this time.

  DEVON: I’ll text him now.

  ME: Good plan. See you soon.

  DEVON: :)

  Looking over toward Emerson’s desk, I find her staring in my direction, eyes wide in shock. Slowly turning, I see the reason why is standing behind me. The smile immediately falls from my face when we make eye contact.

  “Justine,” he coos.

  “You’re early, Mr. Shuran.” I’m able to keep my voice calm and collected as his name rolls off my tongue for the first time in years.

  “Is that how this is going to be? All business?”

  “Yes, sir. This is a business meeting. If you want to have a seat in the lobby, I’ll be over shortly to show you to the conference room.”

  Tossing me his signature smirk before walking away, JP does as I request, giving me a moment to breathe. Emerson and Allison are both staring, watching the action, or lack thereof, unfold.

  Gathering my things, I head into the conference room to set up for what will feel like the longest meeting of my life. Judging by the way JP was looking at me, he’s not going to make this easy. He’s going to push every button he can, and my comfort level is going to be tested.

  If I’m going to make it through this meeting without losing my mind, I need to forget the man I fell for when I was younger and remember the man who broke my heart.

  Chapter Twelve

  JP takes a seat at the conference table as I close the blinds and load up the presentation Tyler sent me this morning. With the help of Hunter, the entire campaign has been put together in a matter of hours. As long as JP cooperates, the meeting shouldn’t last very long. I’ll take notes on his suggested changes and forward them on to Tyler.

  “So,” I begin, the screen coming to life as I hit play. “Mr. Dixon has put together an elaborate media campaign that will roll out at the beginning of next week. As I go through the plan, please let me know if there are any changes you would like made. He’ll be working on this while he’s out of town, and you’ll have his undivided attention as soon as he returns. In fact, he would like me to schedule a meeting with you for Friday afternoon if you’re available.”

  “I’d rather meet with you,” he says, leaning back in his chair, his eyes traveling the length of my body.

  I wore pants for this very reason today. I hate wearing pants to the office, but I’d rather feel underdressed than give him even a glimpse of skin.

  “I’m sorry, but Mr. Dixon is the expert, and he’ll be handling your campaign. Does Friday afternoon work for you?” I keep my voice as relaxed as possible.

  It takes all my resolve not to break eye contact with him. He needs to know I’m not going to fall for his shit. I don’t want him to know how much he’s getting to me. He can try to sweet talk me, to hit on me, he can even try and wiggle his way back in my life. None of it will work. I’ve built a wall between us. One that’s made of reinforced steel. He won’t be able to break it down, no matter how hard he tries.

  “I suppose I could make that work. On one condition.”

  Here it comes. I can tell by the sound of his voice. He’s going to try and climb the wall instead of break through it.

  “I’m sorry, but there are no conditions. If you would like to work with Mr. Dixon, he’s available Friday afternoon at four o’clock.”

  “Don’t you want to know my condition?” he taunts.

  “Not especially, JP.”

  Standing, he quickly moves around the table. I attempt to take a step back but I’m blocked in. JP stops only inches from me and puts his hand on the table next to mine. We’re not touching, but we’re close enough I can feel his breath. I can smell that damn cologne.

  “You’re the condition, Justine. I want you involved in the campaign. I think you and I could work well together. Don’t you? We’ve made magic happen before.”

  Choking back the vomit that’s rising in my throat, I shake my head. “I’m sorry, but that’s beyond my job description.”

  “If your boss wants our business, he’ll make it part of your job. I’ll make sure of that.”

  His threat hits deep. I promised Tyler I could make this work. I assured him it wasn’t a big deal. I was a professional. This is my job. I should be able to handle this.

  I lied. To Tyler and to myself.

  As much as I want to say I’ve moved past what JP did to me, I haven’t. I may never. Until I do, I’m not ready
to work with him. I’m not ready to see him or hear his voice. I’m not ready for any of it.

  There’s a soft knock on the door and then Helen’s face appears. I look around JP and smile at her.

  “Miss Justine, you have a call on line one. It’s Mr. Dixon. He would like to conference in,” she says, an inquisitive look on her face.

  “Thank you, Helen,” I reply, reaching to the center of the table where the phone is.

  JP retakes his seat as I conference Tyler in and they begin chatting. My knees begin to shake at the realization that had Helen not walked in, had Tyler not been able to call, I would have been trapped by JP until I agreed to his demands.

  Tyler flies through the material, JP making minimal changes as other ideas present themselves. When they begin discussing their Friday meeting, JP suggests drinks after work. Knowing that his schedule is tight, Tyler agrees, asking me to make a reservation for them. That’s when JP drops the bomb.

  “Would you mind if Justine joins us? I think having a female perspective on some of these things will be beneficial to reaching a broader audience.”

  Tyler hesitates for a moment before asking me to take him off speakerphone.

  “What’s going on?” he asks, his voice laced with concern.

  Turning my back to JP, I cover my mouth as I answer him. “Nothing. Everything is fine.”

  “You don’t sound fine.”

  “I am. Things are going good. I’m glad you were able to lead the discussion. I was really nervous.” My attempt to change the subject falls flat.

  “You don’t have to go to the meeting if you don’t want to. I want to make that clear.”

  “It’s fine. He has a valid point.” A point I’m sure he’s been trying to come up with the entire presentation so he could find a way to get me to meet with him again.

  “If you’re available, you know you’re welcome to come. You make the decision. I don’t want things to be awkward for you, you know that.”

  “Okay, thanks. Is there anything else?”

  “No. I have to go. Email me the list of changes he wants made and I’ll see you Friday when I get in.”

  Setting the phone back down on the receiver, I look over my shoulder to where JP is now perched on the edge of the table.

  “Is there anything else you need?” I ask.

  “I can think of a few things, but nothing work related. I guess I’ll see you Friday night. You still have that little black dress I bought you?”

  Nope. Burned it. Along with everything else that reminded me of him.

  “Sorry, I don’t. I’m sure I can find something to wear if I’m able to make it.”

  “I see. Well, it would be a shame if things didn’t work out with this campaign, especially for your boss. I would hate for him to think that the reason we’re not working together is because of you. I’m sure he wouldn’t like that.”

  Threats. All threats. Little does he know that Tyler wouldn’t fall for his bullshit. Still, I don’t want to risk my job.

  “Yes, it would,” I reply. “Let me show you out.”

  Waiting for the elevator to arrive, I can feel JP staring at me out of the corner of his eye. Doing the best I can to ignore it, I clasp my hands together in front of me and stare straight ahead. The elevator dings, and as I step back so he can step past me, he reaches out and grabs my hands, bringing them to his lips.

  “It was nice catching up, Justine.” I can feel him smile against my hands just before I pull them away. “I’ll see you Friday night.”

  The threat in his voice is subtle, but it doesn’t go unnoticed.

  As soon as the elevator doors close, I rush to the bathroom and expel the contents of my stomach. It wasn’t easy, I didn’t enjoy it, but I made it through the meeting. I survived being alone with him. I was able to avoid talking about anything personal and kept the focus on work.

  Two more weeks and I’ll be able to rid JP of my life again. Two very long, excruciating weeks.

  Thursday finally arrives and with it a sense of relief. Tyler will be back in the office tomorrow and he can handle everything JP needs from here on out. That includes the daily emails requesting updates and changes.

  Thursday also means that Devon will be here tonight. My heart flutters at the thought of being wrapped up in his arms again. After the week I’ve had, I need his arms around me.

  “Miss Justine,” Helen says, popping her head in the break room. “You received a delivery.”

  “Thanks, Helen. I’ll be out in a minute.”

  “What kind of delivery?” Allison calls out after her, her interest only peaked because Helen failed to mention what it was.

  Looking to me before speaking, I nod my head. “Flowers, Miss Allison.”

  Ally giggles as she turns back to me. “I told you he had it bad for you.”

  Rolling my eyes, I can’t help but smile. “He’s sweet, that’s all.”

  “He’s sweet on you,” Emerson chimes in, her smile transforming into a pout. “Ryder never sends me flowers.”

  “That’s because you see him every day,” Allison points out, her voice lacking sympathy.

  “Whatever. It would still be a nice gesture.”

  “And I’d love to find a guy with enough potential that he might offer to pay for the check when we go on a date,” Ally snipes.

  She’s been on edge all week. I’m not sure if it’s the fact that Emerson and I have spent most of our lunch hours talking about Devon and Ryder or if it’s the fact that she’s been on three dates since last Friday and not one of them showed any “potential” for a second date.

  Her standards are high, and she refuses to settle for less. Truthfully, she shouldn’t settle, but it might be a good idea to reevaluate her standards. I’m not sure there’s a single man that could live up to them.

  “Well, I’m going to get back to work. I’m trying to get done early so I can pack for this weekend,” I say.

  “What time is Devon going to get in town?” Emerson asks.

  “Not until late. We’ll try not to wake you guys up when we get there.”

  Emerson raises her eyebrow at me and shakes her head. “Have you talked to Devon yet?”

  “About what?”

  “About the fact that Ryder told him he couldn’t stay this weekend. Amara is with Megan tonight and then with us for the weekend. We have plans tonight.”

  Plans. As in, adult plans. No kids around. Just the two of them. No room for Devon and I.

  “I’m sorry, I didn’t know. I’ve got to call and thank him for the flowers anyway, so I’ll figure it out.”

  Shit. Now what?

  He can’t stay with me. I know Audra approves of him, but I’m not sure she would be up for company yet. She’s cried herself to sleep the last few nights. She’s not taking the break up well, and even if she were, her beliefs haven’t changed. She still wouldn’t like him staying over.

  As soon as I get back to my desk I pull out my phone and text Devon while I open the long white box that’s waiting for me.

  ME: So, where are we staying this weekend? Emerson says Ryder told you no.

  DEVON: I’ll pick you up when I get in town.

  ME: That’s not an answer…

  My phone goes silent as I pull back the tissue paper covering the dozen long-stem red roses. Picking one up, I bring it to my nose and inhale the sweet scent.

  DEVON: I made us a reservation at a hotel downtown.

  ME: Which hotel? I can check in and meet you there if that makes more sense.

  Reaching for the card in the corner of the box, my smile drops when I open it and read the note.


  Looking forward to seeing you again this weekend.



  DEVON: Sure. I’ll email you a copy of the booking confirmation so they don’t give you any issues. I’m off to a meeting. I’ll call you when I hit the road.

  Looking between the note and my phone, my hands begin to shake.

>   Why?

  Why is he doing this to me?

  Why now?

  Why when I finally find a man that’s worth a damn does he walk back into my life? He’s going to complicate things. He’ll find a way to destroy what I have with Devon. Even though he knows I’ll never give him another chance, that doesn’t mean he will allow me to find happiness.

  “Miss, Justine,” Helen says from behind me. When I turn, I find her holding another box, a much smaller box, in her hands. “This also came for you.”

  Thanking her, I take the box and sit down in my chair. My hands are still shaking as I pull back the blue ribbon and it falls into my lap. Lifting the lid, I reach for the card inside. When I remove it, the contents of the box are revealed.

  A dark blue sapphire pendant wrapped in diamonds. Pulling the necklace from the box, I let it dangle from my fingertips and watch as the light catches the diamonds.

  I know immediately this isn’t from Devon. After my reaction when he purchased the paintings last weekend, he wouldn’t send me something this extravagant. That leaves one person.


  The flowers were a thank you for the meeting. This is for you to wear on Friday night. It’ll bring out the blue in your eyes.



  Placing the note back in the box, I place the lid on it and shove it in my purse. Moments later, Allison appears in front of my desk, admiring the roses.

  “Those aren’t flowers. Those are fifty-dollar roses.”

  “They’re not from Devon,” I murmur. “I’ll give you one guess.”

  Ally’s smile fades when realization strikes her. “No freaking way.”

  “Yep. He’s trying to play games, and I’m already sick of it. You won’t believe-”

  “You need to tell Devon,” she says, cutting me off before I can tell her about the necklace.

  “Why?” I’ve heard Ally be demanding before, but not like this.

  “I was trying to avoid telling you, but people are starting to talk. I’m not sure if it’s made it back to Ryder yet, though I doubt he listens to the rumors.”


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