Club Thrive: Vendetta (The Club Thrive Series Book 2)

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Club Thrive: Vendetta (The Club Thrive Series Book 2) Page 14

by Alison Mello

  “I know this isn’t the fun night we had planned, but it’s getting late and you look like you could use some rest so we’re going to get going,” Miranda says to me.

  “Dude, I’m home during the day. If you need to go anywhere and don’t want to leave her alone, you call me. I’ll be here,” Stone offers.

  “Thanks, man,” Shane says.

  “Make sure you’re carrying. This guy is no joke,” my father says.

  “I rarely leave home without it.” Stone shakes my father’s hand, then he and Miranda leave.

  My father hugs me one more time, “I’ll be in touch. You two get some rest.” He shakes Shane’s hand and walks out the door with our two guards in tow.

  “How the hell am I supposed to rest?” I ask in total frustration.

  “Come on, let’s go take a bath and then I’ll lie down with you.” He takes my hand, pulling me toward the bathroom.

  Chapter 14


  I wake to find the space beside me empty. I jump up, practically running to the living room in search of Katie. I sigh in relief when I find her on the couch in her pajamas working on her laptop. “What’s wrong?” she asks me.

  “Nothing, I panicked for a moment when I woke up and you weren’t in bed. What are you doing up so early?”

  “I couldn’t sleep and I didn’t want to wake you. I knew I had an email from Logan, so I decided to get up and work for a bit.”

  I sit down next to her. “We should talk about this situation. Your sister’s birthday is coming up and I’m not sure it’s safe for us to throw a party with this guy on the loose.”

  “I’ve already been thinking about that.” She sighs. “I was planning on using that party as promo for the club. I was going to talk to Logan about doing it on a night the club is closed, inviting one of the local news stations, and maybe having one of the radio DJs come and work the night as part of the promo.”

  “Well, if you do it that way, it’s much easier. We’ll have better control over who gets in and how many people are there.”

  “Really? That would work.”

  I shrug. “It could. You would have to run it by Logan and I’d want to talk to your father, but it’d certainly be easier than you girls partying on a regular club night. We can’t promote it as your sister’s birthday though. We need to keep that quiet so we can keep you two safe.”

  “That’s not a problem.” I can tell she’s excited because she has a huge grin on her face and she’s tapping out an email to Logan. I don’t think I’ve ever seen her type so fast.

  “Listen, I’m going into the gym to give my notice today. You need to get showered and dressed because Stone will be here shortly for added protection.”

  She gives me a look. “Wait! Why are you quitting? And I have two guards right outside. I’ll be fine.”

  “I’m quitting because I don’t need to work two jobs. I did it to stay busy before, but I’d rather be here with you. You have a lot going on and I want to be here for you.”

  “Okay, but again, I have two guards outside.”

  “Well, now you’ll have two guards outside the door and one inside.” I don’t know what the hell she’s thinking, but I’m not screwing around when it comes to this asshole.

  She shakes her head. “Whatever you say. As long as I can get some work done. I have very little time to pull this off if Logan approves it.” Her computer chimes. She clicks on something and says, “And he’s approved it.”

  “Talk to your father,” I say in a stern voice.

  She gives me a warning look. “I know you’re worried about me, so I’m going to let that slide. I have a father. You are my boyfriend, so treat me like it.” She puts her laptop down and storms off.

  I take a deep breath, running my fingers through my hair. This woman is going to be the death of me. What the hell does she want from me? She knows I’m worried about her. Jumping up from the couch, I hurry down the hall to find her standing in the bathroom naked, waiting for the shower water to warm. I quickly strip my clothes. “What are you doing?” She gives me the evil eye.

  Pinning her to the wall, I grab her chin and force her to look at me. “Stop. You know I love you and I will do everything I can to keep you safe. I do not mean to come across as your father, but you will not push me away.”

  My lips crash down on hers in a very passionate kiss. I’m pouring all I have into this kiss. I not only want her to know how much I love her, but I don’t want her mad either. I pull away, panting. “Damn it, I love you and I can’t lose you.” I press my forehead to hers.

  “You won’t. I have a ton of security around me, and I plan to have everything for the club laid out before Sunday dinner so we can go over it with my father.”

  “Good, now let’s shower before Stone gets here.”

  “I was hoping you were going to say let’s make love before Stone gets here,” she says in a seductive voice.

  I slowly glide the tips of my fingers up the inside of her leg. When I get to her pussy, I find she’s soaking wet for me and it makes me smile. “You really want me, don’t you, baby?” She bites her lip and nods.

  “I love when you take charge in the bedroom, or in this case, the bathroom.” She giggles as my lips meet hers again, and I slip two fingers deep inside her wet pussy. Her hips start to move as she rides my fingers, rubbing against my cock and it’s making me rock-hard. I slip my wet fingers from her wet pussy, glide them over her lip and then I lick her clean. She closes her eyes and leans her head back against the wall.

  “Open your beautiful eyes for me. Watch me lick your delicious juices from my fingers.” Her eyes fly open as I stick my fingers into my mouth, sucking them clean. When I’m satisfied that I have every last drop, I grab her by the ass and lift her with her back against the wall. She wraps her legs around my waist and her arms around my neck, lining myself up I gently lower her onto my hard cock. My hips are moving in a circular motion, and she’s using her arms and legs to move along with me. God, she feels so damn good, I love being buried deep inside her. “Baby, this feels so good.” She buries her head in my neck and begins to whimper when my finger finds her other hole. She’s dripping wet so I use her natural lube to wet my fingers before I start finger-fucking her ass.

  “Shane, I’m going to come.”

  “Fuck yeah, baby.”

  Her legs tighten around my waist and she bites down on my shoulder as her orgasm shreds her. She’s whimpering, and I continue fucking her. I slam myself deep inside her one last time, ridding myself of every last drop.

  She’s panting when she says, “Sorry I bit you, but I’m also not sorry because that was hot.”

  Slipping out of her, I put her down gently in the shower so she can begin washing up. When I climb in, she has a somber look on her face. “What’s wrong, baby?”

  “I’m sorry I snapped at you. I’m trying to take this all in and it’s hard. I’m not used to having my life overrun by protective men.”

  “I totally understand. You need to realize I’ll take you alive and pissed off at me for keeping you safe, rather than have you missing or worse.” I cup her face in my hands. “I won’t lose you to this guy. I’ll try to choose my words more carefully, but I have zero intention of making it easy for him to get to you.” She gives me a small smile.

  “Thank you for keeping me safe.”

  “You’re welcome, now hurry up. Stone is due here any minute.”

  We’re both climbing out of the shower when my cell phone rings. “Dude, I’m here,” Stone says on the other end of the line.

  “Be right there.” I hang up, toss my phone on the bed, and throw on a pair of jeans before running out to let him in. When I open the door, he looks me up and down. “Am I early? Did I interrupt something?”

  I roll my eyes. “No. Just chill a minute and we’ll be right out.” Shaking my head, I walk away. Dude has only worked for me a short time and he’s already busting my balls. I blame Katie. She has such a sweet pussy, I can’
t say no to her.

  “What are you smiling about?”

  “It’s Stone. He saw my attire and asked if he was interrupting.” She begins to blush. “I was mentally blaming that sweet pussy of yours.”

  “All right, you can stop now. You’re only making it worse.” She shakes her head, walking out of the room in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. She’s barefoot and her hair is up in a messy bun. “Hey, Stone. Thanks for coming over,” I hear her say.

  I walk out with my work polo in hand, along with my socks and shoes. “I won’t be gone long. I have one client, and my boss will be there, so I’m going to give my notice effective immediately. That means I should be home in about two hours.”

  “No worries. I’d just be chilling at home if I weren’t here.”

  “Thanks, Stone.” I shake his hand, give my girl a kiss, and hurry out the door so I can get back. I’m not thrilled with the idea of leaving her, but if she’s safe with anyone, it’s Stone. The guy was an MP. I’m sure he can handle this.

  When I pull up to the gym, I find the lot is packed, leaving me to park way in the back. I hurry inside hoping my boss is already here. I need to give him my notice before I meet with my only client for the day. “Hey, Shane.” I smile when I hear my boss, Joel, call out to me.

  “Hey, Joel, you’re just the person I wanted to see.” We shake hands and walk into the gym together.

  “Why? What’s going on?”

  “I’m giving you my notice and I need to finish up as soon as possible. Do you think some of the other trainers can take over for me?”

  His brows furrow. “Everything okay? You sound worried.”

  “My girlfriend, Katie, is being threatened and is now working from home, and to be honest I don’t like the idea of her being home alone. I told her I was going to give this up so I can be there with her while she works.”

  “Oh man, I’m sorry to hear that. How is she holding up?”

  “She’s scared and I can’t blame her. The threats didn’t bother her until the guy got ahold of her number. He called and freaked her out.”

  “Fuck, that’s creepy.”

  “I know, right? We’re all a bit on edge and I want her to be as comfortable as possible. She’s working on a huge marketing plan for Logan, and she needs to concentrate.”

  “I hear you. You’ll be missed around here and if you ever want to come back, the door is always open. Don’t stress about your clients. I’ll take care of it.”

  “Thanks! I’m going to work with Chloe today. If you need me to come in because you can’t get someone to cover a client, let me know, but I really want to work as little as possible right now.”

  “No worries, I have a few people who were looking for more hours so this will be their chance to jump in.”

  We’re finishing our conversation and shaking hands when my client walks through the door.



  Shane is out the door and I’m supposed to be working, but I’m not sure how when Stone is sitting in the living room. It’s weird to have him here while I work. I feel like I should be entertaining him, but I need to make a plan for the club. I take a deep breath and dial my father’s number. Maybe it’s best if I start with him first.

  “Hey, Daddy!” I say when he answers the phone.

  “Baby girl, are you okay?”

  I roll my eyes. “I’m fine, Daddy! Listen, I’m calling because I’m working on a huge marketing plan for Logan Michaels. He’s the owner of the club where Shane works.”

  “Okay?” he asks, sounding leery.

  “Well, with Kara’s twenty-first birthday coming, we were planning on having something at the club. Part of the marketing plan is to get people to rent out the club on the nights it’s closed. What I want to do is hold her party on a Sunday night at the club instead of doing it on a Saturday when it’s packed. Shane said I needed to talk to you first because of the situation.”

  “Have you run this by Logan?”

  “Yes, and he thinks it’s a great idea for the marketing aspect, and Shane thinks it’ll be easier for you guys to keep us safe that way. I just need you to tell me you’re on board so I can get to work planning everything.”

  “I want to talk about the plans in detail on Sunday night. I need to know all the ins and outs of the club. Invite Logan and his wife to dinner so I can make a security plan that aligns with his team of bouncers.”

  My smile grows a bit. “Thanks, Daddy!”

  “You got it, baby girl. See you Sunday.”

  I instantly type out an email to Logan asking if they are free for dinner Sunday night, and inform him that my father wants to discuss the event. Then I get to work making postcards that guests will have to bring in with them. I’m inviting all of our family and closest friends. That way, everyone can help spread the word that Club Thrive can be rented for parties on Sundays, Mondays, or Tuesdays.

  “Katie, can I get a bottle of water or something?”

  “Stone, help yourself. There’s water and diet soda in the fridge.” I sigh. “I’m sorry I’m not hanging out with you. This is probably boring for you.”

  “I’m not supposed to be here to hang out. I’m here so you can work comfortably and not have to worry.”

  I smile. “Thank you, I’m actually starting to get some stuff done and it feels good. I’ve been a bit distracted.”

  “Good, now get back to work. The club needs more business and I know that’s what you’re working on.”

  I put my Bluetooth in my ear and answer the incoming call. “Hey, Logan, what’s up?”

  “We are free Sunday night. What time should we be there?”

  “Is five-thirty good?”

  “Five-thirty is perfect. What kind of info is your dad looking for?”

  “Details about the club’s layout and anything he should be concerned with security-wise. I’m sure he’s going to want some of his guys blending with yours, so what their attire will be like and things like that.”

  “I can do that.”

  “Awesome, I’m planning on having special postcards made that guests will have to bring with them. I’m also hoping you’ll be down with us having a guest list at the door that the bouncers will have to check. If they’re not on the list, they don’t get in. That will include security, caterer, the DJ, and media personnel.”

  “I’m totally on board with that. Really that will help us look even better for high-profile clients.”

  “We want to keep our names quiet as far as the media announcements go, but I’ll be sure that they put it out that security was top-notch and list all the things you’re willing to do to keep the party fun and secure.”

  “Sounds like a good plan. Are you still planning on going with a radio station for the DJ?”

  “I’m going to try to. I figure that way they can broadcast live from the party and that gives you one more form of advertisement. Is there a particular station you’d like me to use?”

  “Yes, please contact 107.9. I’m friends with the station manager, Jayla, and she owes me a favor. Tell her you’re calling on my behalf, and that you need a DJ for the party that can broadcast live for advertisement.”

  “No problem. I’ll make the call as soon as we hang up. Do you want me to use the caterer you’ve been using for Singles Night? I figure if we offer them a deal where they do the food for this party and if it goes well, they will get the contract on all of our other parties.”

  “That’s a good idea. I just emailed you their information.”

  “Great! I’ll contact them today and work out a deal. If you want, we can do the same thing with your DJ. If he’s game for coming on the other nights, it’ll be a set price for the night with a DJ and he gets booked and paid.”

  “That I definitely planned on, but I haven’t spoken to him about it. Will either you or Shane call him and make sure he’s on board with that? I can’t imagine he wouldn’t be. As a DJ, he probably doesn’t book too many gigs on the nights we’re talking.”

  “I agree, but you never know, so yes, one of us will call him. I assume Shane has his number?”


  “All right, well I have plenty to work on for now, so I’m going to get to it.”

  “One more thing,” Logan says.

  “Sure, what’s up?”

  “Do you think you can come by Club Heat tomorrow? I want to show you around and try to come up with some ideas.”

  “Sure, what time do you want to meet?”

  “Noon?” he questions.

  “Sounds good to me,” I reply, making a mental note to let Shane know.

  “See you then.” I cut the call, sitting back in my chair to think about all I have to do. I start making a list so I can check things off as I go. This is not only my little sister’s birthday, but my job too. I have to make sure both my sister and client are happy.

  I’m finally done making my list of things to do for this event. At the top of the list is calling the station to make sure I get them there. The party is two weeks from Sunday, and that doesn’t leave me much time.

  I make the call and as Logan suggested I ask for Jayla. She’s a sweet woman and very eager to help. She informs me it won’t be a problem and that she’ll email me all the details for the DJ she’s sending. She’s also promised to do a bit of advertising for Club Thrive, announcing that they’re now renting the space for private parties. This is awesome for Logan’s budget, since she’s offered to do it for free. I’m not sure why she owes him, but good for him because air time is not cheap.

  I suddenly jump when there’s a knock at the door. “Stay there,” Stone says, pulling his weapon from the holster. He opens the door. I see it’s my security team standing there with a box for me. “You guys need to announce it’s you when you knock. You just scared the shit out of us.”

  “Sorry,” one guy says, shrugging.

  “Ma’am, you’ve got a package and unless you know what it is, we would like to open it for you.”

  “I didn’t order anything.” I walk over looking at the top of the package. “Go ahead, open it.” When they do, they find handcuffs, lotions, a blindfold, and other random sex toys. There’s a note on the top.


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