Showdown in Magic City (Magic City Chronicles Book 4)

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Showdown in Magic City (Magic City Chronicles Book 4) Page 17

by TR Cameron

  The Atlantean backpedaled as she rushed forward, stabbing with his trident in a series of thrusts to keep her at a distance. She sidestepped the first, spun away from the second, and smashed her blade against his weapon in a strength-on-strength block for the third. If the clash had been purely physical, she might have lost that particular contest, but in her mind, she flat out refused to. The clash opened him for a kick, and she stomped his knee, then whipped an elbow into his face as he fell.

  She stood over him as he lay on the ground, writhing and bleeding. Then he stopped, looked up at her, and laughed. “Well done, Ruby Achera. We will do this again and again until you finally surrender and do as I say.”

  She shook her head. “Please review my earlier comments about how likely I am to do what anyone says, much less a scumbag like you. Also, anytime, anywhere, chucklehead.”

  She woke suddenly to find herself on the ground in the real world. The cool grip of her sword filled her hand, and Morrigan and Idryll stared down at her. She rasped, “Whoever gave me the sword, good call.”

  Idryll grinned widely. “My idea. Your sister would’ve never thought of it. Honestly, it’s a wonder the two of you made it out of your childhood, given the lack of a single brain shared between you.” Morrigan offered a rebuttal, including a couple of choice curses, and the verbal battle was on.

  As the shapeshifter continued to add inventive insults to the list, Ruby smiled and closed her eyes, trusting her partners would keep her out of danger while she rested for a minute.

  Chapter Thirty-One

  It took a full week before things were even marginally back to normal in Magic City. Ruby, Morrigan, Idryll, Demetrius, and Margrave celebrated Margrave’s release from his sickbed by gathering at Gambler’s Victory, one of the more expensive and not-subtly-named places in town. They were seated at a round table in the corner, and both Ruby and Morrigan maintained sound shields so no one could overhear them. They couldn’t do much about lip readers but had no reason to think anyone would care to watch them at the moment, anyway.

  Demetrius said, “Finally, she asks me out on a date but doesn’t mention it’s a group thing.”

  Morrigan teased, “Woo,” filling it with insinuation. She waggled her eyebrows for emphasis.

  He scowled at her. “Who’s paying?”

  Ruby replied, “Dralen, of course.”

  Margrave asked, “Is he aware of that fact?”

  Morrigan shook her head. “Hell no.” Everyone laughed together.

  They made small talk during the appetizers, but by the time their entrées arrived, they had moved on to practical matters. Family-sized platters of pasta were passed around, along with the large stuffed pork chops the place was known for. Carb city. Bring it on. Ruby said, “Even with the major events and two of the bad guys shuffling off the mortal coil, nothing is over.”

  Margrave nodded. “Yeah. The PDA is already buckling down, and the security companies are sniping at each other as if there’s going to be an all-out war for business.”

  Demetrius added, “Or an actual all-out war.”

  Morrigan observed, “You know, within twelve hours of the Mist collapsing, Sloane’s widow filed paperwork to buy the site and build a casino.”

  Margrave asked, “Won’t the Mist come back?”

  Her sister shook her head. “The Sunshis feel that the next move against them will be straight-up murder to get the property, and they’ve decided they prefer to live. They’re heading back to Oriceran, and the Council is buying the site from them and keeping it in trust until they decide what to do with it.”

  Margrave turned serious. “The family might be making the wisest choice. Maybe you three should consider doing the same.”

  A trio of head shakes answered him. Ruby said, “We’re not going anywhere until Magic City is free of all these scumbags.”

  Idryll added, “Where she goes or doesn’t go, I’ll be at her side.”

  Morrigan grinned. “Not getting rid of me that easily, old man.”

  A smile replaced Margrave’s momentary seriousness. “I guess it’s time to start working on some new gadgets in earnest, then.”

  Ruby chewed and swallowed. “I have some ideas.”

  Her sister replied, “Stupid ones, as usual. I have much better ideas. Let’s do mine first.”

  Idryll shook her head sadly. “See? Can we banish the children to the bunker for a week, please?”

  Jared Trenton noted that where before there’d always been only one or two guards accompanying him and Grentham to the Reno penthouse, on this visit that number had increased to four. I guess the wife is even more concerned with security than her husband was. They were escorted into the living room, where Julianna Sloane sat on the couch awaiting them. He was used to seeing her in outfits that showed off her assets. Today, instead, she was dressed in a black business suit with a charcoal blouse and low heels beneath a skirt that reached almost to her knees. Her jewelry was elegant but understated, appropriate for a woman in mourning.

  She gestured for them to sit and waited in silence while they complied. “You need to understand that my husband was obsessed with Magic City on a very personal level. It was something about being tormented by magicals when he was young. He was never willing to tell me the whole story, but it was a deep hurt that never healed. It colored everything he did there, despite my best efforts to provide perspective.”

  He nodded, and Grentham did the same, but he was unwilling to speak. Although she seemed sane and steady, he’d seen the wildness in her eyes and knew, if anything, she would be quicker to turn to violence than her husband had been.

  Julianna thanked the tuxedoed servant that handed out three glasses filled with ice and vodka and sipped from hers. He followed suit because he had to, hoping she hadn’t decided to poison them. She continued, “For me, it’s not personal. It’s business. The business of acquiring money, and influence, and ultimately, power. Make no mistake.” She set the glass on the table and stared at them. “We will find a way into that city, and we will kill anyone we must to achieve that goal. My husband was obsessed, but his instincts were as sharp as ever. Ely offers opportunities that Vegas, Reno, or any other gaming center can’t match. One of two things will happen: I will own the city, or I will reduce every bit of it to flaming wreckage.”

  She twisted her body slightly and locked her eyes on Grentham. “I’ve seen the footage of the event. You ran.” The words came out like an accusation, and the dwarf flinched under her assault. “Still, nothing you could have done would have changed things at that point. So, while you have demonstrated a concerning streak of cowardice, you get to live and try to overcome it.” Her chin raised a touch. “I believe we can all better ourselves.”

  Jared wondered where she’d come from, who she’d been before she met Sloane. Something to investigate if I can figure out how to do so with complete and utter deniability. Her gaze landed on him, and he forced himself to meet it. She said, “Your leash is a little longer than it was, but only slightly so. I’m bringing in help under my exclusive orders. You and your partner should concern yourself right now with gathering all the information available on the quickest and easiest way to turn the Council to our perspective. I presume it will involve killing several of them, which is acceptable. I need to know which ones if I’m to avoid the inconvenience and delay of doing away with them all.”

  She shook her head, appearing suddenly sad. “My husband was a sword. I am a scalpel. Both can get the job done.” She stood, signaling that the meeting was at an end. “If they don’t see it my way on the issue with the open plot that used to hold the Mist, we’ll have to create a few more spaces ripe for new construction, won’t we?”

  The excitement increases as the story continues! Join Ruby and her friends in THE HUNT IN MAGIC CITY, coming May 3, 2021.

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  Magic Ops

  If you enjoyed this book, you may also enjoy the first series from T.R. Cameron, also set in the Oriceran Universe. The Federal Agents of Magic series begins with Magic Ops and it’s available now at Amazon and through Kindle Unlimited.

  FBI Agent Diana Sheen is an agent with a secret…

  …She carries a badge and a troll, along with a little magic.

  But her Most Wanted List is going to take a little extra effort.

  She’ll have to embrace her powers and up her game to take down new threats,

  Not to mention deal with the troll that’s adopted her.

  All signs point to a serious threat lurking just beyond sight, pulling the strings to put the forces of good in harm’s way.

  Magic or mundane, you break the law, and Diana’s gonna find you, tag you and bring you in. Watch out magical baddies, this agent can level the playing field.

  It’s all in a day’s work for the newest Federal Agent of Magic.

  Available now at Amazon and through Kindle Unlimited

  Author Notes - TR Cameron

  March 14, 2021

  Thank you for reading Book 4 in the Magic City Chronicles, and for continuing on to read these author notes! I can’t believe how fast this series is flying by!

  There’s a discussion in writing circles about whether you’re a “Plotter,” or a “Pantser.” One who plots (duh), vs. one who sets the scene and lets the characters lead wherever they will. It’s kind of a false dichotomy, because to some degree we all do some of both, but it’s true there’s a general preference toward one or the other.

  I’m a plotter. I set up overall points for a series, then outline each book in an excel spreadsheet with a sentence or two per chapter telling me what to do. Then, I expand those sentences right before I’m about to write, into a page or so of things to mention or do. Sometimes complete with dialogue, sometimes not.

  But the thing about that is that the final version of that spreadsheet often winds up looking different from the one I started with, because the characters do take over sometimes. You get an idea, you write it down, and suddenly your plans have changed.

  That happened more times in this book than in any I’ve ever written before. I knew I wanted the sword, the Rhazdon artifact, and the big finish. I didn’t realize that the main villain wouldn’t make it out of the book alive. I didn’t plan to have Ruby infected with the Artifact. That stuff just tumbled out of me and was too good not to keep.

  So, writing for me is a lot like reading. While I have an idea what’s coming up next, it’s always possible it will change. Which is beyond cool, right?

  Anyway, I’m feeling the Federal Agents of Magic vibe again bigtime. My first thought on the next series is to go back to work with those characters, although Martha and Michael would have to buy in for that to happen. We’ll see how that works out!

  I made the mistake of buying Civilization VI. That game is too addictive for words. Stay away. Stay far away. After much effort I secured a PlayStation 5, not because I needed it but because something inside me was obsessed with the idea of having it. I’m not proud of that. But I have to say, Spider-Man: Miles Morales is gorgeous. I’m looking forward to seeing what Avengers and Cyberpunk 2077 look like on it. Also, I bought Gauntlet, which I remember so fondly from my younger years, and am looking forward to making my kid play it. (“Blue Valkyrie needs food badly!”)

  Really enjoyed Flack on Amazon Prime Video, and finishing up the Mandalorian on Disney Plus. I’m still really confused about the pacing in that show. It’s so great story-wise, but so incredibly slow. Still, nice to see Kara Thrace again! Next up: WandaVision, and then the next Marvel thing.

  Hershey park in PA opens on April 2. The kid and I will be there if my writing is done on book 5 and the weather permits. I got my second vaccine shot, so I’m brave enough now to consider being out and about (fully masked, etc., I’m not a fundamentally healthy person).

  Still rereading the entire “Foreigner” sequence by C.J. Cherryh to keep my brain under control. Eagerly anticipating Ready Player Two when I find time for it.

  Before I go, if this is your first taste of my Urban Fantasy, look for “Magic Ops.” I promise you’ll enjoy it, and you’ll get more of Diana, Rath, and company. You might also enjoy my science fiction work. All my writing is filled with action, snark, and villains who think they’re heroes. Drop by and take a look!

  Until next time, Joys upon joys to you and yours – so may it be.

  PS: If you’d like to chat with me, here’s the place. I check in daily or more: Often I put up interesting and/or silly content there, as well. For more info on my books, and to join my reader’s group, please visit



  Author Notes - Martha Carr

  March 29, 2021

  Let’s talk about vulnerability. Did everyone just cringe a little? Maybe just rolled your eyes? I get it and I feel the same. It seems to be my word for the year. I’d like to trade it and I’d like to master it, both at the same time.

  Pretty standard for me. Kind of how I feel about parties a lot of the time. Want to be invited, don’t always want to go. (But to my credit, go anyway, have a great time, wonder why I don’t go more often – repeat.)

  I’m sure lockdown has a lot to do with this life lesson that keeps coming up. (Lockdown, quarantine. Kind of the same thing.) I live alone with two dogs and there’s only but so much TV I can watch. Eventually I had a lot of spare time on my hands and I got a good look at a lot of my life.

  It’s actually a really good life. Sorry, there’s no real sad story here. It used to be more of a hot mess. (See past author notes for loss of everything I owned, lots of cancer, great comeback. You get the idea.) Lately, it’s been pretty good except for maybe that whole 2020 in general thing.

  Which brings me back to what I noticed and have even sought out others to work on – vulnerability.

  The researcher and fellow Austinite, Brene Brown describes vulnerability as ‘uncertainty, risk and emotional exposure’. All of those sound so risky, full of awkwardness and are absolutely necessary to have deep, meaningful relationships with friends, family or any kind of loved ones.

  It’s probably a good thing that vulnerability is required to make strong connections or else a lot of us wouldn’t try it. Staying behind a few well-constructed walls of who we want to be seen as, minus the need to expose things I’m not sure about or worry aren’t good enough sounds like a good idea.

  Too bad it ends up holding people at arm’s length and can lead to feeling lonely in a room full of familiar faces. The only way out is to risk being myself and trusting my tribe will find me.

  They always do, you know.

  As an added bonus, when I did finally risk it all and was myself, I got to know me a lot better too. These days when someone asks, what do you want to do, I actually have an answer.

  But apparently there’s a new layer to let go of that I’ve noticed over the past year. Some places where I have found ways to hold back, be quiet and resist talking about myself. Frankly, without quarantine, I think I may not have noticed. Then, to make sure I didn’t talk myself out of looking at how to do more, I found some people who wanted to work on that same thing with me.

  I only regret that occasionally.

  So far, I have resisted progress on what looks like micro steps with a lot of bluster and words. Good sign I’m on to something and just need enough courage to keep going to get results.

  With quarantine easing and the world opening slowly back up again, I wonder what I will clear out and what new things I will find. More adventures to follow.

  Other series in the Oriceran Universe:


















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