Two Sides to a Love Story: Rico & Raja's Story

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Two Sides to a Love Story: Rico & Raja's Story Page 1

by Natavia

  Two Sides to a Love Story: Rico and Raja


  Two Sides to a Love Story: Rico and Raja

  Copyright © 2015 by Natavia

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means without written permission of the author.

  Table of Contents







































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  I bet you start loving me

  Soon as I start loving someone else

  Somebody better than you

  I bet you start needing me

  Soon as you see me with someone else

  Somebody other than you

  And I know that it hurts

  You know that it hurts your pride

  But you thought the grass was greener on the other side

  I bet you start loving me

  Soon as I start loving someone else

  Somebody better than you ~Ciara


  “Greg, get the fuck off me!” my sister Kemira yelled at her boyfriend. He was beating her ass while my mama was at work. I don’t know why she allows him to live with us knowing he beats her ass. Greg was a d-boy so he paid all of the house hold bills and my mama would let him get away with murder.

  I jump on his back and he slings me onto the floor causing me to hit my head on the end table. Kemira charges into him, finally fighting back. “Don’t touch my little sister!” she screams hitting him in the face. He sends a powerful blow knocking her onto the floor. Blood ran from her nose and mouth. Greg had to be drunk because that’s the only time he beats her ass.

  “Bitch, how many times I have to tell you to watch your fucking mouth?” he asks, slamming his fist into her beautiful face. I get up, jumping on his back again and he slams me onto my face. Kemira picks up a vase and hits him with it, making him stumble. She hurriedly gets up and comes to help me up. “Hurry up Raja! We have to go!” she says pulling my arm.

  We run to the door and he cocks his gun. “Bitch, I told you that you weren’t leaving me!” he slurs.

  “Greg, please! I need to get my sister some fucking help! Her face is bleeding!” she cries. I grip her hand tighter.

  “Did you fuck my homeboy? Don’t fucking lie to me! Is that his baby you are pregnant with?” he asks with hurt filled eyes.

  “NO!” she cries.

  “Kemira, don’t fucking lie to me! I followed y’all to the fucking hotel room! But it doesn’t matter… the nigga dead now!” he says.

  “You killed him?” she asks hurt.

  “Bengy is dead bitch, and you are next! Is that his fucking baby? Don’t lie to me or I’m killing you and your fucking sister! He told me it was his baby before I pulled the trigger!” he says with tears in his eyes.

  “YES IT IS!” she screams.

  “I fucking loved you!” he says, shooting her multiple times. Her body falls on top of mine. I start screaming as her blood runs from her body onto mine.

  Greg puts the gun in his mouth, blowing the back of his head off. Blood was everywhere…

  I wake up from my nightmare. “Stop snoring nigga, shit!” I push Rico half-way off of the bed. This nigga sleeps like a bear after he drinks.

  “Leave me the fuck alone, Raja! I’m tired as fuck! I have to get up for school in a few hours and your lil’ ass keeps fucking with me!” Rico fusses.

  “Nigga, if you wake Zy up, I’m fucking you up! I’m sick of you coming in this bitch late, drunk and high, like I don’t have to fucking work, you ignorant light-skinned bitch!” I scream, punching him on the arm.

  “Shorty, hit me one more time! I’m fucking your ass up! Now, I have been letting you put your hands on me too fucking long. You lucky I’m scared to hit your little ass back fearing that I might rupture a lung or something! You pissing me the fuck off!” he says getting out of bed putting his clothes on.

  “Darico Lamar Day! If you walk out of that door don’t bring your ass back! All I’m saying is that you need to have some fucking respect! You come in here late, like it’s not two in the fucking morning, knowing I have to be up at six! You keep on hanging with Tarae like you don’t have a woman you got to come home to! Tarae is single with NO kids! He can do what the fuck he wants!” I tell him as he grills me.

  Rico and I have been living together for a few months now. I was a bit skeptical about it because his mind is young at times. I’m only twenty and he is nineteen. I started messing with him when he was only seventeen, getting ready to turn eighteen. I caught feelings for him along the way, even after I found out he was messing with some little hood rat name Dior. After Zy was born, Rico really started chasing me! I have been giving him the goods but I refused to become official with him. The day of my friend, Cam daughter’s party a few months ago, I decided to give him a chance. He even went as far as calling my other friend, Tee-Tee’s man Corey, phone looking for me. Corey’s simple ass had Rico on speakerphone as he cursed me out.


  Corey walks in with Rico on speakerphone. “She sitting right here looking at you text her!” Corey tells on me.

  “Raja, you better answer the damn phone! I know you see me calling you! You trying make me look like a bitch nigga? I should come over there and strap you into a highchair and feed you my dick, since that’s the only time you rap to a nigga! You trying to play me! You act like you don’t fuck with me when you around your friends. It’s all good though. I’m not fucking with you no more! I’m only dealing with my son and that’s it. Matter of fact, I’m getting ready to pull up!” Rico hangs up and we all start laughing.

  A few moments later Rico comes through the door with a few gifts for Parker. He sets them down on the table with the rest of the gifts. He daps up the men then he comes over to me.

  “Raja, I need to holla at you real quick,” he says to me.

  “About what? Don’t you see I’m talking to my friends?” I ask him. He bends down and whispers in my ear, “Get your ass up or else I will embarrass your ass! You already know I will. Walk your ass outside now!” he says walking out the door.

  Everyone starts laughing at me. “That’s some act right for you!” Tee-Tee says.

  “That lil’ nigga just put his foot down!” Killa says.

  “Go ahead, Raja! You know that lil’ nigga got a temper problem,” Royal says. I give them all the finger and they laugh even harder. These niggas think I’m a joke!

  When I walk outside and Rico is leaning against his BMW, which was a graduation gift from Royal, he grills me with his arms crossed.

  “What the fuck you want Rico? Why you clowning?” I ask him.

  “I’m tired of chasing behind you, Raja! You only deal with me when you want to deal with me. Only time you really call me is when you want some dick
or if you need something for Zy,” he says to me.

  “When you leave that bitch alone I will think about working on us,” I tell him.

  “I don’t fuck with Dior! I keep telling you that!” he says. I believe him this time since she hasn’t been calling his phone lately like she always does. I know I was still fucking him, but it was on my time and only when I wanted it. I’d be damned if this nigga calls the shots when he knows he has a girlfriend.

  “So what are you saying Rico?” I asked him.

  “What we doing Raja? We making this official or what? I want you be my shorty,” he says smiling at me, making me blush. I’m in love with this fool and I can’t help but to be.

  “Awww, you want some Raja loving?” I asked him, walking up on him. He bends down cuffing me by the ass, kissing my neck.

  “Hell yeah I want some Raja loving! You going to give it to me?” he asked squeezing my ass harder. I roll my eyes at him and he laughs.

  “Girl, cut that shit out! You know you be wanting a nigga,” he says kissing my lips.

  “Okay, Rico, I want you! But if you fuck with my heart I’m coming for yours!” I warn him.

  “As much as I hate to break up y’all’s cute moment, y’all might want to hurry up in here and eat. Royal and Killa fixing their plates and y’all know their asses are greedy,” Cam says holding R.J, her other child while he tries getting away from her.

  We laughs at her then walk back into the house.

  “Raja, what your little ass happy for?” Corey asks. I roll my eyes at him. Everyone was looking at me as I blushed from all of the attention I was receiving.

  Now, I’m sitting here staring at him. Rico is fine as hell, though so sometimes I have to overlook his ways. He is six feet tall and has thick curly hair that’s tapered on the sides. He has these light brown eyes and kissable lips. His cheek bones are strong, almost like an Indian. His eyes slightly slant also. The nigga is just fine! I didn’t want his ass at first until he grew on me and refused to leave me alone. I gave in and now look at me. I have a ten-month old son and this nigga still cannot act right. I used to be wild and fucking anything that walks. There wasn’t any shame in how I got down. I ended up tripping in love. I would say falling but this shit was a mistake. I love me some Rico but he is just selfish as hell!

  “See, this the shit I’m fucking talking about! You my fucking shorty, not my damn mama! I come in when I feel like it! I hang with who the fuck I wanna hang with! I don’t say shit when you go to all these gay events with Gary’s fruity ass. I can’t do shit! I’m sick of this shit! I can’t even fuck you when I want to. I can’t piss without you standing behind me. Even when I go to school, you bitch about that. Tell me Raja, what I can do?” he snaps.

  “Grow the fuck up!” I shout, getting out of bed.

  “Funny as hell lil’ shorty, because you don’t see me telling your short ass that! I’m just going to leave because you pissing me off. I don’t have time for your shit. Keep treating me like I’m some lil’ ass nigga! I’m grown over here! I take care of my family. I might be doing some shit I’m not supposed to be doing, but I do what I got to do. I’m in college so my son won’t have to worry about growing up like how I had to. So don’t come at me with that bullshit about me growing up! Maybe if you shut the fuck up and stop bitching, I wouldn’t have to wait until you sleep to come home! Damn, you pissing me off!” he says putting on his Timbs.

  “Rico, if you walk out here this time of morning, I promise you it’s going to be some shit!” I tell him as he laughs at me.

  “Shorty, on some real shit though. You are not doing a fucking thing! I’m sick of your fucking mouth,” he says grabbing his keys, walking out of the door and out of the house. I call his phone and he sends me straight to voicemail. He is cheating and I don’t give a damn what anyone says.

  The next day I drop Zy off to daycare then head to “Fountain of Youth”. Since the owner, Jamie doesn’t work here anymore and became a stay-at-home mother, it hasn’t been the same. Keisha, one of the stylists I couldn’t stand, has been fired so now it’s been peaceful. It’s a new stylist that Tataliscious hired since he runs the place now. Her name is Kenyatta. She’s cool with me, but the few other ones that work here I’m not too crazy for. Jamie has a new salon in Washington D.C, so sometimes I go back and forth to make extra money. The one in D.C, I makes a killing off of.

  I go to my station and sit down in the chair until my first appointment arrives. I call Rico and he still isn’t answering my phone calls. I call Tee-Tee because she understands my problems more than anyone. When I call her I hear Cora making noises in the background.

  “What’s up Raja? What’s the matter? What that fuck nigga do? Do you need me to murk his ass?” she asks laughing but I know her crazy ass is serious.

  “Tee, the nigga came home this morning drunk and high. Then he starts snoring and when I woke him up telling him he needs to stop all that extra crap, he started fussing about how I act like his mama. Then the nigga leaves right back out and has not been answering the fucking phone. I’m fed up! We’ve only been living together for a few months now, and the shit is pitiful. We got along better before we decided to move in together,” I vent. Lannie looks at me then rolls her eyes.

  “Let me take this call in the back, before I fuck a bitch up quickly with these hot curling irons. Bitches all in my grill! Can you pay my bills?” I asked Lannie. She gives me a smirk then shakes her head.

  “Lannie, are you fucking my man or something? Since you started working here you’ve been throwing shade. I don’t even fucking know you! But it’s obvious you know me so cough that shit up or choke on it. But whatever you do, keep your fucking eyes off of me! I’m sick of this shit!” I say hopping up, switching to the back. That will give her ass something to watch with her flat ass.

  I go to the back and slam the door.

  “You went off on that bitch!” Tee-Tee says laughing.

  “Girl, all she does is grill me, but when I say something to her she just has this smirk on her face like the bitch knows something I don’t. If I find out that bitch fucking Rico I’m going off!” I said.

  “That bitch better know what time it is. I haven’t ridden Pretty Bitch in a minute! When I gets on her, best to believe it’s not good! They better leave my baby alone!” Tee-Tee spat and I rolled my eyes. There she goes with that baby shit.

  “Tee, what should I do? I can’t take this shit!” I say on the verge of tears.

  “Honestly Raja, I don’t know boo! I mean, I know Corey and my situation was similar, but then again it wasn’t. I knew what I wanted and Corey knew what he wanted, he just couldn’t keep his dick in his pants. Rico on the other hand loves you, and we all know that. But, I don’t think he knows you feel the same way about him. I mean, you talk to the nigga like shit! Girl, if that was Corey he would’ve slapped the hell out of my ass! Rico has been chasing after you for a long time and all you’ve done is dog him out. I guess he is getting fed up. Didn’t you bust his lip last week? You flattened his tires last month. Then you stay breaking his cell phone. Trust me I know all about it. I hear him and Corey talking. You know I be listening making sure Corey don’t bring a bitch up,” she says with no shame.

  “How did you bust his lip anyway, Raja? I know y’all weren’t standing up!” she says laughing.

  “He was talking mad shit so after dinner he sat on the toilet. I went in there, punched him in the face, picked Zy up and stormed out the house. I had my purse, keys and all that by the door. Zy was dressed and everything!” I tell her, suddenly feeling bad.

  “Raja, that was wrong! I would never do some shit like that! You better stop before you end up like Jamie. You saw the shit she went through and you didn’t learn from it?” she asked.

  “That’s different Tee-Tee! She didn’t love her husband; I love my nigga!” I spat.

  “Well bitch, tell him then! You’re telling me when you need to be telling him how you feel! Corey and I had our problems but he never walked
out the door questioning my love for him. So, get your shit together Raja. You’ve been around us when we all went through our bullshit and you need to learn from it,” she says. That’s why I’m hard on Rico because I have been around them while they went through their shit and it was all a mess. I’m trying to make sure we don’t turn out how they were. I guess me trying is making us how all the couples in the FAM used to be. Also, something bad happened to my sister when I was only ten years old, and I refused to follow in her footsteps.

  “Who the fuck your baldheaded ass talking to this time of morning? Tee, real nigga shit, that better not be no damn nigga on the phone. Fuck you whispering for?” I can hear Corey asking her in the background. That nigga’s mouth is foul!

  “Nigga, will you mind your fucking business? I’m talking to Raja! Corey, please don’t start no shit with me this morning! I can’t even talk in fucking peace around this damn house!” she yells at him.

  “Fuck all that. Where my breakfast at? Tell Raja’s handicapped ass you have a damn man! She needs to tend to hers. Tell her short ass next time she comes to the basketball court clowning, I’m putting a cherry bomb under her little ass car. That will teach her ass. She comes down there accusing Rico of cheating on her… nothing but us niggas balling. I lost a damn stack because I bet on Rico. She made Rico miss the shot! He needed to smack her ass one good time. She keeps this shit up I will do it for him!” he says in the back. I knew he was serious too. I can’t stand Corey’s arrogant, evil ass!


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