Ms. Infinity (Book 1): Earth's Greatest Hero

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Ms. Infinity (Book 1): Earth's Greatest Hero Page 15

by Kirschner, Andrew

  “What?!” snapped the customer.

  “This doesn’t have a tag. So could you please find me one that does? I need the line to keep moving.”

  “You can’t find the price tag, and you want me to go back there for you?”

  “I don’t mean to cause a problem.”

  “This place is pathetic. You know what? I’m starting to hate shopping here. Everything about this store is incompetent. So what are you trying to make me do now? I just want this to be done quick. Now you want me to run back for you?”

  “I’m sorry to cause a problem, but I can’t find out the price without a tag. All I need is another one with a price tag. When you come back, I’ll take you first. It doesn’t even have to be the same size or color.”

  “You’re the customer service. You can find it.”

  Technically the customer was right. It was her job to find the garment with the tag. She had little choice but to search for the item. It was some distance to the women’s department and back. By the time she got back, the customers behind were irate.

  “Why did I have to wait for that?” complained a woman a few places down the line, “You don’t know what you’re doing.”

  “I’m sorry,” said Lisa patiently, “This is what I have to…”

  “This isn’t fair to her,” said Denny, who was standing beside the customer, “You should apologize to her right now.”

  “Thank you for standing up for me,” said the woman.

  “My pleasure,” said Denny smirking.

  “It’s disgusting how incompetent this girl is,” shouted the man behind her, “I’m sorry, but in my day, someone this lazy and incompetent would be out of a job. Where’s the manager? It’s time someone stood up for the people here.”

  “I’m the manager,” said Denny with a satisfied look on his face.

  “Hi. So if you don’t mind my saying so, you should fire this girl. She doesn’t know what the hell she’s doing.”

  Denny looked at her coldly. “Yeah you’re right,” he said, “I’m stuck with her.”

  “You can’t get rid of her?”

  “If you only knew the lazy kids I’m dealing with. She’s the worst one.”

  “Is this job too hard for you?” called a woman with cruel sarcasm, “Maybe you can go home and get a foot rub.”

  “She didn’t understand that,” shouted the man who had called for the manager, “The little geisha girl doesn’t understand English.”

  “Geisha!?” snapped Lisa, “What the hell? I’m not even Japanese!” Then she stopped and shook her head. The customer probably didn’t even know the difference.

  “Oh!” mocked the man, “Did I offend your politically correct sensibilities? Are your little feelings hurt? Well that’s too bad. Do me a favor. The next time one of your people takes an American job, make sure you know how the hell to do it. Otherwise, get the hell out of my country.”

  Lisa finally lost her composure and began to cry. Maria came up and intervened. “Listen, why don’t you take your break. I’ll handle this for a while.”

  When Lisa walked away, several of the line began to cheer cruelly. Denny smirked at her. The customer continued to shout racist cracks at her. It didn’t even die down when she tripped and fell, and cut herself on her forehead. She ran to the ladies room, feeling mortified.

  Isha entered as Lisa was washing her face, attempting to stop the bleeding, and doing her best to clear up her tears. Lisa did not feel much like talking, but she could not disguise her agitation, and Isha looked at her with concern. “Are you alright Lisa?” she asked.

  “Oh it’s nothing to do with you,” said Lisa, “I’m just really starting to hate this job.”

  “I know. Just remember it’s not forever.”

  “Yeah. I know.”

  Isha looked at Lisa kindly. “Look at it this way. Just surviving every day as a victory. I know this might not make sense to you, but just being here is like a rebellion to me. My parents don’t even want me to work. They would have me married to someone of their choosing. I’m defying them just being here.”

  “I sympathize. Thank you.”

  Lisa might have said more, but she was in no mood. She certainly understood. Those kinds of pressures were on her too, though happily not from her parents. During her grandmother’s visit from China, she had made numerous intrusive comments. She would not stop asking why she wasn’t married, and why she was pursuing a career.

  Her parents took her side on that matter. The frustrations she had with her parents were not about that basic issue. They may have had trouble treating her as an adult, but at least they agreed with her career goals. They also agreed that relationships and marriage should come in their own time, and at her discretion. Her mother had told her to be careful in selecting a husband. “You want to know the man very well first,” she would say, “That feeling of love ends, and sooner or later you will find yourself stuck with him. You’d better know what you’re getting into.”

  Bonnie agreed whole-heartedly, and at that also had her mother’s blessing. The worst thing to her was a man who was too “dominating.” She had recently had a date with a wealthy young man who had told her that her he would never allow his woman to work. He actually saw that as a selling point. To Bonnie that was a deal breaker. The date was ended almost immediately.

  Bonnie had said many times that she did not want to be tied down. The idea actually scared her. Her anxieties about it were strangely vivid. She spoke of men who might speak of taking care of her, but would ultimately imprison her. She told of gilded cages; sad stories often emerged about being locked in lovely places with beautiful gardens, but with no choices and no escape. That future seemed strangely specific. Lisa was quite sure it really spoke to something else. Like many cryptic things Bonnie and Betty spoke of, it was a hint of their past, a window into darker times that they would never discuss overtly.

  “Why was Lisa alone here?” whispered Denny.

  “You know what?” snapped Maria, “You might have asked that question before you humiliated her. She’s one of your best workers, and you might know that if you spent any time here.”

  “Mind your own goddamn business!” shouted Denny. Then he grabbed her on her buttocks.

  “Stop that! Just stop!”

  “What are you going to do about it?”

  “I don’t have to take this.”

  “It’s your word against mine. They’re going to start wondering why there’s nobody here on customer service. You can’t manage this place, can you?”

  “You have some goddamn nerve.”

  Denny looked around. “Where is the other customer service girl?”

  “Julia is a little late,” answered Maria.

  “You see? This is what I’ve been talking about. These girls are all like that. You can’t seriously think this Lisa’s any different. They’re all just here for a couple of months, or maybe a year or two. So what? And where’s the one who was here before?”

  “Bonnie had to leave a few minutes early. She didn’t say why.”

  “Yeah. See what I mean? Just like that. And when did Bonnie leave?’

  “I don’t know,” said Maria, “She left little while after Hal. Fifteen, maybe twenty minutes ago.”

  14. To The Next Level

  Ms. Infinity approached Misery’s prison somewhat more ostentatiously than she had before; she appeared in a flash of lightening. She then used her powers to enhance her appearance. As she stood before Misery, the gloat was unmistakable. “Bland Beauty” she was no more. Now she was more like “Invincible Beauty.” Tall and powerful beyond measure, she was utterly flawless, and indescribably beautiful.

  This was the cruelest gesture possible, and she knew it. She hoped by conveying superiority, she might persuade her to disseminate some information. Truth be told, it was as much out about her own frustration as anything. This was the third time she had questioned Misery since capturing her. So far she had gotten nowhere. If there was one thing Misery
knew, it was how to answer in ways that upset her old enemy.

  For Ms. Infinity, it didn’t help that she had to use her old communication. Like so many other things, it was a sign of how much her orientation had changed. Once upon a time, a newly renamed Bonnie Boring had been casually repulsed by human language. In the many years since landing on Earth, Bonnie had come to insist on using English exclusively. She now hated her old language perhaps more than anything. Now she was being forced to use it by someone she despised. In the process she was continually being reminded of her past.

  In this alien communication, Misery wondered: What is that image for? It certainly was not invented for me alone. Was it contrived for the animals of earth? Are you now to be counted as one of them?

  This is none of your concern, reminded Ms. Infinity, Why are you attacking Earth?

  You must be afraid. This is not the first time you are on the run, is it?

  You will answer my questions, said Ms. Infinity sharply, Why are you so far from home?

  And I might ask the same question from you, said Misery, You have been away from Center for much longer.

  Who are you working with? Who is secreted at your space station?

  Misery would not answer. She simply looked back in defiance. Ms. Infinity found this interesting.

  What is going on? demanded Ms. Infinity, I am certain that there is more to this than is apparent. You have to be fighting me for a reason.

  Is everything about you now? said Misery, So it seems it always was with you. It is not to be wondered that you are despised. You stepped on the great, courageous men of Center. You are naught but a harlot.

  So then, is this the reason why you are here? Are you attacking a whole inhabited world just to avenge one person who you feel has dishonored your people?

  So indeed, we are not your people anymore. Or were we ever really? For your treason, you deserve everything ever done to you and more, and everything coming to you too.

  You must answer my questions! You are the prisoner here.

  Misery looked at Ms. Infinity coldly. Yes, I am a prisoner, being without invisible hands to rescue me. But at least I am not imprisoned by my own.

  Ms. Infinity was suddenly furious at her captive. She threatened her. Misery taunted her back. After a moment, Ms. Infinity smashed the wall so hard that the whole room shook, and made a deafening sound.

  Hal marveled that he even still alive. His head throbbing, he struggled to sit up. It seemed he had aches in every part of his body. Did Ms. Infinity carry any aspirin with her?

  He looked around the wreckage. At first glance the entire room seemed ruined. But as he looked around he saw that it was mostly the chairs strewn about, with a couple of broken monitors on the floor as well. He counted himself lucky that he had not been hit by one of those. As heavy as they were, they might well have finished him off.

  Out of sheer curiosity, he tested the video equipment to see if still worked. Surprisingly it still did. Not only that, but the recording he had made was completely intact.

  “Come to think of it,” he wondered, “Where is she?”

  In fact, he had never seen the end of the battle. What if it hadn’t gone her way? Would he now be at Misery’s mercy? The thought of that possibility brought a terror so great that he could only block it from his mind for now. There was, of course, nothing to do but face the new reality. Hal got up and started to look for Ms. Infinity.

  The main hall was empty. So was the kitchen. He checked the bedroom he had slept in. He knocked on another door, which he presumed to be Ms. Infinity’s bedroom. No answer. When he carefully opened it, he saw it to be empty too. There was nobody at the bridge either. Then he looked towards the farther corners, toward hallways he had so far not dared to explore. Was it time to explore them now?

  He looked around the atrium at the various hallways. He had not realized before just how many there were. He walked by a few of them until he thought he heard a sound. Then he stopped and listened. Then he heard something else, a faint rumbling. When he looked into it, all he saw was darkness.

  Hal closed his eyes and sighed deeply. There was a decision to be made. He could wait for Ms. Infinity to come back. Most likely she would. But how long would he wait until that happened? And what if she didn’t? So then what was he getting into now? If she had won, then there was little to worry about; the worst he was getting into was possibly disturbing her sleep. If she had lost, then he would face Misery. He would have to confront that reality sooner or later. But then, there was the possibility that a vestige of the battle was still going on.

  He decided that he could not wait forever. He tentatively started down the hallway. As he moved, he looked back to make sure he remembered how to retrace his footsteps. Sure enough, this hallway was a dark one, and it got darker as it continued. After some distance, it led down a winding staircase.

  This was making him nervous. He was not sure where he was going. It was strange enough being on this magic spaceship in the first place. How did he know that this would not take him somewhere he could not return from? Still he pressed on.

  After some distance, the stairway came to an end. The landing was narrow, and somewhat lighter than before. Ahead the passageway turned sharply. Hal was about to continue, but then he was stopped in his tracks by a deafening crash. The floor shook with enough force to knock him right off his feet.

  Hal may not have been capable of super speed. However there is little doubt that it was at this exact moment that he came the closest he would ever come to achieving it. He ran for dear life back around the narrow corridor, back up the stairs, through the hallway, and back to the atrium. As he arrived, he heard the whishing sound of someone coming after him. His heart raced as the sound came closer, then over his head. A second later he was face to face with Ms. Infinity.

  “Oh!” cried Hal with relief. “It’s you.”

  “You didn’t make dinner!” said Ms. Infinity.

  “Excuse me?”

  “I asked you to have dinner ready. What happened?”

  Hal looked at Ms. Infinity in absolute shock. He wanted to tell her what had just happened, but the words did not come.

  “What were you doing up there?” she continued. “Do you know what I’m dealing with? I nearly got myself killed out there! And now I have a prisoner to work with. I’m sorry, but unless you were knocked out cold, there is no excuse. I just asked for one simple thing.”

  Hal could find no words. He stared at her in shock for a few moments before he began to cry.

  “Now what’s that about?” shouted Ms. Infinity, “What did I say? Alright, Fine! I’ll make dinner. Damnit! One simple thing I asked from you!”

  “Excuse me,” said Hal through his tears, “I was trying to make your video. Remember? You know, that wasn’t easy either. Did you notice that this place wasn’t exactly safe? I almost got…What? Wait! Back up! What was that about a prisoner?”

  “Misery is my prisoner now. Yeah. Do you understand what this is like for me?”

  “You took Misery prisoner?”

  “So, what? Now you’re going to criticize my work? I don’t see you trying to do this. If you can’t do it better yourself, then I don’t want to hear it.”

  “So that was what was going on down there? I just think I have a right to know if we’re suddenly in the dungeon business. Let the record show that I never signed anything.”

  “It’s a prison cell. There’s nothing going on here like that. She’s here because she’s a criminal and I have to deal with her. Don’t make this sound like a cheap exploitation novel.”

  “Forgive me if I’m a little scared after all that I saw. You know, I have to wonder, just how many different guises do you have? I mean, what is your true form anyway?”

  “What kind of question is that?”

  “Alright. I’m sorry. You try watching someone you’ve been dating turn into something ten times your size.”

  “You know what? I told you not to be scared. Like I
said, that was for Misery. You had nothing to fear from me. She did. And she’s now my prisoner, so yes that is what is going on. I’ll try to remember to keep you posted from now on.”

  “Can you forgive me for wanting to know? I have to live with this kind of decision. I mean…we have a prisoner now? I didn’t even know you did that. Can you understand my discomfort? And then I can only guess at the complications. You’re the one who told me we wouldn’t be up here long. Now what? Remember something. I have a family. Two parents. A little sister. They might start to wonder where I am after a week or two. I also need to continue paying rent, or I lose my apartment. And then too you know, I might want to hold on to that job. Money comes in pretty handy to us humans, even if to you we’re like dogs trying to play video games.”

  “Hal, you can calm down now! I’m sorry if this isn’t turning out like you dreamed it would. But I have no choice but to see it through. I promise you will see your mommy again soon enough and…wait a minute…”

  She took a closer look at Hal. After a moment, her expression turned to surprise, then sympathy. “Oh my god, Hal! You did get knocked out!”

  “Yes I did.”

  “Why didn’t you say something before?”

  “You didn’t exactly make it easy.”

  “Wow,” said Ms. Infinity as she moved in closer, “Hal, I’m sorry. Here, I can heal myself with my powers, but I cannot do the same for you. I’m not a doctor. It would be dangerous for me to poke around your body. But I can give you this.”

  She blew into the air for a moment. Then out of nowhere she pulled out an ice pack.

  “Here, Hal. Just for you. This wasn’t really all that magical. I just blew on the moisture in the air with my freeze breath.”

  “Oh. Okay, Ms. Infinity. I’ll be sure to try that trick myself sometime.”

  “The plastic casing took some more manipulation, and right. You don’t have freeze breath. I can also do this for you.” She leaned in and gently kissed the bump. “There. Good as Mom?”


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