Book Read Free

Date in Disguise

Page 11

by Laura Westbrook

  I don’t quite know why, but instead of tossing them on the floor, I gave them to him. For a moment, he held them up as if they were a trophy, perhaps some symbol of acquiring me and vanquished territory. Only a guess. Maybe I wanted him to keep them. Driving home tomorrow morning without panties because of him was a sexy thought.

  “These are pretty,” he said. “Beautiful just like the woman wearing them.”

  I willed myself not to blush under his flattery, but I don’t think I succeeded. “Thank you.”

  In one move, he leaned over and picked up my legs from behind my knees and tugged until my back hit the bed. It didn’t knock the wind out of me, but it certainly took my breath away. Here was this beast of a man, muscle from front to back, looming over me, a petite woman in the most vulnerable position possible. I wanted to be vulnerable to him. I wanted him to ravish me. I wanted it more than anything else I could remember.

  But instead of diving right in, he surprised me by lowering himself down to my hips and kissing along my inner thigh. The soft skin there was so sensitive that goosebumps broke all across my skin. He started above my knee on one leg and worked all the way up until he switched and did the same on the other leg. He danced around the one area that really mattered, as if teasing me the way I’d attempted to tease him earlier.

  I gritted my teeth and held back the internal screaming. I was desperate to feel his lips on me. I needed it. Too much longer and I’d have to literally tell him so, which made me stop and think about how I’d shed my shy persona since meeting him. Why shouldn’t I?

  “I need it,” I blurted out.


  “I mean, I need your lips. On me.” Not my most eloquent moment, but I meant every word of it. It felt good to speak up like that.

  He smiled. “Of course.” And barely before the words left his lips, he pressed them between my legs.

  Warmth blossomed there, and the sensation was so strong that the sheet bunched up between my fingers. I opened my eyes after what felt like an eternity, even though I was pretty sure it was just a minute or two of pure bliss delivered by a man who knew exactly what to do with his tongue, other than tell me nice things.

  “How did you get so good at this?”

  “Would you believe…natural talent?”

  “I could believe that,” I breathed. “I’ll believe whatever you want as long as you don’t stop.”

  And he didn’t. He continued for another few minutes—time was pretty fluid there for a little while—until he stopped and rose up. He locked eyes with me in such a delicious way and moved his hips between my legs. Gripping both my calves in either hand, he raised them so my legs could spread even wider for him.

  Maintaining that eye contact, he grabbed a hold of himself and entered me. I wondered yet again if he’d be able to fit, even though he did fine last time, but I couldn’t help it. He worked the tip inside and moved back and forth a little while as my body adjusted to him. He was so considerate, the way he didn’t just shove himself in and hurry to finish, and I appreciated that.

  He eased himself in further, and I felt him slide in easier. Everything else didn’t matter except for that one moment. Everything I’d experienced in that roller coaster of a day melted away, leaving just the two of us. I loved the way he felt inside me, and it was definitely something I could get used to. I stared up into his driven, intense eyes and realized how often I could enjoy sharing this with him, for a very long time.

  As I came to this realization, warmth blossomed in my chest as well as between my legs. This man was special, and I planned on seeing where things went with him. His lips met mine again, and this kiss went for much longer than our previous ones. I savored that connection.

  As our kiss broke, my lips vibrated against his. It was like he poured lighter fluid on the campfire of my pleasure, and that exploded into a raging bonfire, threatening to take over everything. My thighs clamped around him, and my hips moved along with his rhythm, pushing back against him whenever he moved forward in an effort to make it harder, faster. My body was taking on a mind of its own.

  As if sensing my need, his thrusts grew faster, and he gripped both sides of my hips for leverage. The angle he had in me at that exact moment was mind blowing. I didn’t know exactly what the secret was or what the mechanics were, but any second now, I was ready to burst.

  Then, like a clap of thunder, it happened, and an orgasm ripped through me, shattering any notion of composure I had left, leaving me a hot mess of clenching, gripping, and toe curling. I think I said something at one point, but it was more than likely straight gibberish. Sex God might have been a phrase that flashed in my thoughts, although whether I said it aloud or not, I had no idea.

  It all wasn’t over yet, though. His chest rose and fell in quick succession, and he panted in his efforts, showing just as much need as I had.

  “Are you going to come, baby?”

  “Yeah, I am.” He could barely get the words out, he was so close.

  “I want you to.” I reached around his hips and helped to show him how badly I wanted it. “Come inside me. Please.”

  He did just that. His hands landed where they were, one over my left hip and the other over my breast. He roared and pumped countless times into me, spreading the heat into my core. I felt every single one of those pumps, every pulse his impressive self made inside me. His climax lasted even longer than mine, and he finally collapsed on the bed next to me.

  “How was it for you?” I asked.

  He chuckled breathily. “You have to ask? That was amazing. Any time is with you. And I don’t see that changing anytime soon.”

  “Neither do I.”

  He brushed my cheek with a finger. “I think I’m falling for you.”

  “You are?” I couldn’t squeeze out any more words than that. My breath seized in my throat.

  “I know we have a lot of getting to know each other to do, but I just have a good feeling about you. I always have.”

  I turned on my side and brought my face closer to his. Everything in his expression was real. We were something real, born out of something that wasn’t. And somehow, we’d turned it all around.

  “I think I am too.” That next kiss was our sweetest yet, like a butterfly fluttering over and landing on a rose petal. But of course, I wouldn’t be me if I didn’t find a way to ruin the moment somehow. “Although, before I admit I’m hopelessly into you, you have to meet all my animals first.”

  “How many are there?”

  “At least hundreds. They’re all hungry, and some of them could eat you.”

  “I don’t know. I’m pretty tough.”

  I squeezed his biceps and giggled. I didn’t make that sound for just anyone, but it was happening more often with him. “Super tough. I’ll feel safe with you.”

  “They all stay at the zoo, right? We’re not talking about any take-home situations, are we?”

  “No promises.”

  He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me in close. I rested my head back against his chest and stared out the window. I had a feeling the animals would like him just as much as I did.



  “Stop cheating,” Gavin said.

  I wrinkled my nose as the bottom of the blindfold tickled my cheeks. “I’m not, and you know it. You tied it yourself, and there must be at least two or three layers to this.”

  “No, there’s just one. It’s just a very good one. It even has little dark patches in front of the eyes. For little cheaters like you.”

  I slapped his arm and laughed. I missed, but that was beside the point. “You’re being ridiculous. Of course I’m not cheating. You’ve been planning this, whatever it is, for weeks. I’m not going to be the jerk who ruins the surprise.”

  “I appreciate that. You’re right about how long it took to put together. Actually, a little longer than that—just keep all that in mind when you see it. You know, for bonus points.”

  “Yeah, we�
�ll see. I don’t even know where we’re going.”

  “You’ll know when we get there.”

  “Surprises make me nervous.”

  He laughed. “Necessary evil. Think about something else. Hey, that meeting with my lawyer went well. He said your brothers are signing the buyout contract soon, so within a few days, you’ll be officially out of Quinn Enterprises for a decent sum.”

  I inhaled and let all the breath out at once. “That’s a relief. I wouldn’t have been surprised if they sabotaged it at the last moment.”

  “There’s really nothing they could do. You know about the part where I had my lawyers look over the will your dad left. You had a full thirty-three percent ownership in the company and not the tiny portion your brothers have been telling you all these years, but the part where the lawyers took over was just as interesting.”

  “How so?”

  “Basically, my lawyers threatened to sue for all the missing funds and misdirection and all that. Losing a third of their company’s value is huge, but cheaper than what my guys would get out of them. If I let them loose on your brothers, they’d be lucky if they had a cardboard box to sleep in after what they put you through for years. They’re lucky I never showed up on their front doorstep.”

  “I’m just glad it’s all over with. I know I’ve thanked you for all your help, but I really do appreciate it. I don’t know how I would’ve done it without you.”

  He tapped the steering wheel. I could tell by the hollow sound it made. “Of course. I’d do anything for you. What are you going to do with your new funds?”

  “God, I have no idea. Probably something boring like stick it in a savings account and pull a little out every month. Have some breathing room now that I’m not with the company anymore.”

  “Well, you’re better off without them. They didn’t know what they were missing with you. They stuck you in a filing cabinet room when you had an eye for design all along. The line you helped design for me is actually selling better than your brothers’ top line, you know. I bought an expo booth next to theirs last month and made sure my employee dropped the hint in a way they’d know. I figured you’d like that.”

  It certainly didn’t hurt. There was a part of me that enjoyed them knowing they messed up. “I love you.”

  “I love you too, babe. Now don’t even think about trying to figure out where we’re going. I took extra turns just to throw you off.”

  Damn it. I’d been counting too. I slid my hand over to his side and rested it on his leg. The last eight months had been a whirlwind. We’d spent a decent chunk of it vacationing and taking cruises. Once he’d heard I’d never been on a cruise before, he made it his life’s mission to get me on one, and once we’d floated our way up the coast of Alaska, iceberg hunting, we were hooked. Luckily, he had a great number two running things at his company while he was away, and the zoo worked with my schedule when I took time off. It had all clicked into place perfectly.

  I felt the vehicle take yet another right turn, and I resigned myself to the fact that I had no idea where we were or where we were headed. I just had to trust him, which had been my motto since meeting him and it worked out pretty well for me.

  The main bit of trust had been moving in with him, which happened pretty quickly, not all that long after we became an official couple. I’d been filtering things over slowly as we started dating, and the last of my things had finally moved over last month. The timing worked out well, as the lease for my apartment had come up for renewal two months prior, and one night over dinner, he’d joked that I should let it lapse and move in with him.

  At least, I thought it had been a joke at first, but when I noticed he wasn’t laughing, I really thought about it. There was nothing holding me back, so I said yes on the spot. There was no question which place was nicer, and considering he owned his and I was just renting, it was the obvious choice for me to move in with him. Carrying my last box of stuff through his front door was a revelation. I’d always hoped to get to a place like that in my life one day, and I was finally there.

  Suddenly, the car stopped. It had been slowing down for maybe the past half-mile, so maybe we were in a parking lot or something like that. I fumbled for the door handle and cautiously opened it.

  “Are there any cars next to me?” I asked.

  “No, there isn’t. I picked a spot with a lot of room. It also doesn’t seem very busy today, so we’re not too far away. Here, take my arm.”

  I tucked my arm under his, reminiscent of the night we’d first met. In some ways, it felt like yesterday, and others, years ago. I’d learned so much about myself since then and what I was capable of.

  “Can I take this blindfold off now? We’re already here, right? Wherever here is.”

  “Patience, my love. We’ll be there soon. Just a bit of walking.”

  “You’re not going to walk me into anything, are you? You’re keeping an eye on the ground ahead of me?”

  He chuckled. “Yes, I promise. I’ve got your arm, so even if you stumble I’ll catch you.”

  I heard people around us, but I couldn’t tell if they were crowds or just simply a few people walking past. Oddly, I caught a whiff of popcorn, which was a random thing to smell. There was something about the atmosphere that seemed familiar, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. It was starting to come to me. If I could just think about it a little bit longer.

  “Pardon us,” he said, and I realized there were even more people around than I realized. My shoulder brushed someone else’s, and Gavin’s hand held onto my shoulder tighter and guided me the right way. Someone nearby mentioned an event, and my curiosity piqued even further.

  “What have you gotten me into?” I’d said it mostly under my breath, but he responded anyway.

  “Only good things. You’ll see.” A few moments later, he said, “Okay, there are three steps up. Here’s the first one.”

  Even though he warned me, it still took me a little by surprise. I wasn’t used to not being able to see them. But I kept my composure mainly with the help of his steadying arm and made my way up.

  “Everything ready?” said a voice that sounded an awful lot like the director at the zoo I volunteered at.

  “We’re all set,” Gavin said. “Whenever you want to get started.”

  “Can I take this off yet?” I asked.

  “Almost there, babygirl,” Gavin whispered, just loud enough for me to hear. “You’ll see soon.”

  “I’d like to thank everyone for coming out here today,” the mystery voice said, raising his volume as if he wanted a crowd to hear him. “I’d like to also thank the weather for cooperating, especially with the several days of rain we’ve had lately. Even the sea lions are starting to say enough.”

  From slightly below me, I heard the dull roar of people chuckling at his joke. We must be at the zoo! The realization slammed into place. What in the world are we doing here? I didn’t know Gavin knew the zoo director, much less having talked to him before.

  “We haven’t had a new exhibit here in two years, mainly due to focus on current enclosures and remodeling a few of them, but thanks to the support of our excellent staff, one in particular who is standing on stage with us…”

  Gavin squeezed my shoulder from behind as if to punctuate that part of the speech.

  “…we have something new to celebrate.”

  My brain was going into overdrive to filter what all this meant. I worked hard, but surely the zoo had other volunteers there. I’d mainly only interacted with actual zoo employees, but that didn’t mean they weren’t out there. Why would they be recognizing me?

  “And, of course, we’d like to thank the benefactor who’s made all this possible with his generous donation. He’s been involved with the process every step of the way, even bringing the crews lunch every now and then. One of the best sandwiches I’ve ever eaten was in one of those lunches. We’ve inscribed his name on both the foundational brick and the very first walking stone before you enter, for
ever commemorating his contribution. We thank you, sir.”

  Applause broke out, revealing to me just how many people there were. I couldn’t venture a proper guess, but there seemed to be at least dozens. Perhaps a hundred. Someone’s fingers slid underneath the strap around the back of my head holding the blindfold in place.

  “Without further ado, introducing Plainsview Heights’s very first peacock and peahen enclosure!”

  The blindfold disappeared the moment the curtain covering the front panel of the enclosure came down, revealing a beautifully large square, filled with over a dozen peafowl wandering about, checking out their new surroundings. One of the peacocks had his full plumage out, aimed at a particular peahen.

  My breath caught in my throat. I’d never seen anything so gorgeous. It had a small pool of running water connected by a stream along with many different layers for perching, anywhere from boulders to rock wall crevices and gullies. The employee access on the far side had a double gate system to keep the animals from escaping, which looked super convenient for the staff. I’d lost count of how many times I’d seen an animal almost let out because the worker wasn’t watching their back as they left. Honestly, every enclosure could use one of those, but they weren’t cheap.

  The crowd applauded while they gawked, many of them snapping pictures and murmuring. I had no idea the zoo had groupies like this, but it thrilled me to see it. I spotted Chloe in the crowd, cheering with the rest. She wore her uniform and was clearly on duty, but maybe she couldn’t help herself. I noticed her manager approaching the crowd, and when I looked back, she’d disappeared.

  The director went on to discuss the method of how the peafowl had been acquired and some fun facts about the animals, what they ate, etc. I loved the information, but I kept glancing behind me to Gavin. I had a million questions I wanted answered all at once. Of course, he was clearly the person responsible for all this, but why?

  “Thanks again everyone for coming out. If you need maps for the rest of your day, they’re located twenty yards that way, and we have live music at our clubhouse starting in an hour from lunch through dinner.”


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