Book Three: Thirty Days, Book 3

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Book Three: Thirty Days, Book 3 Page 5

by Bibi Paterson

  “I think I have an idea,” I say grinding my arse into his crotch, never ceasing the attention to my clit. I am panting hard and I can feel that I am about to come when suddenly Taylor whips my hand away.

  “Your orgasms belong to me, baby,” Taylor murmurs before placing his hand where mine was only moments ago. He holds my eyes in the mirror as his cool fingers find my clit and bring me back to the precipice of my orgasm and then, with one flick, I am climaxing as he commands me to come for him.

  I barely have time to register what is happening before Taylor is spinning me around and lifting my bum onto the edge of the counter and plunging into me. Somehow in all of this he has managed to discard his clothes and I find my nails digging into the bare skin on his back. I know that I am probably going to leave marks, but right now I don’t give a shit as I wrap my legs tightly around his waist ensuring that I take him in as deeply as possible.

  Taylor fucks me with a punishing rhythm that borders on primal. He grunts and I groan and somehow that combination of sounds drives me even closer to another orgasm. I can feel it building, white hot sparks burning through every inch of me until my whole body feels ready to explode. I slip my hand between us and pinch my clit hard and I feel my entire body tense as my climax consumes me, wave after wave of pure pleasure washing over me. I bury my head in Taylor’s neck feeling the mounting tension in his muscles as he finds his own release. At last he collapses onto me, bearing his weight on his arms as he grips the edge of the counter.

  “That was the sexiest thing I have ever seen,” Taylor murmurs as he tries to catch his breath. I feel my lips curving into a satisfied smile as I place a gentle kiss on his neck. We remain like this, wrapped in each other’s arms until the air cools and the stars begins to twinkle in the twilight, all immediate thoughts of barbeques and food long forgotten as we take pleasure in merely belonging to each other.

  The Fifth

  My hands are shaking as I drive into Brighton. Taylor was gone this morning when I woke for an early meeting in London so I took my time getting up. The bathtub was just too tempting so I spent a good hour wallowing like a like a happy hippo until the water turned cool and my fingers and toes began to resemble prunes. Coffee and croissants on the patio followed until I finally had to admit to myself that the holiday was over and it was time to get back to reality, something that was compounded when my mum called to tell me that the flat was ready and that they needed me to view it this morning before final sign off on the construction. I had been so tempted to call Taylor and ask him to be there with me, but I knew that he had so much on his plate at the moment and that it would be too unfair of me to ask.

  Hence the pep talk to myself, telling me to get a grip and put my big-girl panties on. It is only a damn flat for heaven’s sakes! But my hands continue to shake right until the point that I pull my car into my space and spot Taylor’s car on the other side. Early meeting, my arse, I think to myself. I climb out the car just as Taylor exits the front door grinning like a Cheshire cat.

  “You git,” I say to him as he envelops me in a hug.

  “Come on, there was no way I wasn’t going to be here for this. You are going to love it. I promise!” Taylor’s tone is reassuring and, as the warmth from his body starts to infuse my own, my nerves finally begin to dissipate. Just then, my mum pokes her head out the door, beaming from ear to ear.

  “You are here!” she exclaims loudly. “Right, in you go, both of you. Take your time Abby, and then let me know what you think,” Mum says as the excitement bubbles out of her. She squeezes my hand gently and I squeeze hers back trying to convey in that mere touch how grateful I am to her for everything she has done for me.

  I stand at the new front door, hesitating for a moment as I steel myself. A small nudge and smile from Taylor gives me the courage I need and then I am stepping into the remarkably spacious entrance hall. I glance up the stairway but cannot see anything else yet so instead I take in the light grey walls, the white-painted woodwork and the huge picture that hangs on one wall; an Andy Warhol-style picture of cupcakes in bright colours that makes me giggle. Taylor shows me that what I thought was a solid wall is actually a cupboard with sliding doors that is big enough to hold coats and boots and even our new baby buggy which has miraculously appeared from the apartment in London.

  Slowly I ascend the stairs, waiting for the panic to take hold of me but it never does. The soft carpet underfoot muffles my steps and when I finally make it to the top, I stare around in wonder. I have absolutely no sense of what was here before; the layout is so completely different that I have to wonder if any of the original walls are even still in place.

  We have arrived in what I guess is the middle of the building. To my right, everything is open plan and I can see a large living area connected to the kitchen of my dreams and a dining area with a table already set up as if for a banquet. I can see something beyond the kitchen area, slashes of green and pink, but I can’t quite grasp what it is yet.

  Taylor diverts my attention to the left and I see a single entryway. I follow Taylor and find myself in a light and airy corridor which confuses me momentarily until I look up and see the skylights above me framing the vibrant blue sky. There are several doors and I choose the one furthest from me.

  “Guest bedroom,” Taylor explains as I take in the simple wooden furnishings, the pale grey walls and soft dove-grey curtains. Splashes of colour are provided by the cushions scattered about and the lampshade which seems to be made up of hundreds of pieces of different coloured glass. Taylor flicks on the switch and, as the light shines through it, spots of colour appear on the walls making the room come alive. The room is simple and elegant, everything my mother promised it would be. Her vision was spot-on and seeing it brought to life so wonderfully makes me well up with emotion.

  The next room is a family-size bathroom. A large jacuzzi bath sits in one corner while the most complicated-looking shower sits in another. “It also acts as a steam room,” Taylor explains when I ask him if NASA is missing a spaceship. The tiles are warm under my feet and I curl my toes in pleasure.

  The next room is Bean’s and I can’t help the tear that slips down my face when I take in the cot, the change table and the wardrobe. Soft toys adorn the surfaces and the pale pink walls provide the perfect backdrop to the silhouette of a little girl sitting on a swing hanging from the branch of a tree that stretches all around the room. Everything I asked my mum for is here and, as I open up the wardrobe, I see that the shelves and drawers are already filled with clothes and nappies and blankets and pretty much everything else I could think of that a baby would need. My heart swells and I can’t help but think how lucky Bean is to have all these people in her life; she is not even here yet and they are already spoiling her.

  The final room is the master bedroom and as I stand at the entrance, I can’t believe how the architects managed to make the space feel so huge. Not only is there a small en-suite bathroom but they have even managed to fit in a walk-in wardrobe. “I hope you don’t mind, Abs, but I changed a few things in here,” Taylor says softly into my ear.

  Instead of the all-silver walls I asked for, the one behind the bed is a deep indigo that extends up onto the ceiling. Taylor flicks a switch and suddenly I am staring at what seems like hundreds of tiny pinpricks of light that makes me feel like I am staring up at the night sky. I flop down onto the massive bed, sinking onto the silky white sheets and simply gaze upwards with a smile on my face. “This is stunning, Taylor,” I murmur. “Wow, just, wow.”

  Taylor sinks down next to me. “You like it, Abs? It’s not too much?” he asks looking at me with a hesitant expression on his face.

  “No, it’s perfect Taylor. More than I could have ever imagined,” I respond with a contented sigh. As I continue to look around the room, I see numerous black and white pictures. Some are photos of Taylor and me along with other family and friends that I recognise from our wedding day and others I have never seen before. But the one thing that they
all have in common is joy, pure, spontaneous joy.

  “I can’t wait to show you the last couple of things,” Taylor says suddenly getting up off the bed and pulling me up with him.

  “There’s more?” I question.

  “Yup, just a couple more surprises… but this one’s a doozy,” says Taylor with a mischievous glint in his eyes.

  “Uh, okay,” I say curiously. I follow Taylor back through to the main living area taking my time to really look at everything. The large, dark grey L-shaped couch is scattered with more brightly coloured cushions contrasting with the light grey walls. I know it must sound really dreary, but they actually provide the perfect backdrop for the large canvases that dot the room. Beautiful shots of the fauna and flora from Taylor’s trip to the Amazon adorn the walls creating splashes of intense colour around the room which adds to the tranquil atmosphere of the place.

  The kitchen area is all business though and it looks like between Taylor and my mum they have kitted it out with every high-end appliance they could think of. I run my hands over the range cooker already contemplating what I am going to bake first. I randomly begin opening cupboards expecting to find them empty and can’t help letting out a squeal of excitement to find them fully stocked instead.

  But the biggest surprise is when Taylor leads me through a doorway between the living area and the kitchen and I find myself in a small office. The picture of Bread & Cake that Taylor had done for my birthday is hanging on the wall and my laptop is already set up on the desk. Realisation dawns, “This office is for me?” I ask in surprise.

  “Well you couldn’t work downstairs forever,” Taylor says with a chuckle. “Plus when Bean arrives we thought you would need somewhere you could work while also keeping an eye on her. This room has been designed so that from your seat you should be able to see most of the living area so that you can keep track of Bean when she gets more mobile.” I rub my stomach, barely able to contemplate a baby, let alone a toddler.

  “This is amazing Taylor,” I whisper feeling absolutely stunned.

  “And this is the final surprise,” Taylor announces motioning off to his left at a screen. With a flourish, he pulls it back and I simply stare in shock. Running behind the kitchen is a garden of sorts. As I look around, I realise that it is actually a conservatory, but I can see how the windows can fold back to make it feel like you really are outside. I suddenly understand that the flash of pink I saw earlier is, in fact, a large bougainvillea that has been trained along one of the exposed brick walls. Everything about this lush space is designed to trick the mind into making you think that you are outside. I can see a lemon tree in one corner and a lime in another, their glossy green leaves adding to the vibrant array of colours surrounding me.

  There are the most heavenly smells surrounding me and, as I look more closely, I realise that along another wall trails a jasmine and in the last corner stands a frangipani tree. In the middle of it all stands a small bistro table with a couple of wicker chairs, the perfect place to enjoy my morning coffee. I twirl slowly, stretching out my fingertips and letting them brush the plants while tilting my face back as the sun shines through the glass roof. A breeze plays with my hair and if I close my eyes, I can actually believe that I am on a tropical island.

  At the end of this indoor garden, I find another doorway and when I pop through I find myself standing in the dining area where my mum is waiting for me with an anxious look on her face. Without a word, I rush across to her and wrap my arms around her tall frame. “Thank you, Mum,” I whisper through my tears of joy as my emotions take over.

  “You are so welcome, sweetie,” she murmurs into my hair. “After everything you both have been through, you deserve a proper home to call your own.”

  I break away when I hear some voices coming from the stairs, noticing two heads popping up.

  “We couldn’t wait to see it all finished,” Bea says with a twinkle in her eye.

  “Yeah, the suspense has been killing us,” Andreas chuckles.

  “Come up,” I call over. “This place is incredible…” I trail off not sure what other words I can use. Truth be told I am completely overwhelmed and I feel like I am probably missing loads of important details. But this is now my home and I can’t wait to pack up my stuff from the apartment and move in here properly.

  “It’s all here already,” Taylor says reading my mind. “The team moved our stuff last night while we were at the cottage.”

  Bea and Andreas disappear down the corridor to the bedrooms with my mum so I slide my arms around Taylor. “Have I told you today just how much I love you?” I ask earnestly, staring up into Taylor’s chocolate brown eyes.

  “Hmm, not today,” Taylor responds with a light laugh.

  “Well, I love you very much, Mr Hudson,” I sigh.

  “Back at you Mrs Hudson. I love you so very, very much.” Taylor’s eyes crinkle at the corners, warmth shining out of them, as his lips find mine in a slow, sensual kiss that is only broken by a couple of discreet coughs.

  “We’ll leave you two to get, ahem, acquainted with your new home,” my mum says giving me a wink before she, Bea and Andreas disappear down the stairs.

  Like a kid in a candy shop, I feel the need to return to each room, searching for all those details I had missed the first time round. Taylor lets me be but eventually he pulls me into the kitchen and insists that I eat something.

  I munch on a bagel and sip my lemon water sighing as once again I let my eyes wander across the space. “I wish I could have seen those with my own eyes,” I say pointing to the picture that contains a close up of a stunning fuchsia orchid.

  “We’ll go back,” Taylor says firmly. “I would love to show you that part of the world.”

  “I am not sure dragging a baby in nappies half way across the planet would be the best of moves,” I say with a laugh, an image me trekking through the jungle laden down with everything I would need for a baby filling my mind.

  “Well, maybe for a few years we will just have to be content with trips to the botanical gardens at Kew instead,” Taylor says with a smile.

  I finish up the last mouthful of my cream cheese bagel and let out a contented sigh; I finally feel like I have a home to call my own after all these months of living between places.

  “You are so beautiful when you smile like that, Abs,” Taylor comments and I feel the blush rising in my face.

  Taylor gets up from his stool at the counter, spins my chair around and comes to stand in front of me, his legs nudging mine open. The look on his face tells me instantly what Taylor has on his mind and I find myself grinning devilishly back.

  Taylor grabs my face gently and pulls me in for a kiss. As his tongue probes my mouth, exploring it with an intensity that I sense is going to be the order of the day, I feel his fingers gliding across my sensitive breasts before moving lower to work at the knot of my jersey wrap dress nestling above my bump. He makes quick work of it before pushing the fabric open so that I am bared to him.

  Taylor’s eyes seem to darken as he looks at me with a predatory gaze. Reaching forward he yanks the cups of my bra down so that my breasts are forced upwards, the plump globes exposed to his greedy scrutiny. My breathing has picked up and I can feel my heart thumping a rapid tattoo as Taylor takes a nipple in his mouth, rolling the sensitive bud with his tongue before drawing on it sharply.

  A jolt of sensation spears directly into my pussy and I can feel the moisture building in my panties. A groan of pleasure escapes me, my arousal unfurling from my depths and rising through my body until I feel waves of sensation beginning to ripple across my pelvis.

  Taylor suddenly pulls away and I open my eyes to find him unbuttoning his shirt and unbuckling his belt. I lick my lips as he pushes his trousers down his legs along with his boxers giving me an exquisite view of his smooth cock standing to attention. Before I can say anything, though, Taylor grabs my hips and pulls me to the edge of the stool. The loose fabric of my dress is pushed back around my waist,
my lace panties shredded and discarded, and then Taylor is plunging his fingers into me. He sets up a punishing rhythm, fucking me deftly until I am screaming for more. “Taylor, please. I need you. Please…” I implore.

  I can feel how close to the edge I am and all I know is that I want Taylor inside of me. By instead, he denies my request, crooking his fingers so that they find my sweet spot and I come hard, my pussy pulsating around him.

  “Fuck, you are so sweet,” Taylor says when he finally removes his fingers from me and takes his time licking them suggestively, one by one. I let out a little groan as I slowly come back to myself, the force of my orgasm overwhelming to say the least. I pant into Taylor’s bare chest, the sweat on my forehead mingling with his own.

  “I love you so much, Abs,” Taylor mumbles into my ear before capturing my lips once again with his. I explore his mouth, our tongues waltzing in a rhythm unique to us that has me gasping once again for more. A moment later Taylor is gently and ever so slowly pushing into me until he is completely buried in my pussy. I let out a sigh as Taylor stills inside of me, the sensation of fullness one that I have come to crave from our unions. I capture Taylor’s mouth with my own, kissing him with a ferocity that I hope somehow conveys my feelings.

  Taylor sets up a sensuous tempo, rocking into me and rotating his hips until it feels like every nerve-ending in my body is on fire. His thumb finds my clit and begins the rub it gently. Everything about our love-making is slow and measured, but the intensity is unmistakable. I pull back from our kiss to stare deep into his eyes and when we both come together, it feels like my body has been consumed by a fireball that burns through me. My body arches against his, and I hear both our voices mingling as we cry out with our joint release. And when it is over we fall against each other, panting heavily, our eyes closed as we catch our breath. I have no idea of how long we remain like that, Taylor buried inside of me making us the two halves of a whole. It might be seconds, minutes or even hours, but I don’t really care. In that moment, we are two people completely at peace with the world and I really can’t stand for that to end.


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