Knight Eternal (A Novel of Epic Fantasy) (Harbinger of Doom Volume 3)

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Knight Eternal (A Novel of Epic Fantasy) (Harbinger of Doom Volume 3) Page 20

by Thater, Glenn

  “Valhalla,” he said.

  Then Claradon Eotrus fell.



  The Realms

  Asgard: legendary home of the gods

  Lomion: a great kingdom of Midgaard

  Midgaard: the world of man

  Nifleheim: the realm of the Lords of Nifleheim. The very hell of myth and legend.

  Vaeden: paradise, lost

  Places Within The Kingdom Of Lomion

  Dor Eotrus: fortress and lands ruled by House Eotrus, north of Lomion City

  Dor Linden: fortress in the Linden Forest, ruled by House Mirtise

  Dor Lomion: fortress within Lomion City, ruled by House Harringgold

  Dor Malvegil: fortress and lands ruled by House Malvegil, southeast of Lomion City on the west bank of the Grand Hudsar River

  Dor Valadon: fortress outside Dover

  Dover: large city at Lomion’s southeastern border

  Dyvers: Lomerian city known for its quality metalworking

  Lomion City (aka Lomion): capital city of the Kingdom of Lomion

  Riker’s Crossroads: village at the southern border of Eotrus lands

  Tammanian Hall: high seat of government in Lomion; home of the High Council and the Council of Lords

  Temple of Guymaog: where the gateway was opened in the Vermion Forest

  Tower of the Arcane: high seat of wizardom; in Lomion City

  Vermion Forest: foreboding wood west of Dor Eotrus

  Parts Foreign

  Dead Fens, The: mix of fen, bog, and swampland on the east bank of the Hudsar River, south of Dor Malvegil

  Grand Hudsar River: South of Lomion City it marks the eastern border of the kingdom

  Emerald River: large river that branches off from the Hudsar at Dover

  Minoc-by-the-Sea: coastal city

  Tragoss Mor: large city far to the south of Lomion, at the mouth of the Hudsar River, where it meets the Azure Sea


  High Council of Lomion

  Selrach Rothtonn Tenzilvel III: His Royal Majesty: King of Lomion

  Aramere, Lady: Councilor for the City of Dyvers

  Balfor, Field Marshal: Commander of the Lomerian army

  Barusa of Alder, Lord: Chancellor of Lomion

  Cartagian Tenzilvel, Prince: Selrach’s son, insane

  Dahlia, Lady: Councilor for the City of Kern

  Glenfinnen, Lord: Councilor for the City of Dover

  Harper Harringgold, Lord: Archduke of Lomion City

  Jhensezil, Lord: Preceptor of the Odion Knights

  Morfin, Baron: (reportedly dead)

  Slyman, Councilor: Master of Guilds

  Tobin Carthigast, Bishop: Representative of the Churchmen

  Vizier, The (Rabrack Philistine): Representative of the Tower of the Arcane

  House Alder (Pronounced All-der)

  Bartol Alder: younger brother of Barusa, Myrdonian Knight

  Barusa Alder, Lord: Chancellor of Lomion, eldest son of the House

  Blain Alder: younger brother of Barusa

  Edwin Alder: son of Blain

  House Eotrus

  The Eotrus rule the fortress of Dor Eotrus, the Outer Dor (a town outside the fortress walls) and the surrounding lands for many leagues.

  Aradon Eotrus, Lord: (pronounced Eee-oh-tro`-sss) – Patriarch of the House (presumed dead)

  Claradon Eotrus, Brother: (Clara-don) Eldest son of Aradon, Caradonian Knight

  Ector Eotrus, Sir: Third son of Aradon

  Eleanor Eotrus: wife of Aradon

  Gabriel Garn, Sir: House Weapons Master (presumed dead, body taken over by Korrgonn)

  Jude Eotrus, Sir: Second son of Aradon

  Knights & Soldiers of the House: Artol ‘The Destroyer’, Sir Paldor, Sir Glimador Malvegil, Sir Indigo, Sir Kelbor, Sir Ganton ‘the bull’, Sir Trelman, Sir Marzdan, Sir Sarbek, Harsnip, Baret, Graham, Sergeant Balfin

  Malcolm Eotrus: Fourth son of Aradon

  Ob A. Faz III: (Ahb A. Fahzz) Castellan and Master Scout of Dor Eotrus, a gnome

  Tanch Trinagal, Par: (Trin-ah-ghaal) of the Blue Tower; Son of Sinch; House Wizard for the Eotrus

  House Harringgold

  Harper Harringgold, Lord: Arch-Duke of Lomion City; Patriarch of the House; Lord of Dor Lomion

  Grim Fischer: agent of Harper, a gnome

  Marissa Harringgold: daughter of Harper

  Seran Harringgold, Sir: nephew of Harper

  House Malvegil

  Torbin Malvegil, Lord: Patriarch of the House; Lord of Dor Malvegil.

  Landolyn, Lady: of House Adonael; Torbin’s consort. Half-elven.

  Glimador Malvegil, Sir: first son and heir of Torbin, working under the service of House Eotrus.

  Gravemare, Hubert: Castellan

  Hogart: harbormaster

  The Lords of Nifleheim

  Azathoth: god worshipped by the Nifleheim Lords and The Shadow League

  Arioch; Bhaal; Hecate

  Korrgonn, Lord Gallis: son of Azathoth

  Mortach: (aka Mikel) – killed by Angle Theta

  The Crew Of The Black Falcon

  Slaayde, Dylan: Captain of The Black Falcon

  Bertha Smallbutt: ship’s quartermaster

  Fizdar Firstbar ‘the corsair’: former first mate, presumed dead

  N’Paag: First Mate

  Tug, Little: Near 7-foot tall half-lugron seaman

  The Crew/Passengers of The Grey Talon

  DeBoors, Milton: ‘The Duelist of Dyvers’. A mercenary

  Kaledon of the Gray Waste: a Pict, mercenary

  Kleig: Captain of The Grey Talon

  Knights of Kalathen: mercenaries, work for DeBoors.

  The Crew/Passengers of The White Rose

  Rastinfan Rascelon: Captain of The White Rose

  Ginalli, Father: High Priest of Azathoth, Arkon of The Shadow League.

  Ezerhauten, Lord: Commander of the Sithian Mercenary Company

  Finbal, Brackta: arch-mage

  Frem Sorlons: hulking warrior, simpleton; Captain of the Pointmen

  Hablock, Par: arch-mage

  Lugron: hulking brutish humanoids

  Morsmun, Par: arch-mage

  Mort Zag: red-skinned giant

  Ot, Par: arch-mage

  Sevare Zendrack, Par: wizard

  Sithians: sect of knights and soldiers, trained by Ezerhauten

  Others Of Note

  Angle Theta, Lord: (Thay`-tah) (aka Thetan) knight errant and nobleman from a far-off land beyond the sea.

  Azura the Seer: Seer based in Tragoss Mor

  Caradonian Knights: priestly order of knights

  Dolan Silk: (Doe`-lin) Theta’s manservant

  Du Maris, Sir Hithron: Preceptor of the Sundarian Chapterhouse in Tragoss Mor; from Dor Caladrill

  Einheriar: supernatural warriors

  Kayla Kazeran: Part elvish woman from the Linden Forest

  Myrdonians: Royal Lomerian Knights

  Picts: a barbarian people from the Gray Waste

  Pipkorn: (aka Rascatlan) former Grand Master of the Tower of the Arcane. A wizard.

  Snor Slipnet: Patriarch of Clan Rumbottle; a gnome

  Talidousen: Former Grand Master of the Tower of the Arcane; created the rings of the magi.

  Thothian monks: monks that rule Tragoss Mor and worship Thoth

  Vanyar Elves: legendary elven people

  Volsungs: men/humans



  Amulet of Escandell: detects presence of danger; Pipkorn’s gift to Claradon.

  Asgardian Daggers: legendary weapons created in the first age of Midgaard. They can harm creatures of Nifleheim.

  Dargus Dal: Asgardian dagger, previously Gabriel’s, now Theta’s

  Worfin Dal: “Lord’s Dagger,” Claradon’s Asgardian dagger

  Wotan Dal: “Odin’s Dagger”. Pipkorn’s gift to Theta.

  Axe of Bigby the Bold: Made of Mithril; given to Ob by Pipkorn

  Dor: a generic
name for a Lomerian fortress

  Dyvers Blades: finely crafted steel swords

  Ghost Ship Box: calls forth an illusory ship; created by Pipkorn.

  Mages and Monsters: a tactical wargame using miniatures

  Mithril: precious metal of great strength and relative lightness

  Ranal: a black metal, hard as steel and half as heavy, weapons made of it can affect creatures of Nifleheim

  Ring of the Magi: amplifies a wizard’s power; one of twenty created by Talidousen


  For more than twenty-five years, Glenn G. Thater has written works of fiction and historical fiction that focus on the genres of epic fantasy and sword and sorcery. His published works of fiction include the first four volumes of the Harbinger of Doom saga: Gateway to Nifleheim, The Fallen Angle, Knight Eternal, and Dwellers of the Deep; the novella, The Gateway; and the novelette, The Hero and the Fiend.

  Mr. Thater holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Physics with concentrations in Astronomy and Religious Studies, and a Master of Science degree in Civil Engineering, specializing in Structural Engineering. He has undertaken advanced graduate study in Classical Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Statistical Mechanics, and Astrophysics, and is a practicing licensed professional engineer specializing in the multidisciplinary alteration and remediation of buildings, and the forensic investigation of building failures and other disasters.

  Mr. Thater has investigated failures and collapses of numerous structures around the United States and internationally. Since 1998, he has served on the American Society of Civil Engineers' Technical Council on Forensic Engineering (TCFE), is a member of that Council’s Executive Committee, and is the past Chairman of TCFE's Committee on Practices to Reduce Failures. Mr. Thater is a LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Accredited Professional and has testified as an expert witness in the field of structural engineering before the Supreme Court of the State of New York.

  Mr. Thater is an author of numerous scientific papers, magazine articles, engineering textbook chapters, and countless engineering reports. He has lectured across the United States and internationally on such topics as the World Trade Center collapses, bridge collapses, and on the construction and analysis of the dome of the United States Capitol in Washington D.C.







  VOLUME 5+ forthcoming


  (A novelette set in the Harbinger of Doom universe)


  (A novella length version of Gateway to Nifleheim)


  (Combines Gateway to Nifleheim and The Fallen Angle into a single volume)




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