Arcane Corps - Special division of the CAF composed of channelers and Enchantech equipped troops. Notable units are the 12th and 33rd Arcane, both of which have served in well-documented battles, but the actual size and composition of the Corps is unknown outside the purview of ARCH. Corps units are usually assigned to support mundane troops on an ‘as needed’ basis and operate within their own command structure.
ARCH – The enigmatic name for the Arcane Corps high command.
Archie - slang. A member of the Arcane Corps. Normally used derogatorily by mundane troops, who can find the Corps troops a bit snobbish, it is occasionally used jokingly by Corps members themselves.
ATR (Anti-Tank Rifle) - Man-portable light anti-vehicular weapon usually chambered up to 20mm. Commonly used by Coalition dragon hunting troops for penetrating Imperium netherdragon armor.
Backlash - Uncontrolled Vim that floods a channeler’s nervous system as the result of an improperly focused Techniq. Described as feeling like a burning, electrical shock, it can result in nerve damage, weakening or loss of the channeler’s Gift, or even death. Skilled channelers can sometimes avoid backlash by shunting the Vim back into the environment, resulting in a powerful spellshock that can easily be detected by Vimsensitives in the area.
Battlemancer - Arcane Corps combat channeler specializing in BoosterTech and ethergenic weapons.
Booster - Common term for a Personal Vim Amplifier. (See PVA)
BoosterTech - Blanket term used to refer to PVA's and their use to amplify channeling Techniqs.
Burnout - The shattering of a Vimstone due to hyper-resonation of its crystal matrix, usually the result of attempting to push too much Vim through the ’stone. Burnout usually results in severe backlash to the channeler. A shattered ‘stone disintegrates into a fine, black powder called “Dust”, so emphasized due to its unique nature. (See Dust.)
CAF (Coalition Armed Forces) - Multi-national military force composed of units from all Coalition member nations and under the command of the Council of Admirals.
Calandra - Coalition member state. A Confederation of smaller states located in central Freidia. Famous for its powerful military and industrial base, it serves as the backbone of the Coalition.
Channeler - A human born with the Gift and trained in the use of magical Techniqs.
Chirii - ‘KEER-ee’ Netherdragon term for Vim.
Coalition, The - The military alliance between the Freidian nations of Calandra, Medindara, Meilaan, T’lanth, and Valdon.
Dead Zone - Also known as a Void. An area completely lacking in ambient Vim, either naturally or as the result of an anti-magic field such as that created by HEV shells or null grenades.
Disrupted Zone - An area of etheric instability, either natural or as the result of heavy spell casting or the use of ethergenic weapons. Channeling in such areas is difficult and runic effects can become unpredictable. Extremely disrupted zones can result in physical manifestations such as etheric storms, easily identified by their distinctive, roiling black clouds and eerie, green-hued lightning.
Dust - Vimstone Dust. Capitalized for emphasis and to distinguish it from common dirt, it is the fine, black powder left behind by a burned out Vimstone. Dangerous to humans if inhaled and magically resistant, it is a toxic byproduct of enchantech devices and must be handled with care.
Vimstone dust exposure was a serious problem with early enchantech devices but modern Vimstone cartridges encase the ʻstones in a gel medium that captures the Dust in the event of burnout, greatly reducing the likelihood of exposure, even if the casing is breached.
Dynard - Non-linear standard measurement for magical power. Named after the T'Lanthan magitech Traven Dynardeval, who is credited for objectifying the measurement of Vim.
A single Dynard is the amount of Vim burned per second by a standardized light schema. Also used as a rating for Vimstones, denoting the complexity and amplifying power of their crystal matrix.
EComm (Etheric Communication) - Enchantech wireless communication devices constructed around a clairaudience schema and powered by Vim. EComms work like standard radios but have virtually unlimited range, although they can be disrupted by dead zones and certain types of wards.
EDAR (Etheric Detection Analysis Ranging) - A complex system of magical sensors and harmonic resonance detectors used to monitor etheric activity. Analogous to modern RADAR.
Elandis or Elandyss - A planet similar to earth in proportion and general climate. Elandis is a nexus world possessing a powerful Heartstone that supports an extraordinarily high magical aura.
Enchantech - The fusion of rune magic, alchemechanics and technology developed by human magitechs. Examples include: siphon reactors, Boosters, ERIS lenses, and skycruisers.
EP (Ethergenic Plasma) - Vim that is highly concentrated via a specialized Booster array and focused through alchemechanical essence lenses into a physical state. The substance fired by EP rifles.
Ethergenic plasma is highly unstable, both physically and magically, making it disruptive to both magical barriers and physical matter.
ERIS lens (Etheric Resonance Imaging Spectrometer) - Alchemechanical construct that creates a visual representation of etheric harmonics. Central to the constructions of EDAR systems and EVI’s.
Etherum, The - Human term for the magical field of Vim surrounding Elandis. (See also - The Great Flow)
EVI (Etheric Visual Imager) - “EE-vee” A portable ERIS lens. Enchantech goggles used, mostly by mundanes, to see into the Etherum. The image is similar to that of thermal or night vision cameras but is in the magical spectrum. Also known as psychoscopes or Vimgoggles. Some believe that the kaleidoscopic images are harmful if viewed for extended periods but medical evidence has yet to back up that claim.
Gift, The - The ability of some Vimsensitives to learn to channel magical Techniqs. The origins and mechanics of the ability are not fully understood but it is known that it can be lost, typically by the shock of severe backlash.
Gnisis - Homeworld of Netherdragons. Capital world of the Imperium.
HEV (High Explosive Void) - Specialized ordinance combining a chemical explosive warhead with an anti-magic matrix that burns away Vim in a radius from the impact, creating a temporary dead zone. Typically used by artillery and skycruiser cannons for penetrating large-scale barrier wards.
Imperium, The - A vast, interstellar power ruled by the Shadowdragon and his loyal Netherdragon Highlords. Centered on the Netherdragons’ home world of Gnisis, the Imperium spans hundreds of worlds, all conquered for their powerful magical resources. The Imperium’s Legions consist of all manner of exotic creatures harvested from many of these worlds and have been largely unmatched in their relentless march across the cosmos.
JAM (Jacketed Anti Magic) - Standard armor-piercing round imbued with a minor magic penetration schema; used in small caliber projectiles weapons.
LAV (Low Altitude Vehicle) - Enchantech aircraft used for small unit transport and gunship duties. Also called ‘Hoppers’.
Magine - Magical engine. Propulsion system powered by a small siphon reactor and used on both air and ground vehicles in much the same manner as traditional combustion engines. Magines have excellent range and minimal logistical requirements but must be maintained by skilled magitechs. Provincial forces and lesser equipped military units often use simpler combustion engines instead.
Magitech - A person skilled in the construction and maintenance of enchantech devices. May or may not have channeling ability, but usually possesses an affinity for magic beyond typical mundanes.
Medimancer - Field medic with channeling ability and trained in the use of medical delving and mending Techniqs.
Met - Standard unit of measurement. Equivalent to one Earth yard or meter.
Ned - slang, derogatory. Netherdragon.
Netherdragon - Species of wyrms originating on the shadowy world of Gnisis.
PVA (Personal Vim Amplifier) - Military enchantech device based on the Kieler/Felbs harmonic array th
at is used by specially trained channelers to amplify the power output of magical Techniqs. Also called Boosters or Amps, although the latter term is more commonly applied to the Imperium's version of the device.
REBAr (Rune Enhanced Body Armor) - Personal armor enhanced with a variety of magical schema. Lighter and more durable than mundane counterparts and may provide other enhancements such as strength boosters, deflection wards, environmental protection, or reactive camouflage.
Runes - Ancient glyphs that are tied to specific magical effects. Used individually or in combination, such glyphs can be used to scribe permanent magical effects.
Rune-Boosted - or Rune-Enhanced. Mundane technology that has been improved through the application of one or more magical schema. Differs from enchantech in that rune-boosted gear can function with or without its magical properties. Some examples are JAM rounds or Coalition REBAr.
SCAM (Solid Core Anti Magic) - Large caliber rune-boosted armor piercing round. Formed around a high-density penetrator core, SCAM rounds are kinetic-kill rounds enhanced with penetration and anti magic schema to defeat enhanced armor.
Schema - A pattern of magical runes linked to form an etheric matrix. A schema is much like a magical circuit that, when energized with Vim, outputs a specific and predictable effect.
Scriptie - slang. Military jargon for Imperium conscripts, typically those hailing from the Traitor States of T’Lanth.
ScryNet - A vast network of EDAR listening posts and EComm transmitter relays used by the Coalition to monitor magical activity and link intelligence assets throughout Coalition territory.
SERA Reactor (Superscalar Etheric Resonance Accumulation) - Advanced siphon reactor using a parallel array to draw vast amounts of Vim. Extremely complex and expensive, SERA reactors are typically restricted to military use, most notably on skycruisers.
Shadowdragon, The - The enigmatic ruler of the Imperium. Many theories exists as to the nature and origin of the Shadowdragon but few are the individuals who have seen him(?) and lived to tell of it.
Shards - slang. Common colloquialism, dating back centuries, that is typically used as an expletive. Derived from the historical phrase “Shards of the Heartstone” although few would understand the reference in modern times. In contemporary usage, it relates to something or a situation falling apart or being in ‘shards’.
Shiv Team - Special forces unit unique to the Arcane Corps, usually trained in a specific area such as recon, rescue, or dragon hunting.
Siphon Reactor - Large scale enchantech power source based on the Keiler/Felbs harmonic array. Siphon reactors draw Vim from the Etherum and amplify it through a large serial Vimstone array to supply magical energy to a city’s power grid. (See also SERA Reactors)
Spellshock - The ripple caused in the Etherum by the channeling of a magical Techniq. Each spellshock has a unique harmonic that can reveal much information about the nature of the channeling to Vimsensitives in the area.
Spellweaving - The draconic variation of channeling. Unlike human channeling, spellweaving is highly dependent on the caster’s personal Vim as opposed to ambient Vim. Considered to be the pure form of magic use, it is extremely powerful and efficient but difficult to master. Early human channelers were taught the art by dragon mentors but, over time, most turned to the easier form of channeling in use today.
Spellwiring - Teiran biomantic process that overcomes a dragon’s natural biomagical rejection of cybernetiks, allowing for the creation of Stalkers. The process is far from perfect and the freakish monstrosities it creates almost inevitably suffer from insanity.
Stalker, Imperium - Human term for netherdragons imbued with cybernetiks via Tieran spellwiring. Known as Talons by other netherdragons, they carry the authority of the Shadowdragon and are largely shunned for their unnatural state of existence and tendency for erratic behavior.
"Suck Dust" - Slang. To those familiar with enchantech gear the phrase “Suck Dust” is similar to saying “F**k off and die.”
Techniq - Human term for the formulaic mental structure of a magical spell.
T’Lanth - Coalition member nation. A loose collection of principalities covering the northern reaches of Freidia. First to bear the brunt of the Imperium assault on Elandis, much of T’Lanth has been overrun and the majority of its remaining troops have been conscripted into Imperium service. (See Traitor States)
Traitor States, The - Collective term for the T'Lanthan principalities that surrendered, either by force or by choice, and became thralls of the Imperium.
Valdon - Coalition member nation. A highly religious theocratic society that worship The Seven, a polytheistic religion that dates back thousands of cycles.
Vim - The raw power of magic. Also historically known as Mana or Essence.
Vimsensitive - 1.) The ability to sense variations in the Etherum. 2.) A person possessing such ability.
Vimsense is often described as being able to hear the harmonics of magical energy. A Vimsensitive can detect the use of magic nearby via the spellshock and, if skilled enough, may be able to identify certain information about the Techniq such as range, power level, the type of Techniq, or even the channelers identity.
Vimstone - Blue-green crystals that resemble quartz and can range in size from a few millimets across to the size of large trees. Vimstones occur naturally in Vim-rich environments and resonate at magical harmonic frequencies, making them natural Vim amplifiers. They are vital to the powering of Enchantech devices and coveted by all magic using beings. Vimstone mines are a critical resource to the Coalition and Imperium alike and are among the most heavily guarded assets.
Void - (See Dead Zone)
Ward(s) - Blanket term for magical defenses. May apply to physical defenses such as barrier wards or resistance enchantments such as elemental protection wards, as well as metaphysical defenses such as mental barriers or magical protection Techniqs.
Weave - Dragon term for a magical spell formula. Also used by purist channelers trained in traditional casting methods.
Wyrm - True dragons. Distinguished by their ability to channel Vim and their general degree of social and intellectual development.
Zapper - slang. Common term for a null grenade, an enchantech device which creates an inverse etheric burst resulting in a temporary void approximately ten mets in diameter. This void can disable magical wards and disrupt Techniqs within its area and may also stun Vimsensitive beings.
About the Author
J.C. Rudinsky is an artist and writer living in northern Indiana. She is currently working on Fire and Stone, the second book of the Wyrmweaver series, and creating artwork for the Wyrmweaver Reference Guide. Contact her via email, or if you would like additional information about the Wyrmweaver setting, as well as status updates on future volumes, check out her blog on Wordpress.
[email protected]
Other books in the Wyrmweaver universe:
"Black Clouds"
The Shadowdragon War: Volume One
There are signs that an ancient prophecy of profound importance MAY have come to pass. Sir Ryan Gedric, a skeptical dragonknight of the anachronistic Order of Balthas, along with his drake, Gantros, have been entrusted with the task of discovering the truth--a truth Ryan, himself, is not sure he even believes in.
His quest ultimately brings him to the ruins of a dead city where he crosses paths with a Coalition Shiv Team that is engaged in a desperate battle with a pair of Imperium cyberdragons. Ryan joins the fray in an attempt to rescue the team’s leader, a particularly driven battlemancer named Sheryl Lanis, and soon finds himself in a life or death struggle against one of the Imperium’s most deadly threats.
Ryan does not yet know it, but the implications of this battle reach far beyond immediate survival and will take his quest in a direction he never could have imagined.
Big Girls Don't Cry: Shadowdragon War Diaries Vol. 1 Page 8