The Protectors (Hybrid Book 2)

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The Protectors (Hybrid Book 2) Page 2

by TJ Hines

  I started to ask what kind of distraction but thought better of it. Obviously, things were a little tense and while I still wasn't sure what was going on, I trusted Jack. My big brother would never steer me wrong. Right? I watched the guys outside the car waiting for the distraction. It looked like a standoff from an old western movie. They stood there staring at the two cars in front of them. The nice family who was at the pump closest to us had noticed the odd behavior and looked a little more frantic about getting on the road. From what I could tell when the family left it would just be them, the vehicles in question, and the cashier in the store. If they were going to do anything, they would do it when the family left.

  The minivan took off in a rush and that's when it happened. The guys, except for Ensley, ran for the car. Ensley stood there with a glowing ball of light in his hands. It kept growing and becoming brighter. I’m not really sure when Ella put the vehicle in gear because about the time the car started moving I lost my eyesight. I felt the car stop again and then heard the doors open. I tried desperately to make out anything. I hated feeling like this. It was a horrible feeling to see so clearly one minute and the next be completely blind. I heard Drew tell Ella 'Thanks for the ride, boo' and then I felt someone scrunch up next to me. I assumed it was Will. I needed to see what was going on. I had to know. I closed my eyes and counted to ten.

  "Get in the car Ensley. We got to move. Now," Will said.

  "Just a little longer. I think I can extend it if I had a little more time, " Ensley replied.

  I focused on seeing. Seeing all the beautiful colors in the world. I took a deep breath and opened my eyes. I still didn't have my vision completely back, but I could make out a little more than I had. While that was amazing, what I was witnessing Ensley do was absolutely unbelievable. A matter of fact, I was positive my eyes were playing tricks on me because there was no way that someone could be holding a gigantic glowing ball that was as bright as the sun. Right? That was just not possible. I rubbed at my eyes again. Closing them and focusing once again on seeing.

  "Drew get him in this car right now otherwise we are leaving him," Ella yelled.

  "As you wish," Drew said. "Ensley, get in or I'm throwing the girl out."

  "You will absolutely not," I retorted. I might not be able to see but I was not about to let some overgrown whack-a-doodle hurt my best friend.

  "Relax, Kinsey. Drew is just saying that to get Ensley in the car," Ella said. I felt Ella's hand cover mine and gave a quick squeeze for reassurance.

  I opened my eyes again and was able to see a little more than last time, which was the only good thing going for me at the moment. I heard the unmistakable sound of a gun being loaded. "What is going on? Did I just hear a gun?"

  "Yeah a few of them," Will said nonchalantly. "Get in Ens! Ella, get ready to punch it as soon as Ensley throws it."

  I looked at the glowing ball again that Ensley was holding. It was huge. It had grown at least twice its size in just a minute and once he got it to where he wanted it he threw it at the other two vehicles.

  I heard a car door slam once again and then heard Ensley's voice. "Drive!"

  I felt the car jerk into movement. I opened my eyes again and could see a little more. However, I didn't understand how I could be seeing what I was. It appeared that the ball of light I thought I saw Ensley with earlier was now a massive wall that blocked us from the other vehicles. My eyes must still be playing tricks on me.

  Ella had the car on the road before I could blink. "Forget the back roads, Will. We won't make it to the compound," Ella said.

  "Well we might but it won't be alive," Drew added sarcastically.

  "Ella is right. I don't have much left. I have to rest soon. My magic needs to replenish. As of right now, I should have just enough to open the portal,” Ensley added.

  "Dammit. This is not how this was supposed to go. Everything is going wrong," Will fumed. I could sense that the tension was quite high in the car at the moment. I didn't think it was the best moment to bring it up, but at this point when is it ever a good time.

  "Guys, not to add to the problems, but how long before I am able to fully see again," I asked.

  "What do you mean fully see? Ella, I thought you warned her," Will asked trying to keep his composure.

  "I did warn her," Ella yelled.

  "She did. I wasn't paying attention and honestly I thought she was a little crazy," I told Will. "I can see some but not a lot."

  "Kinsey, did you just say you could see some?" Ensley asked.

  "Kinz, how many fingers am I holding up?" Will asked holding up what appeared to be four fingers.

  "It appears to be four, but it might be three."

  "That is impossible, Will. Without the blackout glasses or shielding her eyes, she would be blind for at least four hours," Ensley said.

  "Well, I definitely did not shield my eyes, in fact, what was that thing you were holding?" I asked Ensley.

  "It was...," Ensley started but was cut off by Drew. "We got company. How much further boo?"

  "At least an hour if not more. I am driving as fast as I can without causing a wreck," she replied.

  "That's not good," Will said turning partially around in his seat. "We need reinforcements or another diversion."

  "I can do a diversion, but I won't be able to open the portal," Ensley said. Will hit the dash from what appeared to be frustration. I refocused on my eyesight. I didn’t like being at a disadvantage, especially when I had no clue what was going on and who I could trust. Focus, Kinsey. Will started laughing, which yesterday would have made me so happy but at the moment it was a little unsettling.

  “What do you want me to do, oh fearless leader? You want to go with Ensley’s diversion?” Ella asked.

  "No, not yet. Let's try to do this another way. Drew you ready do a little target practice? " Will asked.

  "Hell yeah! You know I am always ready for hunting, with or without guns."

  “I hope he meant that figuratively,” I said to Will. I still couldn’t make out most facial features, but I could have sworn I saw him smirk.

  "Ella, take the next exit. We need a little privacy for what I have planned," Will said as he rolled down the window.

  “What’s the plan?” Ella asked as she steered the car into the right lane.

  "First, we need to reduce the number of demons following us," Will explained.

  He continued on with the plan, which was to shoot the tires out of one of the vehicles. With that vehicle and the passengers out of commission, they would keep traveling in the direction of this so-called portal. If or when the other group caught back up with them, Will and Drew would stay behind to confront the 'demon rogues'. The remaining four would continue on to the portal and wait ten minutes on Will and Drew. Will instructed them to go through the portal with or without them when the time was up or if the encountered any problems.

  "I just...I can't anymore. This is just impossible. I need to lie down," I said bringing my knees to my chest. I wanted to start rocking back in forth but thought better of it. No sense in everyone knowing I was crazy too. Will started to say something but stopped when Ella started getting off the interstate. It was still pitch dark outside and traffic was minimal. My eyesight was almost back to normal. Just a little fuzzy. Will started to roll his window down, as did Drew. Were they seriously going to shoot guns in a moving vehicle? This was so messed up.

  Drew and Will pulled there very muscular yet different upper bodies through the door frames. Drew managed to squeeze through the opening which, in itself, was a miracle because he was huge. "Ella, try not to make any sudden movements and when I say go, you floor it, okay?"

  "I know the plan Will. I've been doing this a long time."

  "I know, I know."

  From what I could tell in the passenger-side mirror, the people following us must have decided to quit playing games because they were coming towards us alarmingly faster than they had been. I contributed it to the lack of civilization at
this exit. Will and Drew aimed at the tires. The guys or demons from what Will called them, decided shooting at us was the best option to get us to stop too. I grabbed the dash as Ella weaved from one side of the road to the other. From Drew's exuberance, I gathered that they must have either hit one of the cars or someone in it. It must not have been what they wanted though because both of the guys were still hanging partially out the windows. I heard more shots ring out and then I felt a something graze my head. I screamed and ducked behind the seat.

  "Are you okay Kinsey?" Will asked frantically.

  My heart was beating so hard that I didn't hear him.

  "Kinz, are you hurt?

  "No, no. Sorry, I…I…it scared me a little.”

  "Everyone keep your heads down especially you Kinsey," Will yelled, "Drew aim for the tires or engine."

  "I'm trying boss but it's kinda hard to when my girl is driving like this."

  "If I wasn't driving like this someone would have been shot by now," Ella yelled back at Drew.

  "Calm down we can do this," Will said and then muttered, "We have too".

  My vision had finally returned to normal, but my head was hurting much more. I touched the side of my head and felt wetness. Damn. That cannot be good. I wanted to freak out but with the day I had, I couldn't find the energy needed to even must up a little freak-out. I tried to look out the windows, but it was quite hard when you were trying to keep your head down as low as possible. I finally heard the loud 'pop' of bullets hitting rubber. I heard Will tell Ella to punch it before I heard the screeching of metal and a huge crash. My curiosity won out and I sat up to look at what had happened. From what I could make out in the rear view mirror, one of the vans decided to roll itself into a large propane tanker. The fire was pretty big and had blocked the road stopping the others from chasing us. At least for the moment.

  "That was awesome," Drew yelled as he pulled his very large body back in the car. "Great driving sweetheart."

  "Thanks," Ella said. "Are we in the clear?"

  "For now, but everyone stay alert. I don't think that is going to slow them down very long," Will said. "Everyone okay?"

  I thought about telling him that I was bleeding and then decided against it. They had enough to worry about plus I remembered from taking first aid that head wounds always bled more than most. They rode along in silence for a little while longer. It started to rain about thirty minutes from the site of the crash, which was a good and bad thing according to Will. Good because it would make it harder for the rogue demons to follow us. Bad because it would slow us down considerably.

  "Oh hell no. Who's bleeding?" Drew asked once the windows had been rolled up due to the heavy rainfall.

  "Dammit Kinsey you told me you weren’t injured," Will yelled while opening the glove box in search for medical supplies from what I could assume.

  "I didn't think I was and when I realized I had been I didn't want to say anything because you guys were kind of busy keeping us alive," I said. "How did you know I was bleeding anyway? Are you psychic?"

  "No one can see the future. At least not with 100% accuracy because of free will," Ensley explained.

  "Um. Okay, that wasn't a serious question but thank you for clearing that up for me," I responded.

  Will finally found something in the glove box and kept muttering about how this car was the worst possible choice for an escape vehicle, how I never listened to him, and how it was ludicrous to think about how just yesterday everything was going so great and now everything was completely messed up. I let him vent for two reasons the first being that he seemed like he needed to and the second being that if he was focused on all that he wouldn't be focused on me and what I had failed to do. Will placed some paper towels of some sort on my head and had me apply pressure to it. He then took his t-shirt off and ripped it into strips. I nearly passed out, but I wasn't sure if that was from the head wound or from the site of seeing Will shirtless. I was going with the latter because holy smokes the boy was gorgeous. Will tied the strips around my head as carefully as possible.

  "This will have to do until we get you to the compound. We can't heal you until you have completed your transition and Ensley only has so much magic left before he will need rest," Will said after checking to make sure the bandages would hold.

  "Thank you," I said before wrapping my arms around him. "For everything."

  "Your welcome, Kinz. It is my sworn oath to always protect you. Once Jack explains everything, I would really like to sit down with you and try to explain some things as well."

  I started to tell Will how much I would like to do that but was interrupted by Ella.

  "We got company guys."

  "I don't see anyone," Drew said.

  "Not from the back, honey bear. These guys are headed straight for us."

  "How did they find us? Dammit, this is not good. Not good at all. How much ammo do you have Drew?" Will asked as he started checking his weapons. Drew must not have had that much because I heard him mutter 'we are screwed'.

  "Dammit," Will cursed. "We are so close."

  "Will, man, you got to make that call or none of us, including the Princess, is making it out of this," Ensley stated.

  "I know. I know. I hope they make it in time."

  "What's going on?" I asked.

  "Will needs to make a phone call to the Council to get some assistance and he doesn't want to," Ella explained.

  "Why?" I asked.

  "You see those two vehicles barreling towards us at the moment. They want to kill us and take you," Drew told me.

  "No, I get why we need the help. Why doesn't he want to call the Council?"

  "Oh, well that you would have to ask him," Drew said as he leaned back in the seat.


  “Will make the call, dude”, Drew said.

  “Okay, Okay,” Will said as he started dialing what I hoped was someone who could help them. “Meet us at the portal site we are going to need help opening it and Ensley is about out of juice.”

  Will hung up the phone just as he finished the sentence. He never waited for a response. I prayed that whoever was on the other side of that line knew what Will was talking about and would be at the portal site. What was wrong with me? Now I was talking and thinking like them. I really needed to get some help.

  “Ensley can you give us one more distraction. I’ve got the second team meeting us at the portal to get us through it,” Will asked.

  “Yeah, I got one left in me, but I will probably pass out after that so I’m gonna be useless.”

  “Okay, we got you. Ella defensive maneuvers and get in position so Ens can blow them sky-high. Drew and I will shoot their gunners if they make an appearance.”

  “Blow them sky-high?” I asked hoping that was a figure of speech.

  “Yeah Kinz. Ensley is going to create a massive fireball and hit them with it. If he can time it right, it will hit the fuel tank and blow both vehicles up.”

  “But at the gas station…” I started confused by what they were saying. They couldn’t be talking about intentionally murdering someone, could they? I mean I get that these people are trying to hurt us but killing someone in cold blood. I didn’t think I could get on board with that.

  “We didn’t want any human casualties. This road is deserted except for us and them so. Boom!” Ensley answered as he used his hands to mimic a bomb.

  “But that’s murder. I can’t be a part of that plan.”

  “They are demons, Kinz. They will kill us if they catch up to us and they will take you to Hell. Literally,” Will said.

  I didn’t know what to say to all that because I still didn’t believe them. I am sure I could talk to the cops and let them know I had nothing to do with any of this. I was the victim.

  Ella started evasive maneuvers as Ensley started kicking out the back window. Ella was able to evade the oncoming cars, but they managed to swing around and get back on our tails. Will was halfway out the window when Ensley said he
was ready. He and Drew both ducked back inside, and Ella slowed down some so that Ensley could get a good shot at one of the gas tanks. “Ella floor it on my count 3…2…1…floor it,” Ensley screamed as he threw the fireball and covered Addison with his body. Will covered most of mine and even Drew was covering the backside of Ella. Such chivalry.

  Ensley’s fireball was huge, and it connected with the gas tank perfectly. The explosion it caused was horrific. Both vehicles flipped in the air and hit each other. I tried to remember that there were demons in those vehicles who wanted to kidnap me for some reason and kill my friends. Friends? They were still that weren’t they? I thought about it for a split second and decided that anyone who put their lives on the line for mine was definitely a friend of mine. Even if they were certifiably crazy.

  We made it to the portal location without any further incident. I still wasn’t sure what was going on, but I was trying hard to trust my brother at least until I could make my escape. I kept pinching myself hoping that this was just the most realistic dream of all time. Unfortunately, I never did wake up so that only meant two things. This was actually freaking real or I was riding the crazy train. My vote was still for the latter.

  The “portal” location was a regular office building with a parking deck on the bottom. I started devising an escape plan until I remembered Addison still asleep in the back seat. How long could a sleeping spell last? Oh no! I have got to stop thinking like them otherwise I will start believing them and that just can’t happen. This was all crazy. But was it? I did see Ensley create a fireball in his hands. Didn’t I? He could be an illusionist though. Those guys do amazing things all the time. Or it could have been a Molotov cocktail. I just didn't get a good look at it. That had to be it. That was the only reasonable explanation for what I had seen.

  About the time we got out of the car, a massive black truck came screaming around the corner. Will, Drew, and Ella went into massive protection mode surrounding me completely. Ensley was still trying to get Addison out of the back seat as gently as possible. It was really quite sweet how Ensley took care of her. Too bad she was out cold and didn’t know anything that had transpired since the Halloween party. If things weren’t so crazy right now, I would try to set Addison and Ensley up because Ens seems like he is into her. But he was crazy, or we were so maybe waiting till we all got checked out would be best in that situation.


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