Blood Craving

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Blood Craving Page 5

by Gabrielle Bisset

  Intrigued by the idea of another vampire to replace Thane, she continued to research. Passage after passage all seemed to point to Theron. He was the chosen one meant to lead the Sons in their battle against the Archons. Over and over, that truth was conveyed in every line and every page of the prophecy. Her experience with Idolas’ words told her that one from eight line meant something, though.

  Every so often, Kali looked up from her books to see Sion staring intently at his laptop screen and whatever he was studying. She longed to ask him about it, to hear him tell her all about his inventions and how they worked, but his grey eyes never strayed from his work to recognize her there next to him.

  At nearly four in the morning, she read a line that made her sure her hunch had been right. It alluded to a new vampire who would join the Sons in their fight, and this reference didn’t have anything to do with Theron.

  One will give the essence of the vampire to the warriors when the hour comes to fight the battle.

  She had no idea what that could mean or who that one Idolas referred to could be, but her gut told her this meant there would be another Son to make them eight again. None of the passages that followed that line gave any more details about it, though, so until she could tease out the meaning, she’d keep it to herself.

  The Sons likely already blamed her for Thane’s death. She didn’t want to disappoint them even more with the wrong interpretations.

  Thinking Sion might be able to help her, she quietly interrupted him. “Sion, do you know if it’s expected another vampire will take Thane’s place now?”

  He looked up from his laptop and seemed to think for a moment. “Not that I know of. Nico mentioned something right after they got him that the Order said there would be someone to replace him, but I think we’ve all just assumed it’ll Theron, even though he’s still a baby.”

  “No, I mean until he’s old enough.”

  Sion shook his head. “No. I don’t think so. I admit I know very little of the prophecy, but I think since Theron is supposed to be the one Idolas mentioned as the one to defeat the Archons that there wouldn’t be a need for anyone else to take Thane’s place.”

  “But what if the Archons truly begin this war soon? I don’t mean with another single attack like they made on the monastery, but what if they get their allies behind them and truly attack all over the world? Theron’s not ready to take Thane’s place yet. The Sons would be only seven.”

  A rare smile lit up Sion’s face. “Then I guess if Idolas and his prophecy is correct, we have some time.”

  Kali nodded and returned his smile, not wanting to explain to him that she may have just found out that they were about to be eight again much sooner than he thought.

  Almost an hour before sunrise, Kali stopped her work for the night. She’d made great progress and Sion had even warmed up a bit to her. A good night by any measure, and she didn’t want to risk saying something wrong to ruin everything.

  Sion sat at the table in front of his laptop, tapping away at the keys as he researched some bit of intelligence he’d received about the Archons’ activities in a nearby town. Kali gently nudged his shoulder and said, “Good night, Sion” as she passed by on her way to the bedroom. Very much the gentleman, he’d given her the bed while he took what passed for a couch. In reality, it was little more than a shoddy futon.

  She liked to think that he’d done that because he cared, but a niggling doubt in the back of her mind was always there reminding her that he’d never given her the slightest sense that he felt anything like that for her.

  She slipped into a t-shirt he’d given her and climbed under the covers. She needed to get the idea of Sion out of her head. Things had changed and she needed to accept it. She had a job to do, so whatever romantic notions she’d had needed to be pushed out of her mind.

  That wasn’t the only thing she needed to forget. The desire for Bliss still existed inside her and sometimes when she felt alone it clawed at her insides like a wild animal. She imagined the feeling of her limbs getting lighter as the drug traveled through her veins, her entire body relaxing as every inch of her was taken over. There was no loneliness, no sadness, no regret—just pure happiness that made her forget everything.

  Kali tossed and turned as guilt over her longing for the drug settled into her brain. She didn’t want to let the Sons down again. They needed her to continue to work on the prophecy. Theron’s birth had opened up so many areas of the ancient texts, and she was committed to deciphering all that she could to help them defeat the Archons.

  She didn’t want to let Sion down again either. She’d flinched at the look in his eyes when he saw her for the first time. Even deep in the throes of Bliss, she saw the pity and disappointment in them as clear as day.

  The last thing she wanted from the man she loved was pity.

  As day began to dawn, she rolled over to fall asleep, but she remembered she hadn’t checked the window shutter. Slipping out of bed, she padded over to the window and stood on her toes to make sure the top lock was secure. The top of the window was slightly taller than her fingers could get to and she had to step up on a box to reach it. Being a vampire was sometimes a hassle, but these things had to be done or just the tiniest ray of sunlight could give her a terrible burn.

  Her mind wandered back to before she was turned and the feeling of the sun on her face on a hot summer day. It had been over a millennium since she’d felt its warmth on her skin without fearing it. Of all the things she missed about being human, sitting next to the sea as the sun shone high in the sky was what she missed most. Somehow the sun meant humanity to her and not having it in her life anymore meant she had lost the last shred of her humanity.

  Preoccupied, she stepped back off the box but lost her footing and toppled onto the floor with a crash. In a second, Sion was standing over her with a look of concern on his face.

  “Are you okay?” he asked as he extended his hand to help her up.

  She let him pull her to her feet, feeling embarrassed by her clumsiness. Tugging at the bottom of her t-shirt, she mumbled, “I’m fine. I just wanted to check the window to make sure it’s okay for the day.”

  He moved past her to check the window himself, and she scurried under the covers. The t-shirt and underwear she wore covered everything, but it felt awkward having him see her not fully dressed.

  “It’s fine now. Are you sure you’re okay?”

  Kali looked at him standing there all concerned and smiled as she thought to herself, No. I’d like you to stay with me tonight, but since you’re not interested in me and I’m acting like a virginal nun, I guess I should just say I’m fine.

  “I’m fine.”

  “Goodnight, Kali.”

  Sion opened the bedroom door and Kali blurted out, “It’s nice that you came in to see if I was okay.”

  He stopped and then slowly turned around. A smile spread across his lips, giving his face a genuine warmth she hadn’t seen in months. He said nothing, though, and it didn’t take long for her to want to fill in the empty space that loomed between them.

  “Are you tired?”

  Not exactly the sexiest thing she’d ever said, but at least it was something to break the silence.


  Kali swallowed hard and took a deep breath. “Would you like to sit down and talk?”

  Sion seemed to consider her question and with a nod walked over to sit next to her on the bed. “Did you figure something out after we stopped for the night?”

  God, this man was infuriating! Did he really only think of work when he was sitting next to her on a bed?

  Covering his hand with hers, she answered, “No. I just thought we could talk about something other than the prophecy.”

  “Do you need to feed?” he asked innocently, convincing Kali he truly had no idea why she wanted to spend time with him.

  “No, Sion. Is that all I am to you? Someone who decodes a damn prophecy and someone you feed? I’m sitting here wearing your t-shi
rt, in your bed, and all you can think about is anything but me sitting here like this,” she said, not even trying to hide her exasperation.

  This was a mistake. How she could have gotten it into her head that there could ever be something between Sion and her was ridiculous. If he had felt even a hint of something for her, she’d ruined it by being a pathetic mess on Bliss.

  He sat staring at her as if processing what she’d said, but that didn’t matter. She’d blown it and that was it.

  “Forget it. I’m sorry. I’m just going to go to bed and let’s just forget this ever happened.”

  She moved to turn away, but he stopped her and cradled her face in his hands. As he leaned in toward her, he whispered, “I don’t want to forget it, Kali.”

  And then he kissed her.

  His lips were soft and gentle as they pressed against hers, making her head swim. Sion, the male she’d secretly been in love with for months back at the monastery, was kissing her, sliding his tongue into her mouth, and causing her stomach to do flips.

  Kali kissed him back, loving the feel of him showing her he truly did care for her. He buried his hand in her hair and tugged it gently as he moaned softly into her mouth. Every touch, every sound excited and surprised her. Usually so cold, he was passionate and sensual in ways she’d never dreamed.

  She had no idea how long they stayed like that—it could have been minutes or hours she was so lost in the experience—but then he backed away and stood next to the bed. She looked up confused and watched as he peeled off his shirt to reveal a lean but strong body. Every muscle in his chest and abs seemed to strain against his frame, taut and firm.

  His grey eyes focused on hers and never wavered as he lowered himself onto the bed. Without a word, he lifted his t-shirt off her body and tossed it to the side, leaving her naked except for her panties. His gaze remained fixed on hers and he kissed her again, making her wish he would put his hands on her bare skin.

  Just one touch.

  Easing her back onto the bed, he hovered over her as he devoured her mouth. Kali reached out to pull him to her, so wanting the sensation of his body on hers. Running her palm over his short blond hair, she trailed her hand over the smooth skin of his back, hoping he’d get the hint.

  In a low voice, he whispered in her ear, “Noch nicht,” and returned to kissing her neck.

  Of all the languages Kali knew, German wasn’t one of them. At least she thought that’s the language he’d spoken. Whatever it was, he sounded incredible speaking it. His words sounded more powerful, more commanding than ever before, and she loved it.

  Reveling in the feel of his tongue flicking against the skin just below her ear, she struggled to form a coherent sentence and mumbled, “I don’t speak…I mean, I don’t know what you said.”

  Stopping for just a moment, he lifted his head and looked down into her eyes. “Not yet.” Then he resumed the delicious thing he was doing with his tongue.

  As always, he said so little yet so much.

  He still wore his pants, but his arousal was evident as it pressed against her leg. She arched her body up toward him, and his cock slid across her skin, separated by just the fabric of his clothes and the thin fabric of her panties.

  “Noch nicht.”

  “Sion, don’t make me wait,” she whimpered as she worked to wrap her legs around his hips.

  Suddenly, he sat back on his feet and moved off the bed. Looking up at him, she watched as he slid out of his pants and then slid her panties down her legs and off her feet. Kali’s gaze quickly dropped to his hipbones and the muscular, well-defined V that angled down toward his stiff cock. At that moment, the only thing she could think was that she wanted to feel that area under her fingertips. Reaching out, she traced a line from his right hipbone over those tight muscles to his other hipbone, intentionally avoiding his cock. Sion eyes narrowed at her touch, and she smiled, enjoying the fact that she was now teasing him.

  “So you want to tease?” he asked in a voice heavy with desire.

  Kali shook her head. “No. Just thought you’d like a taste of your own medicine.”

  He leaned down and pushed her back onto the bed again. Nuzzling her neck, he whispered, “I’d rather a taste of something else.”

  She prepared herself for him to feed from her, but instead he began slowly making his way down her body, his fangs slowly descending into his mouth and grazing her nipples. First one and then the other, he sucked them to excited peaks, gently biting each one until she cried out in a mixture of pain and pleasure.

  Inch by inch, he kissed down over her ribs and stomach until he stopped just below her left hipbone. Flicking his tongue, he trailed his fangs over her delicate skin and then moved over to the other side to do the same erotic movement just under her right hipbone.

  Looking up, he smiled at her, his fangs hanging low over his bottom lip. “Still like teasing?”

  Kali silently shook her head. No, she didn’t like teasing at all at that moment.

  Slowly, he lowered his head to between her legs and ran his tongue up her slit until he reached her clit. His hands stroked the inside of her thighs as he sucked her excited nub between his lips. The feeling was extraordinary. Never before had a man been so deliberate with his mouth and tongue, and she was sure his expertise with both would drive her out of her mind.

  And then he added his fingers, and Kali couldn’t hold back anymore. Her orgasm exploded all around her, sending tendrils of release racing throughout her body. Her thighs trembled as Sion held her tight to his mouth, riding her pussy like a championship bull rider at a rodeo. Not that she wanted him to go anywhere, evidenced by her hands on the back of his head and her voice urging him to not stop. It was the most uninhibited she’d been for a long time, and she loved it.

  He slid up her body and kissed her full on the lips, sharing the taste of her that remained on his tongue. Licking his lips, he smiled down at her. “I’ve wanted to do that for months.”

  Kali couldn’t help herself and asked, “Really? I didn’t think you liked me back at the monastery. I mean, you were sweet to feed me, but then you didn’t…”

  Sion cut her off mid-sentence with a gentle kiss on her lips, effectively silencing her. “Some of us keep our feelings hidden, but it doesn’t mean they aren’t there.”

  Before she could agree and tell him it was worth the wait, he kissed her again and slid inside her, filling a part of her that always seemed so empty. He was so different with her now—so attentive to her every need, so open and giving. As they gave each other what their bodies and hearts craved, she hoped that this was just the beginning of them.


  Saint plodded around the villa he and Solenne called home, anxious but unsure why or what to do about it. Since they’d returned from Corsica, she’d been nothing but strong. Hell, she was even keeping his spirits up, or at least trying her best to. He wanted to be the kind of man who could just see how lucky he was and live with that.

  To put the past behind them and live for the love they had between them.

  But he couldn’t. No matter how much she tried to show him she was alright, he couldn’t get the thought of her imprisoned in that fucker’s hideaway out of his mind.

  He’d tried. God knows he’d tried, but the feelings of hatred that churned inside him kept growing, and they were beginning to affect the beautiful parts of their relationship. They’d only made love twice since getting back, and although Solenne was the same woman he’d always loved, it was different.

  She wasn’t, but it was. Every time the vision of Verrater taking from her what should only be her husband’s flashed in his mind, Saint could barely contain the rage that spiked in him. He knew he had to hide it, but every night it grew harder and harder to pretend.

  Vasilije and Terek were due there any minute, so whatever the fuck he was dealing with had to be pushed down inside before they arrived. The Romanian might not be on his list of vampires he hated anymore, but that didn’t mean he wanted to let h
im see what he was going through. Terek might have some sage words of wisdom that could help, but he didn’t want any of that Zen bullshit either.

  He’d figure it out, one way or another, and he didn’t need anyone’s help doing so.

  “Declan, are you okay?”

  Saint turned to see Solenne standing off to the side watching him. It seemed like she did that a lot now. Forcing a smile, he moved toward her and took her in his arms. “I’m fine. I’m more concerned about you.”

  She leaned away from him and studied his expression, as if she were deciding on the truth of his words. “You don’t have to worry about me. I’m back home where I belong and with the man I love. Life couldn’t be better.”

  Standing on her tip-toes, she placed a tiny kiss on the end of his nose and smiled. For all that she’d been through, she appeared to be as okay as she claimed. He didn’t doubt her strength. That was always something that had existed in her, no matter how rough life had gotten. What he doubted was that after what Verrater had done that she could put it behind her so easily. He couldn’t, so how could she?

  “Vasilije and Terek are going to be coming by in a few. You’re welcome to stay and listen, but I’m sure it’ll just be boring Sons stuff.”

  Solenne took his hands in hers and squeezed them. “I don’t think Sons stuff is boring, Declan. Now that I’m able to help more, I’m really interested.”

  Help more meant she got to be the Order’s main guinea pig while they siphoned off as much blood as they needed to figure out what that crazy fuck had believed made her blood so special it should be made into an addictive drug. Another thing he didn’t want in their lives, but how could he say no?

  Each time she visited those ghouls in lab coats, he hated it. She never complained, and in fact, always looked happy when she returned home. He sometimes wished she was the type of female whose enjoyment of this kind of thing he could dismiss as mindless or silly, but she wasn’t. This wasn’t something she did to feel like she was a part of his work. This was something far more important than anything he’d ever done.


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