Unnecessary Roughness

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Unnecessary Roughness Page 19

by GA Hauser

  The coach walked by, apparently not noticing anything amiss.

  Connor appeared. His hair was wet and he had a towel around his hips. “Hey. What are you waiting for? Go shower.”

  Kyle grabbed his towel.

  Connor held him back. “Are you okay?”

  “I’ll tell you later.” Kyle kept moving, wary of everyone around him. He had a room full of enemies. Something he never anticipated when he joined the team.

  I came out. That’s why it’s different here than in Oregon. Kyle trembled as he entered the shower stall. Maybe Connor was right and they needed to quit.


  The tension on the bus ride home was making Connor feel ill again. They were given a lecture on their lousy performance, a warning on rigorous training regimes and workouts in the gym, and finally a pep talk.

  It didn’t matter. Connor was done. “Ya can’t fight city hall.”

  “Huh?” Kyle leaned closer to hear.

  “Nothing.” Connor found Kyle’s hand and held it on his lap until they had ended their journey.

  They stood in the aisle when the bus parked in the school lot. The group moved slowly as exhaustion set in and the afternoon waned. Coach Banks was watching them debark, so everyone behaved.

  Connor waited as their gear was unloaded, grabbing his bag when it hit the blacktop. The moment Kyle fell in beside him, Connor walked to the locker room to dump his equipment.

  “You’re right. We need to quit.”

  Connor turned to look at Kyle. Kyle was making sure they weren’t overheard. “What happened earlier in the UC locker room?”

  “They cornered me. I’ll tell you on the drive home.”

  “Cornered you?” Connor didn’t like the sound of that. Avoiding eye contact from anyone but Kyle, Connor dropped his dirty uniform in the laundry and tucked his pads, gloves, shoes, and helmet into his locker. He held the MG keys in his palm and left the building with Kyle. The minute he unlocked his door and was behind the wheel, he asked, “Cornered you how?”

  Kyle released a deep exhale and replied, “That group of skinhead-types; Kevin, Dick, Frank…they told me to quit the team. They were very serious, Connor.”

  At first Connor grew angry, then it vanished. “Let’s quit.” He started the car and pulled out of the lot.

  “I hate giving up or being intimidated by homophobic bullies.”

  “I don’t like it either, but they outnumber us and I can’t stand hiding behind Coach Banks.”

  Kyle punched the car door and slouched in the seat.

  “Look, it’s just lacrosse. It’s no big deal.” Connor rubbed Kyle’s thigh.

  “I’ve played it since I was a soph in high school.”

  “Yeah. Me too. Big shit. You didn’t have any aspirations to play beyond college, did you?”


  Connor stopped at a traffic light. “Me neither. So? Do you give a shit? The team sucks. We wouldn’t make it to the championships at this rate. That means no trophy, nothing. Are you willing to keep putting up with this crap for a load of horseshit?”

  Kyle rubbed his face. He looked exhausted.



  “Then we’re done.” Connor squeezed his leg.

  Kyle gripped his own hand over the top of Connor’s and stared out of the windshield.


  As Connor climbed the staircase behind Kyle he turned his cell phone on to see if he missed any calls. Several text messages were waiting to be read, but he listened to his mother’s voice message first.

  “Hello, Connor. Your father and I were wondering if you were okay. Are you coming for dinner next time? You seem to be staying for shorter and shorter visits. We hope to see you soon, Connor. Bye.”

  Connor walked into the apartment, following Kyle. He shut the door behind him. He disconnected the voicemail and began going through his text messages. “Here we go.”

  “What?” Kyle stood in the kitchen drinking orange juice from a quart container.

  Connor read, “Fuck you, fag, quit the team or else.”

  Kyle’s expression dropped. “Who’s it from?”

  “No idea. It was sent from a campus computer. It’s just got an ID number and some weird fake name. Want me to read them? There’s more.”

  “No.” Kyle put the juice back into the refrigerator and dropped onto the tattered sofa, picking up a textbook from the floor.

  Connor deleted the text messages, shut off his phone, and sat next to Kyle. “We’re like lepers.”

  “They need to evolve. It’s fricken’ LA.” Kyle flipped pages of the book angrily.

  “No one is evolved as far as collegiate sports are concerned. I suppose we haven’t crossed that barrier yet.”

  “Why not?” Kyle appeared furious.

  Connor hated seeing him so upset. “Forget it. Let’s change the topic. I’m sick of it.”

  Kyle slumped lower on the couch and stared at the printed pages on his lap.

  By his expression, Connor knew Kyle wasn’t actually reading. He didn’t know how Kyle could concentrate at all being so preoccupied. Connor slid off the sofa and knelt between Kyle’s knees. Kyle peeked at him.

  Connor nudged Kyle’s legs wider apart. He ran his hands down the inseams of Kyle’s jeans to his crotch and massaged his imposing bulge. Kyle’s head dropped to the back of the couch and he closed his eyes.

  The book slid off Kyle’s lap as Connor grew bolder. It slapped shut beside Kyle.

  “Do you want to study?”

  “No.” Kyle’s arms went limp, his palms face up on the couch.

  Connor opened Kyle’s jeans, sliding down the zipper. He worked Kyle’s semi-erection out of his pants and smoothed his fingers along it. Kyle began shifting on the cushion, trying to remove his clothing.

  Sitting back on his heels, Connor waited as Kyle removed his shoes, jeans, and briefs and splayed out in a wide straddle in only his University of Oregon t-shirt and white socks.

  “Nice.” Connor ran his hands up Kyle’s thighs, over the hair on his legs, focusing between them. He loved Kyle’s balls. They were delightfully wrinkled at the moment and darker than the rest of his skin. Connor scooted up to lick them.

  Kyle whimpered and tried to do a split.

  With a hand on each of Kyle’s ankles, Connor raised his feet up onto the couch, widening Kyle’s straddle.

  When his puckered rim came into view, Connor paused to admire it. Kyle was breathing hard, watching every move he made.

  After he licked his lips, Connor went for a taste.

  “Fuck. Fuck…” Kyle’s legs shook.

  Connor loved both Kyle’s reaction and the act. He’d never done it nor had it done to him, but wanted to. Badly. As Kyle sank lower to elevate his hips, Connor cradled Kyle’s hot sack and began lapping under it. Kyle dug his fingers into Connor’s hair, as if urging him on.

  Connor nuzzled his face into Kyle’s balls as he licked, teasing the tight hole, daring to dip his tongue in, deeper and deeper.

  “Holy shit, Connor…” Kyle gripped Connor’s head harder.

  Oh, yes. Connor loved it. Kyle’s reaction was a bonus. Connor ran one hand up Kyle’s stiff cock, feeling the sticky drop emerging from his tip. Fuck everyone. Why the hell should what I do with my lover be anyone’s problem? What the hell does this have to do with lacrosse?

  Making Kyle wet with his saliva, Connor nibbled his way to Kyle’s balls, enveloping one at a time while he used his fingertip to continue to tease Kyle’s ass. Kyle was going crazy, bucking his hips, moaning, and massaging Connor’s scalp through his hair.

  Connor tickled long, wet laps on the underside of Kyle’s cock, pausing right below his head to swirl, then dipping Kyle’s dick inside his mouth. A blast of pre-cum hit his tongue. Connor groaned louder than Kyle and squirmed all over Kyle’s lap.

  Though he was dying to fist his own dick, Connor raised Kyle’s shirt high on his chest and dove at his nipple, using his teeth to tease it hard
while rubbing his thumb over the head of Kyle’s cock.

  Connor felt the force of Kyle’s grip grow stronger as Kyle drew him to his lips. The minute their mouths connected it was like someone had set Connor on fire. He began fumbling with his own zipper, trying to get skin on skin.

  Managing to strip his lower half while sucking Kyle’s tongue, Connor tackled Kyle so he was lying length-wise on the sofa, pinning him down. He directed Kyle’s stiff cock between his legs, allowing it to stroke his balls.

  Kyle broke the kiss for a deep breath and cupped Connor’s cheeks, staring at Connor with so much longing it took Connor’s breath away.

  “Fuck me,” Connor whispered.

  Kyle shivered and his body nearly convulsed at the suggestion. “Get the lube.”

  Connor pecked Kyle’s lips, jogged to his bedroom and returned with the items they needed. Kyle was lying prone, playing with his dick.

  Connor yanked his shirt over his head, knelt facing away from Kyle, and spread his legs as far as he could. When he glanced over his shoulder, Kyle’s hands were shaking as he opened the condom wrapper. It made Connor smile. He is so adorable!

  The minute Kyle’s slick fingers began preparing Connor’s ass, Connor felt his skin cover in goose bumps. “I want a good one, Kyle.”

  “No problem.”

  The tube dropped to the carpet and Connor watched Kyle kneel behind him. The sensation of that thick head entering him always made Connor gasp and shiver.

  “You okay?”

  “Yes.” Connor loved how considerate his boyfriend was. He wriggled backwards to help him get complete penetration. Kyle’s grunt was worth a million bucks.

  “I’m in, babe.”

  “Mm!” Connor bit his lip and wanted more. “Come on, hot stuff. Do your thing.”

  Kyle held Connor by his hips and began pumping.

  The chills changed to orgasmic pleasure in Connor. That internal prostate rub was beyond belief. He joined in, timing his thrusts with Kyle’s, and rushed up the ladder to a climax.

  The force of Kyle’s body intensified. Connor knew Kyle was nearly there. Connor rested his head on his arms and closed his eyes, focusing on the contact. It was making him wild.

  A deep, throaty grunt from Kyle and a shudder of his dick followed. “I’m coming.” Kyle jammed his hips deep and hard.

  Connor couldn’t stop the sensation if he wanted to. His cock began throbbing and he couldn’t even gasp it was so intense. As Kyle dug in for the last few plunges, Connor tried to kneel upright. He grabbed his own dick and fisted it. His sperm shot out in creamy ribbons across the worn carpet.

  Kyle’s cock slipped out but Connor continued to climax for another few seconds. Milking his cock for the aftershocks, Connor dripped with perspiration.

  Kyle dove on him and they landed on the floor, gasping for breath and slithering against each other’s sweaty body.

  “I love you!” Kyle said enthusiastically. “Connor!”

  Connor coiled around Kyle and they rocked side to side as they recuperated. “My baby, my love,” Connor crooned. He was madly in love with Kyle Baker, and he didn’t give a shit who knew.


  Though he was exhausted, Kyle couldn’t sleep. Connor was lying on his chest, their naked skin sealed tightly together in the double bed. The streetlight cast rectangle patterns on the bare wall. Noise of a car horn and shouting came from outside. Students partying. It was Saturday night. Time for booze and debauchery.

  Connor’s passive breathing, his deep slumber, was a comfort. Kyle had stroked Connor’s hair, toying with his long, silky locks, which obviously lulled Connor to dreamland.

  Kyle began going through the scenario of telling Coach Banks they were quitting. Coach will be pissed. A frown formed on Kyle’s lips. He had to tell his dad too. Dad knows I’m gay. He’ll get it. He won’t be happy, but he’ll understand.

  Connor moaned in his sleep. Kyle wondered what he was dreaming.

  I never wanted to come out of the closet in college. I planned to get through it well hidden. There wasn’t a rush. Why did I do this? “For Connor.”


  “Nothing. Go back to sleep.”

  Connor shifted on top of Kyle and settled again.

  Kyle resumed petting Connor’s hair, helping him slip under the spell again. Doubt was forming in Kyle. He knew how difficult it was to maintain a straight relationship; how were he and Connor going to make this work? And what will happen after graduation? Do we stay together? I hope so. I’m crazy about this guy. But did I find my life partner at twenty? Now? Connor Andrew Worthington? Is he going to stay with me? Always?

  Or have I ruined my athletic social life on a risk. A handsome stud who swept me off my feet? What am I doing?



  “What’s wrong?”

  Kyle didn’t answer. He had thought Connor was sound asleep.

  Connor sat up. Kyle could see his eyes glimmer in the dimness. “Stop thinking about it. You don’t have to quit. You can stay on the team if you want.”

  “Come here.” Kyle tugged Connor back down to his chest and sniffed his hair.

  “Kyle, talk to me.”

  He hugged Connor tightly, snaking his legs around Connor’s. “How much do you love me?”

  “A lot.”

  “Like how much?” Kyle felt Connor try to sit up again but prevented it.

  “How do I measure it?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Did I do something to make you feel insecure?”


  “What can I say? Tell me.”

  Kyle hid his face in Connor’s hair, closing his eyes as he fought his doubt. “We’re twenty.”


  “Are we too young?”

  “Too young to what?”

  Kyle began to think he sounded like an idiot. “Nothing. Go to sleep.”

  “Too young to fall in love? Too young to be in a relationship?”

  “Yes.” Kyle wondered if Connor would bolt for the door if he appeared needy.

  “Are you breaking up with me?”

  Seeing Connor completely misunderstood him, Kyle crushed him to his chest.

  “Don’t break up with me, Kyle. I need you. I swear I’ll go nuts. Please.”

  “Shh. That’s not what I meant.”

  “I’m sorry about the lacrosse thing. Let me quit. I’ll tell them you were just defending me because you’re my friend. That you’re not gay. Okay?”

  “Connor. Wait.” Kyle couldn’t believe Connor would do that for him. “I’m not going anywhere and I don’t give a shit about the team.” Kyle felt Connor trying to control his breathing as if the conversation was causing him stress. “Baby, calm down.” Kyle kissed his hair, rubbing his shoulder.

  “Be honest with me, Kyle. Please.”

  “You want my honesty?”

  Connor nodded against Kyle’s chest.

  It was then Kyle realized Connor was gripping his arms like a vice. “I’m afraid.”

  “Of what? Of me? Of the gossip on campus? The assholes on the team?”

  “Will you take a deep breath? You’re beginning to sound like you’re hyperventilating.” Kyle waited. Connor’s grip loosened and he seemed calmer. “I’m afraid of how I feel about you.”

  “Should I be crying?”

  “I don’t know.” Kyle smiled.


  “Baby, I’m in love with you. I have it bad.” Kyle squeezed him close. “I’m afraid because we’re still in college and so young that it won’t last.”

  “Do you want it to last?”

  “God yeah. I feel like I found my soul mate. I never want to lose you.”

  “Where am I going?”

  “I don’t know. Once we graduate…” Kyle shrugged, knowing Connor could feel it.

  “Where are you going? Back to Salem?”

  “I don’t have to. I can get a job anywhere.”

  “Then why
do we have to split up?”

  “Well, we don’t. We could stay together permanently.”

  “Is that what you want?”

  “Only if it’s what you want.” I hope, I hope.

  “I want to be with you, but don’t ask me to predict where we’ll be twenty years from now.”

  “Where do you want to be in twenty years?”

  “In bed with you. Like this. Only in a bigger bed and a better apartment.”

  Kyle laughed. “That’s all I need to know.”

  “Do you want the same?”


  Connor’s body deflated its tenseness and sank against his. “I know we’re young, Kyle. I know.”

  Kyle kissed Connor’s head again, closing his eyes.

  “Are you the loyal kind?”

  “Yes.” Kyle got the reassurance he needed. “You?”

  “Yup. I’m not cheating on you. No way. I know when I have it good. Besides, what’s out there? Donald Mulhouse?” Connor chuckled softly.

  “Wow. I found my loyal man. I wasn’t sure that was possible.”

  “Why not? Men have great loyal relationships. They aren’t all promiscuous.”

  “I never said they were.” Kyle felt Connor’s dick thicken where it was trapped between them. “I’m just happy I found one.”

  “You did. I’m not turning into my dad. I’m never going to cheat on you. Never.”

  Kyle smiled. Everyone said that.

  As if anticipating Kyle’s thoughts, Connor added, “You have no idea how many times I get propositioned.”

  “Don’t I? Professor Jacobs? Professor Patrick?”

  “I only want Senior Baker.”

  “Good. I can sleep now.” Kyle let out a deep sigh. Connor cupped his hand over his genitals. “At least I thought I could sleep.” Kyle blinked.

  “Sleep. I just love the way your dick feels. Grrr.”

  Kyle’s sexual urges began to stir. “Damn!” he laughed.

  “Wanna come?”

  “I have to sleep. Big day coming up, telling Coach Banks we quit Monday and a long day of class.”

  “True.” Connor yawned.

  Kyle closed his eyes and finally fell asleep.

  Chapter 15

  Connor waited for Kyle in the hall. He didn’t know if it was his imagination but he thought people were talking about him, whispering and laughing as they passed.


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