Dante in Love

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by A. N. Wilson

  translations 11

  as unfinished 300–1

  and vision of God 302, 303–15, 324, 333–4

  Paris, population 45

  Paris, University 21, 119, 326

  ban on Aristotle 155, 238

  and Islamic scholarship 26

  Paul IV, Pope (1555–9) 317

  Paul, St, and ecstasy 159–60, 161–2

  use of allegory 83

  Pedro III of Aragon 77

  Perini, Ser Dino 294, 295

  Peruzzi family 187

  Peter Damian 305

  Peter the Martyr (Peter of Verona) 94

  Peter, St 306

  Petrarch, Francesco 96–7, 318

  and terzarima 245, 319

  Petrus Hibernicus 158

  Philip, Count of Poitiers (later Philip V of France) 289

  Philip IV ‘the Fair’ of France 183

  and Holy Roman Empire 265–6

  and Papacy 30, 31, 172, 186–9, 277

  Philippe of Novara, Mémoires 232–3

  philosophy 5–6

  and Boethius 151–3, 234, 236

  Dante’s studies 68, 120, 142, 151–4, 158–9, 170

  donna gentile as 138–42, 164–5, 236, 243, 248

  Islamic 15, 110, 145, 156, 237

  and knowledge of God 234–8

  and love 9–10, 12, 76, 164–5, 241

  as love of wisdom 234

  and politics 167–8, 172

  Pico della Mirandola, Giovanni 108, 318

  Pietro Alighieri (son of Dante) 137, 243–4, 294–5, 300

  Pietro del Morrone see Celestine V

  Pilgrimage, and Purgatory 22–3

  to Rome 14, 15–20, 24, 30, 257–8, 272

  Pinsky, Robert 337

  Pipini, Francesco, Chronicon 214

  Pisa, and Ghibellines 122, 123, 267–8, 275

  Pius IX, Pope (1847–78) 299, 327

  and Immaculate Conception 311

  planets 147, 148–9, 171–2

  Plato, Republic 168

  Symposium 108

  Timaeus 153

  Plato of Tivoli 145

  Platonism, of Dante 108, 239, 241, 250–1

  podestà of Florence 36, 46, 51, 57, 174

  poetry, autobiographical 244

  of Cavalcanti 105–10, 113–14, 178–80, 182

  concern with sexuality 8

  and Courtly Love 81, 86–7, 95–100, 107–10, 170

  of Dante, Alpine Ode 244–9,

  youthful 81, 105–17, 129–30, 164

  and New Sweet Style 111, 234

  and politics 8

  and religious faith 8

  Tuscan school 86–8

  Polenta, Guido il Vecchio 294

  Polenta, Guido Novello da 293, 294, 298–9

  politics, and Dante 8, 31–6, 48, 76, 116, 163, 169–91

  and law 168–9

  and love 170–1, 304, 340

  and Papacy 24–5, 169

  and philosophy 167–8, 172

  and poetry 8

  and Thomas Aquinas 163

  see also Florence; Ghibellines; Guelfs

  popolo of Florence 42–3, 47, 58, 124, 173, 266

  Portinari, Beatrice (Bice)

  as allegory of faith and grace 85, 139, 236, 252, 307

  as Christ-figure 130–1

  death 107, 113, 129–35, 136–7, 151

  as Divine Love 114, 252

  and donna gentile 137–9, 141, 164, 165, 171, 217, 248

  in Empyrean 140, 164, 333

  first encounter with Dante Fig. 2, 64–6, 73, 103

  as guide in Paradise 303, 305–6, 333

  as historical figure 141–2

  idealization 96, 107, 136, 170–1, 249, 332

  marriage 66, 173

  second encounter with 101–3

  as symbol of theology 133, 137–8, 164

  Portinari, Folco 64

  Pouget, Cardinal Bertrand de 317

  Pound, Ezra 108, 114, 116–17, 163, 199, 250, 331, 334, 339

  Poverty, Holy 194, 196, 197–8, 304–5

  Powell, Enoch 8–9

  prayer for the dead 21, 127, 255–6

  Primum Mobile 132, 140, 148, 333

  Proust, Marcel 96, 105, 202–3

  Pseudo-Brunetto Latini 42

  Ptolemy, Claudius 144–5, 147

  Ptolemy of Lucca 25

  Pucci, Antonio, Centiloquio 208

  Purgatorio, and Arnaut Daniel 96–7, 100, 116–17

  and astrology 148

  as autobiographical allegory 70

  and Buonconte da Montefeltro 127–8, 244

  and Corso Donati 186

  date 271

  and Holy Year 19, 283

  and numerology 269–71

  and Rome as widow 271–2, 287

  and sodomites 69, 95–6

  translations 321

  Purgatory, doctrine 21–2, 35, 256–9

  and pilgrimage 22–3

  Quadrivium 142–4, 158, 352 n.6

  Ragg, Lonsdale 17, 23, 200–1, 204, 345 n.5b, 346 n.15, 348 n.7

  Ramayana 254

  Ramm, Agatha 325, 326

  Ranke, Leopold von 328

  Rappaccini, Luisa 5

  Ravenna, Dante in exile in 291–7, 300, 319

  and death of Dante 298–9

  mosaics 292–3

  and Venice 296–8

  Raymond VI of Toulouse (r.1194–1222 92

  Raymond VII of Toulouse (r.1222–49) 93

  realism, in art and literature 202–6, 251

  reason, and faith 150–1, 237–8, 305–6

  and love 110, 164–5, 180, 237

  and sex 137

  recognition device 58, 95

  religion, 13th-century codification 21

  and Love 10, 12–13, 65, 100, 114, 338

  Remigio de’Girolami 159

  resurrection, as allegory 84

  denial 155

  and dualism 90

  Reynolds, Barbara 11, 111, 113, 129, 269–70, 350–1 n.4

  Riccardo di San Bonifazio, Count 249

  Richard of St Victor, De Contemplatione 312

  Richmond, William Blake 352

  Rimbaud, Jean Nicolas Arthur 86

  Rimini, Francesca da see Paolo and Francesca

  Robert of Anjou, King of Naples (r.1309–43) 172, 267, 272–3, 275, 276, 277, 296

  Rogers, Samuel 324

  Rolle, Richard 235

  Roman Empire, and loss of Greek learning 145–6

  role in Divine Providence 304

  Romance languages 117, 220–6

  The Romance of the Rose 81–2, 85

  Rome, Arch of Titus 20–1

  Dante in 14–37

  and Easter pilgrimage 1300 14, 15–20, 24, 30, 34, 201, 272

  and Henry VII 275

  and Papacy 54–5

  Santa Maria sopre Minerva 24

  size 45

  tower-fortresses 39

  and Vera Icon 18–19, 201–2

  see also Boniface VIII; Papacy

  Rossetti, Dante Gabriel 107, 113–14, 163, 285–6, 327–8

  Rossetti, Gabriele 323–4

  Rossi, Amilcare 220

  Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, Confessions 231–2

  Rudolph of Habsburg, King of Germany 55, 76

  Ruggieri degli Ubaldini, Archbishop of Pisa 210–12

  Runciman, Steven 44, 78, 347 n.10, 348 n.6

  Ruskin, John 205–6, 322, 328

  Russell, Lord John 324

  Ryan, Christopher 227

  Salimbene di Adam, Chronicle 74, 268, 297

  Salve Regina (prayer) 309–10

  San Gimignano, tower-fortresses 39

  sanctification, journey of 61, 154, 162, 182, 233, 252, 261, 306

  Sayers, Dorothy L. 11, 322

  scepticism, and Berkeley 161, 162

  Schevill, Ferdinand 276–7

  Schwartz, Berthold 93

  scripta 224–5

  Scrovegni, Enrico 199–200, 207

  Scrovegni, Rinaldodegli 199–200, 20

  self-consciousness, and Comedy 35, 103

  Seuse (Soso), Heinrich 235

  sexuality, and Cathars 90–1, 95–6, 100–1

  and the Church 100–1, 114

  homosexuality 69–72, 95–6, 98, 101

  and Love 10, 114–15

  and Tantrism 91

  Shakespeare, William 105, 116

  Sicilian Vespers 31, 77–9

  Sicily see Charles of Anjou; Charles II ‘the Lame’ of Anjou; Robert of Anjou

  Siena, annual palio 281

  Palazzo Pubblico, frescoes 167–8

  Siger of Brabant 156

  Simon IV de Montfort, Seigneur de Montfortl’Amaury, 5th Earl of Leicester 92–3

  Sismonde de Sismondi, Jean Charles Léonard 219–20, 227

  sodomy/sodomites see homosexuality Soranzo, Giovanni, Doge of Venice 297–8

  Sordello da Goito (troubadour poet) 249–50, 304, 313

  Sosigenes (Alexandrian astronomer) 146

  soul, immortality 68, 110, 176–7, 183, 238, 248, 255

  Spanish, and Latin 225

  Spenser, Edmund 153

  spheres (heavens) 147–8

  Stange, Carl 350 n.2b

  stars, in Comedy 143–4, 147–9, 316

  Stellatum 147–8

  Stendhal (Marie-Henri Beyle) 320

  Stephen, Sir Leslie 208

  Stevens, Wallace 80

  Sudarium 18, 201–2

  Swinburne, Algernon Charles 117

  symbolism, number 131–3, 142, 269–71

  Symonds, J. A. 220

  tantrism 90–1

  Tasso, Torquato, Gerusalemme liberata 318

  Tennyson, Alfred, Lord 150, 259, 322

  Teresa of Avila, St 234

  Tertullian of Carthage 238

  terza rima 245, 280, 319, 322, 337

  Theodoric the Ostrogoth (d.526) 151–2, 292, 293

  theology, Beatrice as symbol of 133, 137–8

  Thomas of Celano 196, 348 n.1c

  Thomas of Lentini 256–7

  Tino da Camaino 277

  Toynbee, Paget 69

  Tristan and Iseult story 86

  Trivium 142, 158, 352 n.6

  troubadours, and Courtly Love 85, 86–8, 90, 96–7, 107, 110, 249

  Tuscany, and Courtly Love poets 86–8, 100, 107

  Uberti, Farinatadegli 46–7, 49, 75, 176–7, 181, 185

  Uberti, Lapodegli 185

  Ubertino, Guglielmodegli, Bishop of Arezzo 123–6

  Ugolinodella Gherardesca, Count 121, 210–12

  Ulysses (Odysseus), in Inferno 150–1, 238, 259, Fig. 8

  universe, medieval picture 147–9

  universities, in Italy 118–19

  usury 50–1, 157, 199–200, 207, 229

  Vasari, Giorgio 208

  veiling of women 74–5

  Venice, population 45

  and Ravenna 296–8

  S. Marco mosaics Fig. 21

  Venturini, Domenico 220, 228, 354 n.12a

  Vere-Hodge, H. S. 248, 354 n.2b

  Vernani, Guido 317

  Vernon, W. W. 10–11, 262

  Verona, annual palio 281–2

  Dante in exile in 184, 191, 264, 277, 281, 284–90, 291

  population 282

  Verona Chronicle 284

  Veronica legend 18–19, 201–2

  Victoria, Queen 327

  Villani, Giovanni, Chronicle 42, 56, 67, 157, 178, 186, 207–8, 214, 297–8

  Virgil (Publius Virgilius Maro), Aeneid 146, 253–6

  as Dante’s mentor and guide 251–5, 260, 279, 303, 308

  Eclogues 253

  and Inferno 209, 253–5, 263–4

  Virgin Mary, cult of 95, 96, 309–10, 332–3

  in Paradiso 312–14

  Vita Nuova 11–12, 243, 327

  and Beatrice 1, 132, 134, 138, 163–5

  and donna gentile 135, 136–40, 243, 248

  ending 134, 139–40, 240–1

  and Florence 65–6, 138

  and Guinizelli 87

  and Il Convivio 139–40, 164, 236

  as modern 163–4

  and vision of heavenly glory 139, 240

  Voltaire (François-Marie Arouet) 319–20

  Wagner, Richard, Tristan und Isolde 302

  Walcott, Derek 336

  Walpole, Horace 8, 278, 319

  Waugh, Auberon 155, 351 n.22

  William of Nogaret 187–8

  Williams, Charles 6–7, 8, 10, 13, 100, 114, 133, 204, 315

  Williams, Rowan 6

  Wilson, A. N., The Lampitt Papers 345 n.3

  women, restrictions on 102

  veiling 74–5

  Wright, Roger 224–5

  Yeats, W. B. 18, 117, 241, 279

  ‘Ego Dominus Tuus’ 11–12




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