Cat Star 04 - Outcast

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Cat Star 04 - Outcast Page 28

by Cheryl Brooks

  Jack reluctantly rolled off him, but the sight of Cat's glistening cock was so enticing that she inadvertently sent out a thought which increased the illumination from a nearby glowstone. Knowing that she enjoyed looking at his cock with his balls pushed up to the base, Cat reached for the cock strap that lay on the table next to the bed and cinched it up snugly, making sure that Jack was watching as he did it.

  Jack groaned as another orgasm hit her. "Just looking at you makes me come," she gasped desperately. "How do we ever get anything done? I could do this all day long and not get tired of it."

  Cat laughed wickedly. "Yes, you would, but I would enjoy trying to make you tired." He got up to stand beside the bed, teasing her face with his cockhead. "Suck my balls, Jacinth. I want to feel them in your hot mouth."

  Jack opened her mouth wide and sucked them in. She loved the feel of his nuts in her mouth and sucked them before flicking them with her tongue. Sliding her fin­gertips up his tight, wet shaft, she watched in sensuous delight as his cock quivered and pulsed, spilling more fluid down the side and onto her face. She loved the feel of his slickness on her cheeks, loved the taste of it, whether it triggered orgasms or not. It was the elixir of his love, and she couldn't get enough of it.

  And he couldn't get enough of her—the sight, taste, feel, and scent of her. She lay sprawled on the bed, her fabulous, wonderful body that promised delights beyond his imagination. "Jacinth," he murmured. "You are so beautiful. Every part of you is beautiful to me."

  Knowing what he liked, she let go of him and rolled over, her legs spread wide.

  Cat couldn't take anymore and dove forward to taste her; she was hot and slick with desire. His hot tongue found her clitoris and teased it gently, first licking, and then sucking. Jack was treated to the view of his balls hanging down above her face, his cock swaying side to side as he licked her. "Suck me," Cat purred and thrust his cock into her mouth.

  Noting that Tisana's treatment for the queasiness of pregnancy appeared to be quite effective, Jack sucked him in until his balls were resting on her nose. At one time, she'd have never dreamed she could like anything of the kind, though with Cat licking her, she probably would have enjoyed anything. But this was fabulous! She reached up and rubbed his ass, grabbing it and slapping it hard. Cat liked that, too, and purred as he licked her to a frenzy.

  "Shall we do something 'different' now?" he asked innocently.

  Jack was forced to let go of him long enough to reply. "No!" she shouted. "I want to suck the snard out of you."

  "You may do that as well," Cat said with a slow smile. "But first, I must prove myself as good a lover as young Lynx."

  "Cat," Jack said frankly, "if you were any better, I'd go completely insane from all the joy."

  "Yes, but Leo has told me some of what Lynx can do."

  "And you're gonna do it if it kills you, right?"

  "Mating with you will not kill me, Jacinth," Cat as­sured her. "But not mating with you would be the death of me."

  Not giving her a chance to reply, Cat backed up, let­ting his cock and balls caress her face as he went. When his face finally came into view, Jack reached up to kiss him. "I couldn't live without you, Cat—whether we were bonded together or not. You know that, don't you?"

  Cat smiled. "I have never doubted it," he replied. "Come, and let me give you joy." With that, he took her in his arms as he knelt behind her and pulled her onto his lap, his cock seeking her warmth, seemingly of its own volition. That glorious feeling of penetration was one he wanted to experience again and again, and he lifted her up, pulling her off of him completely before dropping her down on his cock once more. "This was a very good suggestion," he commented. "I cannot imagine why I never tried it before."

  Since Jack's comment was a shuddering, "Ohhhh!" Cat had to assume that it met with her approval as well.

  Holding her firmly as he arched his back to push in­side her as far as he could, Cat attempted the vibration that Lynx claimed to be capable of, and though he had been practicing, it was difficult to tell how successful he would be until he finally tried it on Jack. Unfortunately, he was only able to maintain it for a few moments before the muscles became fatigued, and he was forced to stop. Switching to a side-to-side sweep—which he could keep up until Jack simply couldn't take it anymore—he smiled to himself, knowing that this would give him something to work on—work that he would enjoy enormously.

  Meanwhile, like Leo, Cat was wishing for a mirror. To see his wife's joyous expression made all the hard­ships of his life worthwhile, and as he buried his face in her hair, he tried to imagine her eyes—grown soft and misty with love—before his mind lost its focus, and he filled her with joy.

  Landing at the spaceport, Jack and Cat headed for the nearest dive, knowing that men of Lerotan's ilk didn't frequent the trendiest spots on any planet. Still, Lerotan was a charmer, and Jack knew he'd have women draped all over him, which would make him easy to spot. Reportedly, he could do two women at once; one with his dick, and one with his long, leonine tail. Jack didn't see how a tail could possibly do as good a job as Cat's penis, but also knew that there were ignorant women everywhere.

  Jack was right. Finding Lerotan wasn't difficult, as he had four women surrounding him, two of whom were Davordians who were already making eyes at

  Cat. Damned blue-eyed sluts! Jack thought disgustedly. They're everywhere.

  "Hey, Leroy!" Jack called out as they approached. "Good to see you!"

  "So, you decided to take the risk," Lerotan said, reaching out to shake her hand and then Cat's. "Want to hear the deal?"

  "Later," Jack said with a casual wave. She was shrewd enough to know that if she waited a bit, the "deal" would get even better. "Just wanted to see your handsome mug again—and Trag's, too. Where is he?" she asked, glanc­ing around.

  "Over there," Lerotan said grimly, pointing to a crowded corner that appeared to contain nothing but females—several of them Davordian.

  Jack smiled. Lerotan might have been able to please two women at the same time, but Trag was Zetithian— which, in her opinion, said it all. She slid her arm around Cat's waist possessively. No Davordian was going to get their hands on her Zetithian! Those girls were nearly as dangerous as Nedwuts! Glancing reflex-ively at the doorway as a handful of newcomers en­tered, Jack registered the species before looking away again. Constant vigilance.

  Lerotan eyed Jack speculatively. She was a tough nut to crack when it came to making deals. She could always come out ahead—though sometimes you didn't realize it until she was long gone. Still, working with Jack gave him a chance to use charm rather than intimidation to make a sale, which was a welcome change.

  "I'm pleased to see you looking so well," Lerotan said graciously.

  Jack grinned. "Does it show?"

  Lerotan looked puzzled, but Cat supplied the answer for Jack's glowing countenance. "She is with child," he said. "Which makes her that much more beautiful."

  "And you still came to Arvada?" Lerotan said won-deringly. "You should be avoiding these more... dan­gerous. .. worlds." She must be more anxious to make a deal than I thought...

  "Well, yeah," Jack admitted. "We get into less trou­ble if we stick to planets where they actually encourage you to shoot Nedwuts on sight." Unlike Arvada, where such practices were merely tolerated. Jack scanned the bar with her keen eyes. Nope, no Nedwuts here...

  "That does not stop her," Cat said. "It only takes hear­ing of some marvelous new thing for sale to send her to places such as this. " It was a little dig at Lerotan, but it was subtle, and, as always, was said with a smile, which suggested that Cat was no pretty boy toy but a force to be reckoned with in himself.

  "Hey, what are you saying?" Lerotan demanded, but with a smile that took the sting out of his words. "That I only frequent the last outposts of lawlessness and disorder?"

  "Not really," Cat said reasonably. "Just planets like this one."

  "Aw, this place isn't so bad," said Jack, glanc­ing around the filthy
, smoke-filled room filled with its even filthier and smokier clientele. "I've been to much worse—"

  "Look, boys! It's a Zetith—" The three snarling Nedwuts entering the bar didn't even have the chance to finish another sentence before they dropped in a dusty, hairy heap as Jack pulled her trusty pulse pistol and fired.

  "—planets," Jack went on, holstering her weapon without comment.

  "She do that often?" Lerotan asked Cat with a be­mused smile.

  "I believe she enjoys it," Cat replied. "Otherwise, we would not visit such worlds."

  "Aw, Cat, you know you like it when I shoot the bad guys for you," protested Jack. "Makes you feel loved."

  Cat smiled mysteriously. "There are much better ways of making me feel loved," he said.

  "Well, yeah, but you have to be alive for that," Jack pointed out. "That last batch of Nedwuts actually got off a shot. I made myself a promise I wouldn't ever let that happen again." Jack looked over at the bartender who was eyeing the stinking pile of Nedwuts with distaste. "Hey, sorry about that!" she called out to him. "I really meant to kill them, but Tex was only set for stun. They'll probably wake up feeling pretty nasty."

  "Shouldn't let them wake up at all," another man grumbled. "Allow me."

  A tall, dark-haired Zetithian dressed in a long-sleeved flight suit and a heavy cloak detached himself from the bevy of women surrounding him, leveled a pulse rifle at the heap of Nedwuts and finished the job. "There," he said curtly. "Better now?"

  "Hey, Trag!" Jack said, beaming at him. "Good to see you!"

  Giving Trag a big hug, she then leaned back, gazing up at him appreciatively. "You handsome devil," she sighed. "I've been missing those gorgeous green eyes of yours—and that orange streak in your hair... way cool!" Trag had always believed that his lack of success with women was because his eyes weren't blue like his broth­er's—a notion that Jack found completely ridiculous.

  Trag grinned. "Good to see you, Jack," he said. "And you, too, Cat," he added, gripping his old friend's hand. "Seen Ty around?"

  "You're kidding, right?" Jack scoffed. "Gotta buy tickets about a year in advance to see him. "

  Trag's brother, Tycharian, and his rock band, Princes & Slaves, were a hot act wherever they played. Jack had only seen them once, but had come away from the per­formance insisting that Cat leave off his shirt and wear a studded choker the way Tychar did. Cat had replied that he would start dressing that way when Jack did it herself. So far, it had only happened in private—with some very memorable results—and Cat had gotten the cock strap idea from the other collar the two brothers had worn during their enslavement, which was an even bigger hit. Jack had nearly fainted dead away from the orgasm triggered from watching him wrap the choker around the base of his cock and balls for the first time— a sensation which Cat had also enjoyed, along with the priceless expression on Jack's face.

  "Doesn't sound too hard for you, though," Trag said warmly. "You always had plenty of money."

  Jack shrugged. "I could get tickets if I wanted, I sup­pose, but I'd think you'd be more interested in doing that yourself. Don't you miss him?"

  As the two brothers had both been slaves to the same Darconian queen for twenty years, they'd probably seen more of each other than most siblings do in a lifetime.

  "Well, kinda," Trag admitted. "But we're all pretty busy, you know."

  "Big fuckin' galaxy, too," Jack observed.

  "Yeah," Trag agreed. "What brings you out this far?"

  "Looking for information," she said lightly. "And by the way, did you hear we found another one of your friends?"

  "No shit?" Trag exclaimed excitedly. "Which one?"

  "Lynxsander," Cat replied. "He is... well."

  "Well?" Trag scoffed. "Just, well? You always were one to mince words." Looking at Jack for further en­lightenment, he said, "Tell me about him."

  "He was a slave in a harem," Jack reported. "Fucked fifty women until they wore him out, and he was sold again—but he's doing much better now! He's living on Terra Minor with a friend of mine."

  "A female friend, I take it?" Trag said with a grin.

  Jack favored him with her most withering look. "Now, Trag, you know very well it's a woman! You guys attract them like flies." Glancing over at the corner where Trag had been stationed and noting the grumpy expressions on the women's faces, she added, "Which I see you've been doing yourself. Found a mate yet?"

  "No," Trag replied. "Met lots of nice girls, but none I want to live with forever, so I keep looking."

  "Trag was always a wanderer," Cat remarked.

  "Hard to please, more like," Jack muttered under her breath. "You should take a trip to Earth, Trag," Jack suggested aloud. "Just walk down the street naked and then take your pick of the ones who fol­low you."

  "That sounds very romantic," Trag said with a snicker.

  "You didn't say you were looking for romance," Jack pointed out. "But if you think you're finding 'nice girls' in places like this... well... I guess I can't help you."

  Jack glanced over at the women Trag had been sitting with and decided that they all fell into the "lover for hire" category. She wondered briefly how much it would cost to get one of them to have some of Trag's children, but then decided that she didn't want Zetithians growing up in that sort of environment. Earth would be much better, but so far, she hadn't been able to persuade Lerotan to take Trag there. Actually, Jack had an idea that, being an arms dealer, he couldn Ygo there, so she didn't press the point. Landing regulations on Earth were pretty tough.

  Shifting her gaze back to Trag, she tweaked his cloak and added, " 'Course, you look like you're hiding most of your attributes under an awful lot of camouflage these days." The only skin she could see was his face and hands—and they had seemed a little chilly to her.

  Trag shivered. "You try living on a sizzling rock like Darconia for twenty years and see how you feel when you leave!" he grumbled. "I don't know how Ty stands it! I feel like I'm freezing my nuts off all the time—no matter which planet we go to!"

  "Well, I'm sure you'll adjust," Jack said kindly. "But I don't suppose you'll be walking around naked for a while—on Earth or anywhere else. Guess you'll have to get a mate based on personality alone." Trag had plenty of that, she knew.

  Lerotan decided it was time to make his move. "Hey, Jack," he called out. "You know that guy you asked me to check out?"

  "You mean Sylor Halen?" she said casually.

  "Yeah," he said. "I think I can help you on this one."

  "Good boy, Leroy!" she said with a winning smile. "I knew you would."

  Lerotan smiled and motioned for her to come closer. "And now for the deal."

  Jack knew he wouldn't give up the information for free. "So, Leroy," she began. "How do you feel about a sponge that makes its own soap?"

  "Don't think I need that," he replied, stroking a bare Davordian thigh. "These women take great pleasure in keeping me... clean."

  The Davordians looked so smug Jack wanted to slug them, but went on doggedly. "Well, then, how about some new boots? My Shoemaker in a Box could crank out a new pair in no time."

  Lerotan shook his head, smiling wickedly. "Got plenty of boots."

  "Well, hell, Leroy!" Jack exclaimed in exasperation. "What the devil do you want?"

  His grin was now diabolical. "Chocolate."

  Drummond got the call from Jack and immediately con­tacted the tracking team. "Hey, Zerk!" he said. "Need you and the boys to look up Sylor Halen again."

  "Aw, c'mon, Drummond! That guy is gone!" Zerk insisted. "I don't know how, but he must have pulled his implant or something. Every time we went to pick him up, he wasn't there!"

  "I've got some new info on him," Drummond said. "He's not pure Vessonian. Seems he's got a little Treslanti in his bloodline."

  "Which means he can disappear," Zerk said slowly. "Damn! No wonder we could never find him! We kept checking periodically, and we went all over the place trying to locate him, but no luck. I'd about decided his impla
nt was sending out a bad signal."

  "Well, now you know the reason," Drummond said. "Where are you showing him now?"

  "Hold on a minute," Zerk replied, checking the sensor array. "Hmm, looks like he's at his original address."

  "Can you get there real quick?"

  "Nope," Zerk replied. "We're a little tied up at the moment. Just picked up a belligerent Teonite who doesn't want to leave our charming little planet, and it might be a couple hours before we can get there."

  "Well, I'll head out myself, then," Drummond said. "Bonnie needs to know about this."

  "Better be careful," Zerk advised. "He could be right there in front of you, and you wouldn't see him—be­lieve me, I know." Zerk shuddered slightly. He was as tough as any tracker, but an invisible enemy gave him the willies.


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