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Kassern (Archangels Creed)

Page 3

by Azure Boone

  Mute despair filled Karly's face. Devyn went to her, kneeling and pulling Karly into her arms. God, she wanted to kill that fucker!

  Karly shook her head. "That isn't why I tried to kill myself. I can handle anything he does to me."

  Devyn pulled back a little, her mind racing for other clues that would push her best friend over the edge that way. "Then what?"

  "He… uh…" She swallowed and half nodded her head as though convincing herself that telling was the right thing. "He wanted me to bring you in." Karly stood abruptly, trying to wipe tears without ruining her makeup. "He knows someone who wants to buy you. He tried to make me convince you…"

  The cold lump in Devyn's stomach threatened to come up. How much did Karly know about what she'd done to keep a roof over their heads while Karly was laid up? Had she really paid closer attention since getting clean?

  "He said you were already whoring, he should get a cut." The devastation in Karly's eyes when she looked up nearly broke Devyn's heart. "I didn't believe it at first. But I paid attention. It didn't take long to figure out. It's the only way you could keep the rent paid and food on the table while I couldn't work." Karly's arms went around her waist, hugging herself tight. "How could you keep that from me, Devyn?"

  Fuck. "It was only a few times. I was too ashamed to tell you." Shame burned Devyn's face. "I couldn't have you feel guilty, and I wasn't going to let you take the money Jake offered. That came with strings attached."

  "I know. But I can handle it. I've been treated as a whore half my life. At least Jake's willing to give me a little money. You're too good for that. You didn't come from that kind of life. When Jake told me I had to bring you to him, or he would put you in the hospital, I knew I had to end it. If it hadn't been for me and that stupid tubal pregnancy, you never would have had to do that, and Jake wouldn't have gotten the idea."

  For a while, Devyn just held Karly, both crying with the realization they'd crossed that line they'd sworn they never would. Back when they shared a room in the foster home, just after Devyn's parents were killed, they'd spent hours dreaming of the future. Neither of them had imagined such a nightmare. Devyn shuddered to think just how much worse it could get. Devastating as it was, simple prostitution was nothing compared to the other horrors that awaited young women without a safety net.

  When the tears faded, Devyn pushed Karly's curls back from her forehead. "You can't go on like this. You have to end things with him."

  Karly nodded. "I'm scared."

  "I know. I am, too." Devyn hated admitting to being afraid of any man, but the savage glint in Jake's eyes terrified her. "I'm right here with you, and I won't turn away. We'll get through it together."

  "He'll kill us."

  "No! He won't." The cold lump of dread settled back in the middle of her chest. He might. "We'll do whatever it takes."

  Life in a new city started to look more appealing than frightening. If things got bad enough, nothing held them down. They could go anywhere, do anything.

  Chapter Four

  God why was he so nervous? He forced eager joy into his smile as he held out a flyer to a passing girl. "Hey would you mind—"

  "Fuck off!" Palm to his face.

  His smile faltered only to bloom instantly for the next group of girls approaching. They practically snarled at him before he could open his mouth. Was the spiritual barrier he'd erected too strong? Not like business ever boomed for him. He sighed and paced the sidewalk a few feet, watching the crowd slowly grow for the Friday night sin-a-thon. The way people avoided him, he might as well have worn a sign begging for a million dollars.

  He raked a nervous hand through his hair, seeking out the petite brunette with the long ponytail. And fitted jeans. And fitted T-shirt. Good Lord! What was he doing dwelling on that woman's physique? Might as well put out a lust call. Troy countered the possibility with a quick prayer. I bind you Satan from this corner. You will not hinder God's work. You will let me set the captives free, in Jesus name, amen.

  He stepped forward toward another approaching woman, flyer extended.

  The moment she looked at him, her cherry red lips broke into a seductive smile. She even met him half-way and took the outstretched paper with interest. "Whatcha got here, Sugar?" She twirled a jet black curl around her index finger.

  "Well," he leaned and pointed to the informative section. "I'm working on opening a place to help…" not exploited! "…women get on their feet."

  Her full shiny lips tugged left with mischief, and her eyes roamed his face then continued for a full body inspection. "I could sure use some help from you baby." Her sparkling gaze met his wide one and the tip of her tongue peeked out and remained poised for attack.

  "Well, it's a mind and body…um, and spiritual…"

  While he spoke, she stepped closer and placed a hand on his chest. "Mind and body…" She raked long red nails over his chest. "I sure don't mind this body."

  Troy stepped back, anxious to escape the sharp claws before they drew blood. Stuttering stupidly, he tripped right into somebody.

  Small hands shoved him hard. "Watch it!"

  He spun. "So sorry." Oh crap. The girl who'd haunted his dreams stood right there. Right in front of him. With no name. His heart ran in circles. "Um, hi. You okay? I mean…"

  "Who's your friend?" The tiny blonde girl on her right aimed a questioning smile at Troy before gasping, "Devyn, is he the Good Samaritan?"

  Devyn. Okay. Wait. Good Samaritan?

  Troy held his hand out to the petite blonde. "I'm Troy. It's a pleasure meeting you."

  The girl giggled and bit her lower lip before shaking his hand like he were some strange circus celebrity. "Pleasure meeting you too, sir."

  Troy stuck his hand toward Devyn, who elbowed her giggly friend and ignored his attempt at friendship. He put it in his pocket, undeterred. "Can I see you after work? I'd…like to give you a ride home. If…that's okay?"

  The blonde bounced. "Yes!"

  "No!" Devyn's loud correction came with a glare at the girl a few inches shorter than her. "I mean, it's fine. We don't need an escort. Thank you."

  The blonde's mouth flew open and she scowled back at Devyn, then jerked her stern gaze to Troy. "Yes we do. We definitely need an escort. We get off at two."

  Devyn rolled her eyes.

  "Fantastic." Troy grinned at the girl who beamed and raked his body with a devouring look. "I'll…be waiting."

  "Work time Karly." Devyn spun and stalked off.

  The Karly girl gave him a tiny wave and mouthed a thank you before running like a bouncy teenager to catch up.

  Then Troy's eyes latched on to Devyn. Really latched on. Before he could stop it, the memory of that dream hit him and his gaze lowered to the swing of her hips. Heat filled his body and face. To his horror, she turned and caught him staring!

  Like a naughty child caught with his hand on his pecker, he jerked around, hiding his flaming cheeks from her. God! He could only imagine the look on her face. Preacher boy getting off to the little lambs. How disgusting could he get?


  Giggling woke Troy and he snapped his head forward, realizing he'd dozed right there on the street corner lamp post. He sprung up, immediately awake. Crap. Trying not to be too obvious, he patted his pockets to be sure his wallet and keys were still where they belonged. How freaking stupid could he get?

  Karly giggled again and Troy wondered if he had drool running down his chin. "Sorry, been a long day." Swiping a casual hand across his face, he cleared the sleep from his vocal chords, his gaze stuck on Devyn.

  She looked down, but not before he caught a slight smile on her lips. She wore the same clothes from earlier.

  His muscles slowly clenched as he imagined what she did in that club. All those sick bastards lusting after her.

  "Good Samaritan sleeping on the job?" Devyn met his gaze head-on for the first time that night. Her eyelids seemed heavier. Was she high? There was something else about those windows to her soul. Sparkl
y. And…Wow, what were they…Light grey? Amazing.

  "I think he's twitter-pated." This from a still-giggling Karly.

  "Oh, sorry, it's just…her eyes are…unusual." He cleared his throat, trying to pretend his cheeks weren't blazing again.

  "You think they're pretty?" Karly all but fluttered her own eyelashes at him.

  "Karly!" Devyn nearly growled.

  Troy grinned at the cute sound. "I'm parked next to the coffee shop."

  Karly bounded up to Troy. "Well I'm ready!" She latched her arm covetously in his.

  "So am I." Devyn began walking ahead and Troy quickly followed with Karly hanging on his arm with an excited squeal. Was he that amazing? What had Devyn told her about him? Apparently good things, thank God.

  The walk to the coffee shop was filled with Karly's chatter.

  "Soooo, you're a preacher?" She didn't seem to realize how completely inappropriate it was to boldly explore his biceps with a hand while they walked.

  It was distracting, slightly annoying. "Uhh, yeah. No. Not really." He wished she would let go of his arm.

  Her fingers slid up the inside of his sleeve, nearly to his armpit. "Where's your church?" Excited giggles seemed to accompany her every question.

  He fought the urge to jerk his arm out of her grasp. If he hurt her feelings or angered her, she wouldn't let him help her. And Devyn. "I—no, I don't have a church. I mean… I go to church, I just work alone."

  She sucked in a breath. "All alone." She made pitiful moaning noises. Nice to see she could do something other than giggle.

  "It's not bad, I like it that way." Also liked not having strangers running fingers through his armpit hair.

  "No girlfriend?" Karly leaned her head, peering up into his face.

  "Uh, no. No girlfriend." Why did he feel like she was trying out for the position?

  "You like it that way too?"

  Good God please, help here. "I'm not really alone."

  "Oh? Who lives with you?"

  "Karly," Devyn sighed, not breaking stride or turning. "Jesus does, okay? The man is married to Jesus, now stop drilling him before he throws holy water on you."

  Troy chuckled, then regarded Karly's blank how do you marry Jesus look. "It's only metaphorical," he explained. "I'm committed to serving Him."

  "Oh." She leaned her head against his arm. "That's sweeeeet."

  He rolled his eyes, wishing Devyn would call her off.

  "Mmmm, you smell so yummy!" Karly's squeaky words came with one hand landing on his chest. She sucked her breath in. "Oh my. You work out?" Her fingers probed the muscles along his torso.

  "Karly, stop groping the man will you? He's taken." Devyn spoke over her shoulder and continued walking, spine perfectly straight.

  Karly's laugh was a little too deep. "Metaphorically."

  "I'm celibate." That word should put an end to her molestations. They drew to a stop at the coffee shop and Troy pointed to his little black car across the street.

  "Celibate?" Karly looked from him to Devyn, waiting for an explanation. Troy silently prayed Devyn would give it. He really didn't want to go there. Not with Karly.

  "That means he doesn't fuck, Karly." Devyn headed toward the car.

  Troy's ears stung with the crass term while Karly pouted like a child who was told she couldn't ride the…well.

  Not like he expected or wanted Devyn to pretend to be somebody else, but she didn't have to take such pleasure in shocking or embarrassing him. Her tone more than hinted that she relished in his discomfort. A purposeful aggression. Almost testing him. How much could the pristine preacher boy take before he covered his ears and ran off?

  It was suddenly a damn good question.

  Chapter Five

  Damn, when would The Preacher get enough and get lost? The man irritated Devyn just by drawing breath. The way he tried to keep the dimple in his left cheek from showing when he smiled and that little habit he had of sweeping his tongue across his full lower lip when he was trying to decide what to say—he was trouble. Wasn't sure exactly how yet, but he was. Nobody was any kind of good without strings attached, Jesus boy or not.

  And yet she couldn't help wondering if she'd be with a man just like him if her parents hadn't been killed when she was twelve. Not that anything ever worked out that way. In her current life, instinct screamed at the stupidity of letting a strange man—in his own freaky little goody way—know where the hell she lived.

  Devyn tried to stretch her legs in the cramped back seat of Troy The Preacher's absolutely spotless little car. She could appreciate the new car smell, even though it was a couple of years old, but damn! The back seat wasn't big enough for a Barbie Stripper, let alone a real live one. Hopefully, that vouched for Troy not being a serial killer. He certainly couldn't use that car to haul dead bodies around before dumping them by the interstate.

  "Take the next left, and our building is on the right." Karly's directions seemed too normal to have come from the giggling, slightly flaky whore who'd been trying her best to get in Troy's pants from the moment she laid eyes on him.

  Devyn quelled her annoyance at Karly's behavior reminding herself she'd kind of put her up to it. After his offer to drive them home, she couldn't help being wary. He might not murder 'exploited' women, but that didn't mean he was a saint. Karly was a natural at bringing out a man's true nature but she sure as hell seemed to be enjoying herself – maybe a little too much. And so far he hadn't cracked. Not even a little. The man was clearly just tolerating Karly's presence, rather than jumping on her not-so-subtle offer.

  Troy successfully avoided the worst of the potholes and swung his car into the parking lot. Watching him, Devyn noted his interest in their surroundings. He stayed away from the overgrown shrub that surrounded the parking lot, and pulled into a space not far from the main entrance. Not entirely stupid, at least.

  As soon as he put the car in Park, Karly opened her door and hopped out. Devyn pushed the front seat forward and started to claw her way through the crack. Halfway through, Troy was there, offering a helpful hand. She wanted to ignore it, but getting into that car was entirely different from climbing out. Devyn placed her hand in his, swallowing some pride.

  Troy wrapped strong, warm fingers around her hand and steadied her ascent from his car.

  Finally on her feet, Devyn thanked him and drew her hand back, resisting the urge to rub his warm strength from her tingling palm. "We appreciate the ride home, Troy." The least she could do was thank the man. "Maybe we'll see you again sometime." She gave a little wave and pried a protesting Karly from the Good Samaritan's arm and led her toward the building. Karly was definitely having too much fun trying the man.

  Just short of the stairwell doors, a slender form staggered out from the shadows on the unlit side of the entryway. Ratty hair that might have been blonde straggled over bony shoulders. An odd angle of the security light gave the illusion of grinning death approaching them.

  Running footsteps drew Devyn's attention behind her. Troy. Jogging up, he stopped beside them. Somehow, his presence made her feel just a little safer.

  The skeletal crystal meth face teetered before them, thin lips marred by sores pulled back to show teeth gone dark and barely hanging in place. "Hey, d'ere, Karly." The raspy voice and slurred speech grated on Devyn's nerves. "Ya ole man sent ya a message."

  Devyn didn't miss the flinch in Karly's frame before she pulled on the bravado act. "Yeah, bitch? What he say?" She sidled up to the smaller woman, crowding into her face.

  "He say tell ya' you ain't goin' nowhere, bitch, 'cepta hell." With a hacking sound that might have been laughter, or coughing, the skeletal whore limped away.

  Devyn grabbed Karly's arm and pulled her around. "Karly, what the hell was that? How did he find out?" She resisted the panic riding her spine.

  "What was that? Is everything okay?" Troy watched the meth whore round the corner of the building.

  "Is it, Karly?" Devyn waited, impatient.

  "I'm sorry,
Devyn, I had to call him. I couldn't just walk away like that. I love him."

  Devyn let go of Karly's arm. The chill spread from her spine to her internal organs. "Shit, Karly!" She turned her back, putting one knuckle to her teeth to keep from knocking the piss out of her best friend. What the fuck were they going to do? A deep breath gave her enough distance to think. She turned to Troy. "Can you give us a ride?"

  "Absolutely." He seemed relieved. "Where do you need to go?"

  "A motel, I guess. We'll be right back down. I need to grab a couple things." Snatching Karly's arm again, she pulled her toward the door.

  "I'm going up with you." Troy came after them, right on her heels.

  Devyn started to argue, but thought better of it. When it came to that Jake fucker, there was no place for pride. Only survival. By whomever or whatever, it didn't matter and Preacher Boy would have to do. Devyn nodded and let him through the so-called security door into the stairwell. Damn, she wished she had a gun.

  Heading up the last level before their apartment, Devyn had to admit, Troy must be fit. He wasn't even breathing hard, and they'd moved pretty fast.

  He waited, silent, while she unlocked their door. Shit, she didn't want him to see the little rat-hole she lived in, or their meager, ragged possessions. A guy like him, he'd be used to far better. Oh well, nothing she could do about that. She gave the door a hard shove with her shoulder to get it unstuck from the frame. The screaming of hinges accompanying the door's slow swing open set Devyn's teeth on edge.

  She froze, fighting the urge to run. Karly gasped a curse and Devyn swallowed more panic. Holy fuck! The threadbare little couch was overturned, its upholstery shredded. The afghan Devyn had crocheted from thrift store yarn to hide the worst stains lay in strips with huge clumps of knotted yarn.

  Devyn looked over her shoulder when Troy tugged on her arm. "Let's go back downstairs and call the cops."

  Fear made her damn near nauseous, but she had to get her stash. "I need to get some things first." Devyn started through the door, but he caught her arm.


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