The Sorcerer's Touch

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The Sorcerer's Touch Page 11

by Imogene Nix

Cressida felt as if she’d been turned to stone. “Why?”

  “Her second told me it was so she could check on the preparations we’d been making, and she wanted to see Daniel, Hope and Celina.”

  “Caridad wants to see Daniel.”

  Clearly her thoughts broadcast, because Samra’s lips firmed. “All three of them, Cressida.”

  It took a minute for her to process Samra’s words, then she shrugged. She’d wasted so much time, and if Caridad wanted him, she’d take Daniel. There wasn’t much she could do. Realistically, there also wasn’t time for her to descend into another fit of doldrums. She had irrefutable evidence that needed to be acted on. “Fine. You’d better warn him and arrange for the weres to be here as well.” She spoke through stiff lips and felt Samra’s frustration.

  “He’s not interested…”

  “Just… Not now, Samra. I need to concentrate on this.”

  Samra left her office and Cressida busied herself, contacting the Masters and explaining what she needed and collecting updates. However, she avoided details of the video. That would need to be dealt with later, once they knew exactly who was giving away information. That would be their death knell. Nothing else could be acceptable to all of them.

  * * * *

  By the time Caridad arrived, Cressida had harnessed her wayward emotions and could look dispassionately at the situation.

  “So, Cressida, you’ve already been in contact with the others? They will be here soon?”

  “Yes, Caridad, in fact, they should be here already. But before we get to that, there is a further complication. Could you… Would you spare me a minute?”

  Caridad raised one well-shaped eyebrow and Cressida had the impression she was trying to work out what Cressida’s problem was. Now that she had her fears and frustrations under control, she intended to lock them away.

  With a tiny shrug, Caridad dismissed her entourage and took a seat opposite Cressida.

  She turned the monitor around and played the scenes. Caridad’s expression didn’t change. Not once. However, Cressida had the impression that this haunting footage had angered her. Particularly if the icy tendrils of power were indicative of Caridad’s emotions.

  “So then, within the Council or Councils we have one aligned with Creedar. We must weed them out. How do you plan to attend to that?”

  Cressida gaped at Caridad’s question. Caridad wanted her opinion? When it came to battle, Caridad was a fearless but determined leader. Her forceful nature had never allowed any other to extend their ideas and plans. Something had clearly changed.

  “Well?” The tapping of fingers on the tabletop reminded Cressida that Caridad was waiting. “I… Uh, breadcrumbs.”


  “Yes, like in the story…”

  Caridad’s blank look reminded her that she hadn’t been in the company of children in a very long time.

  “In the story Hansel and Gretel, the children find their way home using breadcrumbs after they are abandoned to the witch. It makes sense that we lay down a trail of ‘breadcrumbs’, or false information in our case, so Creedar and his minions come to us.”

  “It certainly has merit. But tell me, what happens to Hansel and Gretel? Do they take lovers?” Caridad’s eyes lit with interest.

  “No. It’s a children’s story.”

  Caridad’s eyes widened. “Oh! And you know this why?”

  “My nests have traditionally harbored children. I spend time with them.”

  “Hmm.” Clearly Caridad questioned her sanity, but she shrugged. “Fine. Show me to the room where I can find the neophytes.”

  Cressida rose and led the way to the small meeting room where Hope, Celina and Daniel waited.

  The sounds of chatter from within died away as they opened the door. The three stood, worried and unsure, to Cressida’s mind, about why they were there. The tension in the room left her as confused as them. As she made to step away, leaving them to Caridad’s less than tender mercies, Caridad stayed her with a sharp movement of her hand.

  “Cressida, you will stay too.”

  Caridad indicated they should all sit and, as one, they lowered themselves into the seats. “So, things are escalating, but until now I wasn’t sure we had any advantage. However, today one of my contacts handed me something I believe will give us the upper hand.”

  The three sat forward, their eyes alight with interest. Cressida too was intrigued. What could Caridad have?

  The warrior Overlord reached into her pocket and withdrew a large velvet pouch. “I’d heard of similar things, but never seen them. Not until today.” The strings were frayed and the velvet well worn, but inside the bag something disk-like pushed against the material.

  “Liege, what have you got there?” Celina pushed forward now and a ripple of power undulated through the air.

  “Well, interestingly, it seems to be reacting to you. I wonder?” Caridad pushed her hand into the bag and drew back a set of necklaces of black and white and silver metals. She dropped them onto the tabletop as Cressida breathed deeply.

  The instant the disks fell to the table Daniel felt the buzz of power. It drew him closer, as if his whole psyche needed contact with it. Without thinking, Daniel reached for one of the white and silver charms and it warmed gently in his hands.

  Celina grabbed a black one before dropping it with a cry. “Oh my gosh! It’s so cold!”

  Caridad laughed, the sound tinkling in the air, and Daniel smiled, unable to ignore the feelings she evoked. A cold shaft sliced at him and he glanced to Cressida. Her face was set in stern, forbidding lines as she watched from the end of the table.

  He ached for her.

  Having been part of the dream the night before his change, he now understood. She felt too much and had locked parts of herself away, hoping to protect her heart and soul. There was a deep empathy but it made her vulnerable, and she would never allow that. Many would think her remote and unapproachable, but he knew better now.

  “Cressida, I think you should hold one, so we can gauge if they only respond to these three.”

  She jerked and her gaze locked with his.

  “Go on. Pick one up.”

  She extended her hand and he felt a momentary compulsion to grab it and tell her what was in his heart. But he didn’t. Not even with his mind. He instead imagined a wall, with his feelings hidden behind it. He’d tell her in his own time and in his own way, without a damn audience.

  Instead he watched as she traced her fingers over the scrolls and the tiny gems in the center.

  “Warm.” Her voice was soft and surprised.

  “No. It’s cold.”

  “Celina, I think I know the difference between warm and cold. This is warm and that warmth—” Daniel furrowed his brow.

  Celina whispered, “It’s like it’s climbing up your arm?”

  Cressida nodded.

  “Now that is interesting, because I only had the impression of cold. Cressida, call your second.”

  “Of course, Caridad.” Her forehead crinkled and he noted the way her gaze almost turned inward before the door behind her opened and Samra entered.

  “Ah yes. Samra, could you pick up one of the white ones?” Caridad gave her sharp demand and Samra reached out, plucking the amulet from his hands.

  “It’s cold!” She thrust it back at him and he smiled.

  “Now one of the black ones.”

  Samra followed Caridad’s command. The instant her hand touched the round metallic disk she pulled back. “Cold again. Am I supposed to—?”

  “Thank you, Samra. If you could wait outside.” Cressida dismissed her with a smile and Samra left after shooting a searching look at Cressida’s face.

  He sighed inwardly. At every turn the game changed. Whatever these artifacts that Caridad had presented were, she clearly thought they were important, so he’d go along with her. For now.

  “So they only react to certain people. I find that intriguing, don’t you?”

He glanced to Caridad, who tapped her long finger against ruby lips.

  “Then who are the others intended for?” Cressida rose, her every motion carefully controlled.

  “For the neophytes and their partners, I would think.”

  Cressida stilled, body stiff and radiating her shock. “What?” She turned and her hair tumbled loose from the confines of her bun. It lay around her shoulders like a cloud of golden silk.

  “Yes, Cressida. I think they—the amulets—choose the people who command them. Go on. Pick it up.”

  Cressida’s gaze was steady, but he detected something in their depths of her eyes. “But…”

  “Do. It.” The words were a command and the air rippled once more.

  Cressida slowly walked to the table and lifted the amulet. Peace flowed through him at her sigh. She clutched the amulet, then looked to Caridad.

  Hope and Celina rose. “We’re going to contact Xavier and Javed,” Hope informed him and left the room.

  “Take a break. The others will be here shortly.”

  Daniel imagined a vision of them leaving the room, a large wall separating them from Caridad. In his mind, he rose, gave a short nod to Caridad, then took Cressida by the hand.


  She did. Without murmur, she followed him to the office. The soft whiteness that edged her thoughts reminded her this was taking place in her mind, yet she was sure and could sense everything said and done as if it really was what she was doing.

  “Cressida, I understand your uncertainty before. Now, here, before the others join us, I need to tell you. I am yours and you are mine. Never question that.” His lips covered hers and the emotion was so deep that he felt every atom of his body participate. He tasted and sipped at her, then allowed his mouth to follow her jawline, the long arch of her neck and down to the fine collarbone, hidden beneath her black jacket.

  He took his time. Finding the button, he pulled the material firm while she moaned. It gave with a jerk and sag, then he slipped the heavy wool item from her shoulders.

  He set his lips to hers, as her body quaked and he whispered, “This seals it. We belong together forever.”

  By the time he’d kissed her lips again, his body raged with a fever, hot with wanting and heavy with desire.

  He drew back, the glint of her heavy lidded and smoky eyes was the knowledge that she too yearned for him. In her gaze he read the promise of passion but also her fear.

  With great care, Daniel pushed aside her golden tresses. “Don’t fear what we have, Cressida. Forever is nothing to be afraid of when you aren’t alone I will be here, by your side. Evermore, my love. Evermore.”

  Her hands slid around her waist. “Then don’t let go.” She sobbed and the control, iron hard, shattered and she shuddered in his embrace.

  Under the onslaught of their shared passion his mind fractured and the wall surrounding their thoughts dropped, leaving them open to those around them. A firm ahem sounded. Caridad.

  “If you are finished, perhaps you can concentrate on matters at hand now?”

  Daniel cursed as Caridad spoke in his mind.

  “God damn… Does she do that to you too?”

  Cressida flinched at his mutter and struggled to regain her composure.

  He glanced in Caridad’s direction and couldn’t help but notice the way she looked at them both, her grin knowing. Embarrassment flooded him for an instant then melted away. “I really don’t care who knows of my feelings.”

  Cressida blushed deeply as Caridad’s laughter tinkled through the air. Not unkindly, he thought with amusement. It was more a sound of acceptance and that settled their future in his mind

  “I do hope you’ve sorted things out.”

  His grin died away. “The witches are here, as are Xavier and Javed.”

  This time Cressida watched Hope and Celina enter the room with their mates, extended her senses and tasted their reactions. It surprised her that there was desire and happiness exuding from them. They were exactly the same emotions she felt whenever Daniel was near.

  It was an uncomfortable situation, sitting there with Daniel beside her. His eyes met hers, and she could sense the dare.

  “Will you acknowledge me and what is between us?”

  His thoughts battered her. She wanted to, but fear held her in its grip. She wanted what she thought he offered. But was it really that? Could the passion that seethed be more than just passion?

  After centuries of loneliness—and she allowed herself to acknowledge that was what her dominant emotion for so long had been—that fear of intimacy had driven her to deny herself any possibility of a relationship in such a cowardly fashion. She continued burying herself beneath layers of responsibility.

  For a minute she critically examined these men who’d taken on the responsibility of nests and partners. They were clever, resourceful and happy, that much was clear. But they were also strong and wiry of body, with charismatic presence.

  She understood why the women were attracted, yet they were missing the something that made Daniel who he was. His earnestness and his attention to detail had been early indicators, for her. His commitment to their cause and the sexuality he exuded whenever she was near had sealed their fate.

  “Javed and Xavier, we need your help. We’ve accessed some amulets that we believe will help us in the battle against Creedar.” All eyes settled on Caridad now, including Cressida’s.

  Xavier reached out, his hand hovering above the two amulets left on the table before he grabbed for one. “It feels warm.”

  “Javed? What’s your reaction?”

  The dusky-skinned man scooped up the other and his eyes closed.

  “Power. Warmth.” His muttered words broke off as he opened his eyes, pinning Caridad with his searching gaze. “These are meant for us?”

  “I believe so.” Caridad rose. “In fact, the witches will be able to explain better. I’ve asked them to await us down in the dungeon.”

  “So we should…?” Hope stood, the leather of her pants creaking slightly.

  “Yes, we should wear them.” Cressida spoke quietly as she lifted the metal chain over her head. Against the white of her blouse the black and diamond amulet seemed to shine, and she noted the six tiny diamond points at the outside and the single point in the center. I wonder what they mean? Then she shook her head. I’ll no doubt find out more later.

  * * * *

  As he slipped out of the door, Daniel reached for Cressida’s hand then stopped her at the old stone steps hidden behind a metal grate. “Wait. Cressida.”

  She turned her gaze on him and in her eyes he saw a little fear but mostly a burning excitement. “We’re meant to be, aren’t we? That’s why there’s six amulets. Six points. Six of us.”

  “Meant?” A thrill punched through him. Her words contained the breathless quality of someone laboring hard. “You believe me only after someone hands you an amulet?” He couldn’t help himself, the tone of his words teasing as he leaned and watched her eyes dilate. “I’d been hoping you’d work it out. Without any outside intervention.”

  His gaze narrowed on her lush pink lips. He wanted to kiss her. His body urged him to but he held back, knowing they’d be missed.

  “Dan-iel?” That tiny break as she spoke his name propelled him.

  She tasted sweet, and a moan broke the air. His body ached with instant need. He curved his hand around her buttock and pulled her close as will melted away.

  “Daniel? Cressida? Stop that, and get down here!” Celina called them, smashing the blissful cloud that surrounded them. He pulled away and she blushed, a red crest rising over her perfect pale cheeks. Her eyes sparkled and her lips, lush now and slightly swollen, parted enough to entice him.

  It was a struggle to settle himself.

  “We should…”

  He still panted, his chest heaved from the quick lightning flash of passion, then he tugged her after him, down the stairs, their steps echoing in the darkness.

  The lo
w light that would have bothered him before his change was now akin to a high-wattage globe and he smiled, realizing that he could move swiftly in such situations. It was a reminder that he was now a predator, and that fact no longer carried any cause for qualms.

  Sleepless nights are a thing of the past. Or days…

  A smothered laugh caught him unawares. “That’s why I lo…” She cleared her throat and the tension inside him returned.

  “We’ll have to finish this discussion later.”

  He sensed rather than saw her nod as they entered the large dungeon room.

  The three women, the three witches, stood waiting for them while Hope, Celina, Javed, Xavier and Caridad looked at them expectantly.

  “So you have the amulets. We’d heard of them but have recently come across a tale foretelling that they will herald the beginning of the end.”

  “They are ancient artifacts from somewhere else.” Selena waved her hands in the air and it made Daniel want to growl at the careless way she clearly shared only a section of what she knew. The way she avoided looking at those gathered reinforced his deduction.

  They could be from outer space for all he cared.

  “From the stories we’d heard, they were hidden away from sight until such time as they were needed.” Selena scanned their faces, her posture straight, and he was reminded of an old-fashioned schoolteacher. He wondered for an instant if that was one of the many incarnations she’d assumed over the centuries. She glanced in his direction and smiled. The action didn’t ease his nerves and he shuffled on the spot.

  The one he knew as Jemima stepped toward them. “Each of you was chosen by an amulet. They called to you, didn’t they? You felt the singing of them in your blood and your heart.” Her soft words and gentle smile eased the tension the others exhibited and she stepped around the gathering, rubbing a soft hand down their arms. “Yes, they are magical things, gifts from other beings. Ones we don’t yet know.”

  “Well, that’s great, but what do they do?” Celina demanded.

  “Do? Yes, they do many things.” Jemima’s eyes took on an unfocused quality. “Communicate. You will be able to communicate with the others through them. I believe…” She flinched and the gathering tensed in reaction.


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