Operation Dark Angel: The Rise of Nicolaitanes (Apocalypse Series Book 1)

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Operation Dark Angel: The Rise of Nicolaitanes (Apocalypse Series Book 1) Page 14

by Pam Funke

  “Ummm, thank you.”

  “That’s what I like—a humble man. Keep doing good work and you will go far.”

  General Ludlow wasn’t sure how he felt about the praise the voice had given him; he had mixed feelings about it. In a way, he kind of liked it. What kind of man am I turning into?


  What am I going to do? What am I going to do? What if he saw me? Did he see me? I don’t know. I have to get out of here. She was terrified. But no matter what, she could not let on that she had witnessed the General killing Charlie. She really had to get out of there and she had to do it soon. Tonight. It has to be tonight. It’s not safe here anymore. They have resorted to killing people for this project. So just what does this project entail really? She did not think that she really wanted to know. But she knew one thing—it had been a mistake becoming a part of this project. Money or no money she was going to disappear on her own.

  CHAPTER forty-one

  Now, what am I going to do? I will have to get the body taken care of and clean up this mess. Luckily no one had been around. Oh well, don’t cry over spilled milk as my mom used to say. I have got to remain focused. I had to do it, there was no other way. Besides, if I hadn’t, who knows what they would have done to me. General Ludlow stepped over the body and headed back to the lab as though nothing had happened. He only paused long enough to shut the door behind him and lock it.

  He then went to the bathroom to clean himself up a bit. He still couldn’t believe that he’d had to do that. But Charlie was now gone. After cleaning himself up, he headed back to the lab. He was afraid someone would notice that Charlie did not come back into the room with him, but not one person looked up from what they were doing. A lot of heartless people around here.


  Katy Farnsworth sat quietly at her computer. She was running a stability test on the BTX strain they had created. She avoided any eye contact with the General for fear he would suspect that she knew what he had done. Just what had she gotten herself into? She had known Charlie had wanted out and she was afraid that this was the reason the General had killed him. What would he do to her? She decided that she would quietly withdraw herself from the situation. Whatever she had to do, she would do it tonight. Poor Charlie.

  Katy would be getting off soon. She decided that once she clocked out, she would not ever be returning to work no matter how much money they had promised her. She did not want to end up like Charlie. More importantly, there was no way that she would ever be any part of murdering thousands of innocent people. She never agreed to that. Had they told her this in the first place, she never would have gotten involved with this project? They had lied to her. No, she would just leave like it was any other day. No reason to make anyone suspicious. Then she would go to the bank and close her account and just simply disappear. She finished up her work quietly, trying to calm herself down. She needed to quit shaking. She was a nervous wreck. She didn’t know how she would ever get the image of the General shooting Charlie out of her head. She’d never seen anyone murdered before. She couldn’t wait for the day to be over with.

  CHAPTER forty-two

  Ezekiel was looking forward to Sunday. Service was going to be good he knew. Then he would be having dinner with his friend Katy. A good way to begin the new week.

  Dr. White was a handsome young single man; women practically threw themselves at him. He was very picky and was determined to wait for the one that God intended for him. He wanted someone who loved him for him and not for what he could buy them. Dr. White enjoyed companionship, especially with good Christian people. He didn’t have time for people who gossiped or played head games or were gold diggers. He didn’t like fake people either. He just didn’t have time for ungodly people. He did his morning rounds at the hospital then left to attend church services as was his schedule every week. It made some of the nurses mad; some of them wished they had the same privilege while others just thought that if they had to be there than so did he. Plus they couldn’t understand why Dr. White kept turning them down when they asked him out.

  After morning services, he accompanied Katy back to her home for dinner. She called her secret church friend and asked him to stop by later in the evening. She did not want him there while Zeke was visiting. She had forgotten when she had invited Zeke over that he was coming for a visit that afternoon. She then went to her kitchen to start preparing dinner.

  “Can I help you with anything Katy?” he asked sitting on the bar stool at the counter.

  “No Zeke, besides you are my guest. So just sit there and relax for a while,” Katy said putting on her apron.

  She set about preparing the meal and chatting with Zeke. He felt like he was a little boy again in his nana’s kitchen. It brought back wonderful memories. He was really enjoying himself.

  “It’s nice to have someone around again, Ezekiel. I thank you for this.”

  She’d been a little lonely since her husband died five years ago, and her children were grown and on their own. They didn’t come around much anymore—too busy with their lives to visit their mother unless they needed or wanted something.

  Katy made a simple dinner—baked pork chops, home-made mashed potatoes, greens and corn bread. She served them and took Zeke’s hands. They bowed their heads, “Father, thank you for providing this wonderful meal and the hands that prepared it. Thank you for my new Christian friend, Katy. Thank you for your wonderful word this morning. Thank you for allowing us to be here one more day. I am very grateful for all that you have given me. Please bless the food that we are about to eat. Bless those who have nothing to eat and please feed them physically as well as spiritually. In Jesus’ holy name, amen.”

  “Amen,” Katy said joyfully.

  They ate dinner quietly. Zeke was enjoying the food as well as the company.

  “You have a lovely old house,” Zeke said admiringly.

  “Thank you. This house is hundreds of years old. It has all kinds of hidden secrets,” Katy replied. Now, what made me say that?

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, help an old woman clear the table then I’ll show you.”

  She didn’t know why, but she suddenly knew that she could trust him with this secret. Plus she felt as though he needed to know about this though she had no idea why. They cleared the table and washed the dishes together. Ezekiel was enjoying Katy’s company; she was a breath of fresh air. Katy smiled as Ezekiel dried and put away the last dish.

  “Come on,” Katy said motioning for him to follow her.

  She walked down the hall to the closet. Ezekiel was puzzled but curious. She opened the closet then pushed something and a second door opened at the back of the closet. She turned on the light switch. He could see a stairway leading downstairs somewhere. Amazing.

  “Come on,” she said climbing down the stairs.

  Ezekiel followed her. At the bottom of the stairs was a large room with a tunnel at one end. There were a couple of beds, some shelves lined with canned goods and other necessities, a generator, and a large refrigerator/freezer unit.

  “This looks like a bomb shelter, Katy. What’s this about?”

  Where did all of this stuff come from? I don’t remember it being here before. This certainly confirms my suspicions that something is definitely coming. We must need this room sooner than I’d thought. “It’s my emergency room. When I found all of this I figured that it might come in handy one day.”

  “Come in handy for what Katy?”

  “Well, I don’t know yet. Whatever God tells me to do with it. Come on.”

  She walked halfway down the tunnel; it branched off in four different directions.

  “That way is a dead end about two miles away. That way goes up to the street thirty blocks from here. That way connects to the subway tunnels. And that way goes to a safe house,” Katy said pointing.

  Ezekiel was impressed, although he had no idea what she would need any of this for. He felt honored, however, that she trusted him en
ough to share this with him.

  ‘Thank you for trusting me with this, my friend,” Ezekiel said.

  “I trust you, Zeke. God wanted me to share it with you though I am not sure why.”

  “Thanks again.”

  Katy led Ezekiel back up the stairs. She made sure that the light was off then closed the secret door and the closet door.

  “Well thank you for dinner and the wonderful company, Katy. I must go home now as I have an early shift tomorrow.”

  “Thanks for keeping an old woman company.”

  “See you next Sunday?”

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

  Ezekiel hugged Katy then kissed her on the cheek and walked to his car.

  “I wonder what it was originally built for,” Ezekiel wondered as he drove away.

  Katy stood in the window watching Ezekiel drive away. I really enjoyed his company. It was almost like spending time with my grandson. She smiled. She nearly jumped out of her skin as her secret visitor rang the bell announcing his arrival. Is it that time already? She turned away from the window and walked to the closet to let him in.


  The meeting continued on without General Ludlow’s presence. They were discussing what needed to be done next.

  “Nicolaitanes, I don’t trust General Ludlow,” Tara said boldly.

  “She’s not the only one Nicolaitanes,” Victor said. “I know that you had your reasons for choosing him and I’m not saying that you were wrong, but I don’t think he’s living up to your expectations.”

  Nicolaitanes looked at them. “Is that how you all feel?” Nicolaitanes asked.

  They all looked around the room; everyone was shaking their head.

  “Yes, Nicolaitanes, that is the majority,” Tara said.

  “I see,” Nicolaitanes said as he got up out of his seat. He walked over to the windows and looked out of them.

  “Do you trust my judgment?” Nicolaitanes said suddenly turning around. He looked livid.

  “Of course, they do Nicolaitanes,” Rosalind said.

  “I did not ask you, Rosalind,” Nicolas said annoyed.

  “Sorry, Nicolaitanes,” Rosalind replied.

  He walked across the room. “I asked you all a question!” he stormed.

  “I trust your judgment Nicolaitanes,” said Annamaya.

  “But of course, we do,” said Victor.

  “Yes. Yes, of course,” various people said out loud. Nicolaitanes still seemed a little peeved.

  They felt that they could not trust the General and were uneasy about having to let him be in charge of so much. But more than that they were sorry about having crossed Nicolaitanes. They certainly would not be doing that again. They sat fidgeting in their chairs awaiting the storm they were sure Nicolaitanes was about to bring. They were however surprised when nothing more happened. Nicolaitanes continued the meeting as though nothing had happened.

  “After we hit Israel—England, China, the United States and Russia are to be hit simultaneously within 2 days of the attack on Israel. Is everything ready?” asked Nicolaitanes.

  “I believe that everything is ready to go,” said Rosalind.

  “Good. When this is all over, you will all be rewarded well. Stick with me and I shall make you kings and queens of the earth. You will each have your own territory to govern under the new global order.”

  The men and women around the table glanced at each other as Nicolaitanes was talking. Surely this man was off his rocker. He cannot possibly have the power to do that. There is no way that the world would simply agree to this. However, greed was definitely in their eyes and their hearts; they longed for this to be true. They leaned forward in their chairs as though this simple act would make what Nicolaitanes said true. Would he really make them kings and queens of the earth? The very idea appealed to them a great deal. But yet, how could this man possibly do that? Who was this man and what kind of power could he possibly have that would make the whole world elect them as kings and queens? He was just a man after all, wasn’t he? They did not know what to think.

  “You are all probably thinking how can this be possible? Am I right? Yes, of course, I am. After Operation Dark Angel has initiated, a series of events will occur to make this possible. I know that you are wondering how I can possibly know such things that have not happened yet. Let us just say that I have friends in high places,” said Nicolaitanes pacing back and forth around the room.

  If they only knew. Nicolaitanes burst out laughing at the thought. The laughter was enough to send a hair-raising chill up the spines of everyone in the room except Rosalind.

  “Nicolaitanes excuse me, but I do not think that it is time for them to know the whole plan just yet. Do you?” said Rosalind firmly.

  “Yes, of course. Thank you for reminding me, Rosalind. But it would suit you well next time to not interrupt me!” glared Nicolaitanes.

  Rosalind lowered her eyes. “Yes, sir. I understand.” Why did he disrespect me like that in front of them? I am his right hand man, well woman anyway. I have done everything for him and have given up quite a lot for him also. To think that I have protected him since he was a small child. That ungrateful little…Rosalind was unable to finish the thought before a voice that she knew well interrupted her thoughts.

  “Are we being a little ungrateful? Have you forgotten where you came from Rosalind? It would suit you well to remember. Do not disrespect me again ever! You are here for protection purposes only—it would suit you well to remember that. You can be replaced you know. I would rather that it did not have to come to that. You know that it is not yet my time.”

  She suspected that the voice was a part of Nicolaitanes somehow; how it worked exactly she had no clue. She also thought that she was the only one who could hear the voice. She nodded at Nicolaitanes respectfully. It will suit me well to remember that he knows my thoughts, my mind is no longer my own. The voice can hear my thoughts any time it wants to. I think that it can hear everyone’s thoughts. This is how Nicolaitanes is able to get people to do what he wants. She wondered what else he was capable of. He could accomplish things, unlike any man she had ever met before. Then again he’s been able to do this since he was a small child.

  CHAPTER forty-three

  Josef Bartola was busy studying doctrine back at the Vatican. He was preparing himself for his new position. The Pope had been excited when he came back from Barcelona with the news. He had been very pleased with Josef. Everything was coming into place. The UN had voted in favor of organizing the UWR. Josef would be flying back to Barcelona in a few months to propose the rules and regulations manual that he was currently writing in his spare time. Right now he was working on translating some ancient scrolls the Administration of the Patrimony of the Apostolic See had found in one of the city’s old tunnels. He was so excited.

  Josef broke the seal then carefully unrolled the scroll. The scroll appeared to be thousands of years old. He was excited to see what was written on the scroll. He just hoped that it wouldn’t disintegrate before he could read it—it was so fragile. He took out his digital camera and took several photos of the scroll. He then used a special scanner to completely scan the scroll for study. He didn’t want to keep the scroll out longer than was necessary as he didn’t want it to become damaged.

  The writing on the scroll appeared a little strange to him. He wasn’t sure exactly what language it was written in, but it looked like Aramaic. Wow. What an archeological find this is if it truly is in Aramaic. Maybe these scrolls are back from the time of Jesus. If they are I can finally prove that Jesus was just a man. He truly believed that. Besides, it is physically impossible for a man who was crucified the way that He had been to come back from the dead. Right? No one had that ability. Once you’re dead that’s it. Jesus could not possibly be who they say he was; that’s just not possible. At least, that was how he felt, and he could not wait to be able to finally prove it to others.

  CHAPTER forty-four

please go down and let General Ludlow know that it is time. Thank you,” said Nicolaitanes.

  “Yes, Nicolaitanes.” Serenity got up to leave.

  “And Serenity?”


  “Fix the problem if need be.”

  “Yes.” Serenity left the room.

  She’s a good kid that Serenity. A little naïve at times, but a good kid nonetheless. “Well, what are we waiting for? It is time for the attacks to begin. Shall we gather in the situation room so that we may watch the festivities?” asked Nicolaitanes excitedly?

  “Yes!” they all said in unison.


  Richard Smith remained silent throughout the meeting. This was some bizarre turn of events. He just could not believe what he was hearing. Incredulous. Was this what he was here for? How could he possibly be of any help here? What they were doing was horrendous. He wanted no part of this. But he had promised God that he would do His will; he just couldn’t see what it would be right now. Was there a chance that he could maybe stop this madness? He wasn’t sure. He was definitely glad that he had not allowed Halle to come with him. This was definitely going to be dangerous.

  Richard looked at his watch—he hoped that they would be allowed to leave soon. He really wanted to go to Bible study. He needed all the help he could get. He gloomily walked upstairs with the rest of the group. Richard was silently watching everyone else; trying to get a feel for them. He didn’t think that all of them truly agreed with this madness, but no one voiced their opinions about this. Don’t any of them still have their humanity? Or is it just about money for them?

  Richard was still trying to size up Nicolaitanes. There was something peculiar about that man. Everyone seemed to like him and all, but it was the strange way that he was able to make people do what he wanted.


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