Operation Dark Angel: The Rise of Nicolaitanes (Apocalypse Series Book 1)

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Operation Dark Angel: The Rise of Nicolaitanes (Apocalypse Series Book 1) Page 36

by Pam Funke

  “But of course,” Byron laughed.

  He took the camcorder out and started to film the area making sure to include Gage and his ear to ear grin. He was about to turn off the camera when he thought he recognized someone. Startled, he turned the camera back towards the man and zoomed in. It was the same man he had seen at the bomb site. Byron turned the camera off and started walking towards the man. When Gage turned around, Byron was nowhere to be seen. Where had Byron gone? He searched through the crowd; finally, Gage saw him walking towards a man at the Wailing Wall.

  “What’s going on?” he wondered. Wait a minute. I have seen that man before, but where?

  CHAPTER one hundred and fifty-six

  The man stood silently at the wall. He watched as the men approached him. No one else had seemed to even notice him yet. Before Gage and Byron could speak, the man started talking.

  “These things says the First and the Last, who was dead, and came to life: “I know your works, tribulation, and poverty but you are rich; and I know the blasphemy of those who say they are Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan.” Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer. Indeed, the devil is about to throw some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life. Indeed, I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie -- indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you. Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with Me. Repent, or else I will come to you quickly and will fight against them with the sword of My mouth,” the man said and was gone.

  All within the sound of his voice stopped what they were doing to listen to what he had to say. Byron and Gage just stood there staring at where the man was only a moment ago. The man had not walked away, he had simply vanished—poof. Gage kept rubbing his eyes and staring at the space where the man had been.

  “Did you see what I saw?” Gage asked.

  “It depends. What did you see?” Byron replied.

  “I’m not sure, but there was a man there a minute ago, wasn’t there?”

  “If you mean the man who spoke the words of God to us and then disappeared, then yes.”

  Gage fell to his knees; he had been given proof of God’s existence and had heard his prayer. Byron laid his hand gently on Gage’s shoulder and squeezed reassuringly. Byron glanced at his watch; they only had a few hours left.

  “Come on, Gage. Let’s go see the Dome of the Rock now,” Byron said gently.

  Gage got up slowly; a single tear ran down the side of his face. He knew he was going to have to make some drastic changes in his life. They started walking towards the Dome of the Rock with Byron filming the whole way. He heard a strange whistling sound and stopped in his tracks. What is that noise? Gage waited patiently for Byron to catch up.

  “Strange,” Byron said.

  He continued filming as he walked toward the Dome of the Rock. It was really a magnificent sight. As he stared into the viewfinder of the camcorder he thought he saw something shiny moving in the sky. He zoomed in on the object and immediately wished he hadn’t. Fear gripped Byron and he almost dropped the camcorder to the ground.

  Gage looked at Byron questioningly. “Hey Byron, what’s the matter?”

  Byron said nothing as he pointed toward the sky. Gage scanned the sky trying to see what Byron was staring at, and then he found it.

  “Oh no,” Gage said terrified.


  The last missiles in the Phase II strike were finally approaching their target—Jerusalem. As Byron and Gage watched, the missile grew closer and closer. There was nothing whatsoever that they could do, nowhere to go. By this time, everyone who was outside could see the missile heading toward them, and they were very afraid. What were they to do? Some fell to their knees and prayed to God for protection; while others ran around screaming and panicking.

  The man reappeared near the Wailing Wall. “In that day the LORD will defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; the one who is feeble among them in that day shall be like David, and the house of David shall be like God, like the Angel of the LORD before them. “It shall be in that day that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem. “And I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace and supplication; then they will look on Me whom they pierced. Yes, they will mourn for Him as one mourns for his only son, and grieve for Him as one grieves for a firstborn,” the man said spreading his arms towards the heavens.

  The missiles suddenly exploded in the air and the BTX spores started floating to the ground. A great and massive fire spread across the sky consuming the BTX spores and what was left of the missiles. The people stood there in shock; they had been spared. All around them, people started singing praises to God and giving thanks. Gage was overwhelmed. Twice now, he had witnessed the incredible supernatural power of God. There was no way that anyone could explain this away—God was real. Gage looked all around him; this was when he noticed the Dome of the Rock had been destroyed. It must not have been able to withstand the shock waves from the missiles exploding.

  “Byron!” Gage suddenly called out.

  Byron did not answer him as he was too busy filming everything. Good. Byron is capturing this on film.

  Byron realized that Gage would probably want to do a newscast in reference to what they had just witnessed so he walked back over to Gage momentarily pausing the camcorder.

  “Who knew you would have such an incredible story to tell now,” Byron said.

  Gage smiled and nodded to Byron. Although they did not have the equipment to do the newscast live, Gage was still going to give his story as though they were.

  “Moments ago while my cameraman and I were touring the Old City of Jerusalem, we witnessed an incredible sight. The city was attacked by a pair of missiles much like the other attacks this week. Just moments before the missiles could strike, they erupted in midair. As we continued to watch a fluffy reddish like substance started floating down toward the ground. Before the substance could get to the tops of the buildings a massive white hot fire spread across the sky consuming the substance. Incredibly no one here has been harmed by the attack. The only injuries are from those rushing to flee the area and falling down the stairs or being pushed down by others trying to flee as well. This is absolutely amazing; the city was spared by the grace of God. The only physical damage here seems to be the destruction of the Dome of the Rock. It now stands in ruins. This could have only been the work of God. You would have had to see this with your own eyes. I hope this gives someone out there some hope in all this turmoil. This is Gage Cameron, ICNN news. Have a wonderful evening.”

  Byron turned off the camera. Wow. Gage looked at his watch, they only had a little over an hour before their flight left.

  “Come on Byron, we need to get to the airport to catch our flight,” Gage said.

  Byron stared at him. I thought I was the only one who was leaving.

  “Are you leaving with me, Gage?”

  Gage nodded. Things were getting too dangerous for his tastes.

  “Why? What about your story?” Byron asked.

  Gage just shrugged and headed back to the car. Gage was still amazed by what they had just witnessed. It was incredible, thank you, Lord. He truly had gotten his eyes opened; he was no longer blind.

  In the car, Byron reviewed the tape while Gage drove them to the airport. He watched it over and over again. He was so thankful that God had decided to spare them in Jerusalem. Byron couldn’t wait to get to a computer so he could get the segment ready for the air. God was definitely showing out and he knew so many people would finally be convinced of God’s existence if they saw this.

  They had a tough time trying to leave at the airport. Security was extremely tight and they weren’t letting anyone whatsoever int
o the country and only a select few out of it. The guard looked them over and took their cameras.

  “What’s this?” he asked.

  Gage paled, he hoped they weren’t about to confiscate the cameras. If they did, then no one outside of those who had personally witnessed the event would see the wonderful thing God had just done. He was about to say something when Byron interrupted.

  “Sir, we are just American tourists. Those have pictures and recordings of your wonderful city in which we have visited. We have truly enjoyed our visit in your beautiful country,” Byron said cheerfully.

  The guard looked at the cameras then back at them. He slowly handed the cameras to Byron and waved them through.

  “Nice going,” Gage whispered.

  They went to their gate and boarded the plane. Gage sat in his seat staring out of the window. Byron sat quietly next to him.

  “Where are you going, Gage? Your assignment is not yet over. There is much that you still need to report right here in Israel,” the voice said.

  Startled Gage looked around. Byron was quietly reading a magazine.

  “Did you say something, Byron?”


  Byron looked at Gage for a moment before returning his attention back to the article he was reading.

  “Gage, you need to get off this plane right now! If you leave, you will be throwing away your career,” the voice said.

  I know that I heard someone talking to me this time. If Byron is reading, then who’s talking to me? Suddenly Gage stood up. He looked around the plane for whoever could have been talking to him, but he saw no one he knew nor anyone who could possibly know about the story he was working on. He looked out of the plane’s window at Israel. The voice is right. I have to finish my story here. Something bigger is coming and I have to be here to tell it. Besides, I want to see if God does anything else spectacular. He quickly grabbed his carryon bag.

  “I cannot leave just yet, Byron,” Gage said.

  “What! I thought that we were going home now.”

  “I have to go back and see Prime Minister Olmert. He has got to know something by now. Besides, I have this nagging sense that something important is going to happen here. I have to stay. But you, Byron, are staying on this plane and heading home. Call me when you get there and let me know what you find out about your family. I will see you again soon, I promise.”

  Byron started to get up as well, but Gage stopped him. “I mean it, Byron. Go home to your family. I can handle myself for a while. I won’t stay here long I promise.”

  Gage hugged Byron quickly then got off of the plane. Byron stared at him. Now, what has come over Gage? Did he see something through of the window? Lord, please watch over my friend and bring him back to the States safely. Something doesn’t feel right about him staying here.

  Once inside the terminal, Gage turned to the nearest window to watch Byron’s plane take off. He was glad that his friend would be home soon. Safe journey my friend. May God watch over you and protect you. See you soon, I hope.

  CHAPTER one hundred and fifty-seven

  Robert Meyers drove to Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah, Georgia, to pick up Nicolaitanes. He turned on the radio as he really did not want to be alone with the man. Nicolaitanes always made him really nervous. Although he would never admit it to anyone, he was a little afraid of the man.

  Nicolaitanes got into the car and asked the driver to put up the privacy window; he wanted time to himself. He turned on the television and watched the news. He was pleased by what he saw so far. There was total destruction in New York City, Bogotá, Tripoli, Washington DC, Moscow, Beijing, and London. However, there was no news in reference to Jerusalem. Nicolaitanes wondered why that was. He knocked on the privacy window; Robert slid the window down.

  “Yes, sir?” Robert asked.

  “Has there been any news about Jerusalem while I’ve been away?” Nicolaitanes asked.

  Robert thought for a few minutes, he hadn’t heard about anything. Why was he asking about Jerusalem?

  “No sir, none that I have heard about. Is there anything you want me to keep an ear out for?” Robert replied.

  Nicolaitanes was annoyed. The destruction of Jerusalem is key to my whole plan. “No, just put the window back up,” Nicolaitanes said.

  He would have to ask Rosalind about this. Where was her reporter? All around the world, people were watching and waiting to see what would happen next. They knew it would not be much longer before someone started to retaliate for their country being attacked. But who would they blame? Who would they attack? They had no idea what lay in store for them; they could only sit back and watch. No matter what country they were in, they all had one thing in common—they were all very afraid.

  CHAPTER one hundred and fifty-eight

  Rosalind got up and stared out of the window of the situation room at Fort Stewart, Georgia, thinking. Nicolaitanes should be back by now. She wasn’t sure if he wanted her to wait for him to start Phase III or if she should go ahead without him. She decided to go ahead without him; if she were wrong then she would deal with him. Rosalind turned back to face the room trying to decide whom she would be sending on the mission. Whoever she chose would have to be completely trustworthy as well as stealthy. She finally decided on Adolph. She looked at the clock. We have time to take a short break. Breaks are good for the group; it keeps them relaxed and focused.

  “You are all dismissed. Please return in one hour and 45 minutes to continue. Adolph, I wish that you remain behind please,” Rosalind said.

  Everyone got up and left the room. Adolph started to leave as well.

  “Adolph! I believe that I asked for you to remain behind. That was not a request,” Rosalind ordered.

  Adolph rolled his eyes and sat back down. He clearly did not like being ordered by a woman.

  “What is it, Rosalind?”

  “First of all Adolph, I would appreciate your being respectful. I am in charge while Nicolaitanes is absent whether you like it or not. Now, I have an assignment for you.”

  “What is it?”

  “I want you to go to Russia and China to see their heads of State. There you will…,” Rosalind said as she lowered her voice to where only Adolph could hear her.

  Adolph grinned. Although he did not like Rosalind, he liked the way she thought. He was going to have a little fun with this.

  “When do I leave?” Adolph asked.

  “Is now soon enough for you?”

  She walked over to the desk and reached into the drawer; she pulled out three airline tickets for Adolph. One from the US to China, one from China to Russia and a return ticket back to the US. Adolph stared at her. Where had the tickets come from? They hadn’t been there a moment ago. Nonetheless, he took the tickets from her and placed them in the inside pocket of his coat. He then turned and left the room.

  CHAPTER one hundred and fifty-nine

  Tara and Andrew arrived at the church just in time for services. There were a lot of cars in the parking lot and Tara chose a spot where they would blend in easily. She looked Andrew over and straightened his tie. She then looked at herself in the mirror and touched up her lipstick.

  “Remember Andrew, we are a husband and wife looking to find a church as we just moved here,” Tara said.

  Andrew shrugged, “Yeah, whatever.”

  “Please just play the part.”

  Tara got out of the car and waited for Andrew. She then walked into the church with her arm in Andrew’s. She was repulsed by this, but they had to make it look authentic.

  “Hello. I don’t believe I have seen you here before. I am Reverend Germaine Richards.”

  Andrew smiled and shook the Reverend’s hand.

  “It’s nice to make your acquaintance. My name is Drew and this is my wife Penelope,” Andrew said trying to stifle a laugh. Penelope? Really. What on earth made her choose that name?

  Tara raised an eyebrow at him. “It’s nice to meet you Reverend,” Tara said taking the Reverend’
s hand. “My husband and I just moved here from Chicago and we are in the market for a church.”

  “I see. What made you decide to come here for service tonight?” Reverend Richards asked.

  “Oh, this lady I met the other day at the grocery store invited us. What was her name again darling?” Tara asked Andrew. “Sorry Reverend, I am not so good at remembering names sometimes.”

  “I believe you said her name was Katy something. Now, what was it? Barnsworth, Bellsworth? No, that’s not right. Oh yes, now I remember Farnsworth. Yes, that’s what you told me, her name was Katy Farnsworth,” Andrew said.

  Surely they couldn’t be talking about his friend, Katy Farnsworth. Katy has been in hiding for two weeks now. This woman can’t possibly have met her in the grocery store. Maybe she means someone else. Reverend Richards looked at them suspiciously. It certainly sounds like something Katy would do, but she would have invited them to her own church. Who are these two and why are they really here? What are they looking for? “Are you sure about that?” Reverend Richards asked.

  Andrew looked at Tara warningly, something was definitely going on here—this man knew something.

  “Yes, I am sure. I went to the store the day we got here, which was last Tuesday and I met that nice older black lady at the store. Why are you so suspicious? Did we do something wrong?” Tara replied.

  “No, we are just really cautious these days around strangers,” Reverend Richards said.

  He did not trust them at all; he would have to keep an eye on them. How had they found the connection to this church? Katy would not have told anyone about the underground in the open like that. She would have taken them in her home, not sent them here to this church. Katy didn’t even attend services here. She went to one of the other churches he pastored.

  “Well, please do come in and enjoy the service. If you’ll excuse me, I have others to greet before service starts,” Reverend Richards said walking away.


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