Whatever He Asks (Writer for the Billionaire)

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Whatever He Asks (Writer for the Billionaire) Page 2

by Thalia Frost

  “The answer is yes.” I put the paper on my desk, looking up at him.

  The girl in the cubicle next to me poked her head above the wall.

  “Then please sign and I'll do likewise. And your job begins.”

  I did so, my hand shaky.

  Magnus took the paper from me and signed with a flourish, his gaze never leaving my face. The uneasiness I felt that the job might have more to it than writing returned.

  And what if it does? The man's a god.

  I felt a bit ashamed of myself for the thought.

  “Follow me and you can begin.”

  “Right now?” I guess I'd thought I'd get a little break.

  “Yes, from now till we're done.”

  “All right. I have a phone call to make, though.” I stood up, unsteady on my feet as I grabbed my purse and a few other belongings.

  “Make it on the way up to my office.” Magnus whirled, and I hurried out the door behind him, the voices growing louder.

  I reached the elevator right behind him just as the call went through to the bar.

  “Hi, Rick. I'm quitting.”

  “What?” He sounded gobsmacked.

  “Yeah, I'm sorry. I'll explain more later. I got something I can't pass up.”

  “All right, sweetie. We'll miss you. I'll get your last check together and mail it to you. Drop your keys off this week when you can.”

  The elevator stopped in front of us, and we got on.

  “I will. Thanks for everything.”

  “Don't sweat it. Good luck, Mel.”

  “Thanks.” Tears gathered in my eyes as Magnus closed the elevator door.

  “I'm glad you've accepted the job, Linda,” he said, calling me by the nickname he'd given me last night.

  “Thanks for offering it. I'm eager to get to work.” The words were mechanical, but what did one say to a man like this and a job like the one I now had...whatever it was?

  “Good. When I saw some of the work you'd done for the company, I knew I wanted you to come be my direct employee.”

  I realized how close he was standing to me. It wasn't unpleasant.


  “Don't you want to know why?”

  I gaped at him. “Sure. Yes.”

  “I think your brochures are brilliant, and when I learned you'd come up with the concepts, I had to have you.” His cool gaze bored into me as the elevator whizzed up.

  It seemed like all the air had left the small space for a moment.

  “Thanks. I don't know what to say.”

  “Just what you did. Always take a compliment, Linda.” He brushed a hair behind my ear, and I held my breath as his warm hand touched my skin.

  I smiled. “I will.”

  The elevator dinged all too soon. I'd wanted to feel his hands on me again.

  He didn't mean to do that. It was harmless...he probably just noticed a stray hair and couldn't help himself. Most CEOs are neat freaks or at least control freaks.

  I followed him off the elevator and gasped. I couldn't help myself. His office was amazing. I'd heard rumors about it, nestled at the top of the building in what looked like a glassed-in dome from the Pittsburgh city streets. All I'd heard was true...and more.

  “This is...” I trailed off, unable to find the word.

  “Amazing, extravagant, opulent.” He smirked and led me beyond an initial, plush waiting area.

  “Yes, something like that.” I gasped for air as I followed his quick stride.

  “Sir, would you like me to hold your calls?” An attractive, middle-aged secretary asked from the outer area.

  “Yes, that would be good. Thanks, Pam.”

  The woman smiled, and I could tell she truly liked Magnus Gray.

  Well, that's always a good sign, if an employer's well loved.

  “About the office area,” he broke off to open his door.

  My heart was knocking around like mad as I took in the panoramic view, gleaming surfaces and space.


  “It's not what I'd have wanted.” He strode to the window, looking out. “It's all a bit robber baron, don't you think? And Pittsburgh's had enough of that.”

  “Perhaps, but your father must have wanted it.”

  Magnus frowned. “He did. He liked power. Everything else was a distant dot on the horizon to him.”

  I clasped my hands in the middle of the room, overwhelmed.

  “You'll work right next door. There's a little office there next to my administrative assistant's office. Each has its own space, though, so you won't be bothered.” Magnus smiled. “Let's get you settled.”

  I felt lightheaded at the pace at which this was moving.

  You're corporate now, baby. This is going to be your life—for a year anyway.

  He showed me into the adjoining office. It had the newest and best of everything. My pulse raced. I couldn't believe I'd be working somewhere like this.

  “This is fabulous, thank you so much.” I walked around the room, resisting the urge to run my fingers over everything.

  “Of course. I want you to have a comfortable space to work. The intern situation downstairs is too bad, and I'm going to see to it.”

  I gazed at him. “Really?”

  “Yes, really. My top priority is the people of this company.”


  Uh huh. Don't they all say that?

  But somehow I dared to hope Magnus Gray was different from the CEOs I'd seen on television bilking companies for golden parachutes after they'd already run them into the ground and taken shareholders' monies.

  “You'll see.” He'd moved to stand just behind my shoulder, and I shivered at the warmth of his breath.

  I said nothing.

  “I'll let you get to work now.”

  I gave him a look. “On what?”

  “Whatever you'd like. You have free rein.”

  I gaped at him as he walked out, shutting the door quietly behind him.

  When I was sure he was gone, I did a little jig there in the middle of the floor.

  It was almost 5:00 p.m., though. I imagined he'd expect me to keep late hours.

  I should have asked him. I could work all night if he needed me to, now that I’m not due at the bar later.

  I pinched myself as I gingerly sat down in the blond leather chair.

  “Oh, heavenly,” I said. A new laptop and printer sat there waiting for me to use them. So I did.

  A knock on the door a few minutes later brought me from my raptures of brainstorming for a new ad.

  “Come in.” I sat up straighter for Magnus.

  Instead, an icy blonde woman who might have been his twin walked in. “Hello. Who the hell are you?”

  I stammered for a moment. “I-I'm Melinda Louis, the new writer here for Mr. Gray.” I clutched at my desk.

  “I see. I'm his administrative assistant—Claudia Prokovich.” The woman flipped her hair.

  “Nice to meet you.” I decided to play it friendly, though it was clear the blonde goddess had already taken a disliking to me.

  “Stay off my turf.” She snapped the words at me and slammed the door shut.

  Okay. Apparently, she and Mr. Hotness are an item.

  Disappointment rose inside me at the thought.

  Time moved on, and as absorbed as I was in my work, I didn't even notice it was 7:05 p.m. A door shut softly. I waited for a moment and then gathered my stuff. Surely I'd put in a day and Mr. Gray would even be long gone or fine with me leaving.

  I slicked on some fresh lip gloss on the off chance that I ran into him as I left.

  Dream on.

  I exited my office, a big smile on my face. What an amazing first day. On my way to the door that led out through the impressive waiting area, a sound stopped me.

  Was that a sob? A man crying?

  I halted, wishing I were invisible. I'd walked into something or heard something I wasn't meant to hear. I looked to my left where Magnus Gray stood, his face drawn. His stooped s
houlders suggested dejection and perhaps tears, too.

  Like an idiot, I stayed glued to the spot—staring.

  He whirled around. “What are you looking at? You're still here?” His voice shook with anger.

  “Yes, I'm sorry. I—”

  “Get out of here, for God's sake. You put in a day.” Magnus closed his eyes, turning back to the window.

  “All right. I'll see you tomorrow.” I tried to swallow my pride, but I felt like a chastened child. Working for Magnus Gray wasn't going to be all sunshine and roses.

  And I was an idiot for thinking it would be. Men at the top are known for being less than warm and cuddly.

  I hurried down the hall, battling back sudden tears.

  As I stepped into the elevator, a voice stopped me.

  “Wait. I'm sorry.”

  I moved back into the hallway, feeling foolish. “For what?”

  Magnus Gray stood inches away from me now.

  “For talking to you that way. There are...a lot of things going on right now in the business.” His face was tight, grim.

  I shrugged. “It's okay.”

  “No, it's not.” He took my arm, and I couldn't breathe for a moment. “It's not at all.” Magnus crushed me to him, and his lips were on mine, making a trail of fire.

  He maneuvered me against the wall, one hand on my neck, the other tangled in my hair.


  I moaned into his mouth, responding to the name on his lips. The man could kiss, and his body pressed against mine told of his need. An answering wetness between my legs made me lightheaded. All sanity had flown out the window as soon as he'd taken me into his arms—maybe even from the moment I'd seen him in the bar.

  His hand ran down the nape of my neck and inside my shirt as I shivered in his arms. Our tongues danced, questing in rhythm. I inhaled his scent—clean earth and honey—an arousing combination. He was inches from touching my bra when he jerked away.

  “I'm sorry. This is wrong.” Magnus ran a hand through his mussed blond hair, not looking at me now. He'd put a few feet between us just like that.

  I said nothing. What was there to say? What could be wrong about a god-man like him who couldn't have been a day over thirty seducing me in the hallway outside of his business suite—other than everything in the eyes of anything moral and ethical? And me an intern just a few hours ago, to boot.

  I found my voice after a few more shallow breaths. “There's nothing to be sorry about.”

  All I wanted was to feel his hands on me again, his mouth on mine. Had I ever experienced such desperate need from a man?

  Like I'm the only thing keeping him grounded.

  I shook my head at the inane thought. A man like Magnus Gray definitely didn't need a virtual nobody like me, and we'd only just met. He must have a different woman in his bed every night, or he could have if he wanted one.

  “There is, but I knew it would be difficult not to touch you as soon as I laid eyes on you—the woman who writes so convincingly and who makes even me believe in Gray Enterprises.” His gaze locked onto mine, and I saw the sadness and hunger there.

  What demons are eating him up?

  The question came to mind swiftly. I was certain I was reading some deep darkness within him. His body had communicated the same to me.

  “I don't know what to say.”

  “There's nothing to say. I'll see you tomorrow morning, Ms. Louis.” He dropped his head, and I drank in his rumpled white business shirt and tie made askew from our heated moment of passion.

  His usage of my last name pained me. Would I not be Linda to him anymore?

  “Yes, thank you.” I pivoted abruptly, unable to look into those cold blue eyes for another moment.

  * * * *

  That night at home I couldn't get him out of my head. I was thankful I hadn't had class tonight because my mind was stuck on one topic—Magnus Gray.

  “And his hands, his mouth.” I shuddered as I climbed into bed naked, finding myself wet again for the tenth time since I'd gotten home. The throbbing between my legs begged for my attention.

  I thought I might die if he didn't touch me again, and my imagination had been in overdrive all evening with the ways he could do it.

  Yeah, right. It was a momentary lapse of judgment on his part. Probably one of many.

  Surrendering to my fantasies, I closed my eyes, picturing my sexy boss's face and how he had looked at me before he'd kissed me—those blue eyes narrowing with lust. The little pink toy I hadn't used in ages came in handy. The remembered feel of his lips pressed against mine and his hands on my skin so near my breast made me moan. My pussy clenched, and I groaned in frustration at being in bed alone and at thinking I had a chance with Magnus Gray.

  My body didn't care whether I had a chance or not. Reliving the feel of his hard cock against my stomach when he kissed me, I exploded into a thousand pieces, crying out into the darkness of my bedroom.

  “Magnus,” I whispered.

  My panting didn't stop for some time as my pussy clenched over and over. I hadn't come so hard in years.

  I rolled over after a while, hoping to sleep as tears spilled onto my pillow. Magnus Gray had reduced me to a lovesick fifteen-year-old in a day.

  * * * *

  “Ms. Louis, I'd like to see you in my office.” Magnus Gray peeked into my office without knocking. His brow was furrowed.

  “Now?” I dropped the pad of paper I was scrawling notes on.

  “Right now.”

  My heart thundered as he closed the door behind him.

  He's going to fire me.

  Dread ran through me.

  What a fool I am.

  I took my time and brushed my hair and reapplied lip gloss. If I was going down, I was going to look good. And I had dressed for the occasion of seducing the boss. I wore a slightly low–cut, purple V-necked silk blouse and matching black skirt. A lacy lavender bra and panties set completed the outfit, along with garters and nude hose.

  Squaring my shoulders, I made what seemed like a mile long walk to Mr. Gray's office. I knocked, half hoping he wouldn't let me in.

  “Come in.”

  I entered, standing just inside the door.

  “Lock it.”

  My heart leapt in anxiety.

  This is going to be bad. I'll set a record for losing a job in one day.

  I locked the door and slowly turned to Magnus. He'd covered the space between us, and he stood just inches from me, leaning against the doorjamb and hovering over me, leaning in to my personal space.

  I couldn't breathe.

  “I take back what I said last night. I don't apologize for what happened.”

  “Oh.” My nipples hardened under his gaze.

  “When I hired you, I knew I wanted you right beside me where you would only be mine. Your writing is only one reason why I paid you so much. The other was to ensure that you would be here by me.”

  The possessiveness in his words made me shiver. “I see.”

  I felt like an idiot, but what did a woman say to something like that?

  “But it isn't just about the sex or how attractive you are to me. I'm used to getting what I want.” Magnus traced my jawline with a warm finger.

  I closed my eyes, the room spinning slightly as I thought about sex with Magnus Gray.

  “What if I don't want to go along?”

  “Oh, I think you do.” He let his hand lay against my neck and then trailed it inside my shirt.

  I was panting now, the space between my legs wet. I wanted to squirm against his hand, to demand more.

  He found my breast, slipping his hand inside my bra. Magnus teased my nipple, tweaking it and caressing it in turns as my breath came in harsh gasps.

  What the hell am I doing?

  I wanted to pull away, to act modest or like this isn't something I'd normally do. And it wasn't, but something about Magnus Gray held me, compelled me to let him touch me. I needed him never to stop.

  “But there's o
ne thing, Linda.”

  I gasped as he used the pet name again and stroked more insistently against my nipple. My clit tingled, and I knew I was going to come right then and there with only his hand on my breast.

  “What?” I breathed the word more than spoke it, pushing my legs together to get at the buzzing point between them.

  “My troubles are my own. Don't worry about them.” His blond brows came together, and he glowered.

  The combination of the command in his voice and the light strokes against my painfully hard nipple made me cry out. My orgasm slammed into me like a truck, and Magnus held me up in his arms as I gasped and finally sobbed. The emotions that came with the climax were stronger than anything I'd ever experienced.

  He ran his hand over my ass as his hard cock pressed against my stomach. “If only I had time...maybe later. Now, get back to work.”

  Magnus let me go, and I stumbled out of the office, my legs shaking.

  “Don't you have things to do?” Claudia asked, her perfect brows arching.

  I didn't answer. I just brushed past her and ran for my office as she walked into Magnus's without knocking.

  Unhappiness colored my thoughts.

  She's so gorgeous. Am I really the only woman he's seducing?

  I closed my office door, letting tears of confusion flood my cheeks.

  The truth was I wanted him all to myself, and I planned to have him one way or the other.

  From the Author: If you enjoyed this story, be on the lookout for Writer for the Billionaire, #2, “Whatever He Commands,” in February, 2013. Also, my Bookkeeper for the Billionaire series might also be up your alley. You can find all five of those books on Amazon, and later this year, at other retailers. As always, if you enjoyed reading, please pass the word about my books on and take a minute to give them a quick review where ever you review books. It means more to me than you know. :) ~Thalia


  Facebook: ThaliaFrostAuthor

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  Whatever He Asks (Writer for the Billionaire)

  From the Author


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