Phoenix in Flames

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Phoenix in Flames Page 16

by Jaleta Clegg

  "You want my touch," she crooned. "Come, beg me for it."

  He shook his head, crawling further into the darkness. Her eyes flashed with anger. She crossed the rocks and struck him across the face. Her nails clawed his skin.

  "You will never defy me," she said. "You live and die at my whim. Never forget that."

  He curled up on the rock. Sobs racked him. He could feel the drug working in him. His mind was going fuzzy. He was forgetting. All except the hate he had for himself and for the witch who kept him imprisoned in the dark stone world.

  "Poor Henry," she whispered. She bent over him, her hand smoothing his cheek. "Poor sweet love. Sleep now. Dream of me."

  She kissed his cheek, a brush of lip over his skin. He wanted to strike her, knock her away like the poisonous snake she was. The drug denied him that. He did as she bid. He closed his eyes, feeling his mind slipping away.

  She was leaving, the light fading around her. He crouched in the dark and cried, for the loss of her touch, for the loss of himself, and for his own betrayal.

  Chapter 26

  "Did you have to invite her along?" Jasyn asked Clark.

  For about the five hundredth time, Clark thought. Louie screeched and hit him with one of his blocks. Clark shifted away from his son, although he couldn't move far, not without getting off the floor. It was his turn to play with Louie.

  Everyone on the ship was on edge, except for Ananda. She had shown up at the ship just before Clark. She held him to his promise. They hadn't had time to argue with her, not then. The Patrol wasn't too far behind. They'd lifted without clearance, although they had paid their fees. Another minor infraction that wasn't going to matter.

  "Show me which card again?" Ananda asked Beryn. She leaned close and batted her eyes.

  Beryn moved away from her, shooting dark glances at Clark. As the only unattached male under the age of fifty on the ship, Beryn was Ananda's target.

  Jasyn had made it very clear to her that Clark was off limits. Ananda still tried flirting when Jasyn wasn't around. Clark ignored her, mostly. She was difficult to ignore. She wasn't in Jasyn's class, but she was pretty close.

  Ananda treated Ginni like a servant, bossing her around until Ginni threatened to knock out a few teeth. Ananda was the one who acted hurt and offended. Nobody offered her any sympathy.

  As far as Clark knew, the only person who hadn't been bothered by Ananda was Twyla. He hadn't figured out why Ananda ignored her and didn't know if he cared.

  "She's getting off on Lukator," Jasyn said.

  Ananda pretended she hadn't heard. She flirted harder with Beryn.

  "We could shove her off now," Clark offered.

  "Tempting, but we aren't really pirates," Jasyn said. "Come here, Louie. Bath time."

  "No!" Louie shouted. It was his new favorite word. He used it for just about everything. Jasyn scooped him up and carried him into the nursery cabin. "No baff!" The door slid shut on his screeching.

  That was one consolation, Clark thought as he got off the floor. Ananda had to sleep in there with Louie. Everyone insisted it was the only free bunk on the ship. No one wanted her in Dace's cabin. Jasyn had locked it just to be certain she didn't slip in.

  He had to give Ananda points for trying. She was very persistent. She leaned on Beryn's shoulder, watching him try to play cards. He was explaining one of the more complicated scoring patterns in Comets. She was flirting for all she was worth, and she was good. Beryn kept trying to move away from her.

  "If Paltronis were here, she'd never try it," Ginni muttered darkly.

  "If Paltronis were here, she'd be missing more than teeth," Clark answered.

  Ginni flashed him a grin. "Why'd you promise her she could come? She didn't have any useful information."

  "Moment of stupidity," Clark answered. "She claimed they were going to kill her if I didn't."

  "And you felt sorry for her?"

  He looked guilty. Ginni laughed.

  "How much longer until we get there?" Clark asked.

  Ginni shrugged. "You flew us out. You should know."

  "It was a rhetorical question."

  Ananda laughed at something Beryn said. Beryn squirmed away from her, his face turning red. Darus shot them a dark look. He sat nearby, pretending to read.

  "Either she gets off, or I do," he muttered to Clark. "Do you have any idea what she did last night?"

  "Do I want to know?" Clark asked.

  Darus ignored his question. "She came down to the engine room and tried to seduce me. She said the engine power turned her on." He snorted in disgust. "She's nothing more than a cheap space port tramp in a pretty dress."

  "I'm not arguing," Clark said. "She's driving all of us nuts."

  "And I can hear every word," Ananda said. She looked pleadingly at Clark. "Don't leave me on Lukator. It's mostly Patrol. You wouldn't believe how brutal they can be."

  "Give me one reason why I shouldn't," Clark said.

  "Because I know where to look for Ren Matthias," she answered.

  He was on his feet, ready to beat the information out of her. She had held out on him. She cringed away, ducking behind Beryn. Beryn moved out of the chair, making it clear he wasn't going to protect her.

  "I'm not going to tell you until we're clear of Lukator Station," she bleated.

  "Tell me now and I may not shove you out the airlock," Clark snarled.

  "You won't," she shot back. "I know more than you think. You leave me on Lukator and you'll never find your friend."

  "Ginni and Jasyn will get everything out of you in less than five minutes," he threatened.

  "No, they won't. You people don't know the meaning of ruthless."

  "You have no idea what we're capable of doing. If you think the Patrol is ruthless . . ." He let it hang. It was more effective that way. It didn't work.

  Ananda laughed and gave him a challenging look. "What will you give me if I tell?"

  "It's what I won't do to you if you tell," he said.

  "When we're clear of Lukator Station," she answered.

  "Do whatever you want, Ginni," Clark said, still watching Ananda. "I'm positive Darus and Beryn will help."

  "I don't need help," Ginni said flatly.

  "This should be entertaining," Beryn said.

  "You do anything to me, and I will disappear," Ananda said, folding her arms and backing away. "You won't find Matthias on your own. And without him, you have no way to find your friend. She could be anywhere by now."

  "You'd be amazed at what we can find out," Clark said. "Don't hesitate, Ginni. Just try to keep the blood spatters off the wall." He turned away.

  "You aren't going to watch?" Ginni asked. She was moving slowly closer to Ananda.

  "I think I'll go help with Louie. Have fun." He took a step towards the nursery door.

  "Hawkmoor," Ananda said.

  Clark stopped and turned back towards her. "See how easy that was? Pack your bags, Ananda, you're getting off on Lukator."

  Ananda shook her head. Her red curls tumbled down her neck. "He isn't there. You take me to Hawkmoor and I'll give you everything I know."

  "What's at Hawkmoor?" Ginni asked.

  "Nothing you'd care about," Ananda said. "Just take me there. It isn't far. A few days. Once we get there, I tell you everything about Matthias and the people he works for, including his secret hideouts."

  "No," Clark said. "We leave you at Lukator. We don't need your information."

  "Yes, you do."

  Clark folded his arms and leaned against the door to the nursery. "Give me one good reason I should let you stay on this ship. You're nothing but trouble."

  "Because I can give you the information you need to get into Matthias' organization. You try any other way, and he'll be gone before you ever get within a light year. He's paranoid."

  "You don't know the meaning of the word paranoid," Ginni muttered.

  "Clark," Twyla called from the cockpit. "You've got about two more minutes."

step one inch out of line, and I'll let Ginni do whatever she wants to you," Clark threatened Ananda.

  Ananda smiled, sure she had won. At least for now. Clark deliberately turned his back on her and went into the cockpit. Beryn followed him in.

  "You're too soft, Clark," Beryn said quietly. "You should have left her on Tireo."

  "I know," Clark said. "But she is right, Beryn. We need her information. We have no idea where they took Dace."

  "Why didn't you bring McKane instead? I'm sure he knows. He was the one who kidnapped her."

  "And he's either dead or in Patrol custody. I didn't really have much choice."

  "I know. You want me to take navigation? I think Jasyn's occupied for a while still."

  "Get Ginni in here for scans," Clark said. He didn't need to say they should be prepared for trouble. None of them knew what to expect on Lukator. "Darus can keep our passenger entertained."

  The reentry alarm sounded. Clark hit the buttons, preparing them for the downshift to normal space.

  "What ship are we again?" Beryn asked.

  Ginni slid into the seat behind Twyla and booted up the equipment.

  "We should be the MaySue Marie," Clark answered. "That's what the beacon chip read last time I put it in."

  "And hopefully they haven't connected us with the ship that blasted out of Tireo," Twyla said. "How long can we keep running?"

  "Until we run out of options," Clark answered. "Watch your board. The stabilizer isn't setting properly."

  "I know," Twyla said. "I've got it compensated."

  "Well, if the worst happens and they know about us," Beryn said, "we've got enough fuel for at least one more jump. We don't have to stop."

  "Nice to know," Clark said. "Showtime."

  The ship slid through the jump point.

  "We've got a flutter in the starboard thrusters," Twyla said as they slowed the ship.

  "You've got a fairly clear approach," Ginni said. "There isn't much traffic to worry about. Mostly Patrol scouts. One big cruiser near the station."

  "Since we have no idea what is normal around here—" Beryn let his comment trail off. "They're calling us. Do you want to talk to them or do you want me to?" He directed his question at Clark.

  "You can handle it," Clark said. "Try pushing that thruster up a notch, Twyla."

  "Lukator Station, this is the MaySue Marie," Beryn said into the com. He had it on speaker.

  "MaySue Marie, do you require assistance? Your beacon is showing signs of damage."

  Clark began to swear, very softly.

  "We had a problem with a pirate, but we're fine now," Beryn said. He shot an unreadable glance at Clark.

  "You compromised it, didn't you?" Ginni whispered.

  Clark didn't answer.

  "Our scans indicate your ship is having some engine troubles," the woman on Lukator Station persisted. "Stand by. We'll have someone out there soon."

  "Ginni," Clark whispered. "Take over for me. Fly it like the engine core is too hot. Can you do that?"

  "Do you need to ask?" Ginni replied as she slid under him, taking his seat.

  Twyla glanced at her brother and pushed the thruster adjustment all the way to one end. The ship began to slide to starboard. He patted her shoulder and left the cockpit.

  "We'll be fine," Beryn assured the voice from the station. "We just need a straight vector in. Our stabilizers appear to have been hit at least once. You don't need to send anyone."

  "Oh, but we do," the voice said smugly. "Please power down your ship. We wouldn't want to risk any more damage to you or anyone else."

  Clark leaned over Darus at the table. "Can you fix the engine so it shows damage but isn't really? Something you can fix very quickly?"

  Darus raised his eyebrows. Ananda smirked.

  "They know who you are," she said.

  "Shut up," Clark snapped at her. "You're going to die with us. Make yourself useful. Put away all the loose items you can find."

  Darus headed for the engine room as fast as he could go.

  "You want to explain what you're doing?" Jasyn asked as she emerged from the nursery, a squirming Louie in her arms.

  "Down!" Louie shouted.

  "They know our beacon's off," Clark said. "They're sending us help from the station."

  Jasyn repeated the same swear words Clark had used earlier.

  Louie quit squirming and grinned at her. "Dammit!" he shouted.

  Jasyn clapped her hand over his mouth. "You don't need to learn those words yet. How about Bobo or Fofl?"

  "No!" Louie shrieked.

  She ignored his protests and shut him in the padded cage behind the cockpit. She hit the button for the projector and a six inch blue rabbit began to sing and dance next to Louie.

  "No!" Louie shouted, smashing his fist through the hologram. The bunny kept singing.

  The ship lurched to one side. The engine whined.

  "Tell me that was planned," Jasyn asked Clark.

  "We're pretending to be damaged," Clark said. "Just long enough for us to find what we need. Then we run as fast as we can."

  He nudged Beryn in the cockpit. Beryn was still trying to convince the nice lady at the station that they were just fine. She wasn't buying it. He switched to the headset, cutting off the speakers.

  Clark reached past him and typed on the keypad. The security screens for the Patrol station slowed him for a moment.

  "We've got six ships closing in," Jasyn announced. "You've got maybe fifteen minutes, Trevyn."

  Clark typed faster. Beryn argued harder. Twyla and Ginni kept the ship lurching from side to side.

  "The engine core temperature is rising," Ginni said.

  "Darus has it covered," Clark answered. "Just keep flying. Do something to make them back off. I need a few more minutes."

  "Hang on," Ginni said.

  The ship twisted into an insane spiral. Every loose item on the ship, including Ananda, was tossed and jumbled as the ship rolled. Louie giggled as he bounced in his crib.

  "Ten minutes, no more," Jasyn announced.

  "I'm in," Clark said. He typed as fast as he could.

  Ginni kept the ship rocking side to side, sliding into spins that looked uncontrolled. Beryn snapped off the com.

  "It's about time the com broke," he said to no one in particular.

  "Colonel Brannigan was executed yesterday," Clark said. "She was charged with spying, consorting with the enemy and criminals, and treason."

  "Where are we going, Trevyn?" Jasyn asked. "She was supposed to find out for us."

  "They're playing for keeps," Ginni said as the Patrol ships shot across their flight path. "Engine core is nearing the red."

  Clark shook his head. "I can't find anything. Wait—" He typed furiously. The computer beeped and complained as he rammed his way through security screens. He scanned the information as fast as he could. He shook his head again. "It's going to take me hours to sort all of this."

  "Hawkmoor," Twyla said, echoing Ananda without realizing it.

  They looked at her. Ginni sent the ship limping in a new direction.

  "I read some of the files you've got, the ones the Gypsy Council left," Twyla said defensively. "Hawkmoor is the contact point for anyone trapped in this quadrant."

  Jasyn patted her on the shoulder. "Move it," she ordered Beryn and Clark. They moved. Jasyn flipped the controls to navigation. She began plotting a new course.

  "They're closing in," Clark said, glancing at the scanner. He took the chair and fed the information to the main viewscreen.

  "Up, to the left," Ginni said to Twyla. "Give me everything you've got."

  The engine whined as she wrenched the ship onto a new course. Twyla's hands flew over the controls, trying to keep the ship from being damaged for real.

  "Headset," she shouted to Clark. "Tell Darus to give us back all the power he can."

  Clark grabbed the headset and relayed the information to Darus. The engine whine died abruptly. The ship jumped forward.
  "Vector one four five," Jasyn said. "That will get us close enough."

  "Right through our friends," Ginni muttered. She turned the ship, though, jamming the engines to maximum.

  The Patrol ships chasing them scattered as they plowed through the middle. Fingers of energy reached out, fanning behind their ship.

  "They're shooting," Clark said.

  "One minute," Jasyn said. "Do we have speed?"

  "We're good," Ginni answered. "Just say when."

  "Target locked," Clark said. "The next shot will take out our engines."

  The ship lurched as the bolt hit home. Smoke poured from the air vents.

  "Or maybe just the shields," Clark said.

  "Darus recalibrated them," Beryn said. "They still aren't good enough to hold up to that kind of power, though."

  "Then we'd better jump and soon," Clark said.

  "Got it," Jasyn announced as her computer beeped.

  Ginni didn't wait. She hit the sliders for the hyperdrive. The ship leapt forward, just ahead of a dozen bolts of energy. The ship shook and bucked as it made the jump to hyperspace. Red lights flared over the controls. Smoke poured from the air vents. The overhead lights flickered out. Louie shrieked.

  "Minor power glitch," Darus said over the headset. "Give me a minute."

  "Damage, Ginni?" Clark asked.

  She shook her head. "Mostly overloads. I think we're safe. For now."

  The smoke began to clear.

  "Did we get what we needed?" Jasyn asked.

  "Give me a few hours and I'll know," Clark answered. "I stole half their records for the last month. I didn't have time to be picky."

  "Or to cover your tracks," Jasyn said. "If we weren't listed as pirates before, we will be now. As if it matters."

  "That leaves one question," Clark said. "Who gets to try stripping the beacon this time?"

  No one bothered to answer him.

  Chapter 27

  The reentry alarm sounded. I tried to get out of the bunk. It was pure habit. I jolted to a stop, held prisoner by the chains on my feet and the cuffs on my hands. I fell back, cursing myself. I wanted out of the nightmare, even if it wasn't so bad as some I'd lived through. At least I had food regularly. Matthias only hit me if I said something he didn't like. Or if he was in a bad mood.


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