Broken Deeds MC: Second Generation #2

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Broken Deeds MC: Second Generation #2 Page 4

by Esther E. Schmidt

  I take the vase from his hand and feel a slight shift of weight. Vachs’ eyes widen when I start to open the urn. His hand covers mine and when my gaze hits his lips I read his concern. I hold my hand up and soften my face, hoping he understands I need for him to wait and let me check.

  Because the shift I felt inside can’t come from the ashes filling the vase; there’s an item in there that’s heavier. When I open it and glance inside I see a tiny item wrapped in plastic. I hold the urn in Vachs’ direction who is still cringing but gives a slow nod.

  I place the urn on the counter and grab one of the rubber gloves from the box on the floor–which was stashed inside the now empty cabinet–and pull it on so I can retrieve the item from the urn before putting the top back on.

  Placing the urn on the counter, I have my hands free to open the plastic and let a key along with a USB stick fall on the kitchen counter. I put the plastic in the trash along with the gloves and wash my hands…because…yuck, ashes.

  I stare at the urn and now notice the tiny cat paws on the label. Touching Vachs’ forearm, I point at the label. His eyes go to it and slide to mine as he gives me the words, “Cat or not it’s still creepy, Hads.”

  Hads? I grab my phone and type “Hads” and hit send. The corner of his mouth twitches as he runs his fingertip along my jaw.

  He leans in, my gaze is locked on his mouth as he takes my hand and plasters it against his chest as he repeats, “Hads” and gives me a sexy smirk adding the words, “That’s you.”

  My belly flops and my blood heats in my veins as he closes the distance between our lips and gives me another kiss. A kiss I don’t ever want to end while it just started. I let my hands wander and brush along the side of his face to feel his short beard.

  Vibrations enter my mouth and I love the feeling, knowing it’s a rumbling from his body to voice his pleasure. One of his hands is cupping the back of my head to keep me in place as the other slides down to my ass. Kneading, pulling me closer to let me feel the thick, hard bulge our bodies are holding hostage between us.

  For the first time I want the next step; sex. I’ve never felt safe enough to fully surrender myself to a man but with Vachs it’s different. The way my body lights up with tingles, butterflies in my belly and the way this man controls our kiss it’s as if he was made to play with my body, to give me pleasure and so much more.

  I’m drifting away on a cloud until I’m suddenly yanked off it when his lips are ripped from mine. I feel his chest rumble when I’m balancing myself with one hand on his chest. Embarrassment hits me when I see Archer standing in the doorway.

  His mouth is pressed in a thin line and I don’t need to be able to hear to know he’s throwing his words out in a snap. “Vachs. A word.”

  I snap my fingers to draw Archer’s attention and sign. “You’d better not want to talk to him about what you walked in on.”

  Archer signs back, “Yes. He should keep his hands to himself.”

  “I have one father, I don’t need a load of others,” I sign and am about to give him a piece of my mind but Vachs steps in front of me to cup my face, forcing me to watch his lips.

  “I don’t know what you guys just rambled about, but if it was about us, it’s none of my prez’s business, it’s ours. We will talk later, first we’ll talk about what we found. And I sure as fuck liked kissing you so not my prez, not your father, or any other fucker will tell me to walk away, okay?”

  The smile I feel spreading my face is so big, it hurts my cheeks. I softly bob my head in his grip and let my eyes fall shut as his lips feather over mine. Vachs pulls back way too soon for my liking, but I also don’t like Archer standing in my kitchen, witnessing our moment and glaring at us along with it.

  I watch Vachs’ lips move as he informs Archer, “We found an urn tucked away behind a cabinet. Inside Hadley found something and we haven’t checked yet but it looks like a key along with a USB stick.”

  “I think it’s safe to say that Fraser fucker tried to retrieve this shit. I’ll take it with me and let Ganza check what’s on the stick. But I came here to let you guys know Fraser reached out. He called the shop and left a message on the answering machine. Wyatt called him back and Fraser explained how he didn’t have any other option to get something he wanted from his girlfriend’s old place. Something sentimental and personal. He even committed to paying for the damage he inflicted by shoving his car through the shop.” His finger points to the urn. “I guess he wasn’t lying but the shit you guys found in there does ring more than a few alarm bells, don’t you think?”

  “Did he tell you what it was and where it was?” I question.

  Archer watches my hands move and gives a slight shake of his head. “He didn’t say it was an urn. Wyatt agreed for him to come and have a look under supervision.” He gives the both of us a sly grin. “Catching you two in here and telling me you found what he’s looking for is pretty damn good. Shove the thing back where you found it. He can have the urn, minus the shit hidden in there.”

  I reach for a drawer and grab a tiny plastic bag to put the USB stick and the key in before I hand it over to Archer. Grabbing the urn, I squat down to put it back in the hidden space behind the cabinet and put the wooden panel back in place. I carefully put all the stuff I had in there back and stand to see both men bend forward, looking like they’re in a rough discussion. Suddenly Archer takes a step back, he looks stunned.

  I watch his lips move with the words, “No. You can’t. You’ve not so much as spent two fucking days with her.”

  Confused I glance at Vachs, who is staring right at me as I read his lips. “She’s mine, I knew it since the first time our gaze collided. We both felt the connection and I’m not going to ignore it or take time to let her slip through my fingers.”

  I can feel my eyes widen and my heart skips a beat. Is he saying what I think he’s saying?

  Archer’s hands move as he asks me, “Do you accept his claim, Hadley?”

  Without thinking twice, I croak out one of the few words my brother taught me to voice out loud. “Yes.”

  Vachs holds out his arm and I quickly move in his direction, to let him pull me close against his body.

  Archer points his finger at Vachs and I watch his mouth jump into action. “She’s not a normal woman who you–”

  Vachs is holding me one moment and the next he lunges forward and has Archer’s leather cut fisted as he brings his face close. I have no idea what they’re saying but he can’t attack his president. I worm myself in between them and shoot Archer an angry glare before I glance at Vachs.

  “He fucking said you’re not a normal woman.” The anger rolling off him for my sake is making me mushy.

  This right here has happened so many times where either my father, my brother, Archer, or any biker of Broken Deeds MC watches someone wrong me because they feel the need to protect me while Vachs here is standing up for quite the opposite reason and it simply makes me smile.

  Now Vachs is the one confused as I pat his chest and face Archer to sign, “He put you in your place because of me, didn’t he?”

  Archer grins back. “He sure did. And you’re really okay with his claim?”

  “I’ve already accepted his claim and if he was any other biker voicing a claim for any woman they want as their old lady…you wouldn’t be asking twice,” I sign and all I get in return is a tight nod.

  “But you’re not just any woman.” Archer holds his hand palm up when I feel Vachs’ front cover my back. “Let me finish, Vachs. What I meant was the fact that you are more Broken Deeds MC than your old man, which means I can test him the second he voiced the claim since you two aren’t carrying any ink yet. Both your brother and your father saw his interest the second they saw you two together and also the way Vachs reacts around you. It’s why your dad requested Vachs to be the one who’d keep you safe. They were hoping something would happen long-term. I guess he surprised all of us by jumping right in and seeing what a beautiful and perfect woman
you are, Hadley. But you will always be protected first, by all of us.”

  I step forward and hug Archer tight. I’ve known him growing up and as my business partner, he’s always been one of the fundamental pillars in my life.

  Stepping back, I touch my chin with my flat hand, signing, “Thanks.”

  Archer is about to give me another hug but I’m being pulled back against Vachs’ front.

  “She’s like a sister to me, asshole.” Archer’s lips twitch with laughter as he shakes his head. “I’m going to leave you guys to it. Wyatt made an appointment for Fraser to come by tomorrow. A prospect will still keep an eye out and we have cameras set in place. I’ll see you two tomorrow, bright and early. And I want to see those patches inked within two weeks, you both know the fucking rules.”

  We say our goodbyes and Vachs closes, and locks, the door behind Archer.

  He spins toward me, his head slightly tilts to the side as I read the words from his lips, “How many people have keys to this place? Walking inside your home without you knowing? You can’t hear shit and even with Hank barking to alert me someone was in the house and it took me a while to drag my mouth from yours.”

  I grab my phone and message him. “A handful of people. Always been this way.”

  “What if we have sex?” he deadpans and I have to blink a few times to process the words I just read from his kissable lips.

  I shoot him another message and watch how he reads it before his head tips back and I watch his body shake from laughter.

  He shoves his phone back into his jeans and gives me the words, “Smart idea, I like it. We’ll pick up what we need tomorrow and change the locks.”

  His eyes fill with desire and lust and it makes my throat run dry. I know I want to have sex. I know we just decided to jump into a relationship together, headfirst, full speed, and follow our heated connection. But I’m also still a virgin and even if my whole body is in agreement and practically melting for this man, it’s my brain that still needs to play catch up.

  I quickly shoot him a message and his forehead wrinkles as he pulls back from almost kissing me. He digs his phone from his pocket again to read my text and I watch how his face slides from shock to satisfaction, and ultimately gloating like a predator.

  “My woman is still a virgin.” The grin plastered on his face and the words falling from his lips are the things that make my eyes roll.

  He cups my head with both hands and gently feathers a kiss on the corner of my mouth before he lets me focus on him as he pulls back.

  “I am in no rush and neither are you I presume.”

  I quickly nod.

  “Why don’t we enjoy some more kisses for now, after we get some work done, and we’ll go from there.”

  I smile and give a few more bobs of my head. His mouth crashes against mine and I gasp in surprise, allowing his tongue to swoop in and swirl against mine. My fingers slide over his chest to grab hold of his leather cut and I fist the material to drag him closer.

  His hands roam over my body and it ignites a craving to have more. To feel his hands glide over my naked skin. He slows our kiss down and trails a path of kisses from the corner of my mouth, along my jaw, to my neck where his short beard causes friction I would also like to feel in other places.

  I’ve read about it so many times in romance books, watched movies, but never experienced any of it but this feeling right here? The burning flaming through my veins and slowly pulsing to ask for detonation is overwhelming.

  One minute I’m flaming up, the next, his heat is gone and he’s created distance between us. His head tips back and I can tell he’s saying something but I can’t read his lips. I step forward and tap his chest.

  His gaze lands on me, his breath stroking me as I read the words, “I had to hit pause. You’re driving me insane in a very good fucking way. But we’re not rushing this. Come on. Work. And let’s get our ink right now, okay? Life is too damn short to pass on something that feels this good.”

  I nod and head for the bedroom where I keep my equipment. I never in a million years thought I would wear a property patch of one of the bikers of Broken Deeds MC on my skin. Let alone have an old man. A relationship. Someone to share the rest of my life with.

  My feet falter at this thought, running miles ahead of things while we barely just started. And for some the getting inked part might sound insane but I grew up in this MC and I know the meaning, the protection, the brotherhood, and the loyalty these men consist of.

  I take a deep breath and a determined step forward; it’s a leap forward in my life. A life which is always uncertain and can take turns, dig holes, or wrap you in darkness. And in this moment I chose to put my heart on the line and accept a new future where Vachs will be a huge part of.


  – VACHS –

  I can’t stop staring at her. I’m propped on my elbow, lying beside her on the bed while she’s still sleeping. Hank is napping near our feet. My hand is still burning from the new ink and it’s almost doubled in size. But seeing the patch inked on my right hand is giving me a load of satisfaction.

  Settling down wasn’t for me for a large part of my life until I wanted a change. The change brought me here to this MC and then ultimately to Hadley. I can’t believe I was here for four months before I met her. I was almost ready to give up and go nomad again. The last thing I wanted to do but it’s a gut instinct, an incomplete feeling where you pack up and move on.

  The road provides comfort and being on the move a distraction. All unnecessary cravings when I held her in my arms. Well, not exactly unnecessary, more like they shifted. I wanted to have this woman on the back of my bike for one, and it doesn’t matter where we’d go or how long we’d ride and that right there is a huge change from wanting to ride and keep going.

  Never looking back or having your eyes on the future might sound the same but they sure as fuck aren’t. Never looking back entails forgetting while eyes on the future means building a foundation.

  And when I see Hadley starting to stir and blink a few times before her eyes take me in as a smile spreads on her face…that’s when my heart fucking lurches. Something so small creating a shockwave through my veins stands for something. This woman sparks some serious positive energy. Hence the patch inked on my hand and the dedication this woman gets from me.

  And when I see the tiny red circle with the bald eagle and the words Broken Deeds MC along with my name inked on her forearm close to her wrist, it fills me with satisfaction to see my claim on my woman. Not to mention, she inked it on herself after she did mine.

  I drag her into my arms and pull her close. It’s exactly how we fell asleep last night. I bury my nose into her hair and inhale her scent. It feels as if my mind is always running at full speed and it’s also why I don’t talk as much. But when I’m holding her there’s no storm raging inside my brain; her warmth lets serenity overtake the havoc.

  We both have a long day ahead. Hadley has back to back ink appointments and I need to check out a few things for the mayor’s case I’m working on. Then there’s the fucker who is coming to retrieve the urn. Well, if he knows where it’s hidden. Minus the USB stick and key, but he doesn’t know that. I’m also curious to hear if Ganza found out what’s on there.

  But for now, I’m taking a few more minutes of feeling Hadley’s body pressed against mine. If I can keep my raging hard on under control. Damn. A virgin. Another reason to go slow, and it shows yet again how this woman settles me to stay rooted in place.

  She places a kiss on my chest and slides off the mattress, heading for the bathroom. She’s wearing my shirt and it’s big enough to swallow most of her body. I’m wearing boxers–since the woman is not ready for my cock yet–and swing my legs off the bed to grab my jeans. Hank starts to jump around with excitement.

  “In a minute,” I grumble.

  Hadley strolls out of the bathroom so I can go inside and handle my business. When we’re dressed, I get a text and see it’s Hadle
y who asks if we can multitask by walking Hank and getting coffee down the street. Brilliant idea, and about forty minutes later we’re back and ready to face the day.

  Hadley points at Hank, who is lying on the floor in front of the couch. I point at her because I know what she’s wondering. I have my keys in hand to head for the clubhouse and I’d like for her to take Hank until I get back. He might still be a puppy but I feel better knowing she has my dog with her. She shoots me a grin and checks her watch.

  I step closer and brush my lips against hers one more time. Regretfully stepping back, I tell her, “Baton is at work downstairs and we have a prospect keeping watch. Archer texted Fraser is coming by around noon. I’ll be back before then, okay?”

  She signs, “Fine.”

  I give her a smile in return because it feels damn good to understand some of the movements she makes with her hands and how they represent actual words. It’s something you don’t think about when you have full use of your ears and can listen to every word you say yourself.

  I make my way downstairs to let Baton know I’m leaving and Hadley will be right down. He’s also aware of what’s going on with Fraser; it gives me some peace of mind to know she’s well taken care of.

  The ride to the clubhouse allows me to go over a few things I worked on late last night. One of them is something I want Ganza to check out and seeing I’m meeting him and Archer to talk about what he found on the USB stick I’ll talk to him about it.

  When I did some digging into the mayor’s campaign funding, I noticed some irregular transfers. It might not be weird, I mean, the man needs donations, but it triggered my brain. And if I notice these things it’s very obvious and this makes me scratch my bald head, wondering what the hell is going on.

  I park my bike and notice Pax heading out of the clubhouse. I give him a chin lift and he stalks over to his bike which is parked next to mine.

  “I’m heading to the tattoo shop: your old lady is going to ink me.” The fucker wiggles his eyebrows.


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