A Forever Kind of Love: A Billionaire Small Town Love Story (Kinds of Love Book 1)

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A Forever Kind of Love: A Billionaire Small Town Love Story (Kinds of Love Book 1) Page 11

by Krista Lakes

  “Good,” he said, turning to walk off back toward his garage. “I'll pick you up Friday at five.”

  Mia stared at his back for a moment before her brain kicked in. “What should I wear? Where are we going?”

  Carter glanced back over his shoulder and grinned, but didn't stop walking. “You'll see.”

  “You'll see?” Mia repeated quietly as she watched his very nice backside go around the corner. “What the heck kind of answer is that?” she called out, but he was already gone and not giving her any answers.

  It was Friday at four and Mia had no clue what to wear for this date.

  Her small bedroom looked like a tornado hit it. Clothes were scattered and flung in all directions, with at least four different outfits currently on her bed. Fancy, casual, sporty, fun? There were a million “not pizza” places that would require vastly different outfits. Mia groaned and tried not to think about what she was going to do with shoes.

  She wondered if FEMA helped with disasters like this.

  The doorbell rang. Mia shot daggers at the front door and sighed with frustration. It was too early to be Carter, but she wasn't in the mood to deal with solicitors or neighbors. She huffed and stomped to the front door to find it was the package delivery guy.

  “Sign here,” he said, holding out an electronic signature device. She scribbled something that vaguely resembled her signature and took the box. She wasn't expecting anything, especially not something that she had to sign for.

  After thanking the delivery man, she went back inside and closed the door to her apartment. As soon as it latched, she ripped open the box. She pulled out a layer of tissue paper and tossed it to the side with a gasp. Inside was a gown made of purple sparkles. She pulled it out and batted off the tissue paper nestling it the box. It was floor length and absolutely stunning.

  But that wasn't all that was in the box. Tucked beneath the tissue paper was a set of matching purple heels. She pulled them out and read the designer label on them. Jimmy Choo. She nearly dropped them, and then felt bad. The shoes were worth more than two months of rent. She was almost afraid of what the dress was worth.

  She searched for a note to explain the dress and the shoes, but there wasn't one. There was only one person she knew that had the money to send her something like this. Carter's words floated into her mind.

  “You'll see,” he had said. Well, she definitely knew what she was wearing now.

  “Oh, Carter,” she whispered, shaking her head. This was above and beyond what she had even thought possible. She played with the fabric, running her fingers over the beautiful iridescent purple dress. “Where in the world are you taking me?”

  She grinned and went to her bedroom to put on the dress. It fit like it was made for her and she tried not to think about how he had gotten her size so perfectly. She went to the full-length mirror hanging on her closet door and gasped.

  The dress was magic. It made her look like something out of a fashion magazine. It hugged exactly the curves that needed to be hugged and hid the curves that didn't. She didn't know her boobs could look that amazing. She stared at the mirror.

  “I really could be on a billionaire's arm,” she whispered. She wouldn't even feel out of place or like she didn't belong there. For the first time, she could actually see herself being with him, and not just at the ranch. She could be a billionaire's girlfriend.

  She did a little turn and checked her watch. She had just enough time to do her makeup and put her hair up into something that better matched the dress's formality. She paused at the mirror one more time before heading to the bathroom, and a flicker of uncertainty went through her.

  “Where the heck are you taking me?” she asked the mirror. A dress this nice deserved something amazing. She grinned. Wherever it was, she was going to look fabulous.

  The doorbell chimed. This time, it made Mia grin and race to the door to get it. She opened the door, fully expecting to see Carter. She had a feeling he'd be wearing some sort of fancy suit and look like a million bucks. She was rather excited to see how he cleaned up.

  But, he wasn't at the door. She tried not to show her disappointment to the uniformed man standing at her door.

  “Ms. Amesworth?” the man asked. He wore a crisp blue uniform with matching hat. “Your transportation, ma'am.”

  He turned and motioned to a huge stretch limo taking up half the apartment complex's parking. Mia's eyebrows went up in surprise.

  “Just let me grab my purse,” she told him, reaching inside and picking up her small handbag. It was the nicest one she owned. It was a knock-off, but it looked real enough that she hoped it wouldn't look too strange with the dress.

  She followed the uniformed driver out to the limo. As she walked, she could hear blinds going up as people peeked out of their windows to take a look at who the limo was for. The neighbors were going to be talking about this for weeks. Her cheeks heated slightly, but she carried herself proudly. She'd learned a long time ago it was better to fake it than look nervous. Especially in heels.

  The driver held her door open, and she did her best to get inside gracefully. She opted for sitting first and swinging her legs into the car after her since that seemed to be the easiest way not to rip the dress or flash the neighbors.

  Inside, blue neon lights filled the spacious interior. The seats were leather, and there was a single rose in a small vase. She sat primly, with her hands and purse in her lap as the driver started the car and maneuvered out of the apartment complex.

  “Where are we going?” she asked the driver as he pulled out onto the highway leading out of town.

  “I've been instructed not to tell you, ma'am,” the driver replied with a small tip of his head. “It's not far, though.”

  “Okay.” She smiled at him and just tried to take everything in. The last time she'd been in a limo was for a fundraiser several years ago. Although then, she'd had to share it with six other people, so it hadn't been quite this comfortable. She looked around, trying to take in all the details so she could tell her kids and answer their questions about what it was like to be in a limo. She knew they would want to know what color the seats were, if the windows rolled down, and what all the buttons did.

  The driver was right; the drive wasn't long at all, and soon he pulled into what Mia assumed was an empty field. She frowned as she looked out and didn't recognize anything.

  “We're here, ma'am,” the driver told her, opening her door. She slid forward to the edge of her seat, and there was a hand waiting to help her out.

  She took it and stood up, only to find that the hand belonged to Carter. She nearly fell on her face he looked so handsome. She was used to seeing him in jeans and t-shirts with his hair windblown and face scruffy. Today, he was wearing a soft, dark blue suit and his hair was brushed neatly in place. He'd shaved, so there wasn't even a hint of a five-o'clock shadow on his perfect face.

  “You ready?” he asked, smiling as he helped her steady herself. High heels on the dirt of the field didn't help with her balance.

  “Sure,” she replied with a grin. She looked around and didn't see a building for them to go in. “What are we doing?”

  Carter chuckled and nodded to something behind the limo. She turned around to see a small plane waiting in the empty field. She nearly fell down again.

  “Something amazing,” he promised, helping her navigate the field toward the runway. “And don't worry, I already cleared it with your boss.”

  “My boss?” Mia asked, confused. “What does my boss have to do with this?”

  Carter grinned, his eyes sparkling mischievously. “Didn't I tell you this was an overnight adventure?”

  “No, no you didn't,” she replied. She gave him a gentle push on his shoulder. “And how did you find out my boss's number?”

  His grin got wider. “I'm a billionaire. I can find anything out.”

  She laughed at his pride and then focused on navigating the field in her heels. He helped her up into the stairs into
the airplane. Mia felt like a celebrity walking up the steps to the door where a stewardess in a fashionable dark blue uniform greeted her.

  The inside of the private jet was not what she expected. Instead of rows of utilitarian seats, there was a white leather couch, two reclining chairs with a table, and from what she could see, a full bar in the back. It wasn't a plane as much as it was a flying apartment.

  “This is unbelievable,” Mia said, looking around.

  “I wanted to take the helicopter, but it just doesn't have the fuel range. This is faster.” Carter squeezed her shoulders as he passed her to sit on the couch. The flight attendant handed him a flute of champagne before he even had time to get comfortable.

  “Fuel range? How far are we going?” Mia asked. She had no idea how far a helicopter could go, but she figured it was a long way. Just how far were they going?

  Carter just smiled at her, keeping his secrets.

  “Champagne?” the attendant asked, offering Mia a glass.

  “Um, sure.” Mia accepted the glass and sat next to Carter. Close, but not so close that the flight attendant would get any ideas.

  “Cheers,” Carter said, holding up his glass. Mia tapped hers gently against his and took a sip of the bubbly liquid. This all felt so surreal, she was sure that she was imagining things. She heard the engines start to purr and the plane moved onto the runway.

  “You don't have to worry about the kids or work tomorrow,” Carter told her over his champagne. “I made sure they were all taken care of. I want you to have fun.”

  “I'm in a private jet,” Mia replied with an excited giggle. “I'm already having fun! Thank you, Carter.”

  She reached out and touched his hand. He grinned and held her hands in his. She giggled and laughed, feeling as if she were already flying. She was grateful for his hand, since she was still a little nervous. This was her first time on a private jet, after all.

  “You ain't seen nothing yet,” he promised. And with that, the plane took into the sky.

  Chapter 17


  The Vegas skyline came into view with all its lights and brilliance. For a moment, Carter wondered if he'd overdone things, especially for a first date. Taking a girl to Las Vegas was a bold move, but he'd wanted to do something that Mia would never forget. He wanted to do something amazing for her, and this was the first thing that had come to mind.

  He looked over, afraid she'd be overwhelmed only to find her with her nose pressed to the window like a little kid. She looked over at him and pointed to the city, her eyes full of excitement. She bounced up and down in her chair as she peered back out.

  Nope, he decided. Definitely didn't overdo it.

  He loved seeing her like this. She was so excited and happy that it filled the cabin with infectious enjoyment. This was the happiest he'd felt in months. He wasn't thinking about cars or horses or his business with her beside him. He was thinking about her and her happiness. It was something he could certainly get used to.

  The dress certainly helped him keep his thoughts on her. He still couldn't get over how amazing she looked in it. When he'd seen the color, he'd known it was the dress for her, but he had no idea just how stunning she'd look in it. The word “stunning” didn't do her justice. She was elegant and sexy, bold and beautiful. He was having a hard time not staring.

  The plane came in for a smooth landing, and there was barely even a bump as they touched down. She was grinning from ear to ear, her face lit up with the neon lights of the city as they exited the steps down off the plane.

  “Vegas?” She spun around on the tarmac, giggling with excitement. “We're in Vegas!”

  “Have you ever been before?” he asked as he guided her toward their waiting limo.

  She nodded. “Once. It was for my friend's twenty-first birthday. We got the cheapest flight out, stayed in this super sketchy hotel and lost all our rent money on blackjack.”

  He grinned. This trip was going to blow that out of the water. He'd picked well.

  “Why are you smiling?” she asked, sliding into the limo with grace.

  His grin just got wider. “I have so much to show you,” he replied.

  Chapter 18


  Mia waited until Carter wasn't looking to pinch herself. She did it three times in different places just to make sure that she wasn't dreaming. This trip to Las Vegas was more than she ever could have imagined.

  First, there was dinner at the Gordon Ramsay Steakhouse. Except, Carter had them in a private room with the chef preparing and delivering all six courses personally. When she joked that it should have been Chef Ramsay feeding them since it was his restaurant, he actually called the Chef up and had him talk to her.

  Then, he'd gotten them front row tickets to the newest Cirque du Soleil show, complete with backstage access to meet the performers and see how the incredible stage worked. She didn't even know that such a thing was possible.

  Now, they were walking into the Bellagio hotel, and she was ready for anything. At this point, she was half-expecting to have her name spelled out by the iconic fountains out front. There didn't seem to be anything that Carter couldn't do.

  The lobby to the casino was extravagant and beautiful. Mia hadn't been to the Bellagio before, so she stared in awe at the beautiful artwork and marble floors. Carter let her stare. He walked slowly beside her, obviously enjoying her reaction to seeing the hotel for the first time.

  A bride in a big, beautiful wedding dress walked past with her groom on her arm. Mia and Carter stopped to let them pass by. The bride was grinning from ear to ear as they walked past and Mia couldn't help but grin right back at her.

  Mia motioned with her head to the bride. “Is that what's next on the itinerary?” she teased.

  Carter shrugged. “Do you want it to be?” He grinned that cocky, self-assured grin.

  She was expecting him to vehemently deny it, so when he didn't, she wasn't quite sure how to respond. Most men she knew would have balked and run away from the marriage offer.

  “All it takes is a phone call,” he said, pulling out his phone and waving it in front of her.

  Mia knew he was just teasing. Or at least she hoped he was teasing. They were nowhere near the point where they should be discussing marriage. This was their first date, for crying out loud, yet her heart was still pounding. Half of her was hoping he'd say yes. That half of her wanted to fling caution to the wind and marry this man because she was falling in love with him. She liked him more than she had liked anyone in a very, very long time.

  “So, am I calling Elvis or what?” Carter asked. He put on his most cheesy salesman-esque smile that made her laugh.

  “I'm going to say no,” Mia replied. She wondered if that was a flicker of disappointment she saw on his face or just her imagination. “But only because you haven't properly asked.”

  Carter chuckled and put his phone away. “I'll keep that in mind. Next time, I'll ask properly.”

  Mia's heart skipped a beat. He said there would be a next time. The idea made her insanely happy, and she wasn't quite ready for it. A blush heated her cheeks and made sure to take his hand as they walked through the lobby.

  Carter walked right past the front desk and kept going until they were in a fabulous lounge. Hand stitched leather walls with a warm walnut wood trim made the room look gorgeous and inviting. The view of the beautiful gardens outside only added to the room's charm.

  “Mr. Williamson, it's a pleasure to see you again,” a woman greeted him, coming out from behind a desk. This had to be a private lounge for the high rollers, Mia assumed. The woman smiled at them. “Your room is ready if you are. If not, fresh champagne is available here in the lounge.”

  “We'll head on up, thank you,” Carter replied.

  “Right this way, sir,” the woman replied with a warm smile.

  She led them to a private elevator and pressed the button. It was quite possibly the nicest elevator Mia had ever seen. It zoomed up the fifty floors
fast enough to make her ears pop. When the doors opened, the hostess led them out to a large door. She opened it and held the door open.

  “We have everything set to your specifications, sir,” she said as Mia and Carter walked in. “If you need anything, please don't hesitate to ask. Again, my name is Kari. Thank you for choosing the Bellagio.”

  Carter thanked her, and she left them to explore the hotel room on their own. Mia had a feeling that Carter had been here before. He certainly seemed to know his way around the place.

  The room wasn't just a hotel room. To call it that was a disservice. It was more home than hotel. It was certainly bigger than her apartment and far more luxurious. Everything was beautiful and soft, rich and inviting. She felt like she could live here comfortably for the rest of her life and never want for a thing.

  “May I pour you a drink?” Carter asked, going to the main table. Champagne and strawberries were set out, along with an impressive display of fresh flowers. She nodded.

  “This is amazing...” Mia looked around the room, still amazed at the richness. This room must have cost a literal fortune. “Sometimes I forget that you own a car company.”

  Carter chuckled and popped the cork on the champagne like a pro. He then expertly poured them each some champagne into crystal champagne flutes.

  “There are some perks to owning your own business,” he replied. He held up the glass of champagne, and she carefully clinked hers against his. “To us,” he toasted.

  “To us,” she repeated with a smile. The champagne tickled her nose as she took a deep sip. She assumed it was expensive, but all champagne tasted alike to her.

  Mia walked to the huge window overlooking the strip. The lights of the city, as well as the dancing fountains, filled her vision and she stared in wonder. The strip lit up the darkness and twinkled in the night. Anything was possible in Las Vegas, and this view proved it.

  “Do you like it?” Carter asked, coming up beside her.


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