Renegade Rising (The Renegade Series)

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Renegade Rising (The Renegade Series) Page 40

by J. C. Fiske

  “To think, all this time me and Rolce have been trying to save you when in fact, you’ve been saving my ass,” Gisbo said in a guilty tone.

  “No, Gisbo, it was necessary. You're the new Man-Phoenix, the one to replace Vadid the Valiant. You have no idea of your importance and it was equally important that I succeeded in maintaining my facade. I have no regrets and would do it all again. I don’t know the full ramifications of your new role, but I do know that as of right now, only the people in this room, our class masters and Narroway know of your identity - and we are to keep it that way,” Jackobi said.

  “Yeah, yeah that’s fine. This whole thing is just so new to me. I wish I knew more.” Gisbo said.

  “And you will, soon as I’m done with ya,” Falcon said, standing in the doorway.

  “Why do you always do that? Just walk in and tell us you’re here! It’s really no big deal!” Gisbo said.

  “Apologies all around. You and me have got a lot of training to do. If you thought everything you’ve done so far was tough, you ain’t seen nothing yet, mister. It won’t be a rare occasion for you to find yourself immobile for a period of days…you should know that,” Falcon said, grinning, causing Gisbo to gulp.

  “But that comes later. If anybody will be able to explain to you the importance of your new role as Man-Phoenix, it would be me. You remember, I trained under the original wonder himself: Vadid the Valiant, IAM bless his memory, which brings me to the reason why I came here. Gisbo, for all your hard work, I have a graduation gift for you.”

  Falcon walked toward Gisbo and pulled a necklace off from over his neck. On the end of it was a dark, metallic looking medallion carved in the shape of the Phoenix. It was beautifully crafted and twinkled like polished coal. He put the necklace around Gisbo’s neck and stepped back.

  “This necklace once belonged to Vadid the Valiant. It was given to me by him upon my completetion of Renegade status but, I feel from what you’ve been through, you deserve it a bit early. If you look on the back of it, that poem that you liked, is engraved upon it, see here,” Falcon said, lifting it up and pointing. Gisbo was at a loss for words. He couldn’t explain it, but there was something powerful about it. It flooded him with tingles just looking at it.

  “This, this really belonged to, to him?” Gisbo stammered.

  “It certainly did. It’s brought me tons of luck over these years. Now I feel, it’s about time I pass onto that luck to you, as Vadid once passed it onto me. Take care of it Gisbo. There isn’t another like it in all the world,” Falcon said. Rolce came over to inspect it, along with Jackobi.

  “Wow! What is this made from? It’s like nothing I’ve come across before,” Rolce said. Falcon just shrugged.

  “Hell if I know,” Falcon shrugged comically.

  “Thanks, thanks so much . . .” Gisbo said, pausing. He was about to say, ‘Dad’, but couldn’t bring himself to say it. “ . . . Falcon.” Either way, Falcon beamed.

  “Anytime kiddo. Keep it safe and one day, you’ll pass it off to your student,” Falcon said.

  “Hey, Falcon, I sort of have a question…well, now that my father's back, I would assume he would take over my Renegara training, but Moordin has been there all along and everything . . .” Rolce said, before being interrupted.

  “That’s nothing to worry about,” Moordin said as he appeared on the threshold. Gisbo and company all looked up in surprise at his presence.

  “What? Do you guys have an assembly line out there or something? Are Foxblade and Shax behind you?” Gisbo asked. Moordin shook his head.

  “I will be covering your Renegara training personally for this year, teaching you the ins and outs of Elekai’ in the Naforian tradition. When you are finished with me, Shax will take over and teach you the ways of the Sybil. You have much work ahead of you, young Rolce, and we have much traveling ahead as well after your summer break,” Moordin explained with a smile.

  “Traveling?” Rolce questioned.

  “Oh yes, much traveling - for you too, Gisbo. It is tradition that class masters and their subordinates pilgrimage to their country of origin for Renegara training. There, at the epicenter of their essential energies, they will master much. You will all travel beyond the protection of Heaven’s Shelter to distant lands where all sorts of untamed terrors await you! Rest well this summer, boys, for the training of a lifetime awaits you at the end,” Moordin said with a deep chuckle, causing both Gisbo and Rolce to gulp.

  “All of you are expected to be at the celebration in one hour to receive your bands, so shower and dress accordingly - clean uniforms now! We will both see you there and know we are proud of all three of you!” Falcon said, and with a wave, they were both gone.

  “So, where are we going? Do you have any idea, Jackobi?” Gisbo asked as he and Rolce leaned in, interested.

  “Please, just call me Jack. Hmph, you both are in for one hell of a year, I can promise you that. You, Rolce, will be traveling to the rainforests of Naforia, where the most ferocious animals reside, none of which you’ll find here in Heaven’s Shelter. I’m talking animals you’ve never heard of nor seen before. If you thought the lions, tigers and bears that reside here are scary, they are mere kitties and puppies! As for you, Gisbo, you will be going to the desert plains of Flaria. If the weather alone doesn’t kill you, the soldiers of Warlord Karm surely will, as well as the variety of old Flarian hermits living out there. Tough as nails they are and don’t forget, of course, about the various monsters lurking over there. You’ll have such fun!” Jackobi said with a grin.

  “You know, you were quite scary just then. Stupid prodigies,” Gisbo said.

  “This prodigy saved your ass and will be enjoying his year off with rest and relaxation!” Jackobi said.

  “I bet you will! And now that I can use Elekai’ as normally as everyone else, I’ll return just as good as you! I don’t need a protector anyway!” Gisbo said.

  “Sentry is the correct term. I’ll be resting and relaxing here, that you can be sure of, but I have a special training ahead of me - just cleared from Narroway this morning. You’ll be needing me in the future - that you can count on - but for now, I’m gonna take a shower,” Jackobi said as he closed the cleansing room door behind him. Gisbo sat across from Rolce and smiled.

  “That guy’s kinda a jerk . . . I like him.” Gisbo said with a smirk, then turned to Rolce.

  “Looks like we got quite a year ahead of us, eh buddy?” Gisbo asked.

  “Certainly looks that way,” Rolce concurred.

  “So, how does it feel to know you can officially kick ass now?” Gisbo said. Rolce smiled wide at his remark.

  “It feels great, Gisbo, you have no idea. With the guilt and worry gone, along with having my dad back in my life, and Jackobi, life is, well . . . good!” Rolce said.

  “Both our dads, technically. Well, let's make these three months the time of our lives. I gotta say, I’ll miss you, buddy, when we all disembark for a year,” Gisbo said.

  “I’m surprised you just used the word ‘disembark’ in a sentence. Technically, the word means to get out of a vehicle or craft, but I guess it is close enough. Guess we really have rubbed off on each other,” Rolce teased and this time Gisbo smiled.

  “I guess so. Well, let's go bang on the cleansing room door an’ make Jackobi, er, Jack, hurry up. I want to see who these special guests are at the celebration!” Gisbo said.

  The boys finished getting cleaned and dressed, then made their way to the common grounds of Heaven’s Shelter. At first Gisbo didn’t recognize the surroundings because all the shacks were taken down and replaced with a giant staging area, with tables scattered everywhere and fresh smells of meat barbequing wafting through the air.

  People were swarming as music played and everyone had food and drink in hand, laughing, conversing and munching on all the delicacies Heaven’s Shelter had to offer. Gisbo mingled with his Renega friends and introduced Jackobi to each and every one of them before they all made their way up to the st
aging area with their class masters. Perry and Narroway both quieted the exceptionally large crowd.

  “Greetings! Let's get this ceremony started, eh? Plenty of ribs smoked to perfection await me! Get up here, Instructor Perry!” Narroway shouted. Fresh hoots and hollers erupted as pints of ciders, mead and beer were raised high in the air. Instructor Perry’s tall frame approached the staging, his bald head glimmering from the bright sun above.

  “Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my privilege, as well as honor, to announce the passing of every one of my students to Renegara status,” Perry said as he gave a rare smile and thrust both arms in the air. Fresh hoots and whistles rang out.

  “All of them have worked so hard and I am deeply proud of their responsibility and dedication. However, there were a few that really stood out this term and their recognition needs to be made! Every year I give out two bands: Most Improved and Instructor’s Award, to two lucky individuals. This year is no different. I would first like to give the Instructor’s Award to a young person who has shown absolute dedication in his studies and reaped incredible results for all his work! No surprise here, I would like to have Rolce Moordin join me to receive his band!” Perry said as Rolce joined him by his side. Perry powered up his essence, flipped up Rolce’s poncho to reveal his shoulder and completed the final marking on Rolce’s upper arm. More cheers erupted and Rolce returned to his spot in line.

  “Next up, I would like to grant a Most Improved award to an exceptional young lady who overcame her self doubt and passed with flying colors! Would a Miss Kinny Kalloway join me on the staging?” Perry shouted.

  “Holy hell! What?” a red faced Kinny bellowed as she bounded up on the staging and received her band with a brilliant smile. Kennis and Niffin cheered the loudest of all. Kinny then returned to her spot in line.

  “Now, there comes a time where tradition must be broken and that time is now for somebody in this class has showed me a reason, after all my long years as an instructor, to give a third award. The boy that I have come across this year that has touched my heart and has showed me the true definition of what it means to put all your heart into a dream. He is… an extraordinary boy to say the least. A bit of a meathead as well ... but either way, he was placed in an extraordinary predicament: a Renegade born who couldn’t use his essence. This boy had spent his entire life dreaming of the day he would be able to become an Elekai’ Warrior. We all have dreams and all know the disappointment that comes when they aren’t achieved or the road along the way is tough and our goal looks like a mirage. We just want to give up and tell ourselves it was impossible anyway. But not this boy…this boy gave a response that, I believe, was one in a million and he taught me a lesson I will never forget. Yes, even in my old age, I still have much to learn!” Perry said, causing the crowd to burst into gleeful chuckles.

  “That lesson is to not accept your limitations. This boy showed me that through belief in oneself and the stubbornness to defy one’s limitations, allowing the strength of one's heart to be the guide, dreams can truly be accomplished no matter the barriers. But enough of this long speech! Please put forth a thunderous applause for none other than Gisbo Falcon, earner of the first Strength of Heart Band!” Perry yelled. The entire crowd did just as Perry ordered while the great instructor turned, looked Gisbo right in the eye and smiled. Gisbo was floored by this surprise as the crowd roared even louder when he stepped onstage to face Perry. The instructor grabbed his arm and planted the first ever Strength of Heart award across his shoulder. Upon finishing, Perry embraced Gisbo in the tightest hug he had ever felt and the crowd boomed and shouted his name.

  This moment was something that, until this day, had only been the stuff of dreams. Gisbo had finally done it. He had finally stood out for his accomplishments rather than his name and become an Elekai’ Warrior. His dream was fulfilled. Perry released him and lifted his hand to the air before Gisbo returned to his place in line. One by one Perry began to call every Renega. Gisbo cheered for Kennis and Niffin, followed by Crass, Whip and even Rake, who flashed a rare smile. Next came Shaved, Grandfield and Knob, then Glinda, Ashlin and Anakah, who Gisbo didn’t make eye contact with, until finally Jackobi received all his bands from Perry in one neat line.

  Gisbo stood where he was and looked around at all his new friends, class masters, instructors, Narroway and all the residents of Heaven’s Shelter. Confetti flew through the air, prompting more explosive applause. Gisbo did his best to take in this beautiful moment and detail it in his mind the best he could. For once in his life, Gisbo felt like he was home as his eyes rested on Falcon: his father, his family, who gave him his usual wink and thumbs up. Just when Gisbo didn’t think he could smile any bigger, Narroway returned to the podium and silenced the crowd once again.

  “Now, now, settle down for but one more announcement! I promise you will be cheering again momentarily. As promised, we have one more special guest, or guests rather - to introduce to you, who will truly kick-start this grand occasion! I present to you, arriving here for the final show of their tour, none other than . . . PHOENIX FORCE!!!” Narroway screamed, cupping both hands around his mouth. Suddenly, a large blanket dropped from behind them, revealing the infamous metal band known as Phoenix Force. They immediately started playing their hit song, “A Fire Within.” Crass ran over to Gisbo and Rolce, jumping with excitement.

  “You guys get ready for the concert of your life! WHOOOOO!!! Come on, you guys! All of you! Into the crowd! Even you, Whip! Go ahead! Tell em’ all their songs sound the same now! WHOOOO!” Crass yelled as he leapt from the staging into the crowd below. He drifted away, thrust along by hundreds of raised hands in a crowd surf. Soon all the Renegas joined in on the idea as they too leapt from the staging, class masters, Perry and Narroway included, until only Gisbo, Rolce and Jackobi remained.

  “So Gisbo, what are you gonna do now that your dreams have come true?” Rolce yelled over the noise. Gisbo looked down at his feet and the thrashing crowd before them. He thought for a moment, taking in the music of Phoenix Force bellowing behind him. A rainy day earlier that year and a conversation with a man shrouded in white flashed across his memory.

  “Well, I’m not a Renegade yet, now am I? One dream down, millions more to go!” Gisbo said, as he dove into the cheering crowd below.

  Dear, reader

  From the bottom of my heart, I thank you so much for reading. Gisbo and I owe you a tremendous amount of thanks and gratitude for making my biggest dream a reality.

  And stop crying! Gisbo Falcon will return in Renegade: Book Two coming early 2012. In the meantime, don’t think twice about messaging me. I’d love to hear from you so make sure to check out my contact info below. Thanks again!

  - J.C. Fiske

  Twitter: @GisboFalcon

  E-mail: [email protected]

  Official Website:





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