Legends II (Shadows, Gods, and Demons)

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Legends II (Shadows, Gods, and Demons) Page 30

by Robert Silverberg (Ed. )

  Grey smiled to himself; the faint emphasis on “I” in this statement indicated to him that Tom’s protests on behalf of the late Private Bodger sprang as much from a sense of proprietariness as from a sense of propriety.

  Grey sat down, to let Tom pull off his boots and still-damp stockings. The room he had been given was small but warm and bright, the shadows from the well-tended fire flickering over striped damask wallpaper. After the wet cold of the churchyard and the bleak chill of the Schloss’s stone corridors, the heat upon his skin was a grateful feeling—much enhanced by the discovery of a pitcher of hot water for washing.

  “Shall I come with you, me lord? In the morning, I mean.” Tom undid the binding of Grey’s hair and began to comb it, dipping the comb occasionally in a cologne of bay leaves and chamomile, meant to discourage lice.

  “No, I think not. I shall ride over and speak to Colonel Ruysdale first; one of the servants can follow me with the body.” Grey closed his eyes, beginning to feel drowsy, though small jolts of excitement still pulsed through his thighs and abdomen. “If you would, Tom, I should like you to talk with the servants; find out what they are saying about things.” God knew, they would have plenty to talk about.

  Clean, brushed, warmed, and cozily ensconced in nightshirt, cap and banyan, Grey dismissed Tom, the valet’s arms piled high with filthy uniform bits.

  He shut the door behind the boy and hesitated, staring into the polished surface of the wood as though to look through it and see who might be standing on the other side. Only the blur of his own face met his gaze, though, and only the creak of Tom’s footsteps was audible, receding down the corridor.

  Thoughtfully, he touched his lips with a finger. Then he sighed, and bolted the door.

  Stephan had kissed him before—kissed innumerable people, for that matter, the man was an inveterateembrasseur . But surely this had been somewhat more than the fraternal embrace of a fellow soldier or particular friend. He could still feel the grip of Stephan’s hand, curled around his leg. Or was he deluded by fatigue and distraction, imagining more to it than there was?

  And if he were right?

  He shook his head, took the warming pan from his sheets, and crawled between them, reflecting that, of all the men in Gundwitz that night, he at least was safe from the attentions of any roving succubi.



  Regimental headquarters for the Fifty-second were in Bonz, a small hamlet that stood some ten miles from Gundwitz. Grey found Colonel Ruysdale in the central room of the largest inn, in urgent conference with several other officers, and indisposed to take time to deal with an enlisted body.

  “Grey? Oh, yes, know your brother. You found what? Where? Yes, all right. See, um . . . Sergeant-Major Sapp. Yes, that’s it. Sapp will know who . . .” The Colonel waved a vague hand, indicating that Grey would doubtless find whatever assistance he required elsewhere.

  “Yes, sir,” Grey said, settling his boot heels into the sawdust. “I shall do so directly. Am I to understand, though, that there are developments of which our allies should be informed?”

  Ruysdale stared at him, eyes cold and upper lip foremost.

  “Who told you that, sir?”

  As though he needed telling. Troops were being mustered outside the village, drummers beating the call to arms and corporals shouting through the streets, men pouring out from their quarters like an anthill stirred with a stick.

  “I am a liaison officer, sir, seconded to Captain von Namtzen’s Hanoverian foot,” Grey replied, evading the question. “They are at present quartered in Gundwitz; will you require their support?”

  Ruysdale looked grossly offended at the notion, but a captain wearing an artillery cockade coughed tactfully.

  “Colonel, shall I give Major Grey such particulars of the situation as may seem useful? You have important matters to deal with . . .” He nodded around at the assembled officers, who seemed attentive, but hardly on the brink of action.

  The Colonel snorted briefly and made a gesture somewhere between gracious dismissal and the waving away of some noxious insect, and Grey bowed, murmuring, “Your servant, sir.”

  Outside, the clouds of last night’s storm were making a hasty exodus, scudding away on a fresh, cold wind. The artillery captain clapped a hand to his hat, and jerked his head toward a pot-house down the street.

  “A bit of warmth, Major?”

  Gathering that the village was in no danger of imminent invasion, Grey nodded and accompanied his new companion into a dark, smoky womb, smelling of pig’s feet and fermented cabbage.

  “Benjamin Hiltern,” the Captain said, putting back his cloak and holding up two fingers to the barman. “You’ll take a drink, Major?”

  “John Grey. I thank you. I collect we shall have time to drink it, before we are quite overrun?”

  Hiltern laughed, and sat down across from Grey, rubbing a knuckle under a cold-reddened nose.

  “We should have time for our gracious host—” He nodded at the wizened creature fumbling with a jug, “—to hunt a boar, roast it, and serve it up with an apple in its mouth, if you should be so inclined.”

  “I am obliged, Captain,” Grey said, with a glance at the barman, who upon closer inspection appeared to have only one leg, the other being supported by a stout peg of battered aspect. “Alas, I have breakfasted but recently.”

  “Too bad. I haven’t.Bratkartoffeln mit Rührei ,” Hiltern said to the barman, who nodded and disappeared into some still more squalid den to the rear of the house. “Potatoes, fried with eggs and ham,” he explained, taking out a kerchief and tucking it into the neck of his shirt. “Delicious.”

  “Quite,” Grey said politely. “One would hope that your troops are fed as well, after the effort I saw being expended.”

  “Oh, that.” Hiltern’s cherubic countenance lost a little of its cheerfulness, but not much. “Poor sods. At least it’s stopped raining.”

  In answer to Grey’s raised brows, he explained.

  “Punishment. There was a game of bowls yesterday, between a party of men from Colonel Bampton-Howard’s lot and our lads—local form of skittles. Ruysdale had a heavy wager on with Bampton-Howard, see?”

  “And your lot lost. Yes, I see. So your lads are—”

  “Ten-mile run to the river and back, in full kit. Keep them fit and out of trouble, at least,” Hiltern said, half closing his eyes and lifting his nose at the scent of frying potatoes that had begun to waft through the air.

  “I see. One assumes that the French have moved, then? Our last intelligence reported them as being a few miles north of the river.”

  “Yes, gave us a bit of excitement for a day or two; thought they might come this way. They seem to have sheered off, though—gone round to the west.”

  “Why?” Grey felt a prickle of unease go down his spine. There was a bridge at Aschenwald, a logical crossing point—but there was another several miles north, at Gruneberg. Aschenwald was defended by a company of Prussian artillery; a detachment of grenadiers, under Colonel Bampton-Howard, presumably held the other crossing.

  “There’s a mass of Frenchies beyond the river,” Hiltern replied. “We think they have it in mind to join up with that lot.”

  That was interesting. It was also information that should have been shared with the Hanoverian and Prussian commanders by official dispatch—not acquired accidentally by the random visit of a liaison officer. Sir Peter Hicks was scrupulous in maintaining communications with the allies; Ruysdale evidently saw no such need.

  “Oh!” Hiltern said, divining his thought. “I’m sure we would have let you know, only for things here being in a bit of confusion. And truly, it didn’t seem urgent; scouts just said the French were shining their gear, biffing up the supplies, that sort of thing. After all, they’ve got to gosomewhere before the snow comes down.”

  He raised one dark brow, smiling in apology—an apology that Grey accepted with no more than a second’s hesitation. If R
uysdale was going to be erratic about dispatches, it would be as well for Grey to keep himself informed by other means—and Hiltern was obviously well placed to know what was going on.

  They chatted casually until the host came out with Hiltern’s breakfast, but Grey learned no more of interest—save that Hiltern was remarkablyun interested in the death of Private Bodger. He was also vague about the “confusion” to which he had referred, dismissing it with a wave of the hand as “bit of a muddle in the commissary—damn bore.”

  The sound of hooves and wheels, moving slowly, came from the street outside, and Grey heard a loud voice with a distinctly Hanoverian accent, requesting direction“Zum Englanderlager.”

  “What isthat ?” Hiltern asked, turning on his stool.

  “I expect that will be Private Bodger coming home,” Grey replied, rising. “I’m obliged to you, sir. Is Sergeant-Major Sapp still in camp, do you know?”

  “Mmm . . . no.” Hiltern spoke thickly, through a mouthful of potatoes and eggs. “Gone to the river.”

  That was inconvenient; Grey had no desire to hang about all day, waiting for Sapp’s return in order to hand over the corpse and responsibility for it. Another idea occurred to him, though.

  “And the regimental surgeon?”

  “Dead. Flux.” Hiltern spooned in more egg, concentrating. “Mmp. Try Keegan. He’s the surgeon’s assistant.”

  With most of the men emptying out of camp, it took some time to locate the surgeon’s tent. Once there, Grey had the body deposited on a bench, and at once sent the wagon back to the Schloss. He was taking no chances on being left in custody of Private Bodger.

  Keegan proved to be a scrappy Welshman, equipped with rimless spectacles and an incongruous mop of reddish ringlets. Blinking through the spectacles, he bent close to the corpse and poked at it with a smudgy exploratory finger.

  “No blood.”



  “Probably not. I saw the man several hours before his death, and he seemed in reasonable health then.”

  “Hmmm.” Keegan bent and peered keenly up Bodger’s nostrils, as though suspecting the answer to the private’s untimely death might be lurking there.

  Grey frowned at the fellow’s grubby knuckles and the thin crust of blood that rimmed his cuff. Nothing out of the way for a surgeon, but the dirt bothered him.

  Keegan tried to thumb up one of the eyelids, but it resisted him. Bodger had stiffened during the night, and while the hands and arms had gone limp again, the face, body, and legs were all hard as wood. Keegan sighed and began tugging off the corpse’s stockings. These were greatly the worse for wear, the soles stained with mud; the left one had a hole worn through, and Bodger’s great toe poked out like the head of an inquisitive worm.

  Keegan rubbed a hand on the skirt of his already grubby coat, leaving further streaks, then rubbed it under his nose, sniffing loudly. Grey had an urge to step away from the man. Then he realized, with a small sense of startlement mingled with annoyance, that he was thinking of the Woman again. Fraser’s wife. Fraser had spoken of her very little—but that reticence only added to the significance of what hedid say.

  One late night, in the Governor’s quarters at Ardsmuir Prison, they had sat longer than usual over their chess game—a hard-fought draw, in which Grey took more pleasure than he might have taken in victory over a lesser opponent. They usually drank sherry, but not that night; he had a special claret, a present from his mother, and had insisted that Fraser must help him to finish it, as the wine would not keep, once opened.

  It was a strong wine, and between the headiness of it and the stimulation of the game, even Fraser had lost a little of his formidable reserve.

  Past midnight, Grey’s orderly had come to take away the dishes from their repast, and, stumbling sleepily on the threshold in his leaving, had sprawled full length, cutting himself badly on a shard of glass. Fraser had leapt up like a cat, snatched the boy up, and pressed a fold of his shirt to the wound to stop the bleeding. But then, when Grey would have sent for a surgeon, had stopped him, saying tersely that Grey could do so if he wished to kill the lad, but if not, had best allow Fraser to tend him.

  This he had done with skill and gentleness, washing first his hands, and then the wound, with wine, then demanding needle and silk thread—which he had astonished Grey by dipping into the wine as well, and passing the needle through the flame of a candle.

  “My wife would do it so,” he’d said, frowning slightly in concentration. “There are the wee beasties, called germs, d’ye see, and if they—” He set his teeth momentarily into his lip as he made the first stitch, then went on.

  “If they should be getting into a wound, it will suppurate. So ye must wash well before ye tend the wound, and put flame or alcohol to your instruments, to kill the germs.” He smiled briefly at the orderly, who was white-faced and wobbling on his stool. “Never let a surgeon wi’ dirty hands touch ye, she said. Better to bleed to death quickly than die slow of the pus, aye?”

  Grey was as skeptical of the existence of germs as of succubi, but ever afterward had glanced automatically at the hands of any medical man—and it did seem to him that perhaps the more cleanly of the breed tended to lose fewer patients, though he had made no real study of the matter.

  In the present instance, though, Mr. Keegan offered no hazard to the late Private Bodger, and despite his distaste Grey made no protest as the surgeon undressed the corpse, making small interested “Tut!” noises in response to the postmortem phenomena thus revealed.

  Grey was already aware that the private had died in a state of arousal. This state appeared to be permanent, even though the limbs had begun to relax from their rigor, and was the occasion of a surprised “Tut!” from Mr. Keegan.

  “Well, he died happy, at least,” Keegan said, blinking. “Sweet God Almighty.”

  “Is this a . . . normal manifestation, do you think?” Grey inquired. He had rather expected Private Bodger’s condition to abate postmortem. If anything, it seemed particularly pronounced, viewed by daylight. Though of course that might be merely an artifact of the color, which was now a virulent dark purple, in stark contrast to the pallid flesh of the body.

  Keegan prodded the condition cautiously with a forefinger.

  “Stiff as wood,” he said, unnecessarily. “Normal? Don’t know. Mind, what chaps I see here have mostly died of fever or flux, and men what are ill aren’t mostly of a mind to . . . hmmm.” He relapsed into a thoughtful contemplation of the body.

  “What did the woman say?” he asked, shaking himself out of this reverie after a moment or two.

  “Who, the woman he was with? Gone. Not that one might blame her.” Always assuming that it had been a woman, he added to himself. Though given Private Bodger’s earlier encounter with the gypsy, onewould assume . . .

  “Can you say what caused his death?” Grey inquired, seeing that Keegan had begun to inspect the body as a whole, though his fascinated gaze kept returning to . . . color notwithstanding, it really was remarkable.

  The assistant surgeon shook his ringlets, absorbed in wrestling off the corpse’s shirt.

  “No wound that I can see. Blow to the head, perhaps?” He bent close, squinting at the corpse’s head and face, poking here and there in an exploratory fashion.

  A group of men in uniform came toward them at the trot, hastily doing up straps and buttons, hiking packs and muskets into place, and cursing as they went. Grey removed his hat and placed it strategically abaft the corpse, not wishing to excite public remark—but no one bothered to spare a glance at the tableau by the surgeon’s tent; one dead man was much like another.

  Grey reclaimed his hat and watched them go, grumbling like a miniature thunderstorm on the move. Most of the troops were already massed on the parade ground. He could see them in the distance, moving in a slow, disorderly mill that would snap into clean formation at the Sergeant-Major’s shout.

  “I know Colonel Ruysdale by reputation,” Grey sa
id, after a thoughtful pause, “though not personally. I have heard him described as ‘a bit of a Gawd-’elp-us,’ but I have not heard that he is altogether an ass.”

  Keegan smiled, keeping his eyes on his work.

  “Shouldn’t think he is,” he agreed. “Not altogether.”

  Grey kept an inviting silence, to which invitation the surgeon acquiesced within moments.

  “He means to wear them out, see. Bring them back so tired they fall asleep in their suppers.”

  “Oh, yes?”

  “They been a-staying up all night, you see? Nobody wanting to fall asleep, lest the thing—a sucky-bus, is it?—should come round in their dreams. Mind, it’s good for the tavern owners, but not so good for discipline, what with men falling asleep on sentry-go, or in the midst of drill . . .”

  Keegan glanced up from his inspections, observing Grey with interest.

  “Not sleeping so well yourself, Major?” He tapped a dirty finger beneath his eye, indicating the presence of dark rings, and chuckled.

  “I kept rather late hours last night, yes,” Grey replied equably. “Owing to the discovery of Private Bodger.”

  “Hmmm. Yes, I see.” Keegan said, straightening up. “Seems as though the sucky-bus had her fill of him, then.”

  “So you do know about the rumors of a succubus?” Grey asked, ignoring the attempt at badinage.

  “Of course I do.” Keegan looked surprised. “Everybody knows. Aren’t I just telling you?”

  Keegan did not know how the rumor had reached the encampment, but it had spread like wildfire, reaching every man in camp within twenty-four hours. Original scoffing had become skeptical attention, and then reluctant belief, as more stories began to circulate of the dreams and torments suffered by men in the town—and had become outright panic, with the news of the Prussian soldier’s death.

  “I don’t suppose you saw that body?” Grey asked, interested.

  The Welshman shook his head.

  “The word is that the poor bugger was drained of blood—but who’s to know the truth of it? Perhaps it was an apoplexy; I’ve seen ’em taken so, sometimes—the blood comes bursting from the nose, so as to relieve the pressure on the brain. Messy enough to look at.”


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