Bite Me, Baby

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  “That’s okay, thank you for being honest with me. I do have one more question though.”

  “What is that?” she asked, staring into his ocean blue eyes, the hold they carried over her was almost hypnotizing.

  “Why is it that you wish to be human?”

  Alana paused for a moment, trying to form the perfect answer for her desires. “I wish I could live as they do. I want to experience shopping, hair appointments, the heat of the sun on my skin and so much more, but most of all, I want a family that would celebrate Christmas with me. I want to hang the star on the tree with my family, I want to carol at people’s homes and share copious amounts of food in one sitting and most of all—I want to give. I want to pick that perfect gift, a gift that holds so much meaning, so much joy and happiness. I want to experience it all. To not be able to experience it, well that has almost destroyed me over the centuries of my life. The loneliness has taken a toll on my ability to feel anything. Until you came along. That leads to my question. Why am I feeling things I never have before? Why do you have such a hold over me?” She held her breath waiting desperately for his explanation.

  “Well that’s easy, you’re my mate,” he blurted out.

  “I’m your what?”

  “My mate! You know, the person I will love until the day I die, no questions asked. Bound for eternity.” He stared at her for a moment. “You really don’t know do you?” he asked.

  Alana didn’t even know where to start, her mind raced through all the information attempting to prepare a rebuttal to his outlandish proclamation of love. There was no rebuttal for her though, it explained everything, including how she could hear him telepathically. It explained how he made her feel and how her body reacted to his touch, whether it be mentally or physically. She had no idea how to respond to such a statement other than staring into his eyes and praying he would give her time to comprehend what he had just told her. Hearing the clock tick as the minutes passed by she knew she could no longer leave the poor man hanging. She had to say something. He had been patient enough to give a few moments silence as the awkward moments passed. It seemed like it’d been hours but when she actually looked at the hands on the wall clock only three minutes had passed.

  “Hunter, I’m unsure how to respond. I think I need some time to think things through,” she admitted.

  “Oh I know where your thoughts are, my dear. We’re linked remember and that’s just the first step of our mating. If it’s time you need I’m more than happy to give you the time. That’s the bright side of being immortal I guess,” he said with a sarcastic smile upon his face.

  Alana couldn’t help but laugh at his sense of humor. He was bringing out the woman that she used to be, a woman she’d forgotten existed. Over the centuries she had let the stress of her work consume her. Slowly darkening her heart was the only thing that kept her sane while she dreamed of being normal. She hoped one day, if she prayed hard enough, her dreams would come true and she would then be truly blessed.

  “I have to say, mate, I know you’re older than me and all but I’d assumed you would know how mating occurs. I find it odd you don’t know what you’ve been doing with your life for all these years,” he said without any hesitation.

  “Older? Do I look older? Am I an old lady and missed my chance at true love? Is that truly the statement you wish to stick with? GET OUT!”

  “Oh, crap. I didn’t mean...”

  “How did you mean it, Hunter? What, am I too old for you? Are you shocked I would be your mate? Are you worried I might not meet the standard? Oh I get it, you think that because I’m so old I may be wrinkled and floppy underneath these layers of clothing. Well I got news for you, MATE! Everything is tighter than it should be. You have missed out on the sexual experience of a lifetime. I’m a woman who holds well with her age and I’d also like to inform you, I know positions those young bitches couldn’t have imagined, let alone know where to place, tighten, and twist. Yep, that’s right buddy, get the fuck out of my house!” she screamed.

  “Alana, I’m sorry. Please let me explain...” But before Hunter could finish his sentence Alana had grabbed him by the shirt, lifting him slowly as her face turned a bright red. With one flick of her wrist, she flung him in the direction of the front door. Watching as he fell on his arse and continued to slide across the floor before slamming through her front door and into the hallway wall. Gathering herself, she turned away from his lifeless form, staring out the window as she inhaled deeply. Once she calmed down, she turned to make sure he was okay, only to find him gone.

  “Hunter?” she asked. She waited a moment for a reply but there wasn’t one.

  Chapter Three

  Alana stood alone once again, feeling the sharp pain in her heart as she had literally thrown out the only man who had ever tried to profess love for her. As soon as she realized he was gone the pain hit, along with the unforgettable events replaying with every thought. The look on his face as he flew out her door, the regret he felt as he tried to apologize but she didn’t give him a chance. She had been burnt by many, but this was the first time by a man, a vampire she was falling in love with and it wasn’t until now she was able to admit it to herself.

  Every time she heard footsteps walking the halls, she would stop breathing and wait. She hoped to see Hunter walk into her apartment with his arms held out, ready to embrace her and allow her to apologize for her wrong doing. With every footstep there was hope, a hope that was beginning to fade. She couldn’t stop replaying the scene ashamed of how she acted. It was a time for love and she had it, finally a man who wanted to spend time with her. A man who had proven already that no matter what her dreams, he would deliver. She sat on the lounge allowing her head to fall into the palms of her hands, willing the tears to appear.

  In that moment she began to see in her mind's eye what her future could have been like if she’d just accepted what he was saying. A warm hand touched her shoulder making her jump. When she turned she was so happy to see Hunter standing over her. She stood on the lounge as she took him in her arms holding as tightly as she could, never wanting to let him go.

  “I’m so sorry, Hunter. I overreacted and I didn’t even give you a chance. Please forgive me,” she pleaded.

  “It’s okay, I’m just as much at fault. I really need to install a filter. Sometimes I don’t think before I talk and well, that happens. “

  They held each other close, not willing to let go. Alana realized her feelings and emotions where changing once again. She felt love, fear, joy, happiness all at once. He was doing it too her, that’s how he made her feel. As they stood there she began to recall the voice in her head when she locked herself in the bathroom. It was him, he was the one that calmed her and he was the one that encouraged her to come back out stronger than ever. She couldn’t help but wonder how he made her feel this way? Was this part of their bond?

  “We do have a problem though,” he paused, giving Alana the chance to look at him, “we’re trapped. I went down to the main entrance and the building has been blocked. There are huge tip bins blocking the entrance. No one can get in or out and we haven’t been able to get an answer as to when they will be moved so we can get out.”

  “It’s okay, they do it all the time. I’ve complained on numerous occasions but they just keep doing it. We should be able to get out by tomorrow. You’ll just have to crash here until they move,” she offered with a hint of a smile.

  “Trust me when I say this, I’d like nothing more than to stay here but I can see in your face you haven’t eaten properly in a long time. When was the last time you fed yourself, Alana?” he asked with a worried look.

  “It’s only been a few weeks, I’ll be fine.”

  “You don’t look fine to me. I can tell you’re not being honest with me.”

  “Okay it’s been roughly six weeks, but I will be fine. Please don’t worry about me,” she admitted.

  It took him a moment. He stared at her intently before letting his arms fall. He
lifted his hand, running it through his dark black hair before turning to her with a huge smile.

  “So what are we going to do with all this time on our hands?” he asked suggestively.

  “We haven’t known each other for long, Hunter. I don’t think jumping into bed right now is the best idea.”

  “What if I persuade you?”

  “I’d like to see you try.”

  Hunter began to walk closer to Alana, leaving a small gap between them. She watched as he placed his hands on her temples, wondering what on earth he was trying to do. Her eyes began to glaze over, her vision disappearing before her very own eyes. She could feel the sudden panic rising from deep within her gut. Everything was pitch black, until a white speck became apparent. More followed one by one as if falling from the sky above. She could feel the wind brushing up against her, making her shiver with the intensity of the cold air. She watched the specks fly closer for her to see.

  “I’m showing you what life would be like if you choose to take me as your mate. This is how I envision our Christmases together, my love,” he whispered.

  Alana nodded in response, unable to do more as she watched the small snowflakes float in the air as if by magic. The images began to blur as the scene changed, a burning log fire appeared in front of her. A Christmas tree stood in the corner turning slowly, the lights flickering as they changed color. There was a window, the ledge filled with layers of snow and music played softly in the background. She listened intently trying to hear to the familiar beat, desperately searching for the name of the song. It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas, she sang to herself. She peered around the room looking for Hunter. She watched as specks of glowing gold appeared in front of her, gifts magically appeared under the tree all with her name on them. She couldn’t help but smile at the gesture. A familiar hand landed on her shoulder, she turned to face him only to be surprised at what she saw. He stood there as his eyes sparkled ocean blue, as if the stars where reflecting from his eyes. A golden glow lightened the tips of his hair as a warm smile formed on his face. Her legs became weak as the image before her ignited her passion. She could have sworn he’d grown golden wings with small snowflakes on the delicate feathers attached to his shoulders. She closed her eyes trying to understand what was truly going on at that moment, none of this was true it was just a dream.

  “A dream that could come true, Alana. All I ask is you take my heart and soul as your own. Love me as much as I love you. Be my mate,” he said.

  She peered down for a moment, trying to allow her mind the time to process, but when she looked back it was as if she was staring at her guardian angel, one like no other. She stood on her tippy toes, trying to reach him. Wanting to be closer to express her gratitude in a way she knew he wanted. He bent forward, their lips closing the tiny gap between them. As their lips met for the first time, her lust ignited and she forced her tongue into his mouth exploring every part. The way he tasted woke her, what started slowly became needier. She had to have more, she needed more. His hand slid down from her back toward her arse as he groped her cheeks, sending chills of passion down her spine. Her canines ripped from her gums as her arousal spiked. Hunter pulled back slightly, as Alana bit down on his lower lip. A small beading droplet of his blood slid along her tongue, making it hard to control herself, as the mixture of arousal and hunger fought against each other.

  The dream disappeared completely, replaced by a familiar red glow as her hunger overpowered her.

  “Alana, you need to feed.”

  “I’m fine, Hunter,” she replied in a dull tone.

  “You’re not! We are stuck, you are hungry. Feed from me,” he demanded.

  A side of her wanted to argue but she was too frail, her energy was lacking and she could feel the color drain from her face. The only thing keeping her awake was the beat trying hard to escape from her chest.

  “What is that?” she asked Hunter, her eyes glassy and swollen. The need for nourishment and the sun at full force didn’t help matters.

  “What is what, Alana?”

  “That sound? Listen,” she instructed, watching as he paused to listen, a small smirk lit up his face.

  “Ahh, you want me, baby!”

  “What on earth?”

  “That, my dear, is your heart. It’s beginning to beat again. That only happens when you have found your mate. The choice is yours now, choose love or nothing. We aren’t like the Vampires you hear about, Alana. We can walk in the sun, it just makes us sleepy and dampens our vision. We can love and have our humanity returned but we are immortal.”

  “Well that makes sense. I’m sorry, Hunter, I have to lie down for a moment. I’m not feeling the best.”

  Hunter watched as Alana made her way to her bedroom practically face planting on the mattress. He knew it wouldn’t be long before she’d feel the full effects of her not feeding. He made his way to the door, watching his mate fade further in color. He held the wrist spilling over with blood, and made his way to the side of her bed waving it under her nose. Her eyes shot open, she licked her lips to moisten them. Trying hard to resist the delicacy he was offering, Hunter held his wrist in front of her mouth. He could see the pain in her eyes, he had to do something. He didn’t care what he had to do as long as she fed.

  “Alana, you won’t see Christmas if you don’t feed. Please take from me what you so desire. What’s mine is yours.”

  She hesitated but as Hunter watched her eyes dart from the luscious blood dripping from his wrist to his face, he knew she was at least thinking strongly about it. It wasn’t long before her canines ripped from her gums sinking into his flesh. Watching intently as she slurped on his blood, the suckling felt erotic. He let his mind go with it, enjoying every suckle as the first step of their bond took place. It was at that moment he vowed silently he would die for this woman, he would protect her and give her everything she desired. Her happiness was now and forever his passion, his drive to live. That thought alone brought him happiness, he believed in that moment he was destined for this woman, this is why he was here on this earth. He wanted nothing more.

  Alana began to lick his wound, it closed behind each touch of her tongue. He was almost saddened when she was finished. He watched as she used the tip of her tongue to gently lick the leftover droplets of blood from her lips. Her natural glow began to return, leaving her feeling refreshed and grateful. Her green eyes sparkled, drawing him in, mesmerizing him by her beauty.

  Chapter Four

  Hunter watched Alana sleep, her body changing before his eyes as his blood ran through her veins. He knew it wouldn’t be long before she awakened, so he made his way to the bathroom. Placing the plug in the bath, he turned the hot and cold water on letting the tub fill to the top, and once it was full he added a lavender scent that filled the room. He was about to make his way out to wake her but as he turned he found her leaning against the doorframe, a hint of a smile on her face.

  “I have to say, this is new for me. Never has a man made me a bath before,” she admitted.

  “Well this is just a sample of what I will do for you over the many centuries we will be together.”

  “Well forgive me but it may take me some time to get used to this.”

  “That’s perfectly fine, mate. We have plenty of time,” he said as he made his way to her. Standing directly in front of her, he placed his hands at the nape of her shirt. Slowly undoing each button, looking slightly up to watch her luscious lips part, her breathing became heavy with such a simple act of love. When he had undone the last button, he pulled her shirt back over her shoulders before letting it fall to the ground. As he stared at the black lace bra she was wearing, her breasts rose and fell with each breath. Hunter swallowed, finding it hard as he continued to stare at her large breasts. He placed one hand behind her back and with a hasty flick of the clasp, her breasts were freed from their confined hold. He threw her bra to the side of the room, maintaining his own breathing at the same time. Trying hard to think of som
ething else, he wanted to make love to her right there and then but he knew she wasn’t ready. He wanted to swoon her before he took her as his own. With only a few days until Christmas, timing was everything.

  As he stared directly into her eyes , he undid the button to her jeans letting the zipper fall as he parted the opening of her pants. Slowly he leaned down, lightly tugging her pants over her slim thighs, past her knees and allowing them to fall to the ground as he held his position.

  Alana lifted her legs just enough to remove them from the pants Hunter had kindly helped remove. She could feel his breath against her stomach, sending tingles over her flesh as she secretly wished for him to rip her panties off with his teeth.

  He placed his hands on her hips, holding her firmly. Alana couldn’t help but wonder what he was waiting for, but since he’d gone to so much effort she relaxed, willing to give him a chance. He slowly rose, until they were face to face. His eyes changed to a bright, hungry red. His fangs hung over his lower lip as he tried to keep them shut.

  “Get in the bath, Alana. I’ve run it especially for you,” he said in a deep, husky voice.

  At that moment she knew exactly what was happening. He wanted to devour her, take her as his own, claim her so they could be one with each other. There was nothing she wanted more. She had thought over and over again about what would it be like taking orders from anyone, but in a way she wasn’t, instead she was teasing him with her soft, naked body. She slowly walked toward the bath, letting her body sway from side to side. Taunting him was the only sexual advantage she held. She placed her foot into the bath, stepping into the warm and beautifully scented water. As she stood in the bath she could feel his eyes on her, watching every movement. She folded her arms over each other, rubbing up and down the sides of her arms. Her breasts catching with each movement, her nipples became hard with excitement. She leaned her head back as her hands cupped her breasts and she moaned, surprised at how much this was turning her on. She dropped her head to the side, catching Hunter in her vision. Crouched on the ground with one arm extended holding him firmly in place. His head was lowered, but once he felt her eyes on him, he slowly lifted his head. The look on his face almost scared Alana, his teeth became enlarged as his grin grew.


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