Bite Me, Baby

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  ‘No, that’s not right,’ he thought to the cat.

  ‘Mate, mate, mate, mate.’

  No, no, no. I am not ready for a mate! Shit. As his hands tugged at his hair, Gavin jerked his eyes back to Sammie when she cleared her throat. When their eyes caught and held, he was quickly thankful for the restrictive jeans now hiding his rapidly swelling cock. Could do without the zipper imprint though, he thought. Her chest rising and falling seductively enhanced her large breasts with every breath.

  “Your eyes!” she gasped. “They are glowing, what the hell?”

  “It’s just the firelight,” he mumbled. “So what are ye doing here?” Gavin redirected the conversation and at the same time reigned in his cat who was fighting hard to take over. ‘She may be our mate, but she’s human. Pull back!’

  ‘Mine, want her!’ Closing his eyes, he took in a deep breath, he was finally able to get enough control to hide his beast. A couple large swallows of his water later, he leveled his now non-glowing eyes on Sammie’s flushed face. One blond eyebrow raised in question, waiting for why she interrupted his peace. Better not be to take over my home. That would be a shit storm.

  “This is an epic vacation fail,” Sammie whispered. She didn’t want to make this feral man angry. His eyes were glowing, dammit; it wasn’t the firelight. When she said no more, he rolled his eyes.


  Starting to get mad at his attitude, she narrowed her eyes at him. “Look. I was having a shitty time. My great aunt told me to go on a holiday vacation. For once in my life I was to be spontaneous. Look how that turned out!”

  “Why here? I live oot in the middle of nowhere. I jus’ donna get why yer sittin’ in my house,” his accent getting thicker with his anger. It took Sammie a little bit to process his words before she could respond.

  “Why here?” He nodded at her question. “This is where I was told I could go. This house belongs to my aunt! So the real question is, what are you doing in my aunt’s house!?” Caught up in her anger, she didn’t see his brows furrow in confusion.

  “God! This whole thing is just messed up!” she raised her voice furiously while jumping up from her seat and starting to pace the same floor that just moments ago was abandoned by Gavin. “She plans this whole thing out, lectures me, doesn’t even give me time to make a list before I have to board a plane! I need some magic, she said. Experience life, she said! And now!” Eyes narrowed, she glares at Gavin with her hands planted on her hips. “Now, I have to deal with a squatter, albeit a good looking one, but all the same!” she finished in a yell.

  “I am no a squatter,” he said while standing. If she was going to yell at him then he was going to do this on equal ground. Even if he was taller. The fact she would fit nicely against him was not lost on him. Neither was the good looking mention she just rambled, which made him inwardly smile.

  “What’s yer aunt’s name, lass?”

  “Why?” she asked suspiciously.

  “Because, if it’s Gertrude McBrian, our problem is solved. She’s my landlord. I have been renting from her foo years. Actually trying ta buy the place,” he answered softly, coming to rest only a foot away from her.

  Looking up into his strange yet beautiful eyes, she felt herself being pulled into them. Quickly blinking she growled softy, “Yeah, that would be my great auntie. When I have my phone back I am going to have words with the old bird. Love her to pieces, but this was important info to withhold.” With a sigh, she looked around the cottage trying to pull her brain together. “If you have a phone and a phonebook I can find a taxi and a hotel or something. I am not going to impose on you.”

  A soft smile formed on Gavin’s lips before he brushed the fingertips of his right hand across her cheek and stepped closer, almost bringing their bodies together. She was breathing rapidly again, just this time, not from anger. Licking her lips, she saw the firelight flicker in his eyes and his pupils dilate.

  “Och, me beauty. Yer donna have ta leave. Ye can stay as long as ye like.”

  ‘Yes, yes. Take. Mine.’ His cat was in total agreement. ‘Keep her here.’

  His low rough voice sent shivers down her spine. Oh God! Her stomach dropped and her pussy flooded in excitement. Good thing she brought some boyfriends with her. Really good thing. She just found her fantasy star.


  “Let’s finish eating, then we can go ta bed,” he suggested.

  “What!?” With what was just running through her mind he still took her by surprise.

  “Mr. McDaniel! We just met, I am not—” laughter stopped her denial.

  “What a sweet temptation, but I was talkin' separate beds, to sleep. Get up early tomorrow and I will show ye around the land. And call me Gavin, no more Mr.,” he explained when his chuckles subsided enough for him to talk.

  Oh. My. God. “Yes, of course, I am so sorry. I…cheese its, I’m sorry.” Face flaming, she settled back into the chair.

  “Thank you for dinner, Gavin,” she mumbled, still embarrassed, and shoved in a mouthful of flavorful rabbit stew.

  Chapter Five

  Dinner consumed, dishes cleaned and put away, Gavin showed Sammie to her room. So very ready to climb into bed she remembered something very important so she stopped in the room’s doorway and turned back around toward Gavin.

  “Is everything okay?” he asked.

  “I left my suitcase outside. I’ll just run out and get it,” she explained and smiled sleepily at him.

  “No, it's fine. I will get it foo ye.”

  Before she could say anything to him, he was already opening the door and bringing the stuffed bag inside. Just as he reached her, Gavin’s hand slipped on the handle and it clattered onto the wooden floor at her feet.

  “I’m sorry, the rain made that a wee bit slippery. Is there anything I could have broken?” he asked concerned while wiping his wet palm on his pants.

  “No, no. It’s fine. Nothing breakable. Accidents happen.” Smiling, she went to pick up the case when a slight buzzing sound caught her attention. No, that’s not…please no! Face flaming, she snapped her head up to his face and took in his bewildered look. With her gasp, his look disappeared and knowledge seeped into his eyes. His lips twitched, she knew he knew.

  “Thanks so much Mr. Mc…ah, Gavin. Good night,” she sputtered as she finally got the traitorous bag inside her room and slammed the door in his smiling face.

  Leaning closer to the wood barrier, he heard her mumbles as the buzzing sound got louder.

  “Stupid, stupid, me! I should have removed the batteries. Cheese on a cracker!”

  Retreating into his room, he rested his back against the closed door and slammed his head back. Thoughts swirling around his brain of her spread out on the guest bed flushed and naked, straining for release, pumping her toy faster and harder until screaming his name out when she came.

  “Fuck. Me,” he whispered.

  This was going to be a long night. Kicking off his now too tight pants, he sighed in relief when his cock sprang free. Fully naked, he stretched out across his large bed and grasped his thick cock tightly. Working his cock wasn’t going to get him where he wanted it to but it would sure as shit take the edge off. He needed to calm his cat before he broke through completely. With a promise of a late night run, he took himself harder in hand and pictured his mate spread eagle again.


  On the other side of the cottage, Sammie was sitting on the edge of her bed twisting her hair in a nervous habit.

  “I cannot show my face tomorrow.” In her hand was the buzzing culprit, her favorite—go figure. Should have known something would have happened. His face, my God. The look he had before she shut the door was one of shock and she could tell he was completely uncomfortable. Not only does he now have an unwanted guest, but now he probably thinks a sexually deviant one. Yeah, she could not see him tomorrow. If only she could change her plane ticket. So far she had had way too much magic and just wanted to go
home with her tail between her legs. Unfortunately, she had to wait until after Christmas. She could stay somewhere else, but honestly, she didn’t have the money for that. She brought enough for some play money and groceries. This is why I make lists!

  “I am going to have to suck it up. Play it off as if nothing happened. Blushing will be a problem though.” Shaking her head, she started cleaning up the clothes she threw out when she was trying desperately to get to her hidden pocket.

  With everything now picked up, she stripped and went for her nightie. Yes, conservative Sammie by day and lace nightie by night. A smile formed as she slid her hand down the soft fabric. Maybe I really am a deviant. It’s her addiction. She has a whole dresser devoted to them at home. The one thing in this world that made her feel beautiful and seductive. Everyone should have something that makes them feel pretty, she thought.

  The peek-a-boo black lace nightie slid into place, barely covering the V between her legs and pushed her breasts up and out, creating a mound of cleavage. Sliding on the matching thong, she ran a hand through her hair, down her neck, and over the contours of her body. Fingers running along the hem by her upper thigh, her body shuddered at the thought of Gavin’s hands. She truly believed he wouldn’t take another look at her after tonight, but the fantasies were on a rampage.

  The trickle of her excitement on her thighs told her she would not be sleeping until she took care of her problem. Walking back over to her secret compartment-o-fun, she found her little purse pleaser and laid down on the soft mattress. Flicking the base of her little metallic powder blue bullet, the pulsing vibrations had her pussy flood with excitement for what was to come. Her coming, mainly.

  Flashes of Gavin swirled through her mind as she massaged her labia harder and faster. His hands, mouth, fingers, and lastly his cock. God, I bet it is fabulous. With it matching his height and shoulder width, she imagined it was perfect. One more flick of her wrist and a pinch to her clit, she shot off into her orgasm. Twisting her head to the side, she buried her head into a fluffy pillow as far as she could and screamed out.


  After a powerful release of his own, Gavin lay, still naked, across his bed with the heavy blanket tossed off. Trying to calm his mind, he closed his eyes. If he was lucky, he would be able to get a couple hours sleep before needing to release his cat for a run. Soft mewling noises shattered that calm. Jackknifing out of bed, he crouched low, holding himself stock-still. There it was again.

  A second later he tugged on a pair of pajama bottoms and silently opened his door, heading for Sammie’s room. If she was having a bad dream he would help her. Leaning into the door he held his breath.

  “Ah, yes. Ah, yes.”

  No! Oh fuck, fuck, fuck! The muffled scream had him jumping back from the door as his cat fought hard to bust the door down and take their mate. Backtracking to his room, he closed the door and stripped off his bottoms before hopping out the window. Have to get out of here now! A powerful leap had him out the window and running hard and fast to put as much distance between them as he could before releasing his cat.

  A mile away, where her smell no longer reached them, he closed his eyes and let the cat free from within. After years of shifting his form, he could get it done quicker and less painful than when he was young. So within a matter of seconds the human was repressed and the cat was free. Standing on a hilltop, bathed in moonlight, a full grown male cougar screamed out for his mate.

  Chapter Six

  Sun streaming in through the opened curtain woke Sammie from a restless night. Strangely she wasn’t tired. Rolling onto her back, she stretched out in the sun spot. Her eyes snapped open at the replay of last night. Oh man! I have to face him. Maybe he is still sleeping. With that hope, she threw on some tan cords and a dark green sweater and tiptoed to the door. Slowly cracking it just enough to roll her eye around the empty living room, she let out a sigh of relief. Coast looked clear. With a slip through the door, she closed it as quietly as she could. If he wasn’t asleep, no need for him to know she was up. Toothbrush in hand, she made her way to the shared bathroom and did her morning ritual as hush-hush as possible. Hair brushed but left down, teeth brushed so no more morning breath, she was ready to brave the kitchen to make some coffee. God, she needed caffeine.

  Making her way through the living room she turned left to the kitchen and froze. Shit! There he was, standing at the sink with his back turned toward her. With no shirt covering him, Sammie was able to get a good long look at his muscled back. What captivated her was the three long scars that ran from shoulder blade down to his lower back. They looked old, but he could be a fast healer. Deep in her wonderings—and yes, one was what he would taste like when she took her tongue to those scars—she jumped when his deep morning rough voice spoke.

  “Good morning, did ye sleep well?” he asked.

  “Uh, yeah. As well as I could in an unknown bed.”

  At her reply, Gavin turned his head to look back at her with a smile on his face and winked at her before turning back.

  “Go ahead and make yerself comfortable, I am almost done with breakfast. Do ye like omelets? And I made some coffee, if ye like. I normally drink tea but thought ye were a coffee drinker, so I made some.”

  “Oh, wow. That sounds wonderful. Thank you. But don’t let me be a bother. I don’t want you to go out of your way for me.”

  Hands laden with plates and mugs, he gently set them down before sitting on his seat and his sharp eyes stared into Sammie’s hazel ones.

  “Was I making myself eggs when ye came in?” At her nod he continued, “Did I have ta go anywhere ta get coffee or did I have it already?”

  “I don’t know, I was a sleep. Did you?” she asked in a snarky way.

  “No, I didn’t. I already had some. So stop being all polite and apologetic and eat. Preferably before it gets cold.”

  “You are not a morning person, are you?”

  “Please tell me ye are not a morning person. I canno’ take chirpy this early,” he answered with a smile.

  “Not a morning person. At least not until I have had a cup of coffee. Then I’ll give you smiles.”

  “Can’t wait ta see it, me beauty. Drink up.”

  Sammie jumped back eyes wide gaping at him. ”What?”

  He chuckled before answering. “Yer smile, canno’ wait to see it. Eat.”

  He gave her a wink before shoveling in another mouthful, smiling around his bite. So surprised by Gavin’s flirting she let his ordering go unchecked.

  Full and relaxed, Sammie rested her back against the chair and sipped her drink. “That was so good, thank you. Where did you learn to cook like that?” she asked.

  “I had ta learn how ta live on my own at a young age. If I wanted ta survive I had ta learn ta cook. If I wanted ta like what I survived on, I had ta learn how ta cook well. I liked liking my food,” he answered before taking a drink of his tea.

  “A young age? What happened to your parents?” When the last syllable left her mouth she gasped and shook her head. “Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to be intrusive.”

  “It’s alright, beauty. But before I spill my life’s stories,” he said before leaning over the table getting closer to her. “Do ye think I could have the name of the one I’m spilling them too?” he questioned in a conspirator whisper.

  So caught up in the humor dancing in his eyes she fell farther into them forgetting where she was. She tried to pull out of the daze but could only manage a stutter, “Whaa…huh?”

  Chuckling, he brushed his hand across her cheek and leaned in closer. “Yer name, me beauty. What is it?”

  Full consciousness returned in a snap. Jerking away from his hand, she jumped from her chair as her hand flew to her mouth. “I can’t believe I…oh my…so sorry. My name is Sammie, Sammie McCrea,” she introduced herself, holding out her hand for a handshake.

  “It’s a pleasure, Sammie,” he said as he shook her small soft hand in his own, with laughter in his eyes and
on his lips.

  “Is that why you kept calling me that?” she asked.

  Gavin tipped his head to the side and gave her a confused look. “Kept calling ye what?”

  “Oh, um. Beauty.”

  Without an answer, he slipped his hand away from hers and gave her another wink before clearing the table.

  That was not the reason he called her that. She was a beauty. And he purposely added in the ‘my’. Because, well, she was his. When his animal inside recognized her, yes he freaked a wee bit. But he was very happy about it. He was so tired of being alone. Fate had stepped in, and she was never wrong. When his parents left when he was seventeen, he was able to handle it. He had control over his animal, was able to support himself. He was alone, but fine. He didn’t blame his family for leaving; it was the animal’s way. Cougars in their natural state we loner nomads, shifter cougars emulate that. But for some reason, that was just not Gavin. If he let his cat run when the need arose, they were fine. Gavin always wanted to put down roots. A stable home for his mate if he should ever be lucky enough to find her.

  At thirty-two, he guessed fate thought it was time because she delivered his mate right to his doorstep. He needed to take it slow for her, she was, after all, human, and knew nothing of the instant pull between mates. So slow it is, but not too slow. He only had about five days. Five days to make her want him enough to stay with him and have a family. God, the thought of her round with his cub made his heart swell and he became instantly hard. Not able to hide that from her in the loose cotton pajama bottoms he was wearing, he decided to just see her reaction.

  Once the dishes were in the sink Gavin turned to face her, leaning his hip against the black countertop behind him. She had her hair pulled forward over her shoulder and was twisting it with both hands in a nervous gesture while biting her plump lower lip.

  Roughly swallowing the growl trying to escape his throat, he crossed his arms across his chest, making the muscles in his arms and stomach bulge and contract. He saw the heat in her eyes flare as she watched the play of his muscles. Sammie released her lip to bring that sweet looking pink tongue out to lick her lips. She ran her sparking eyes over him and down, when she caught sight of the large tent in his bottoms he was not hiding, her face flushed crimson. Clearing his throat of the cat’s mating howl, he raised an eyebrow and smiled at her when her eyes locked back on his face. They were not ready to go there. He hoped she understood his intentions at least.


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