Phthalo Blues: The Viper

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Phthalo Blues: The Viper Page 1

by Will Wallner


  Will Wallner

  Tales From Eros

  Copyright © 2020 Will Wallner

  All rights reserved

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

  ISBN: 1978022964

  ISBN-13: 978-1978022966


  Tiberia, Middle Continent

  Day 23 Month 1 Year 2032

  In the year 2032, Tiberia thrived as one of the wealthiest cities on Eros, due to the region's immense natural resources. Out in the surrounding deserts, which extended for miles from the city of Tiberia, stood colossal power stations and refineries, which generated large stockpiles of energy. Tiberia sold this energy to the rest of Eros for massive financial profits and resulted in considerable economic growth. Refining the energy produced a wasteful by-product, which was managed by a specialist company called AW Corp.

  AW Corp had a waste extraction facility attached to the energy refineries in the Tiberian desert. The manager of the facility stood on an outside platform smoking a cigarette. He leaned against the cold steel railing looking up at the grey, monotonous building, which donned the initials AW. It was night time and the company logo was weakly illuminated by a cold industrial light, which hung above it. The manager took a slow drag from his cigarette and looked up at those initials, resenting everything they represented. He hated having to work out in the desert, far away from human population. He hated the factory fumes which were impossible to escape. But most of all, he hated the man, Ernst Ironchild, who had taken ownership of AW Corp and assigned him to manage the waste disposal facility in Tiberia.

  The manager flicked his cigarette at the company logo and walked towards the metal door, which led back inside the waste management facility. Just then, a light flickering against the black canvas of night caught his attention. Out in the distance, he saw what he believed was a shooting star, falling from the heavens. Far away, to the south, the light floated slowly down like a feather, towards the planet surface. As it descended, the star shattered into three pieces. Two shards were cast east and west from the central nucleus. One of the shards vanished far away in the west out of sight, but the other, was projected directly towards the manager's position. He stood aghast, as it crashed into the side of a mountain, just miles, from where he stood. He took a radio from his pocket to speak to one of his employees.

  "Hey, this is Max Wolfhart, can you get a jeep ready? I want to go for a drive tonight."


  2033 - 2036

  Before the war of Tiberia, there were two dominant nations on the planet of Eros. First, the 'Middle Alliance', which was a union between three of the most powerful cities on Middle Continent; Kunsthof, Tech City and Tiberia. The second was Capitol City; a colossal urban metropolis, which covers almost the entirety of Northern Continent.

  In the year 2033, a war erupted in Tiberia, when a terrorist group called 'Crimson Blade' sought to overthrow the government and take control of the city. The emergence of Crimson Blade within Tiberian territory was somewhat of a mystery. They appeared from out of nowhere and caused death and destruction all over Tiberia. There were many civilian casualties. Despite their immense resources and wealth, Tiberia lacked a strong military to defend the city and its citizens. They relied on external military forces from other cities within the Middle Alliance for defense. Initially they tried to negotiate with Crimson Blade, but they struggled to find reliable intelligence on who exactly was leading the group. Crimson Blade offered peace under one condition, the unconditional surrender of Tiberia and all its resources.

  Unable to control the situation, Tiberia and the Middle Alliance requested aid from Capitol City and its strong military resources. Capitol City's military was owned and run by Iron Corp, who agreed to help Tiberia defeat Crimson Blade in exchange for a large monetary payment. Iron Corp's army engaged Crimson Blade in the streets of Tiberia, causing even more Tiberian casualties. Somehow Crimson Blade managed to score victory after victory against Iron Corp's forces. Crimson Blade appeared to be winning the war. They took control of Tiberian financial institutions and the Tiberian power plants, both of which were the source of Tiberia's wealth.

  After two and a half years of losing battle after battle, Iron Corp's army had been significantly depleted and their stock prices plummeted. Capitol City sought to find a new corporation to take over its military forces. Iron Corp was purchased by an investor group known as MAW Corp, who took control of the remaining Iron Corp forces and assigned a new leader to command the Capitol City army in Tiberia. General Ryuu assumed command and very quickly turned the tides on Crimson Blade. Within a few months, Ryuu had defeated the Crimson Blade army and Tiberia was finally able to declare victory in 2036. General Ryuu was hailed a war hero and master tactician.

  Most of Tiberia was destroyed in the conflict. The Tiberian government, along with the Middle Alliance, lacked the resources needed to rebuild and provide aid for its citizens. Without a stable government, what was left of Tiberia quickly degenerated into a poverty-stricken society. Gangs took over the streets and crime levels rose at an alarming rate. Large numbers of Tiberian refugees fled to surrounding regions, most of which ended up in Capitol City. Tiberia became one of the most dangerous places on Eros.

  The Middle Alliance decided a short-term solution was to temporarily relinquish authority of the region over to Capitol City. They would allow the MAW Corp army to occupy the territory in hopes they could curb the violence and help establish a rule of law. The leader of Capitol City, President Chakotay, allowed Tiberian refugees to enter freely into Capitol City, which caused major backlash from his own citizens. Now in the year 2037, President Chakotay is focused on establishing a new stable government in Tiberia. He is under pressure from the Middle Alliance and citizens from all over Eros to resolve the Tiberian issue. He fears if MAW Corp withdraw too quickly, the region will degenerate further.

  Since the fall of Tiberia, the Middle Alliance's power and influence on Eros has been significantly diminished. Capitol City is now the dominant nation on Eros, controlling both Northern Continent and the Tiberian region on Middle Continent.


  Berlin, Middle Continent

  Day 11 Month 4 Year 2037

  Athick blanket of grey mist covered the ocean. Seagulls flew aimlessly, looking for any signs of life near the surface of the water. They were blinded by the fog. The sun tried to pierce the shroud, but it was too weak. This was the dreariest of mornings anyone could remember.

  Out of the thick mist, an object began to take shape. A dark, gigantic form approached the shore. The seagulls scattered, as the object ploughed through the water like a steam engine. Its momentum was unstoppable. The waves did nothing to prevent this metallic beast from crashing into the shoreline. It was a steel tomb, a ghost ship, floating through the ocean. Only land could end this vessel's hopeless journey.

  It approached from the south, heading directly towards the port town of Berlin. Early in the morning, it reached its final destination. It crashed into the old wooden docks on the shore of the small seaside town. Wood splintered in every direction, as the old, rusted, steal support beams buckled and compressed. The screeching sound of twisted metal reverberated along the coast. It shook violently trying to come to a halt. The kinetic energy dispersed for miles around, until at last, there was complete si
lence. The ship had unceremoniously docked at Berlin.


  “Nakita wake up!” Taz stormed into Nakita’s hotel room. She was fast asleep, and the noise startled her.

  “Taz?!?! You shouldn’t enter a woman’s bedroom without knocking first. What’s the matter?” She held her blanket high above her chest.

  “He’s gone! Hunter’s disappeared. Do you know where he went?” Moja stood in the hallway outside, whimpering softly. She could sense Hunter was missing. Nakita took a moment and then told Taz what had happened the previous evening.

  “Taz…Hunter’s gone to Capitol City without us. He didn’t want to put you in any more danger. He thought it would be for the best if I took you back to Valley Village.” She spoke softly and sympathetically.

  “Is he insane? He needs me. He can’t do this without me. Oh man. We need to catch up with him. Get dressed quickly, I’ll meet you down in the reception!”

  “Taz wait!” She called out in vain as Taz was already on his way downstairs. Nakita jumped out of bed and closed the door. She reached into her bag, intending to put on whatever clothes she pulled out first. A black leather mini skirt didn’t quite work for her in this case. She threw it aside and reached in again. This time, she found some comfortable shorts and a white tank top. She grabbed an envelope from her nightstand then hastily left the room.

  “Taz!” Nakita came running down from the stairway. “Listen to me!” Taz was standing in the reception of the tavern, holding Moja by her pink leash. He wore a light brown jumpsuit and a pair of goggles, which he used to hold back his red spikey hair. "I knew you'd be pissed, but before you go chasing after him, please just read this." She handed Taz the envelope. He silently looked inside, there was a hand written note, which said:

  Dear Taz

  I know you’re mad at me, and I'm sorry I left without telling you, but I have to go to Capitol City on my own. Don’t give Nakita a hard time, I made her do this. I want you to go back to Valley Village and wait for me. Sister Mary is expecting you. She'll take care of you until I return.

  Keep Moja safe,


  P.S Don’t worry, I'll find Malcom. The orphans from Valley Village will be together again soon!

  Taz examined the letter and narrowed his eyes.

  "Nakita, go upstairs and pack your bags. Hunter wants us to go to Valley Village, so that's what we'll do. There's no point in hanging around here and wasting time. We'll take the first boat out of here to Lyme Cove."

  Relieved, Nakita nodded at Taz in agreement. She slowly caught her breath, then went back upstairs to her room and packed her belongings. She travelled lightly. It didn’t take long to fill her small bag of clothes. Her only other possession was her leather-bound note book. Embossed into the leather cover, there was the faint outline of her name. When she returned downstairs to the tavern reception, Taz and Moja were nowhere to be seen. Even more confusing, was the hostess, who had welcomed them to the tavern the day before, was also missing. There was no one. It was completely deserted. Nakita paused for a moment to evaluate the situation, then came to the realization that Taz had tricked her. He had sent her upstairs to pack her bags so he could escape and avoid having to go back to Valley Village. Of course, Taz would go after Hunter rather than obey the letter. She quickly ran outside.

  'Taz!" She called out, looking in every direction. She put her hands on her hips, shook her head, and let out a slow gasp in disappointment at how easily she had been tricked. "That sneaky little rat…"

  Nakita walked through the stony streets of Berlin. It was a cold morning, and the mist that shrouded the ocean, also filled the narrow lanes of this unusually quiet seaside town. As she searched for Taz, she doubted herself. She thought about what had happened at the Tech City Piano Bar with Alex and the Overlords. Just a day ago her life had been so different. She was the girlfriend of a ruthless gang leader living in a high-rise skyscraper, surrounded by luxury and riches. What was she even doing here? It would be so easy for her to just walk away and forget about everything that had happened. She was so confused as to what her motives were for leaving Tech City with Hunter. She replayed as best she could, the events leading up to this moment.

  Flashback: The Death of Her Mother

  Kunsthof, Middle Continent

  Day 13 Month 6 Year 2034

  (3 Years Ago)

  "We're very sorry Nakita, your mother has died." The nurse put her arm on Nakita's shoulder. Nakita was completely numb, she stared at her mother's lifeless body. "There was nothing that could have been done, her illness was too severe." The middle-aged nurse tried to comfort the silent teenager. "I'll give you some time to be alone and say goodbye."

  The nurse left the room and Nakita sat by her mother's bedside. She held her mother's hand and began to cry. She couldn't accept that her mother was gone. She was now completely alone. She sat at her mother's side holding her hand for several hours. As tears welled up in her eyes, she thought back to all the happy memories she'd had as a child. Those memories were quickly vanquished, as she remembered what happened after her father had left. She blamed her mother for her father's disappearance. Nakita was filled with guilt over the things she had said to her mother, things she could never take back. She had never apologized and now she never could. As this realization set in, it consumed her.


  She continued through the silent Berlin streets in search of Taz. There wasn't a human in sight. In the town center, a small clock tower stood in the middle of the square and chimed gently. It was completely deserted. Next to the clock tower were a few wooden benches and some flower beds. The flowers drooped, as if they hadn’t seen any sunlight for weeks. Amongst these flowers, a dead seagull lay on the ground being devoured by crows. Nakita stood over the rotting carcass as the black scavengers tore flesh from bone. The crows were like mindless beasts, feasting on death. As she looked at the crows, she thought back to her mother. Whenever she saw anything related to death, she couldn’t help but picture her mother's dead body.

  Nakita couldn’t take it anymore and looked up at the gloomy grey sky. She felt a chill, as a misty breeze drifted though the town center. Her arms tightly hugged her body to try and warm herself. She immediately regretted her choice of clothes.

  “What the hell is going on here?” Nakita couldn’t believe how this scenic town had transformed seemingly overnight.

  "This is turning into a nightmare. When I find you Taz, I'm gonna make you pay for this." She spoke out loud and also to herself. She didn’t like being alone in these creepy circumstances. She felt a strong to desire to get out of there as quickly as possible.

  Her plan was to find Taz and force him to travel with her to Valley Village. That’s where he lived since becoming an orphan during the War of Tiberia. The easiest way to travel there, would be to sail from Berlin to Lyme Cove, along the southern coast of Middle Continent. Under normal circumstances, boats sailed daily from Berlin. But these were not ordinary circumstances. Nothing was leaving Berlin today.

  Nakita timidly walked down the long narrow lane which led to the port at the sea front. Much to her delight, she saw a smartly dressed man with a familiar face. Dante, who had propositioned her the day before, was locking the entrance to his jewelry store.

  “Since when did Berlin become a ghost town?” Nakita spoke with a cool demeanor. Unlike their first encounter, she was genuinely glad to see him. She stood with her hand on her hip. Even in uncomfortable circumstances, she still made sure to accentuate her feminine curves.

  “Nakita!” Dante quickly removed the key from the door to his shop and straightened his suit. “What a pleasant surprise. I guess you didn’t hear the news. I'm just on my way to the port to see what's happened." He tried his best to look her in the eyes and not at her chest.

  "What are you talking about?" Nakita had no idea what had happened.

  "This morning a ship crashed into the port. Apparently, it's caused quite a bit of damage. The whole town is gathered at the
seafront. Why don't you allow me to escort you there personally? We can find out what's going on.” He held out his hand with a sleazy grin on his face.

  "Dante, I don’t have time for that. I'm looking for a young boy. He's about four and half feet tall, with red spikey hair. Oh, and he's got a huge dog with a pink leash. He's not hard to miss, have you seen him?"

  "A boy? I didn’t know you had a child?" All of sudden his interest in Nakita dropped slightly.

  "He's not my kid," she was very irritated by the tone of his voice. She knew exactly what he wanted. "But he's very important to me. I'm looking after him. He's my responsibility." As she spoke those words, she realized she genuinely did care about Taz and his well-being. She wanted to show Hunter he could rely on her. It was important for her to be able to follow through with the promise she had made.


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