Screwing the Mob

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Screwing the Mob Page 13

by Luciani, Kristen

  Santino pauses for a split second, then nods. “Sure. Thanks.”

  I watch him pull into a spot across from mine, and he struggles to get out of the car. I notice he’s walking with a limp, and he’s hunched over a bit, making him look older and feebler than his sixty years. I hold open the door and follow him inside, pointing down a darkened hallway. I let him lead since he’s got plenty of reasons to want me dead, and I have one very big one — she’s, in fact, hopefully still naked in my bed — for wanting to stay alive.

  We reach my office, tucked away in the corner of the second floor. I have a handful of guys staking out this hallway whenever we host events because you can never tell who might try to get a little too close for comfort. Santino eyes each and every beefy bodyguard as we make the trek to my little slice of peace and quiet. I open the door and wave him inside. I nod at Duke, the largest of the four guards and he slides his hand over one of the weapons in his waistband. It’s the only one I see, but I know that there are plenty more on his person. And he will use them all whenever needed. It’s why I pay him so much, and why he’s worth every damn penny.

  “Have a seat,” I say to Santino as I round my desk and drop into my chair.

  He sinks into the chair across from me and lets out a deep sigh. “Nico, I’m not going to waste your time. I’ve come to ask you to please reconsider getting Rocco a job. I know he’s made his mistakes, big ones, but he needs a second chance.” He slides his baseball cap off his balding head. “You’re the only one who can help him out of this.”

  I drum my fingertips on a stack of folders. “Look, Santino. I’ve always respected you. You’ve never wronged me or my family, and I know you have a history with my dad. But Rocco really fucked up. And the only reason why he’s back in Jersey right now is because my grandfather is gone. He doesn’t seem to give a shit that he disrespected Max or deVincenzo with that stunt he pulled.”

  “Trust me, Rocco is sorry. He knows if he can’t work with you, he’s screwed.”

  “And you know that if I don’t work with him, he’s not the only one who’ll be screwed.”

  “I don’t think I need to tell you how hard it’s been on my family, Nico. Your grandfather, God rest his soul, crushed Rocco’s livelihood.”

  “Rocco made some pretty fucking bad decisions, Santino. Leave my grandfather out of his bad life choices.”

  “He knows that. Believe me. He just needs to show the world that you don’t hold it against him. He wants to make things right and to be taken seriously by your family. Nico, everyone respects you and your father. Hell, your dad had my back when nobody else did, and I owe him for that. But you know that there are plenty of people who are struggling for power now. Let us help you keep it. Rocco can help protect your place in the organization.”

  “He’s got nothing to offer me. Nothing but a history of bad judgment. Why should I help him? What do I get out of it?”

  “You’re a reasonable man, Nico, and you know how quickly things can change in this kind of an organization. The Don is gone, but there were a lot of people who didn’t like the way he did things, people who have new ways of doing things. We can protect you from them. Rocco can protect you.”

  I rub the back of my head because I know everything Santino is saying is true. It’s why my father wanted me to work with Rocco in the first place. But the guy is a fucking lunatic, and he never knows when to keep his damn mouth shut. I can’t trust him as far as I can throw him, so how the fuck am I supposed to associate with him on a business level?

  Santino is desperate. His voice wavers, and he knows this is his only shot to be taken seriously in the organization again. He’s already lost so much because of his dickhead son. He shouldn’t suffer, too. And you know what they say…a desperate man is a loyal man.

  And so again, my own loyalties are pitted against one another.

  “I can give him something, but he’s going to have to start small and work his way back up. He also needs to learn to keep his fucking mouth shut. If he gets greedy and takes advantage of this opportunity, I’ll find out about it. Then I walk away for good. Understand?”

  Santino nods his head, hope alive in his eyes. Lucky for him I have more tolerance for bullshit than my grandfather. Now I just have to figure out how to keep Max and Rocco, two mortal enemies, on my side and away from each other at the same time. But Dad will be happy because this move keeps the balance of power in our favor. I’d never even had a chance to tell him I told Rocco to piss off after that first meeting, but now it seems moot.

  There are a lot of things that should be at the top of mind right now — how I’m going to explain all of this to Max without ending up with a bullet between my eyes, how I’m going to keep a leash on Rocco so he doesn’t fuck me over, how I’m going to deal with the rage from the families that Rocco screwed over when he was running those bets. The list goes on and on, so it’s not ideal that all I want to do is go home and fuck Shaye senseless until neither one of us can move.

  You have a lot of responsibilities now, Nico.

  My grandfather’s voice drifts back into my conscious. I’d love to have a few more minutes with him to figure out why the hell he ever got involved with this shit in the first place.

  I want it all, but can I have it all? That’s the magic question, one I have yet to answer for myself. Seems like any direction I go will lead to a dead end. And someone’s gonna have the barrel of a gun pointed directly at me.

  Shaye is right. I love what I do. I love having the freedom to make decisions, to build businesses from scratch and watch the money pour into them as time passes. I love having people at my beck and call, people who are anxious to do me favors because they sense the power and control I have — things that they want for themselves, things they know I can provide them. I love knowing that I can do whatever I please and get whatever I want at any time. I’ve worked my ass off for those privileges, and they don’t come cheap. I’ve done my time. I’ve watched and learned. I’ve been groomed for this position. People put a lot of trust and faith in my ability to make them money, and I never disappoint.

  But despite everything I’ve achieved, I know there’s always someone lurking, positioned to pull the rug out from under me because he thinks he can do it better. I pay for protection, just as my father does, but that doesn’t mean someone else’s money isn’t just as green. Loyalty is fleeting. If someone comes along with a grand plan and a hell of a lot of cash behind him, my good looks and charm won’t be able to protect my position for too long.

  Grandpa made sure to keep me front and center, letting everyone know, in no uncertain terms, that his protégé would eventually carry on his legacy. But for as strong as I appear to be, I know I’m vulnerable. We all are. All it takes is one bullet and someone with a motive.

  Santino stands up and reaches for my hand. “Thank you so much, Nico. Rocco won’t let you down. He knows how fortunate he is to have this chance to prove himself to you.”

  Yeah, except he doesn’t. Rocco doesn’t have any desire to be perceived as my peon. He always wanted more for himself, always thought he should be on top, which is why he went behind everyone’s backs and started taking those bets without permission. He knew the gambling business was run by deVincenzo, but he didn’t give a fuck. He only cared about making money. Screw the consequences. That’s his MO. Hence, the reason why he shot off his big ass mouth the other day. He’ll never appreciate any bones I throw his way. And for that reason, he’ll stay at the bottom, exactly where he belongs and exactly where I want him. Santino doesn’t need to know that, though.

  I nod and shake Santino’s hand. “Tell him I’ll be in touch. And tell him this stays between us until further notice. I’ll handle the details and make sure people are aware of his position once everything is finalized. But right now, it’s important to keep this under wraps. Are we clear?”

  Santino nods his head. “Yes. I appreciate it, Nico.” He puts on his cap and hobbles over to the door.

ake care of that leg.” I smirk when he looks my way. “Don’t chase the ladies so hard. Let them come to you.”

  He chuckles. “Will do. Take care of yourself, Nico.”

  “Duke will show you out.” I fold my fingers together and watch the door close. I know I’ve forever gained the loyalty of Santino Lucchese. His son, on the other hand, is a liability.

  I get up and open the door, motioning for Carlo Batta, one of my other trusted security guards. He steps into my office and stands at attention.

  “Relax, Carlo. Shut the door and take a seat.”

  He does what I ask and sinks into one of the chairs. “What do you need, boss?”

  “I’m going to need you to keep an eye on someone for me. I’m putting him on the payroll, but he’ll be doing something small, just to help him get on his feet.”

  Carlo nods. “Anything you need.”

  “We need to keep this quiet, though. Just between you and me. You watch him, listen to his conversations, follow him, and let me know what he’s up to, okay?”

  “Are you gonna tell me who?”

  I sigh. “Yes, I’ll let you know in the next couple of days. I need to iron out some details first.”

  “Okay, boss.” Carlo stands up and walks out of the office, closing the door behind him. I rub the back of my neck. The more people we have in our corner, the better positioned we are to keep Grandpa’s legacy alive.

  A loud knock startles me, and the door creaks open. Speak of the devil.

  “Glad you finally decided to show up tonight.” I look up to find Max standing in my doorway, the edge in his voice making me furrow my brow. I hope to hell there are no issues downstairs.

  “Is everything okay down there?”

  Max shrugs, his mouth stretched into a thin line. “Typical bullshit. They’re all hammered or high. Actually, both in most cases. Fucking like rabbits all over the place.”

  “Discretion comes with a pretty steep price tag. And the other guests we brought in?”

  He averts his eyes, fists clenching and unclenching by his sides. “They’re doing their part to make the event a raging success, as usual.”

  “Any of them turn your head?” The promise of sex usually lightens up his mood.

  “Plenty, but I don’t know if I’m up for it tonight.” He rakes a hand through his hair. “I saw Sloane before.”

  “I heard. And? Did something happen?” I lean forward on my elbows. “Have you spoken to her?” At least his shitty mood makes sense now.

  “Nah.” Max shrugs. “There’s not much to say. Come on, you’re here now. Let’s take a walk downstairs.”

  I follow him to the private elevator reserved for me and anyone I choose to take with me. Everyone else knows to use the stairs, basically because I have the key and they can’t get inside of it without me.

  “How many women you fuck in this thing?”

  I roll my eyes. “Why would I need to fuck them in the elevator when there are plenty of other places to choose from in this building?”

  “I don’t know. I guess it’s not exactly the thrill of the forbidden since it’s your place.”

  “Trust me, I’d opt for other locations over my private elevator.”

  The car zips down to the bottom level of the club and the doors slide open. The expansive space is dark, save for wall sconces that give off the dimmest of light. Music pulsates, the beats reverberating between my ears, making my temples throb. I can’t even remember the details of this event; my mind has been so preoccupied with thoughts of Shaye. But Max was right. Same shit, different night. These people play hard, that’s for sure. And they love having an audience for whatever sick and twisted shit they do. And nobody has to worry about ending up on YouTube since all cell phones are confiscated before they make their way into the den of ill repute.

  I wander around, shake hands with a few people who are still dressed, distracted by the images floating around in my head. Walking past hot, sweaty bodies in the most compromising of positions doesn’t make me the least bit hard. The only thing that makes my cock twitch is the thought of Shaye lying on my bed, naked and dripping wet for me.

  Two barely-dressed blondes in heels slide up against me. “Nico,” the taller one of them, Jayla, murmurs, running a finger down the front of my chest. She toys with the buttons on my shirt, and my back stiffens. “We’ve been waiting for you.”

  Kara, the other blonde with the bigger tits, flashes a seductive smile as she slides herself against me. “We were afraid you forgot about us.”

  I rake a hand through my hair, catching Max’s gaze. His jaw is set, eyes narrowed. He watches without a word. What the fuck is up with him tonight? It has to be more than that run-in with Sloane. This kind of situation would normally amuse him, but he just looks pissed off right now. He stiffens and turns toward another woman who looks about ready to fuck him against the wall.

  Weird that he’s not taking the bait.

  “Nico,” Jayla whispers, cupping my cock in one hand and massaging Kara’s tits with the other. “Don’t you want to fuck us? And then watch us fuck each other?” She squeezes my cock and gasps. “We’re so wet for you. Let us ride that fat cock just the way you like it.”

  Kara moans when Jayla’s fingers drift south, plunging into her pussy. She grips my arm, tossing her head back as Jayla finger-fucks her. “Nico, don’t make us wait. Let’s go to your room.” She slides one of my hands over her smooth ass cheek and squeezes it. “I know how much you want this ass. Take it, Nico. Now.”

  I pull away my hand. “Not tonight.”

  Jayla’s lips curl into a smirk. “Oh, so you want to play hard to get for a change, huh?” She pushes her tits against me and starts to unbuckle my belt. “I like this game.”

  I grab her wrist. “It’s not a game. I mean it. This isn’t happening.”

  Kara’s mouth drops open. “But we always—”

  “No.” I fix my jacket and nod my head toward Max as a signal to get the fuck away from these women…just two of the hundreds of women that I’ve brought to my own private room over the years. The best pussy money can buy, not that I have to pay a cent for it. Truth be told, I never wanted it in the first place, and I sure as hell don’t need it anymore now that I’ve pulled my head out of my ass and finally made the right choice for my future.

  I lead Max around a darkened corner in the direction of my private elevator. I really hope nobody else tries to manhandle me tonight. There’s only one person I want executing that kind of carnal assault.

  “What the fuck is wrong with you?” Max mutters, walking next to me. “You feeling sick or something?”

  I shrug. “I guess I’m not in the mood tonight either.” My phone buzzes in my pocket, and I pull it out to find a text from Shaye. I clearly have a death wish as I walk next to her brother and stare at the X-rated selfie she just sent with her legs spread and her fingers rubbing against her pussy. But it’s the message that makes my dick thicken to the point where I’m afraid it may just bust through the fabric of my pants.

  I like playing this game. Wanna come here and watch?

  Fuck me, I need to get home. Immediately, if not sooner.

  “You bang these chicks ten at a time every time there’s an event. Why not tonight? What the fuck is up with you?”

  That angry tone is back. Christ, he is such a moody bitch. He really needs to get laid tonight. “Nothing. I’m just a little out of it, I guess. Shit’s been weighing on me these days. I don’t think I need to tell you that. And my back is still seriously messed up from that wreck.”

  Max narrows his eyes and folds his massive arms over his chest. “You seemed fine to me until a little while ago…until you got a flash of pussy. That’s not like you.”

  I grip the phone in my hand. “I think I just need a break. Listen, I’m gonna head out soon. You can handle things here, right?” I turn and force us to walk the last few steps to the elevator. I pull my key out of my pocket and stick it into the lock next to the elevator door.

  “Yeah.” Max looks at me, a strange expression on his face. “Hey, how’d you hear about me seeing Sloane earlier, anyway?”

  Fuck. I had to open my damn mouth, didn’t I? “Oh, yeah, Shaye texted me about picking up that Scrabble game my grandfather got for her, and said she’d be by to get it tomorrow since she’d been with Sloane all day and was going to some party with her tonight. I just figured you saw her since you were home today.” Jesus Christ, could I back myself farther into a corner with a bullshit response that I literally just pulled out of my ass?

  Max doesn’t say anything for a few seconds. I keep my gaze on him, steady and unwavering, because if I show any sign that I just fucked myself, he’ll leap over the desk and attack like a wolverine. I’ve seen it, and the aftermath ain’t pretty.

  You don’t touch your best friend’s baby sister. Ever. It’s an unspoken rule, one that I’ve now broken too many times to count. I’m realizing all of this again as my balls ache with the knowledge that she’s waiting for me in my bed, and I’m still here.

  He finally speaks. “Take care, man. I’ll talk to you later.”

  I step into the elevator and watch his eyes darken as the doors close. I can’t get out of here fast enough. I don’t even stop back into my office before flying down the back stairs. I jump into my car and peel out of the parking lot. The New Jersey Turnpike is clear, save for a couple of trucks which I weave around in an attempt to clear my path. It takes me less than half an hour, but it feels like years have passed since I left the club. I know I should call to check in with Max again tonight, but not until after I taste that sweet pussy again. I’m sure he’ll find me if there’s a problem.

  I pull into the driveway and slam the door, taking the front steps two at a time. If someone was trying to take me out right now they’d have a fucking clear shot since my mind isn’t where it’s supposed to be…it’s only where it should never have gone.


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