Immortal of My Heart

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by Unknown



  Alexis McNeil

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  Alexis McNeil

  Immortal of My Heart

  Copyright © 2011 by Alexis McNeil

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  To all my fans, you make me want to write every day!

  And to my great trio of editors: Susie, Mingi, and Grubba. You help form my books into something great!

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  Scotland Highlands, Castle MacRae


  Inky black clouds rumbled overhead hinting at the storm to come. The huge Immortal, Alexander, kneeled down on the dirt-covered ground as a smirk crossed his lips. He pictured the expressions of fury trembling across the faces of the Guardians from what he was about to do. The murky weather may be fitting for the Guardians’ moods, but Alexander felt on top of the world.

  A throng of friends surrounded him. Some were old, some new, one of them, Merrick, his best friend and fellow Immortal. Out of all thirteen Immortals, Merrick was the only one who Alexander felt closest to. For that reason, Alexander had specifically chosen Merrick to pierce his heart with the Sword of Divinity. He wanted his best friend to play a part in beginning his new mortal life.

  Alexander glanced around, first at the people in the gathering who eagerly waited for the ceremony, and then over to his fiancée’s father’s huge stone castle off in the distance. Alexander would soon turn mortal and eventually become laird of the looming castle and all who lived there. He couldn’t be happier with the way things were falling into place. For having no personal possessions to bring to the marriage, he gained a multitude.

  He moved his gaze over to Merrick’s, who stood above him. Merrick leaned down. “Ye found a rare lass, Alexander. I hope ye have a long mortal life filled with love and many bairns.” Merrick grasped his friend’s shoulder in a friendly squeeze and stepped back. Alexander gave a reassuring nod and without delay, Merrick stabbed the razor-sharp golden blade deep into Alexander’s heart.

  Concerned bystanders gasped and abruptly began making way for a beautiful black haired lass. Deirdre strolled down the parted aisle with the haughtiness of a queen. Her deep violet dress trimmed in delicate gold thread swirled around her legs as she made her way over to Alexander. With her head held high, tears streamed down her pale cheeks.

  Alexander studied her angelic face. She was young, but Deirdre knew her station and duties well. She’d make a fine wife and fit mother. Her tears didn’t make him doubtful about his choice in a soul mate. As a witness to the ceremonies of past Immortals becoming human, he knew this was an emotional time for the lassies. By Deirdre joining him in this ceremony, she announced to all she’d stand by his side as soul mate and wife. Her chin quivered and a sob escaped her when she arrived in front of Alexander and kneeled down in the dirt next to him.

  Blood stained the front of Alexander’s shirt, but Deirdre knew his wound had rapidly healed beneath. One thing remained for her to do…to give him a kiss, the Kiss of Life. The Kiss of Life contained so much love from a true soul mate, that the Immortal would become human. The kiss held the power to break the spell of immortality that the Guardians held over each Immortal. But the kiss had to be given after the Immortal’s heart was pierced.

  Alexander lightly ran his fingers across Deirdre’s chin. His forehead creased with unease as he realized she avoided his gaze. “My love,” he said, “kiss me so I can become human. Let’s start our life together.”

  Deirdre reluctantly fixed her gaze with his. A sob shook her body. “I-I—.“ She abruptly stopped, covering her hand over her mouth. She glanced from side to side at the crowd intently watching her every move. Inhaling a deep breath, she closed her eyes for a brief moment trying to calm herself. Leaning forward, with her chin quivering, she whispered into Alexander’s ear, “I canna do this. I dinna-.” A sob escaped her as Alexander grew very still. “I dinna love ye, Lex. I’m sorry, but-.” She sniffled and wiped her eyes with a handkerchief as she gave the crowd another uneasy glance. When she turned back to Alexander, she didn’t meet his gaze. “There’s someone else my heart belongs to,” she finished.

  Alexander jerked back as though she had slapped him. His expression turned murderous. While his jaw clenched tightly together, his hands formed tight fists. Afraid of what he might do to Deirdre, he leaned back on his heels. He had never hit or hurt a woman before, but now he wasn’t so sure he could hold back the wrath raging inside him. He swallowed, pausing a moment, trying to control his anger.

  “Ye should have told me sooner, dinna ye think?” he gritted out. He stared down at the ground as hate consumed him. Only moments before, he anticipated becoming a human. Seconds ago, excitement of starting a life with his lovely bride-to-be had filled him. Now…now, he felt sick to his stomach with fury. Deirdre made a move to touch him on his sleeve, instantly making herself the target of a deadly glare. “Get out of my sight,” Alexander growled under his breath. “Dinna ever come near me again.”

  A loud rumble of thunder pierced the sky causing Deirdre to jump. Abruptly, she rose, dusting off her skirts, becoming the proud princess once again. She stepped toward the silent crowd, stopping suddenly. It dawned on her that the faces in the crowd, all full of hate and loathing, were for her. She glanced back over her shoulder at Alexander. “I’m sorry,” she barely whispered. “I hope ye can forgive me someday.”

  Alexander peered up into her face. “Ye’ll be hoping for the rest of your life,” he said, dangerously calm. “My feelings for ye or for any woman have died here today.” A cry escaped Deirdre and she hastily pushed her way through the crowd running toward the privacy of her father’s castle.

  Merrick knelt down next to Alexander. “What’s happened?”

  “Why dinna ye ask the lying whore who just run off!” Alexander said in a low growl, trying to keep control of his temper. “You’re right, Merrick,” he spat, “I did find a rare lass. She looks like an angel, and yet the verra devil resides in her black heart!” Alexander pushed Merrick’s hand away standing up, knowing his wound had completely healed. He had become immortal once again, and now thanks to Deirdre, for the rest of time.

  The silence from the crowd hurt his ears. Stares, looks of pity…what a fool he was. To think one special woman made only for him even existed, or that he could in some way even escape the hell he called his existence.

  Alexander shouldered his way through the crowd heading in the direction of the stable and his trusty stallion. Never again would he make this mistake. He laughed
bitterly. As if the Guardians would ever give him another chance to be mortal. The Guardians gave an Immortal, one opportunity in becoming human. The beautiful bitch had stolen his chance away.

  As Alexander reached his huge black war horse, he vowed he’d never fall for a woman’s charms again. He’d use them for his own pleasures, but he’d never give his heart to one. The chance at the life he once dreamt of was gone. From now on, it would be endless days of war, fighting, and orders from the Guardians. He was a slave for eternity.

  His fate was sealed.

  * * * * *


  Present Day

  Glenwood Springs, Colorado

  “Hey, TJ,” Kaelyn said as she walked into the small log cabin office of Colorado Adventures. “What’s the schedule like today?” She couldn’t help smiling when she saw TJ’s wrinkled face and slate-blue twinkling eyes. She thought of him as the father she never had.

  Seven years ago, she had walked into that same office for a job and hadn’t regretted it yet. As she watched TJ at his computer, she remembered her first day like it was yesterday.

  She had just turned eighteen and left the foster care system in which she had grown up. She had been desperate for a job and came across an ad in the paper for a trail guide. Kaelyn grinned. TJ still looked the same as that fateful day she met him. Same white-as-snow hair, lazy grin, and weathered skin. Maybe, a few more wrinkles. After starting her job, Kaelyn had fallen in love with the mountains, fresh air, and freedom of the wide open outdoors. Up here in the Rockies, it felt like her own little slice of heaven.

  Learning the trails had been a lot of work. Her body went through rigorous training to get into shape, along with her memorizing every nook and cranny of the Elk Mountain Range before she could lead any tourists in by herself. Now, Kaelyn could walk through the range with her eyes shut and still show every point-of-interest.

  She gave four or five tours a week into the Colorado wilderness with the help of one other guide assisting her. Some tours were day hikes leading families or large groups through a beginner trail. For the more advanced hiker, Colorado Adventures offered overnight camping hikes from one night, up to a week with only the bare necessities, what could fit in your pack, and the great big sky. Kaelyn also found herself loving the whitewater rafting trips, climbing, and horseback riding.

  Kaelyn’s bond with nature grew, making her feel more at home in the outdoors, rather than in her own home. The outdoors’ crisp, clean air and sounds of nature became her tranquil escape.

  Kaelyn dropped her backpack onto a vacant blue vinyl chair, which made up the small waiting area for customers. She pulled her long, wheat-blond hair up into a ponytail as TJ flipped through the schedule on the computer.

  “Well, honey,” TJ began in his rich, gravely voice, “It looks like we have a party of two college kids here on Spring break for an overnight hike. But….”

  “But what?” Kaelyn asked warily.

  “But after careful consideration, I’m calling and canceling the tour.”

  Kaelyn’s forehead creased, as she walked over and leaned on the counter, of the half-wall in front of TJ and his computer. “Why?” she asked. No way, was she going home today. This time of year weird “things” happened to her. Her symptoms always occurred the week before the first of May. It was bad enough she had to put up with her illness the week of Halloween, too.

  She didn’t know what it was about the seasons, but her mind and body turned on her every year since…well, she could remember. The affliction started with an abundance of energy, along with sleepless nights, curling up into a ball trying to get rid of the nightmares, and the restlessness running through her body. She lost count of the times it felt like her skin would crawl right off of her.

  Nonchalantly, Kaelyn raised her hand to her rapidly beating heart. Heading back home to her little apartment only to go crazy watching shadows dance across the walls was not an option. She needed this tour, needed the distraction, and just maybe, she’d make it through the week resembling a semi-normal person.

  She stared at TJ. “I’m perfectly healthy. The flu I had is gone,” she said standing up a little straighter.

  “Yeah darling, yours is gone, but now Jake has it. He was the assisting guide with you today and he’s called off. I can’t let you go out there by yourself, let alone with two men. It’s not safe. And you know me, Kaelyn. I’m all about safety first. It’s how I run my business.”

  Damnit! She hadn’t even been sick. The excuse of having the flu, had to be used when TJ had caught her puking her guts out behind the stable the other day. Jake had witnessed the entire show. He most likely figured it would be a good excuse for an easy sick day. Kaelyn rolled her eyes. “I can handle an overnight tour,” she said defensively. “I’ve taken care of myself my whole life…or need I remind you?”

  TJ eyed her and crossed his arms, leaning back in his chair. “Yeah, I know you can handle it, but these are two college boys. I was once their age. I know what goes through a randy college kid’s head, especially when they’re alone with a pretty girl.” Kaelyn rolled her eyes upward. TJ held up his hand when she was about to protest. “No, no, listen. I completely trust you. I don’t trust the two punks you’d be escorting.”

  “They could be decent guys,” she mumbled. “Not everyone’s a jerk.” Kaelyn stared at TJ with her most pleading look, which was hard to conjure up since she hated to beg for anything. “I always carry my pepper spray and you know I’ve taken self-defense classes,” she added quickly when it looked like TJ was going to say “no”. “I can do this…please?”

  TJ met her pleading gaze…and held it. After a moment, he released a deep sigh. “Ah, hell! You bat those big blue eyes my way and you know I’ll let you do anything. Just promise me you’ll keep me updated on your hike. I want you to check in every two hours—no, make that every hour, and if I don’t hear from you, I’ll send the National Guard out looking for you.”

  Kaelyn ran around the half-wall into TJ’s desk area. She wrapped her arms around him giving him a big hug and a loud smack on his cheek. “Thank you.” She gave TJ one more tight squeeze and scruffed the thinning white hair on the top of his head. “Every hour, I promise.” She sat back on the edge of his old wooden desk. “What time do I head out?”

  “They should be here in an hour or so. You leave around one o’clock. Did you grab lunch before already?” he asked, a look of fatherly concern falling over his features.

  “No.” Her stomach recoiled at the thought of food. She barely ate on the days she felt like this, like someone else entirely. But she knew she’d have to eat to have energy for the hike and to keep TJ confident in her. “Do you want to heat up those hoagies?” she asked, getting up from the desk. “I think there’s two back in the fridge.”

  “Sounds good,” TJ said as the phone rang.

  * * * * *

  Kaelyn wiped her mouth with a napkin and collected the hoagie wrappers from the table to throw away. “TJ, did anyone feed Northern Sky or the other horses yet?”

  “No. Jake was supposed to, but since he won’t be here today….”

  Kaelyn smiled. “Yeah, yeah, I’ll feed them. You save up your strength, old man.” TJ chuckled as Kaelyn smiled and headed out to feed the horses. The stables were made out of huge logs identical to the ones used to build the office, and two large storage barns adding a rustic touch to the compound.

  Colorado Adventures owned twelve horses all together, but Northern Sky was Kaelyn’s personal horse. TJ had given it to her after her first year working for him. He treated her more like a daughter than an employee. He had told her he wanted to get her something special for her nineteenth birthday, something she had never gotten before. Little did TJ realize at the time, but Kaelyn had never celebrated her birthday before, or had even received a birthday present. He could’ve given her a hug and told her “Happy Birthday” and she would’ve been ecstatic. She had no known family she was aware of. Her family now consisted of TJ. He wa
s all the family she needed.

  “Hey, pretty girl,” Kaelyn crooned coming up to the stall of her pretty brown and white American Paint horse. She rubbed the soft muzzle. “You hungry, girl?” Northern Sky shook her head up and down and nudged Kaelyn’s shoulder, as if to answer. After two quick pats on Northern Sky’s neck, Kaelyn walked over to the barrel of oats along side the row of stalls.

  As she filled a bucket with oats, the horses suddenly began neighing and stomping wildly in their stalls. Kaelyn froze. Slowly, she glanced out toward the open door. The horses only acted like this when a wolf or other type of large wild animal stalked the immediate area. Kaelyn grabbed a hefty shovel from its place up against the wall and walked over to the end of the stable slowly creeping around the corner to get a good look outside. She raised the shovel and slowly scanned the wooded area surrounding Colorado Adventures. Gravel crunched to her immediate left. She swung.

  “Whoa! Whoa, Kaelyn it’s me,” Hunter yelled holding his hands up in front of him. Kaelyn let out her breath, stopping the shovel a few inches from her target, which in this case was Hunter.

  “Sorry, the horses grew restless. I think a wolf is prowling the vicinity again.” This was the fourth time this week the horses had been spooked.

  Hunter ran his hand through his jet black hair. “It’s okay, just don’t mistake me for the wolf,” he said grinning, showing off his dazzling white smile against his tan skin. He walked over and removed the shovel from Kaelyn’s shaky hands and placed it back against the stable wall. “So, what’s your day look like?” he asked walking back over to her.


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