Immortal of My Heart

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Immortal of My Heart Page 10

by Unknown

  “Kaelyn!” Alexander called out.

  Kaelyn blinked. “What?”

  “Here’s your chemise. Ye can use it as your nightgown.”

  Kaelyn looked down to his hands, which held a flimsy, sleeveless, white gown. His fingers were visible through the fabric. “I-I can’t wear that,” Kaelyn said shaking her head vigorously.

  “That’s fine,” he said with a wicked grin. “Many married lassies sleep nude, leaving it up to their husbands to warm them through the night.” Kaelyn directed a dirty look Alexander’s way. She grabbed the nightgown out of his hand. “That’s what I thought,” Alexander smirked.

  “Where’s your pajamas?”

  “Och, I do sleep nude.”

  Kaelyn laughed. “Right. I know you’re kidding.” Her laugh died away when Alexander only smiled. “You are kidding?”

  Alexander grinned. “You’ll ken soon enough, lass.”

  * * * * *

  The next day began with a fulfilling breakfast in the great hall and then a personal tour by Ewan. Ewan lead Kaelyn around the enormous castle with Alexander trailing closely behind. Ewan showed Kaelyn the lower bailey, which held the blacksmith and carpenter’s shop. Afterwards, he led her to the middle courtyard filled with villagers hocking their wares.

  There were so many rooms and areas. She’d never remember all the names. There were pigeon roosts, bee skeps, or hives, the wine cellar, and one of Ewan’s favorite rooms, the brewery, where he brewed his own ale. From the way Ewan smiled and talked while giving the tour, Kaelyn could tell he was proud of his home.

  When they returned to the great hall once more, ending their tour, Kaelyn was speechless. At her look of awe at all the people passing through, Alexander explained that Ewan was one of the wealthiest lairds around. Many smaller clans sought out his protection upon losing their own lands.

  That was how Ewan had formed a small army of his own. He was fair to work for and a good man. And being a wealthy clan, many dressed like royalty, especially Ewan himself. He wore tight, colorful breeches, and rich patterned brocaded doublets. Large stone rings adorned his fingers and nary a hair ever sat out of place. Kaelyn had instantly taken a liking to him.

  It had been a full morning, but Alexander had one more stop to make before lunch. He turned to Kaelyn. “Stay here,” he said, stopping at the bottom of a large spiral stone case. “I’ll be right back.” Alexander made sure to place the crystal around her neck and then strode up the stairs. He glanced back before he was out of sight. “Dinna move.”

  “I won’t move a muscle,” she said sweetly.

  Alexander climbed the curved stairwell to the fifth floor. He followed a long corridor to the end and stepped through the threshold leading into a large open room. Cradles adorned one wall and smaller cots lined another. Some old, wooden toys littered the floor and a small fire crackled in the fireplace.

  Alexander walked in. Immediately, an older woman rocking in the corner with a sleeping baby took on a look of surprise. She quietly rushed over to a cradle, tucking the sleeping baby inside. Hustling over to Alexander, she shooed him outside into the corridor.

  Once in the hall, she stood back. “Och! My lad, say it ain’t so!” she said placing her hand over her heart. “If ‘tis not, Alexander ‘ornery’ MacLeod!” She spun him around. “I havna seen ye since ye were…weel, much smaller. Och!” she said with outstretched arms, “give me a hug ye big brute!”

  Alexander wrapped his arms around her waist. “Ethol.”

  Kaelyn poked her head around the corner when she heard voices. At the end of the corridor, she watched Alexander hug and older woman who he called “Ethol”. Now, she felt bad that she had followed Alexander, spying on a private moment. One he obviously didn’t want her seeing.

  She slunk back and hastily tiptoed back down the stairs, and back to the spot where Alexander had left her. A few moments passed as Kaelyn’s mind wandered back to the older woman. Who was she? His human mother? No, he had said she died. Kaelyn tapped her finger to her mouth when Alexander thumped down the stairs.

  “Let’s go eat lunch,” he said walking toward Kaelyn.

  “Good idea. I’m starved,” she said following him to the great hall.

  Alexander and Kaelyn picked a table with only a few guards at one end who ravenously ate. The room had a cafeteria feel to it as people came in and out, some stopping to eat, others passing through.

  Once seated, a servant rushed over bringing a platter of meats, cheeses, and fruits. The nimble servant poured two big goblets of ale and then promptly tended the next table.

  Kaelyn nibbled on a piece of deer meat. She glanced across the table at Alexander. She chewed on her lip and finally had to ask. “Who’s Ethol?”

  Alexander paused from eating and arched a brow at Kaelyn. “Willna move a muscle, aye?”

  Kaelyn shrugged. “So? Who is she?”

  Alexander pressed his mouth together debating on whether or not to tell her. He let out a deep sigh when Kaelyn continued to stare at him, eagerly waiting. “She was my nanny when I lived here,” he said, sounding defeated.

  “Oh,” Kaelyn said. “But I thought you came here to train as a knight?”

  “I did, but I arrived when I was six years old. Ye have to be twelve in order to begin training.” He guzzled big gulps of ale. Why did he tell her secrets about his life? Once again, he had never told a woman these things, let alone anyone. “Ethol watches over the orphans,” he added.

  Kaelyn’s shoulders dropped and her expression grew sad. “You mean there’s a room full of unwanted children upstairs?”

  Alexander eyed her. Unwanted? Hadn’t anyone showed her tenderness and love as a child? The hurt look on her face was part of the reason he hadn’t taken her upstairs with him. From what Hunter had said, he knew her childhood had been brutal. He didn’t want to bring back those memories. It wouldn’t matter that the children upstairs were loved by all clan members and treated better than most children.

  “They’re not ‘unwanted’,” he said a bit too harsh. “Most lost their parents to plagues, some never had a da and their mums died in childbirth. They are treated well and loved here. Ethol is the best caretaker,” he said trying to reassure Kaelyn’s doubtful look.

  Kaelyn ate the rest of her meal in silence as memories of her loveless childhood filled her.

  “So, what do ye think, lass?” Ewan asked walking over. “Is my home suitable for ye?” He smiled straddling the bench seat next to Kaelyn.

  She pasted on a small smile. “It’s beautiful. You have a wonderful home.”

  “Ye can stay for as long as ye want,” Ewan said, eyes twinkling. Alexander cleared his throat as he crossed his arms over his chest glaring over at Ewan. “Och, ye too Alexander!” Ewan said laughing.

  “What’s with all the banners?” Alexander asked, changing the subject so Ewan would stop ogling Kaelyn. He watched Kaelyn glance around as if just noticing the numerous, bright magenta, and gold banners being strung across the enormous room.

  “Dinna tell me ye forgot?” Ewan asked in disbelief. “Ye remember, ‘tis for asking the Gods for an upcoming, bountiful year.” Alexander raised his eyebrows in question. “We always have a celebration the first week after Beltane,” Ewan said.

  “Now, I remember,” Alexander grumbled. He glanced across at Kaelyn. “Watch out, lass. He’ll try to get ye in a dress.”

  Kaelyn’s brow furrowed, glancing at each man. “Aye,” Ewan cut in, “the festivities are tonight. All the lads and lassies dress up in their finest and we celebrate ‘til morn for a season of fruitful harvesting.” Kaelyn glanced at Alexander as Ewan rose. “Remember,” he said, “the celebrating begins at supper.” Ewan bowed over Kaelyn’s hand and walked away, quickly finding another couple to chat with.

  Alexander frowned. The last thing he felt like doing was celebrating. Besides, Kaelyn wouldn’t want to go. She looked tired anyway.

  Kaelyn stared down at the empty trencher. Maybe, a night full of fun was what she need

  Alexander was about to open his mouth to suggest an early night to bed, when Kaelyn glanced up smiling. “I think a party is exactly what I need.”

  Alexander’s expression turned to disgust. “Great,” he mumbled.

  * * * * *


  Kaelyn glanced in the full length mirror at herself. The yellow silk gown had fit like a glove. She had picked that dress, knowing Alexander had liked it, if the way his eyes had lit up when they riffled through the clothes pile was any indication. She smoothed the skirts of the gown and sucked in a deep breath.

  Alexander waited below with the festival already in full swing. She knew he hadn’t wanted to go, but he had agreed anyhow, retiring to another room to get dressed, leaving her to her privacy.

  Kaelyn chewed on her lip as she stared into the mirror at the ample cleavage popping out the top of her low-squared neckline. She ran her hand through her hair, which she had left down, hanging in long golden waves. Straightening the crystal between her breasts, she mumbled, “Now or never.”

  Kaelyn peeked around the corner of the doorway leading into the great hall. People danced, stomping around and clapping their hands on the dance floor, while others ate from bountiful platters, laughing and drinking. Merriment filled the large room.

  Kaelyn glanced around for Alexander. She stood on tiptoes to try and see if she could find him. She bit her lip. This was stupid, she thought. She’d go back up to her room. She went to turn around, when Alexander walked past her a few feet away. He stopped at the edge of the crowd. Clearly, he searched for her. He hadn’t even noticed her.

  Alexander looked over the throng of people. Where the hell was she? He knew she wore the crystal. Cain wouldn’t be here yet, besides she was safe within the castle walls from him, but not from another kind of threat…men. What if one pressured her into something right now?

  Alexander cursed. “The lass is more of a nuisance than anything,” he mumbled. But silently, he worried over her. He’d head back up to their room. If she wasn’t there, he’d scour the castle for her. If anyone had touched her….

  Alexander turned and stopped in his tracks. An angel in yellow satin stood before him. She stole his breath away. Kaelyn looked magnificent. He eyed her from the top of her glistening golden hair, past her perky round breasts, and down to the hem of her dress where two silver slippers poked out. She smiled. His nether region stirred. Letting out a curse, he reached out gripping her arm.

  “Where were you?” he growled.

  Kaelyn’s smile vanished. “I just got here!” she said shrugging off his grip. “Aren’t we supposed to be happily married? Or are we having our first fight?” she said sweetly.

  Alexander ran a hand through his hair getting a grip. He had never been more attracted to a woman than Kaelyn and he took that frustrating thought out on her. “Let’s get a drink,” he grumbled, “and stay close.”

  Alexander clasped onto her hand, leading her through the crowd and over to a corner where ale kegs lined the wall. A servant stood by on alert, immediately filling two goblets for Kaelyn and Alexander.

  They stood off to the side drinking their ale in silence. Alexander noticed Kaelyn tapping her foot to the beat of the music as she watched the dancers twirl and jump. Without thinking of the consequences, he grabbed her goblet from her and set it on the ledge behind them. He entrapped her hand in his and dragged her to the dance floor.

  Kaelyn dug in her heels when she realized where he was taking her. “Oh no! Alexander, please. I can’t dance.”

  “’Tis easy.”

  They arrived in the center of the dance floor when the fast music abruptly ended and a slower song began to play. Alexander frowned, looking over to the musicians, he found Ewan grinning in the middle of them.

  Alexander sighed. He lightly placed Kaelyn’s hand in his. “Follow me, lass,” he said as the set began. He raised his palm against hers into the air. They slowly circled and then switched hands and circled in the opposite direction. Nothing but their palms touched, but the intimacy in that small connection stirred emotions Alexander had thought were gone.

  When it was time to switch directions, they changed partners this time. Kaelyn began to smile as she grew more familiar with the movements. Alexander danced a set with his new partner, but his eyes never shifted from Kaelyn and the young lad she danced with. Within seconds, Kaelyn whirled back around to Alexander. Her hand was warm against his. So feminine and dainty. Once again, the time to change partners came, leaving Alexander feeling empty once more.

  They ended up with each other again as Kaelyn laughed into his arms as the set ended. Everyone clapped. Alexander watched her laugh. He didn’t like to dance, but the urge to keep her on the dance floor filled him.

  “May I?” Ewan asked, bowing over Kaelyn’s hand. Alexander frowned as Kaelyn smiled and went off with Ewan, dancing a more fast paced song. Alexander waited off to the side glaring out at the dancing couples. Why did he care she was with another? The thought bothered him more than anything. The dance ended and Ewan guided Kaelyn back over to Alexander.

  Kaelyn’s back tingled as Alexander placed a strong possessive hand on her lower back. Ewan talked to them, but Kaelyn had no idea what he had said. She concentrated solely on Alexander’s touch. Ewan bid them goodnight and turned, greeting more friends.

  Alexander bent down to Kaelyn’s ear. “I could use some fresh air.” He planned to tell her she had to stay by his side at all times. He’d demand it of her!

  As they went to exit the hall, a throaty woman’s voice addressed them from behind. “Lex, is that ye?”

  Alexander stiffened. He recognized that voice. It seemed like it was only yesterday he had wanted to strangle the woman. “Deirdre,” he said coldly, turning around.

  Kaelyn stared in awe at the beautiful woman before her. The gown she wore of silver velvet, with miniature, white crystals adorning the edges, sparkled in the candlelight. Her neckline plunged on the verge of indecency and a cat-like grin curved across her mouth. Kaelyn watched as the woman leaned forward, hugging Alexander, lingering a little too long.

  “I’ve missed ye, Lex,” Deirdre said close to Alexander’s ear.

  Alexander knew Kaelyn watched. He set Deirdre from him. “I haven’t missed ye,” he said under his breath.

  Deirdre gave Kaelyn a wicked smile as she glanced over her. “Och!” Deirdre said with feigned hurt, “is that any way to treat a woman ye once loved? A former fiancée?”

  Alexander noticed Kaelyn now paid attention to the crowd dancing. “Aye,” Alexander said. “Ever since I’ve married.” He pulled Kaelyn closer to his side. “This is my wife…Kaelyn.” A weak smile crossed Kaelyn’s face as surprise filled Deirdre’s. In a blink of an eye, the surprise vanished, replaced with a sly, mischievous smile. Instead of Deirdre greeting Kaelyn, she looked back at Alexander. “I never thought ye would marry.”

  “Why? Because one lass canna keep her legs closed, neither can others?” Alexander said bitterly. “Tell me,” he said glancing past her to the crowd, “where’s your lucky husband? Ye did marry the man ye cheated on me with?”

  Deirdre raised her chin an inch. “He died in battle shortly after we wed.” She glanced up at Alexander under long dark lashes. “I’m a widow now,” she purred.

  “Pity,” Alexander said dryly.

  “Weel,” Deirdre said smoothing her skirts. “What do ye say we have a dance for old time’s sake? Let’s put the past behind us.”

  When Alexander was going to say no, Deirdre seized his hand, pulling him toward the dance floor. “He’ll be back in but a moment,” she said to Kaelyn with an impish grin.

  Alexander looked back at Kaelyn. “Go,” she said with a smile that didn’t entirely reach her eyes. Alexander gave one more look Kaelyn’s way and then let Deirdre lead him out onto the floor.

  The dance began and Deirdre came to life with her bright smile and sparkling eyes. She appeared the same, he thought. But now, she had womanly curves
and an education in adult activities. A dangerous combination, that.

  As Deirdre swirled into his arms, Alexander realized another woman had fit better in his arms. A woman with flaxen hair and a lithe frame.

  The dance ended and Alexander turned to head back to Kaelyn, when Deirdre reached out, stopping him. She pressed her body close to his and went on tiptoes to whisper in his ear. “Come with me, Alexander. I ken ye still want me.” She pressed herself intimately against him.

  Alexander looked back at Kaelyn over his shoulder. She was no where to be seen.

  * * * * *

  As Kaelyn climbed the steps, she told herself she had left the festivities because she was tired, not because Alexander danced with a past love and seemed to be enjoying himself. The two of them had glided gracefully across the dance floor, appearing as if they were made for each other.

  Kaelyn found herself on the fifth floor staring down a long corridor. A corridor leading straight to a room of misfits like herself. Quietly, she walked down the shadowy hallway toward an open door with flickering light spilling out. She poked her head around the threshold and found flames blazing in the substantial stone fireplace, filling the room with warmth.

  Small, sleeping children occupied the cots. Kaelyn crept over to the wall lined with simple wooden cradles and instantly forgot about Alexander and Deirdre. An adorable baby girl, of maybe three or four months, with a head full of thick, red, fuzzy hair stared up at her. Little chubby arms and legs kicked and moved as she fidgeted in her cradle.

  Kaelyn put her finger in the little girl’s tiny hand, which impulsively wrapped around her finger. The baby cooed as she kicked excitedly holding on with a tight grip.


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