Immortal of My Heart

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Immortal of My Heart Page 23

by Unknown

  “Oh my God, it is cold,” she said taking it into her hands. The liquid shined brighter as Kaelyn became entranced, staring at the mystical looking substance in her hand.

  “I have no idea what it’s for, or what to do with it.”

  “You’re grandfather didn’t tell you anything?”

  “Not really. The only thing he said was that I’d know what to do with it when the time came.”

  “Hmm, well it’s beautiful whatever it is.” Kaelyn carefully handed the vial back over to Hunter. He placed it back in the leather pouch and then tucked it in an inside pocket of his jacket.

  Hunter stood and looked down at Kaelyn. “You should go try and get some sleep. Also, tell Alexander I’m no threat.”

  “I would, but I think he’s asleep.”

  Hunter smirked. “It might look like he’s sleeping, but I know he’s not. Sheesh, if you were mine and you were talking to another man, well, I understand why he acts the way he does.”

  “I guess.”

  Hunter reached down and ruffled her hair. “Remember, tell him, Kaelyn. Goodnight.”

  Kaelyn watched as Hunter walked over to a group of his sleeping men. He found a spot under a huge tree and leaned up against the trunk. He fidgeted a bit, before crossing his arms and closing his eyes, quickly drifting off to sleep.

  Kaelyn slowly rose and dusted off her breeches. She made her way, weaving around sleeping people, back to Alexander. She slipped into the simple bed, which consisted of a plaid on the ground and one as a blanket, and snuggled close against his back.

  “Done disobeying my orders?” Alexander grumbled crossly.

  “Hunter’s my friend. I’m allowed to talk to him. And you won’t give me orders if you want this marriage to work.” Alexander remained silent. “Besides, we said our goodbyes. I won’t see him again.” Alexander harrumphed. A cool breeze went bye and Kaelyn shivered. She tried to snuggle closer. “Can you wrap your arms around me? I’m cold.”

  “Why dinna ye ask Hunter?” he grumbled.

  Kaelyn squared her shoulders and sat up. “This is our last night together and I won’t have it with you giving me the cold shoulder. Now if you really feel-“

  “-what do you mean last night!” he growled looking at her over his shoulder.

  “I-I-. Who knows what tomorrow will bring,” she said quickly. Tell him! The voice in her head screamed. But she couldn’t bring herself to do it.

  Alexander rubbed his face with his hand rolling over to face her. He held the plaid up so she could get under the covers with him. Kaelyn snuggled next to him fitting her be-hind snug against his hips and thighs. She felt his arms pull her in and hold on tight.

  His warm breath danced over her neck. His lips moved against her ear as he whispered, “This is just the beginning, lass. Now get some sleep. Tomorrow will be a long day.”

  * * * * *


  Alexander kissed Kaelyn’s earlobe and then traced kisses down her neck. His hands roamed over her breasts and stomach.

  Kaelyn turned in his arms so she laid flat on her back. She placed her hand on his face as she stared into his dark eyes, sparkling from the firelight. “No matter what happens tomorrow, promise me one thing?”

  “What is it?”

  “That you’ll always love me.”

  “That’s a promise ye dinna have to ask of me. You’re in my heart for good, remember?” Kaelyn nodded as her emotions overtook her, and tears streamed down her cheeks. “Shh,” Alexander crooned, “dinna worry anymore. We’ll win the battle on the morrow, Kaelyn. Now sleep, my love…sleep.”

  Alexander closed his eyes after Kaelyn breathed slow and steady, fast asleep. He released a deep breath. “I hope I’m right, lass. By God I hope I’m right.”

  * * * * *

  When Kaelyn woke up, all the gypsies were gone. It was the three of them once again. Alexander and Gideon were putting out the fire as the sun shone brightly, rising over the huge mountains on the horizon.

  The day of reckoning had come.

  “Good, you’re up,” Alexander said catching her attention. “Why dinna ye break your fast while we prepare the horses.” He swiftly tossed a small bundle wrapped in a tan linen cloth. She put her hands out, catching it right before it would’ve hit her in the face. Alexander smiled and joined Gideon over by the horses.

  Kaelyn rose, stretching her back. She walked over to where the fire had burned, and sat upon a large stone. She un-wrapped the bundle in her lap, finding two thick pieces of dried deer meat, a large oatcake, and a handful of berries. She began eating them when a sliver of bright, blue light in-between the stone seats caught her attention. She reached down finding Hunter’s leather pouch with the vial of blue liquid peering out the top.

  Kaelyn picked the pouch up and noticed a teeny rolled up piece of parchment stuffed under it. She unrolled it.

  I think you’ll need this more than me. Love Always - H

  Hunter had left it for her. She closed her eyes saying a quick prayer he’d be safe wherever his life would take him. She glanced down at the pouch, thankful she had a token to always remember him by. She tied it to the side of her belt and tucked it to the inside, hoping it would stay safe.

  She ate the rest of her meal and then walked over to her bed and began shaking and folding the blankets. As she shook one out, two large arms snaked around her waist.

  Alexander nuzzled her neck. “Are ye ready to go, lass?” he asked softly.

  “No…yes,” Kaelyn said with a tired laugh, “I don’t know.” She turned in his arms as he captured the blanket from her and wrapped it around her. “I want this to all be over,” Kaelyn said. “I mean, I’ve waited so long for this moment, but now that it’s here….”

  He leaned down kissing her pliable mouth. “Everything will be alright,” he said softly.

  Kaelyn put her head against his shoulder as he embraced her. No, it won’t, she thought.

  * * * * *

  Alexander, Kaelyn, and Gideon stood at the entrance of the cavern to the Sacred Door, and the Guardian’s lair. The entrance resembled a stone wall, but at a certain angle, a glimpse of a crack looked more like an opening behind the wall. Kaelyn glanced up at the massive, jagged, mountains towering above. She couldn’t believe this was the end of her journey.

  Kaelyn had thought she would have seen Rowena again as they neared her lair, but Cain seemed to have been true to his word and kept her away. It had been an uneventful day of traveling. Maybe, she could count on him as an ally? After all, who was more dangerous, Cain or Rowena? She placed her money on Rowena.

  “Kaelyn,” Alexander said, placing his hand on her back, “I’ll go first. Ye follow me, and Gideon will trail last. I want ye to do exactly as I say.”

  Kaelyn nodded. Alexander glanced at Gideon who mirrored Kaelyn’s nod. Taking a deep breath, Alexander led the way and entered the cave. When Kaelyn stepped inside, shimmying through the narrow passageway, her breath caught. Inside, the cave was pitch-black, except for millions upon millions of small crystals covering the walls, floors, and ceilings. They resembled tiny stars twinkling in the night sky.

  The narrow passageway soon opened into a cavern with two tunnels running off it. Alexander looked behind him making sure everyone was ready. At Gideon and Kaelyn’s looks of readiness, he continued down the left tunnel. “Careful, he said over his shoulder, “it begins to go downhill.”

  True to his word, the tunnel floor began to ascend. They headed down to the very bowels of the mountain. Kaelyn reminded herself to take deep breaths. She loved the outdoors, but she had never been too fond of spelunking or cave diving. In fact, she had done it once, about three years ago and swore she’d never do it again. She didn’t like the dark, confined space.

  The three of them continued their trek down the steep grade until they came to another large cavern. Five, door-sized holes, or entrances to rooms filled the cavern walls. “The middle one leads to the Guardian’s trial room,” Alexander said, pointi
ng to the cave entrance. “The two on the left lead to personal quarters, and I assume one of the other two doors on the right have to lead to the Sacred Door.”

  Kaelyn released a shaky breath. Alexander anxiously looked at her. She pointed to the door on the far right. “It’s that one,” she choked out. “I-I just know,” she said to Alexander and Gideon’s questioning looks.

  “Let me make sure the other rooms are empty,” Gideon whispered. “I dinna want anyone sneaking up on us.”

  “We’ll all go,” Alexander said. They started with the cave entrance on the far left. It was a large circular cavern with thirteen indentations in the walls, almost like ledges, or beds. There were no belongings or anything to indicate anyone was here, or had ever used it.

  The second chamber, a small, square room with a stone alter on the back wall, was also bare. The middle room or “Trial Room” as Alexander had called it was a huge oval cavern with a large domed ceiling. A long stone table sat upon a stone dais at the front of the room.

  Gideon let out his breath. “Feels like yesterday,” he mumbled as he glanced around the room.

  “Aye,” Alexander said.

  Kaelyn’s forehead creased. “What does?”

  Gideon looked over at her. “The day we made our deal with the Guardians about becoming mortal.”

  “What happened?” she asked softly.

  Gideon and Alexander glanced at each other. “Well lass,” Gideon started, “this was a place of a ceremony of sorts. It was here, the Guardians agreed to a pact which made us mortal.”

  “The pact where you had to find your soul mate,” Kaelyn said softly.

  Gideon glanced at Alexander and it was Alexander who answered. “Aye.”

  “Come, let’s find the door and get out of here,” Gideon said. Kaelyn glanced one last time around the cavern and followed Alexander out, with Gideon bringing up the rear. The next room, Alexander took one step inside and abruptly stopped. He turned and blocked Kaelyn’s path. “Nay, lass. Ye shouldna go in there.”

  Gideon looked in question and passed Alexander to see for himself. He was gone but a second before he came back out. He shook his head to Kaelyn’s questioning look. “Nay, Alexander’s right. It wouldna be wise.”

  “I need to see what I’ll be dealing with,” Kaelyn said with a sick feeling in her stomach. “It would be best if I knew everything I could about Rowena before we meet again.” She made her way to pass Alexander, but he blocked her path. She looked up into his face. “Please? Let me see.”

  He sighed as his shoulders dropped and he let her go by. Kaelyn hardly caught her breath upon entering. Hastily, she covered her nose with the back of her hand as she took in the gruesome sight.

  The cavern resembled a small closet with four sets of iron shackles hanging on the stone walls. Old blood stained the walls and bones sat piled in the corner. Kaelyn squeezed her eyes shut.

  “What are they?” she whispered.

  Alexander and Gideon came up behind her. Alexander put his hand on her waist. “I think some of the Guardians fell to their baser, monstrous instincts,” Alexander said in disgust. “Those are human bones. I hate to think they devoured their victims while still alive.”

  Gideon knelt down and picked up an old piece of linen from the floor. He rubbed it between his fingers. “They must have fed on beggars…people no one would miss.”

  “We’re never going to defeat them,” Kaelyn said panicking.

  “If ‘tis any comfort,” Alexander started, “I think Rowena is the only one left. From what Merrick told me, it seems all the others ended their reigns when Rowena became too powerful.”

  “Even one of those monsters, I-.” Kaelyn shook her head.

  Alexander tilted her chin up. “Kaelyn, you’re not alone. We’ll be there every step of the way.” Kaelyn nodded, still feeling like she had already lost, even though the fight hadn’t yet begun.

  Continuing on, they ventured through the last doorway and found a long passageway that ended at two caverns. One had more passageways leading from it. The other, was a corridor leading to a dead end. Kaelyn walked forward. Something called to her from behind the stone wall. Her body shook with unease. She reached out. Before her hands touched the wall, the dead end began to fizzle and pop. Abruptly, the wall faded into thin air. When it vanished, a long, narrow cavern with stalactites hanging from the ceiling appeared. At the far end of the room stood an old, rusted iron door.

  The Sacred Door.

  Kaelyn licked her dry lips. This was it. She glanced behind her and saw Alexander and Gideon with their swords drawn, guarding her back. Alexander nodded and she knew she could proceed. She dug into her leather pouch, pulling out the golden key she had received from the Fae Queen. It glowed briefly as if it called to the door, letting it know it returned home.

  With shaky hands, Kaelyn inserted the key. It turned on its own inside the lock. A loud “click” sounded and the door moved slightly. Dust blew out from the sides and top. Kaelyn fanned the air and coughed. Once clear, she pulled the large iron handle and opened the door. It creaked and moaned as if it really hadn’t been opened for a millennia.

  Kaelyn fanned the air again before stepping into the small room. It was only about four feet by four feet. The walls, ceiling, and floor all sparkled brightly like the rest of the caverns with the delicate crystals. But what really caught Kaelyn’s eye, was the bright, glowing orb floating at eye level in the center of the room. Kaelyn slowly walked over to it. She felt the energy and power radiate from it out to her. It called her closer and closer. Even if she hadn’t wanted to touch the ball of light, she didn’t think she’d be able to resist.

  The energy was beautiful. Kaelyn’s eyes closed, as if the orb commanded it, and pictures flashed through her head. Scenarios of what the orb in the wrong hands could do flickered through her mind. Buildings, people, animals…civilizations destroyed in a split second.

  Kaelyn not only saw what the power could do in evil hands, but good too. Life, growth, peace…balance in the world. A great sadness fell over Kaelyn. She knew, as did the orb, there was no chance of it releasing its good into the world. The orb conveyed the message clearly. Destroy it. The world wasn’t ready for the awesome power. For it to truly be out of the hands of evil, it had to not exist.

  Kaelyn slowly opened her eyes. She exhaled a deep breath. Steadily, she reached out for the orb. When her fingertips made contact, the orb brightened, right before immediately dimming. The orb was warm to the touch, but not hot. It made her feel strong, powerful, and as the warmth ran through her body, she knew she could defeat Rowena. She just didn’t know at what cost.

  Kaelyn wrapped the orb in a linen cloth she had stuffed in her leather satchel. She turned out of the room and as she exited, made sure the buckle latched. A loud bang sounded behind her. The Sacred Door had slammed shut. Gideon and Alexander turned toward Kaelyn, at the same time as she glanced up.

  At that moment, Rowena appeared behind the two men. From the look on Kaelyn’s face, Gideon and Alexander quickly swung back around, swords pointed and ready to strike.

  Rowena had an evil grin on her flawless face as she blocked the only exit out of the cavern. “Oh, how you wound me,” she feigned, raising her hand to her heart. “Two of the finest warriors I’ve ever had a hand in creating. And it appears as though you want to strike me down.”

  “Only two?” Gideon said. “’Tis not a verra good track record for how old ye are!” Rowena’s eyes narrowed for a split second. She was definitely a vain creature, Kaelyn thought.

  “Actually,” she began, “I created the best all by myself. It looks as though the other Guardians held me back. Son?” she called over her shoulder. Kaelyn looked past Rowena’s shoulder and saw Cain stroll forward.

  He walked up to Rowena and took her hand in his, placing a light kiss on the top of it. “Mother,” he said with a sly smile. Kaelyn felt her stomach fall out from under her. Cain had deceived her the entire time!

  Cain must have seen
the exact moment Kaelyn realized he lied to her. He smiled and stood in front of Rowena with his hands on his hips. Alexander and Gideon stood in front of Kaelyn ready to attack.

  “Did ye really think I’d help ye?” Cain asked with a cruel smile.

  “I should have trusted my gut!” Kaelyn growled out through clenched teeth.

  Alexander’s forehead creased. “What are ye talking about, Kaelyn?”

  Rowena suddenly made a tsking sound. “Looks like someone’s been lying,” she said in a sing song voice. “Now, that’s no way to start a marriage. And such a lovely ceremony.”

  “I’ll kill ye,” Alexander growled. “What the hell is she talking about!” he yelled, glancing back at Kaelyn.

  Kaelyn felt sick to her stomach. After she told Alexander the truth, would he leave her to fend for herself? Would he be that disgusted of her? She released her breath. “I made a deal with Cain,” Kaelyn said. “But he lied,” she growled over in Cain’s direction.

  “Tell him the stipulations,” Cain said with a smirk.

  “Cain promised not to hurt you. He said he was more powerful than Rowena and he’d keep her away from us as well. I only had to find the Sacred Door. That was our plan anyway,” she added quickly. “He knew we were going to set a trap for him.”

  “And….” Cain said.

  Kaelyn glanced up at Alexander’s furious expression. “I’m to give myself over to him and spend eternity by his side,” she choked out.

  Alexander roared, bringing his sword swiftly down on Cain. Cain darted to the side and pulled Alexander’s serpent dagger out of his belt, stealing it from him. “You will never touch her again!” Alexander roared.


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