Claiming His Labor Day

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Claiming His Labor Day Page 2

by Pratt, Lulu

  “It’s probably something from my dad,” she said when he didn’t go into the back right away.

  “Oh, yes. Let me get that.”

  In a few moments, he returned with a small box tightly wrapped in red paper with a white ribbon.

  She looked it over but saw no card or tag.

  “There’s no sender information. Do you know who sent it, or where it came from?”

  “No, I’m sorry. I don’t.”


  Taking the package back up to her apartment, she set it on her table and stared at it for a long time. It didn’t look like something from her father. Picking it up, she smiled a little and pulled off the pretty red paper. The smell of chocolate hit her before she turned the package around to read, “Vosges Haut-Chocolat.” Tearing the plastic film and breaking the seals, she opened the box and marveled at the beautifully crafted chocolates inside.

  Sarah-Jane looked at the wrapping, but there was no sender and no card anywhere. Carefully selecting a dark piece of chocolate, she sunk her teeth into it, savoring the bittersweet flavor. Noticing her dead phone on the floor, she scooped it up. A few minutes after plugging it in, it came to life again. Two texts from Joey were waiting, and she smiled a little as she read them.

  I hope you’re okay. I was thinking about you all night.

  I hope we can be friends.

  Looking at the chocolates, she replied.

  I’m doing well. Things are hectic here with my new job, but I love it.

  She wanted to tell Joey she loved him too. She wanted to thank him for the chocolates, wanted to tell him how much she missed him, but it would do no good. The situation wasn’t going to change. They had been apart for almost three months, and she was finally getting used to being alone and moving on.

  Good luck with your new career. Take care of yourself.

  It might have sounded cold, but it was necessary. They couldn’t keep hoping and clinging onto their four-year relationship. They couldn’t keep falling into the safety net of what they used to have when they felt weak or lonely. She had started a new chapter, and Joey was no longer a part of that.

  Closing the chocolate box, she put it on the kitchen counter.

  The rest of the week was slow but productive. Sarah-Jane went through the motions and was falling back into the disrupted routine after the Christmas break. She had given up on Callum, chalking up his invitation as a suggestion rather than a sure thing.

  Sarah-Jane kept busy by staying late at the office, looking for a local gym to join and doing a little decorating as well one evening. With her head full of ideas and her arms full of supplies from the local hardware store, she struggled to reach for the keys as she walked up to her door.

  Another note was taped to the door, much like the one from the week before.

  “Joey,” she whispered, a little irritated that he was still trying to keep her close.

  Unlocking the door, she dropped her supplies on the couch before going back to retrieve the note.

  At the mail room window, the same man greeted her and took her notice.

  “One moment,” he said, disappearing into the back.

  “Is there a name on this one?” she asked when he returned.

  “I don’t see one. Does someone have a secret admirer?” he smiled.

  Smiling back, she shook her head. “I’m pretty sure I know who they are from. I just wish I knew for sure. Thank you.”

  Sarah-Jane picked up the package and went back to her apartment. Admiring the silky white paper around the small box, she opened it. A bottle of Chanel perfume was inside. She sprayed herself with it and different aromas swirled around each other. She loved it.

  She knew it couldn’t continue. Picking up her phone, Sarah-Jane called Joey, but got his voicemail. She looked at the delicate glass bottle and decided not to leave a message.

  The next week was much of the same, and even though she didn’t acknowledge the gifts Joey was sending, she loved getting them. She was planning on asking Joey about them when he called or texted her, but she hadn’t heard from him all week. It had got to a point where she was waiting for him to ask her about them. The few texts he sent her at the end of the week were short and sweet with no acknowledgment of the gifts. His last text mentioned that he’d been thinking of her.

  Sarah-Jane glanced at the perfume next to a beautiful necklace that had arrived a few days ago. Her eyes moved down to the newest box on her bed, which was the largest she had gotten so far. Pulling off the pink bow and silver paper, she noticed it was from Cosabella, a high-end lingerie store in Italy. Again, there was no note.

  “It has to be Joey,” she said to herself, detaching the seals from the sides of the box. Skepticism set in. Joey wasn’t the type to buy expensive gifts to win her back. Their relationship was always based on keeping everything real. He wasn’t materialistic.

  But, of course, he has been living in New York. That city has been known to change people.

  Pulling the box open, she lifted out a sexy black lacy negligee and panties from the tissue paper.

  Sarah-Jane picked her phone up and started to text Joey.

  I’ve been getting your gifts.

  But she didn’t send it. Deleting it, she tried again.

  How am I supposed to move on if you keep sending…

  “Nooo,” she groaned.

  Why are you sending me such nice gifts?

  Her finger hovered over the send button, but she deleted that one too. Sarah-Jane tossed the phone on her bed and plopped down next to it. She rolled over and scooped her phone up and called one of her female colleagues. Diane wasn’t her best friend, but she was all Sarah-Jane had at the moment, and she needed to vent.

  “What if it isn’t Joey? He can’t afford things like this unless he really is making good money at his new job, but why would he do this? It’s not like him.”

  “Who else could it be?” Diane asked.

  Callum entered her mind and she sat up and looked at the gifts again. It would have made sense if he actually acknowledged her since the night of the dinner. He seemed interested in her then, but he hasn’t said a word.

  “I don’t really know,” said Sarah-Jane, dismissing the thought.

  “Well, if you figure it out please tell me.”

  Hearing a knock on the door, she jumped up off the bed. “Someone’s here. Talk to you later.”

  A white envelope lay on the carpet next to the door. Sarah-Jane picked it up, opened the door, and looked down the hall in time to see the mailroom attendant round the corner. She leaned against the doorway and opened it, pulling the note card.

  Be mine and be ready at seven pm.

  “Valentine’s Day,” she whispered, staring at the card.



  “IT HAS TO be Joey,” Sarah-Jane said looking at her image in the mirror.

  Her phone sat on the dresser, and Diane’s voice came through the speaker. “But I thought you said you didn’t want to see him again?”

  “It’s not that I don’t want to see him. I still care about him. It has been hard to move on. I figured he was doing the same. Maybe I’m wrong.”

  “You sound unsure,” Diane said.

  “We are just so far apart, and we broke it off before we went our separate ways. It isn’t like him to be so passive and then do all of this.”

  “Maybe he’s changed. Maybe he wants to surprise you. Maybe his thoughts have changed.”

  “Do you think so? This wouldn’t be the first time he has surprised me. A little extravagant for him, but maybe he’s doing better than I thought,” Sarah-Jane mused and smiled at the thought of Joey coming back into her life.

  “Is it what you want?”

  Sarah-Jane looked what she was wearing and smiled. “I think so. I don’t know. I’ll know more when I see him again.”

  “Well, regardless of what happens, have fun tonight. Put that negligee to good use.”

  “It is better than
being alone on Valentine’s.”

  “It’s not like you have had many more offers,” Diane joked.

  “Gee, thanks.”

  “Hey, at least you got an offer. It’s more than I’ve gotten,” Diane said with a sigh.

  Sarah-Jane hesitated and thought about Callum’s proposition a few weeks ago. That was an offer, technically. He did leave it up to her, but he also hasn’t even said hello to her since then.

  “I’m going to do it,” Sarah-Jane said.

  “You go, girl. One last hoorah before sending Joey back to New York might be what you need.”

  Sarah-Jane filled her lungs with air and let it out. Diane wished her luck and offered to tag along if he had a friend.

  “I’ll let you know.”

  She was all dressed up and ready to go but still had almost an hour to wallow in the what-if before anything truly happened.

  “One more hour,” she said to her reflection.

  Her LBD accented her curves, and Sarah-Jane was thankful she didn’t get rid of the dress after graduation. A few alterations made her formal dress into a cute cocktail dress perfect for the occasion. Touching the necklace, she decided to let the night take her where it may. She leaned over and picked up the hem of the dress, pulling it up until it was gathered over her chest. Looking at the black negligee she wore underneath, she felt sexy, racy. Like she could let go and just have fun. Running her hands over the lace, she slid her fingers under the waistband, pulling them slightly off her hip. She cocked her head as she felt desire deep inside. I hope you know what you’re doing.

  She remembered how much it hurt the day she watched Joey leave. Being with him for four years was a long time to just let someone go so easily. She started wondering if she would be able to actually go through with the date. Could she let him go again? Did she want to? Sarah-Jane remembered what Diane said about his priorities changing. What if he tried talking her into going back with him?

  Grabbing her phone, she called Diane back.

  “You’re supposed to be getting ready for your date.”

  “Why do I have to settle? I’ve moved on. He should too. I can say no to him and still have a good time. I don’t have to be alone. We can have a few drinks together. What do you think?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You and me. Screw men.”

  “That’s usually what you do, but you have to hook up with them first. I think you are scared.”

  “Who says you have to be with a guy on Valentine’s? It’s an overrated holiday, anyway.”

  “It sounds like he went the extra mile. If Joey planned this, he has already traveled the distance. It’s seven now.”

  “But I didn’t ask him to.”

  Three sharp raps on the door interrupted the conversation.

  “Someone’s here.”

  “Go. Have fun. It doesn’t have to be anything more than what you want it to be. Besides, I’ve already made plans with Humphrey Bogart and Ingrid Bergman.”

  “Casablanca. That is such a good movie.”

  “Sarah-Jane,” Diane warned.

  “Okay. I’m going. I’ll talk to you soon.”

  Sarah-Jane hung up and grabbed her purse. When she opened it, everything she had wanted to say stuck in her throat when she saw Callum Black standing there. His smile was brilliant. His eyes sparkled. He was flawless and beautiful.

  “Are you going to invite me in, Sarah-Jane?”

  For a moment, all she did was stare, and then she blinked back to reality and mechanically stepped back to give him access to her apartment. He took her hand and kissed her palm before walking into the room and redirecting his attention to her apartment. Looking around the room, he admired the artwork.

  “This is cozy. I like it.”

  She looked at her hand where he left the kiss, entranced.

  “Are you okay?” he asked.

  “I’m sorry,” she said slowly. “I wasn’t expecting you.”

  “You weren’t?” he replied. “You’re wearing the necklace I sent. You didn’t get my note? My other gifts?”

  “I did. I didn’t know they were… I’m sorry. You have to give me a minute. This is a little much.”

  “I tend to do things big. I apologize if it is too much.”

  “It’s just that. I didn’t know… I wasn’t sure…”

  “Regardless of the gifts, I told you there is no commitment, and I meant it. I wanted you to look great for the evening.”

  Sarah-Jane felt her face grow warm when she remembered the negligee she was wearing underneath her dress. It was also from him. She put her hands on her midriff and pressed her lips together. Was he expecting more than dinner?

  “You should have told me they were from you,” she said, running her fingers through her hair.

  “Sometimes the anticipation makes it worth so much more. You look incredible.”

  “Thank you. So do you.”

  His tousled light brown hair against his dark skin mesmerized her the same way it did the night he asked her if she would be his date.

  “Shall we?”

  She slid her arm through his and followed him out the door.

  “Where are we going?”

  “There is a small Italian bistro on the other side of town I fell in love with shortly after I moved out here. I think you’ll love it too.”

  They walked out of her building to a long black stretch limousine.

  “Wow, a limo?” Sarah-Jane felt like a princess.

  “As I said, I like to do things big.”

  Opening the back door, Callum helped her inside. Sarah-Jane slid into the middle of the black leather bench seat and watched him as he climbed inside, taking a seat across from her.

  “I’ve never been in a limo before.”

  “No? Not even for your prom? I thought all pretty ladies were escorted to their proms in stretch limousines?”

  “No. Not me. It was the back of a motorcycle. I was trying out my rebellious side.”

  “And how did that work out for you?”

  “Not very good,” she giggled. “My parents found out and grounded me for a week.”

  She looked around as Callum poured a glass of Champagne. The walls were leather and the windows tinted. A barrier lowered between them and the front of the limo. The driver glanced back in his rearview mirror, waiting for his instructions.

  “We’re ready,” Callum said.

  “Very well, Mr. Black.”

  The barrier went back up, and they were alone again. Callum turned his attention back to Sarah-Jane.

  “This is all so fancy,” Sarah-Jane said as she accepted the Champagne that Callum passed her.

  “But impressive, yes?”

  “Oh, of course!”

  “There is one thing that has me a bit perplexed,” he said, rubbing his chin.

  Sarah-Jane took a sip of her Champagne trying to settle her nerves.

  “You received my gifts. You obviously got my invitation for tonight. You dressed beautifully for the occasion. Why were you surprised to see me?”

  “I didn’t know you were the one behind it all.”

  “Do you have others after you?”

  After me? She thought. Is Callum Black after me?


  “At the dinner party – I asked you then. You seemed interested.”

  “I was. But that was almost a month ago. In my defense, you haven’t even acknowledge me since.”

  Chuckling, he looked out the window. “Is that what you were looking for? Validation that I wanted to spend the evening with you?”

  When he put it that way, she thought she sounded immature and childish, like a little girl needing attention to be sure she was still wanted.

  “If that is what we are doing, you never responded to my invitation. You told me that evening you would let me know. If I had the same insecurities as you, I wouldn’t be sitting in this limousine with you now.”

  “I’m not insecure,” she blurted. “I mean, I didn�
�t mean it that way. I just wasn’t sure if you were…”

  “I’m teasing you,” he smiled. “It’s okay.”

  She looked around the limo and changed the subject. “Do you go all out like this with every woman you date?”

  “Not always.”

  “How many women have you dated?”

  He laughed heartily. “There’s a question I’ve never been asked before.”


  “No, I hear it all the time. I like dating. I’m not one for getting too serious. I hope that’s okay.”

  “It’s… fine.” She sipped her Champagne and enjoyed the effervescence as it danced along her taste buds. “I love this.”

  “I thought you would. I’m happy to see you relax. I hope you enjoy yourself tonight.”

  Sarah-Jane started to take another sip when he got up and leaned over her. She put the glass down and held her breath until he stopped a couple of inches from the side of her face.

  “You’re wearing the perfume.”

  “Yes,” she said with a shaky voice.

  He sat back and examined her. “You’re wearing my necklace. My perfume laces your skin.”

  Feeling her face warm, Sarah-Jane knew where this conversation was going and she quickly put her hands to her midriff again, making him smile.

  “And by your actions, my Sarah-Jane, I have to assume you’re enjoying my other gift as well?”

  “Yes,” she said quietly.

  “Please don’t assume anything by it. I merely wanted you to feel beautiful this evening. I don’t expect anything from you, only your company.”

  Sarah-Jane glanced up at him and smiled, relief wafting over her. Then she wondered how bad it would be if she did allow something to happen with Callum. He was gorgeous, powerful, rich as hell, and she was sure he knew how to treat a woman in bed.

  Biting her lip in anticipation, she took another sip of Champagne.



  THE LIMOUSINE pulled up to the restaurant, and an attendant opened the back door. Callum climbed out and offered a hand to Sarah-Jane as she followed.

  The man rushed to the front door and opened it for them.


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