The Folly of Fools: The Logic of Deceit and Self-Deception in Human Life

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The Folly of Fools: The Logic of Deceit and Self-Deception in Human Life Page 44

by Robert Trivers

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  Abdullah, King


  Academia, academics

  ACC. See Anterior cingulate cortex

  Aeroflot Flight 593


  African Americans



  Air Florida Flight 90,

  Air France

  Air Transport Association

  Airline Pilots Association



  Alzheimer’s disease

  American Eagle Flight 4184

  American exceptionalism



  Anterior cingulated cortex (ACC)

  Anterior prefrontal cortex (aPFC)

  Anthropology, cultural




  aPFC. See Anterior pref
rontal cortex



  Armenian genocide



  Automobile industry

  Aviation disasters

  Aeroflot Flight 593

  Air Florida Flight 90

  American Eagle Flight 4184

  causes of

  EgyptAir Flight 990

  FAA response to

  Gol Flight 1907

  ice and

  overconfidence and

  pilot error and

  September 11 and

  tombstone technology and



  Berlin Wall



  Bin Laden, Osama


  camouflage and

  coevolutionary struggle and

  death and near-death acts and

  deception, consciousness of and

  deception and anger and

  false alarm calls and

  female mimicry and

  frequency dependence and

  game theory and

  intelligence and deception and

  parasite-host relationships and

  predator-prey relationships and

  randomness and

  religion and


  Black Panthers


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