The Laws of Kings

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The Laws of Kings Page 19

by Jennifer Loren

  He doesn’t say anything at first, only his eyes bore holes into me, and I suddenly become uneasy. A slow, unnerving smile forms across his face. “I’m fine. How are you today, Dace? Glad to see you are getting up and around okay.”

  “Yeah, I’m sure I can go home now.”

  “No, no reason to do that when I have so much here for you to take and use as you wish. You stay here, I insist. As your big brother and protector, I truly insist.” Michael leans down and kisses the top of my head with a tight grasp of the back of my head.

  I stand up and away from him. “Is there something wrong Michael?”

  “No, everything is great, perfect even.” He walks off whistling a tune that sounds neither cheerful nor unhappy but some sadistic level in between. It’s time for me to go. I try packing my things, but Michael sees to it that a large group of his men stay at my side. I am pretty sure I am fucked when my father comes in and orders the men to leave me with him.

  “What did you do?” I look away from him and refuse to say a word. “Never mind. I have known about you two. I knew when I saw her clothes on the floor at your place. It was the shoes, not too many women where those kinds of shoes, especially not ones that my sons would be interested in.”

  “So he knows.”

  “He thinks he does, but I told him that his informant was a liar, that you started to go after her, but she turned you down like she did him. It drove you crazy for a time, but you have since gotten over it. I went on to say that she is actually involved secretly with her brother’s partner. I had some pictures made up to prove it. I have had them ready just in case this happened.”

  I stand up and get in his face. “That won’t work! He said he had him followed and that he is seeing someone else.”

  “Sit down, Dace! It will work. That other woman was nothing more than a distraction to make Austin jealous. Do you understand me? Everything is going to be fine. Michael knows you would never betray him, and that you will stay away from this woman.” He looks me in the eyes, waiting for me to agree.

  “I love her,” I admit to him.

  “I don’t care. Your life depends on you getting over it and making sure she does the same. Now, get your things and come with me.”

  “Where are we going?”

  “I’m taking you to stay with Ettore until you can find a new place to live.”

  “I’m not a child, Father. I will do what I want, and I’m going home.” He turns to me in shock. “Do you hear me? I’m not doing this. I’m not going to live by some rules that I never agreed to. If you want to take me anywhere, then take me home. If Michael wants to kill me, then let him. I’m not afraid of death. I’m afraid of not living.”

  “And you’re willing to put her life in jeopardy too?”

  “No, I’ll stay away from her for her, not for you or anyone else.” I walk out around him and call for Antony to come get me and take me home.

  With all that is going on, I find no problem at all telling Ettore about Michael meeting with Rory Aksakov. After he curses and throws his fists around, he turns to me with a look of validation. I begin exclusively working for Ettore and going after the Aksakovs, despite our father and Michael’s wishes.

  I go meet up with a contact for Ettore at his boathouse. Olsen supposedly has information for us on the Aksakovs. The man has some interesting things to say, but I still feel as if he is holding back. He says the Aksakovs are searching for ways to make more money and have looked into converting one of Ettore’s drug suppliers to their side, but drugs aren’t really what Ettore deals in anymore. He has become more interested in internet trade deals. It’s a lot easier and a lot less liability since he has no direct handling of anything. He simply contacts this person to move this product to this person who then transfers from that country to the next and hands it off to the next person who handles the trade for either product for someone else or money. If it’s money, then it gets laundered back to Ettore. He enjoys it; however, he still has an interest in all the old family businesses as well. I guess that’s why we are here, trying to head off the Aksakovs before they win even one part of Ettore’s stronghold. Ettore constantly reminds me that even the slightest weakness can encourage dissent within the organization.

  “So you will tell your brother that I am doing everything I can to get him more information, right? I am sure they will trust me more soon.”

  “Sure, don’t worry about it. I’ll make sure you are in good standing with him. Now, did you get that thing I asked for?”

  “Oh yeah.” He rushes out of the room and comes back with a thumb-drive. “It has everything you asked for, but I don’t understand why you want it.”

  “Sometimes there is important information hidden within the unimportant; it’s the best place to hide,” I tell him with an exchange of some money and the untraceable gun he asked for.

  “Wait. What was that? Did you bring someone with you?” He rushes to look through some windows. “Damn, who is that?”

  Going to the window, I look out and see Austin walking up to the boat. “Son of a bitch! What is with her?”

  “You know her?”

  “Sort of, but I don’t want her to know I’m here. Do you have some place I can hide until she goes?” He points to the ridiculously tiny bathroom. It’s a tight squeeze for me, but I manage while he talks to Austin and gets rid of her for me. He doesn’t do a great job; she moves right past him and inside the boat.

  “Can I help you find something?” Olsen asks her.

  “Maybe. I was told you are getting money from all directions, and I was wondering exactly which side are you really working for?”

  “Excuse me? Who the fuck are you?”

  “Don’t worry about it. I just wanted to know why you are getting paid from the Collettos twice. It’s one thing to be playing both sides, but both sides within the same family? Is there going to be a war between them?”

  “Get the fuck out of here lady before I call someone to take care of you.” Olsen’s voice lowers to a defensive tone.

  “I wouldn’t threaten me if I were you,” Austin says, unafraid.

  “Oh, no? Why is that?”

  “Because I could arrest you and make sure the Collettos know all about your willingness to tell me everything. I would imagine you wouldn’t survive to the next day.”

  “You’re a fucking cop?!” he yells at her.

  “I promise I won’t tell anyone I was here if you tell me one thing. Which Colletto brother are you working for—Michael or Ettore?”

  “Get the fuck off my boat, bitch, before I call someone to have a talk with you, and trust me, your people are not nearly as scary as the ones I know.” Olsen goes silent as does she, and there seems to be a light scuffle, but I can’t tell what it is. I open the door, allowing a glimmer of light in and hearing some whispering between them before she walks off the boat. “Okay she’s gone.”

  “What did she whisper to you?”

  “Nothing important. She just threatened me is all. She thinks she can intimidate me, but no cunt is going to scare me,” he snickers, obviously trying to lighten the mood.

  “What was she talking about? Who all in my family is paying you? Are you double dipping or something worse?”

  “No, she’s crazy. She’s trying to start trouble where there isn’t any.”

  I grab my gun, hold it on him, and call Ettore. “Hey it’s me. Your man Olsen seems to be getting paid by more than just you and by more than one Colletto.”

  “Kill him,” Ettore replies with a low roar.

  “Done.” Olsen’s death is not for Ettore. It is not for me or anyone in my family. It is for her. I would have never considered it if not for her; her presence here was going to be known the moment I left. Getting permission from Ettore not only secured my loyalty to him, but gave me cause to kill Olsen without questions needing to be asked.

  After a long day, I return home and walk into the elevator with Austin following in after me. I swear! “What is with you?�
� I ask her. She looks at me as if I have lost my mind. “You know what? Forget what I said …” I stare hard at her. “Stay away from Michael. He’s not right for you. In fact, stay away from my whole family.”

  “Oh really? Why is that?” she asks.

  “What is with you and the questions all the time?” I say in frustration.

  “Dace, if you want me to listen to you, then you should answer a few questions, don’t you think? Why in the world should I stay away from the man you said I should give a chance to and also stay away from the man you said is dangerous and I should stay away from you because it’s dangerous for us both? But, for some reason, you have not bothered to move out of my building and continuously show up where I am at.”

  “I show up where you’re at? You’re following me!”

  “I am not. I have no interest in whatever dumbass thing you’re doing.” She has the nerve to say.

  She turns away from me and walks out onto her floor, and I follow. “Oh no you don’t. You don’t just get to walk away from me.” She huffs and continues on, entering her condo and trying to shut the door in my face.

  “Sorry, no criminals allowed here,” she says with an annoying smile.

  “What are you going to do, shoot me?”

  “Maybe. Maybe in the other leg.”

  I move in closer to her. “Oh really? Maybe beat me up, hurt me somehow?”

  “I could. I could hurt you good, and you know it,” she says, easing back against the wall and wetting her lips.

  “Oh I know.” Her hands shift to my face, and I move in, taking in her lips and pushing my hands down her body and up again. She’s not meant for him …

  She suddenly pulls away and looks at me with an odd expression. “You were on the boat today!”


  “You were there. I should have known. You are trying to find out what I know, and that’s the only reason you’re here.”

  “Are you kidding me? I was kissing you, not talking. I am not Ms. Question A Lot. That’s you. Kissing! I was kissing you, nothing more.”

  “So you were there. Why? What was there? Does he have something to do with Ettore? I knew it.”

  “You’re impossible.”

  “You’re a criminal.”

  “I’m leaving. I know I have a great ass, but try not to follow me.”

  “Dace, tell me. Please tell me. Maybe I can help you. I know this is not what you want to do. You’re not your brother. I see something better in you, and I’m never wrong about people. It’s you that’s paying Olsen, too. You’re paying him to help you keep tabs on Ettore, aren’t you? You are working with him for a reason; otherwise, you would have left. Now, tell me what it is. Tell me so I can help you. It doesn’t have to be on the record. Talk to me like a friend, not a cop.”

  “But you are a cop, Austin! You’re a cop, an annoying one at that. I am here to work in the family business, nothing more. I am perfectly happy with my life. Now leave me alone.”

  “But …”

  “No buts, leave me alone, and stop following me everywhere.”

  “But you followed me into my home,” she says with a cock of her head.

  “Right. Then I should go.”

  “Okay, see you tomorrow, Dace.” I roll my eyes and go home.

  Chapter 21


  A new tip leads us to an abandoned building at the edge of the city line. I have no idea where the tip came from; all anyone knows is that it came from a woman and to my brother. Most believe that Aaron knows who it is and is protecting a key informant, but he isn’t talking, except to me—his informant. I had to get some help, and in order to get the proper help, I had to tell someone I could trust about the notebook and the information I am slowly deciphering from it. Aaron wasn’t the least bit happy about me keeping it from him this long; however, he was real happy about the information, and I am real happy to have a little bit of this weight off my shoulders. We dress in full protective uniform as we get ready to head in.

  “I want this guy, Austin. Rowen Rodecker. I can’t believe we figured out who he was.”

  “Once Brandi told me about the steel toed boot with the skull and cross bones engraved on the metal, I knew who he was. I had seen him hanging out at Wendy Colletto’s car accident. He looked strange then, and that’s why I questioned him. Cocky son of a bitch smiled the whole time I asked him questions and didn’t say a word.

  “He was involved in her murder and our mother’s. I can feel it, and not far behind him is Ettore Colletto.” My brother won’t give up his pursuit of this man. Not that I blame him. I have, after all, been searching for him myself. “We still don’t know for sure what is being run in and out of this facility, but for a supposed abandoned building, it sure is wired for some major access. It is heavily guarded and secured by monitors everywhere.” Aaron hands me binoculars so I can see for myself.

  “Aaron, what have you stumbled upon?” I see the trip wires to alarm the building of anyone coming within a hundred feet, something I haven’t seen since our military days. “It’s sophisticated.”

  “Extremely. They paid someone well to design this,” Aaron says, licking his lips.

  “Keep calm. One wrong move and this could all go wrong very quickly.”

  “I know that, and I know you, my sister, can find a way inside any building there is. Let’s get in there.”

  “Without a warrant? Are you being a bad boy again?” I laugh.

  “It’s an abandoned building, right? I am only here making sure to clear out the vandals I saw running through.” Aaron smiles his big cheesy smile.

  “That fucking smile gets us into trouble every single time,” Billy says, shaking his head. “That’s the idea he has had in mind ever since we got word on this place. I have been trying to talk him out of making a move and simply keeping an eye on it. Eventually, someone or something has to come and go from it.”

  “I’m with Billy. This is a bad idea. Watch it? Yes. But breaking in and getting ourselves into the middle of something that could cost us not only our jobs, but possibly our lives, too?” Jamee expresses, already retreating from our group.

  “So maybe we keep it simple then. Aaron and I will go in, and you guys stay out here and watch our backs. That keeps you guys from getting into trouble and puts all the responsibility back on us,” I say, returning Aaron’s already nodding head. We begin to map out our entry, laying out our path and procedure for communication. We don’t waste any time deciding on our plan of action, and as soon as we do, we move in.

  I love this. I love the adrenaline rushing through my veins, anticipating what will be waiting for us, what we may find, or who we will take down in this surprise attack.

  “You know, it would be nice if you guys would fill us in on what’s going on before you make decisions?” Jamee gripes from behind us. “And maybe you should tell us who the informant is, in case you two get killed?”

  Aaron and I both look back at her and smile. “We got twin powers. You can’t kill us,” Aaron brags. “Stay behind and wait for us to tell you to call for backup.” Aaron looks at me with his adrenaline clearly rushing as much as mine. “Ready?” I nod, and we move in. The tunnels and overly wired corridors are tricky but fun to figure out. I follow one guard after the other without being seen until I can get to a place where I can control the cameras and alarms. Then, I signal Aaron to move in as I do. I communicate with Aaron from my end to his with simple pings back and forth, all the while taking pictures and mental notes along the way. Then, I happen upon it—a vaulted room. Analyzing it carefully, I try to decipher its entry key.

  “Hello, baby. What’s your secret?” I mouth with anticipation. I take the face off and rework the wires to connect to a device I invented to get it to tell me its entry code. The iron door tells me exactly what I need and opens up wide. I walk into the freezing room and take in all of the elaborate computer systems before suddenly being grabbed from behind and held against a wall.

�You need to leave here now. They know you’re here, and they are coming to do you in.”

  “I’ll arrest them all,” I admit happily before twisting and turning to try and get at him face to face, but he counters my every move. “This isn’t a game, Trouble. Get out of here and seek your fun somewhere else.”

  “I don’t consider this fun. I don’t consider going after my mother’s killer fun at all. Revenge maybe, but not fun.”

  His long sigh is heavy. “Damn it, I should have known. Your determination has been too great to be purely professional.” He jerks my back to his chest, and I feel down his body. “Stop that,” he breathes. “Get out of here, please.”

  “Why should I, Dace?” I ask.

  He pushes my chest against the wall and leans his hard body into the back of mine. “Because I would miss you if something happened to you,” he breathes against the edge of my ear. “Give me time, that’s all I ask. Give me a little time, and I will come back for you when I am done and tell you anything you want to know.” His lips caress my cheek. “Just give me some time, Trouble, and I promise you, I will make it worth your wait.” His hand moves up my thigh, to my waist, and with a gentle tug of my ear with his lips, I begin to hunger for him.

  “You better tell me everything or I will come after you,” I say, earning a kiss to my lips.

  “Promise. Now get your ass out of here and take your brother with you. You got two minutes.” He pushes me towards a path. “Go that way. You’ll meet up with your brother at the corner. There is a passage through the second door on the left; go right through and don’t stop.” I nod and move towards the path he gave me until he jerks me back to him. “Go home, take a hot bath, and get into bed, and then … I’ll take care of the rest.” A quick kiss and I rush to meet up with my brother.


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