Riding Dirty: Nine Devils MC

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Riding Dirty: Nine Devils MC Page 11

by Kara Parker

  “So you sell drugs to avoid paying taxes?”

  “I pay taxes. Every time I eat here I pay taxes. Every time I purchase anything, I pay taxes. It’s not about the taxes. It’s about freedom to live my life as I see fit. The sale of drugs allows me to do that. Nothing else.”

  “But it’s Illegal!” she cries in frustration. “Doesn’t that bother you, even a little?”


  “There’s the problem,” Rose sighs. “It does bother me.”


  “It just does. I don’t go around breaking laws just because I can.”

  “Really? You never speed? Do you always signal before you make a turn or change lanes?”

  “What? I don’t know. Those are just mistakes. I probably should do those things.”

  “Never paid anyone cash for doing some small job?”

  “I can’t help if they don’t report what I pay them!” she objects.

  “Did you enjoy making love with me?”

  “Yes. But that doesn’t change anything.”

  “Did you enjoy me taking you from behind? The anal sex,” he clarifies.

  “I don’t know what that has…”

  “Just answer the question,” he interrupts.

  “Yes, I suppose I did.”

  “What if I told you what was illegal. Would you stop doing it?”

  “Is it illegal?”

  “Not here, no. But it is in Texas, North Carolina, and a few other states. Oral sex is also illegal in North Carolina. So if we were there, we could be arrested for what we did. Would you stop doing the things you enjoy and allow the state to dictate what happens in the privacy of your own bedroom?”

  “That’s different,” she protests.

  “How? We’ve talked about this before. How is it different? Is it different because you enjoy it?”

  “Because what we do in the bedroom doesn’t hurt anyone!”

  “And doing drugs in your own bedroom hurts someone else, how?”

  Rose pauses, thinking it over. “It’s just different, okay? Sex won’t ruin someone’s life like drugs will.”

  “No? I suspect that there are a lot of porn stars and prostitutes that will disagree with you on that.”

  “It doesn’t matter. You’re just trying to rationalize what you are doing and not admit that what you are doing is wrong.”

  Joseph stands again. “Very well. If that is what you believe, then we have nothing else to discuss. I’m sorry… I really am. Goodbye Rose.”

  Rose rises to her feet. “Just like that? You’re leaving me again.”

  “I’m not leaving you, Rose. Seems to me you’ve made your position clear. I’m simply doing you as you wish.”

  “Oh no, you bastard! You’re not blaming this on me!”

  “I’m not blaming you, Rose. You have your beliefs and I have mine. The difference is I can accept you and your beliefs, but you can’t accept mine.”

  “I can’t be party to ruining people’s lives. That’s the difference between you and me.”

  “Then you should consider changing your menu and start serving only steamed vegetables and grilled chicken and fish. More people die from heart disease caused by their diet than drugs so…”

  “How dare you!”

  “I’m not the one that just said they feel responsible for how people live their lives. That people can’t be trusted to make decisions for themselves. That was you, Rose.”


  Rose is so furious over Joseph’s comment that she can’t see straight. How dare he compare the food served in her restaurant to drugs? “Fuck you, Joseph Warner! People have to eat! They don’t have to take drugs!”

  “They do. But do they have to eat the fried eggs, bacon, pancakes, and buttered toast? Do they have to eat the steaks, fried chicken, or the loaded potatoes? How about the brownie a-la-mode? Do they have to eat that? If you really believe that you have to protect people from themselves, all those things, and a whole lot more, should disappear from your menu. So make up your mind, Rose. What’s it going to be? Are people free to make choices are or not?”

  Rose steps around the corner her desk and delivers a ringing slap to Joseph’s face, rocking his head back. “Fuck you! You don’t care about anything or anyone other than yourself!” she shouts.

  Joseph focuses back on Rose. She has a hell of a slap and it had rocked him back on his heels. “That’s where you are wrong, Rose,” he says, keeping his voice calm. “I care enough about people to let them be free make their own choices. I don’t pretend to be smarter than everyone else and think I know what is right for them. Can you say the same?”

  She draws back to deliver another slap, but he catches her hand before it makes contact. “Just because I will let you make your own decisions doesn’t mean I am going to let you hit me again,” he states coldly, holding her eyes with his own.

  Rose yanks on her arm, trying to free it from his steel like grip. “Let go of me!”

  He holds her by the wrist until she stops pulling on her arm before releasing her. “Goodbye Rose,” he says quietly, stepping around her.

  “I fucking hate you!” she screams as he steps past.

  He stops, turning to face her, his face sad. “And I love you. I always have. I always will. Take care of yourself, Rose.”

  Before he can turn away again, Melina’s voice echoes in her mind. "Life is too short." "Joseph is the same person he has always been." “Joseph! Wait!” she calls. She is so confused. “I didn’t mean that! I don’t hate you.”

  “But I did mean what I said,” he says, before turning away again.

  Melina’s words haunt her as he steps out of her office. Life is too short… I would give anything just to have one more night in his arms… Life is too short… I would give anything just to have one more night in his arms… Life is too short… “Fuck!” she barks, frustrated almost beyond tolerance by her warring emotions. What Joseph says makes sense in the abstract, but this is real life. She wants him, but she doesn’t approve of what he does. But then, most dieticians wouldn’t approve of the food she serves here or in her own restaurant either, and she doesn’t give two shits what they think. People should be allowed to eat what they want without some goody two shoes trying to control…

  “The door is locked,” he says, breaking into her thoughts.

  She picks up the ring of keys from her desk but as he steps out of the door to let her pass she slows, coasting to a stop in the hall just inside her office. “No,” she says, before looking into his face. “No fucking way. You’re not getting off that easy,” she snarls before dropping the keys to the floor.

  Rose may only be 5’5” and weigh a hundred forty pounds or so, but her unexpected leap into his arms staggers him. She wraps her arms around his neck and legs around his waist as she kisses him passionately, his arms instinctively going around her as he takes a stumbling step backwards.

  She caught him off guard with her leap, but after the single backward step he recovers, pulling her hard into him before turning and driving her into the wall. She gasps from the impact, his kiss brutally hard. She welcomes the violence and the passion. She doesn’t know what she is doing—only that she is pissed off and horny at the same time—and it is going to require some serious fucking to work off all the anger, frustration, and desire.

  He holds her hard to the wall, pressing into her with his weight as their tongues war, stabbing into each other’s mouths as they devour each other. Then her hands are in his hair, pulling painfully hard, until he releases her lips with a gasp.

  “You’re such an asshole!” she snarls as their lips part, her hips thrusting into his stomach as she tears at his shirt. He has her pinned with his body and she can’t reach his buttons, so she pushes and struggles to gain some room, desperate to feel his skin against her own.

  He steps back from the wall, dropping her just enough to signal her that she had better get her feet down or she is going to end up on the floor. The
moment her feet are under her, he drops her, steps back and rips her shirt open the buttons flying about like shrapnel. “And you’re being a bitch!” he sneers as he jerks the torn garment from her.

  She tries to tear his shirt as he did hers, but his is either made of tougher stuff or she isn’t as strong, or both. She hauls on the fabric again, growling in effort and roaring desire, causing the topmost button to fail. That’s all the room she needs, pulling his shirt and riding jacket over his head and flinging them violently onto the floor. They lunge at each other again, gasping slightly from the impact as their bodies come together.

  As she comes at him, Joseph steers her into his embrace, his hands immediately going to work on removing her bra as he sucks on her neck and shoulder. It takes him a moment to work the four little catches on the back. How the hell can women do this so quickly and without looking? The last catch finally comes free and he steps back enough to roughly pull the undergarment free.

  Never has Rose been so excited. They are ravaging each other in the hall of the Goose, tearing at each other’s clothes as they wrestle, biting and scratching each other in a frenzy of a anger and lust. As he works her bra while mauling her neck with his lips and tongue, she has been busy getting his pants unbuttoned. As he steps back and yanks her bra from her, she succeeds in getting his pants partially down.

  He feels his pants bind his legs as he steps back. He came on the bike so he is in his riding boots and there is no way he can get his pants off without removing the boots first. But Rose has no such problem. Toeing her sneakers off, she shoves her pants and underwear down as one and steps out of them. He is just stepping around her, intending to move into the office where he can sit and remove his boots, when she takes him by his throbbing manhood.

  “Where do you think you are going, you fuck? You started this fucking fight! You have to stay and finish it!” she snarls, squeezing his cock through his pants as hard as she can.

  Joseph roars in pain and excitement, her grip painfully tight, but her aggressiveness sends his lust off the scale. With a hiss he tears her grip from his pants just as she takes his head and pulls his lips to hers. They kiss, once again devouring each other.

  Rose pulls on her hand, trying to tear her hand from his grip but he is too strong so she releases his head and uses that hand to begin shoving his pants down, while pulling back from the kiss. He frees her hand as she steps back, and using both hands she quickly has his pants bunched around his ankle. As they fall, she follows them down, dropping to her knees on the cold, hard, floor, and sets to work. There is no loving tenderness, no soft seductive kisses, this is nothing but fucking, the burning off of the tension that has built up between them. She takes him into her mouth, her hands on his ass as she takes him all the way in, his hands pulling her head forward. She holds him there as long as she can before pushing back against his pull, catching her breath, then taking him deep once again.

  As Rose’s fingernails bite into his ass, he pulls her forward, forcing himself deep into her mouth once more. As she struggles to back away, he holds her firmly in place for just a moment, growling softly as they struggle, before he relaxes his hold and allows her to back off. She isn’t deterred by his roughness, coming back for a third go almost immediately. He pulls her hard into him, but his grip is loose enough that she can back off if she desires. He has always enjoyed their passionate and slightly rough sex, but he doesn’t want to truly hurt her.

  She forces herself back for a third time, pushing hard against Joseph’s strong grip. He had almost overpowered her the second time, forcing her to really fight to get free to his grip, but the struggle for dominance is ramping her desires even more. She and Joseph have fucked their brains out before, but this one is going to be one to remember… and she is going to own his ass. Releasing his ass and cock, she takes his hand and pulls down as hard as she can. “You ready to fuck me?” she sneers as he lowers himself to the floor.

  Joseph settles to the floor, hissing as the cold tiles sting his flesh, the coldness of the floor no match for the heat of his blood. He tries to get his boots off, but Rose doesn’t give him the chance, pushing him roughly down onto his back. Fine… he will take her just like this!

  As she lowers herself onto his cock, she gasps, her fingers digging into his chest. “You’re not leaving me again, you fuck! Do you hear me! You’re not leaving me!”

  “No, never,” he agrees with growl as she begins to gyrate on him, grinding herself hard down on his cock. He uses his hands to pull her down harder still and increase the power of her thrusts, thrilling in the moment and that they are together once again.

  “Fuck…” she breathes as her need begins to overwhelm her control. It is all happening too fast again, but she can’t stop herself. She pauses a moment, getting her feet under her to relieve the pain in her knees, before bouncing furiously on his cock.

  Joseph grunts in pleasure as Rose begins to pound him into her as if she is trying to drive his hips though the floor. With his legs tangled in his pants he is all but helpless to withstand her assault, watching as her face twists with pleasure. “That’s it, Rose. Fuck me!” he growls, pressing down with his hands on her ass as hard as he can, making her work for it.

  She issues one brief cry as an especially intense wave of pleasure washes over her while she fights her way to climax. The restaurant is cool, but struggling against Joseph’s embrace as he tries to stop her hips is making her feel hot and sweaty. Despite his attempts to prevent her from reaching her orgasm, she is close. Growling in effort, she begins to thrust harder.

  “Don’t come yet,” he mutters harshly, planting the seed in her mind. “Don’t you come.”

  “Fuck,” she snarls before a violent twitch passes through her, causing her face to twist in anguish.


  Watching Rose twist up as her release approaches is turning his crank. If she doesn’t come soon he isn’t going to be able to hold his own orgasm. “You’re about to come, Rose. You’re about to come.”

  “Yes,” she gasps, clenching her eyes tightly shut as her bares her teeth in a silent growl.

  “You can’t hold it, Rose. You can’t! You’re going to come. You’re...”

  With a body-racking shudder Rose collapses to her knees, falling forward and onto his chest as she shivers and moans in a titanic orgasm. He wraps her up, holding her as she thrashes, protecting her from harm, until she still.

  “Still hate me?” he whispers as she lies still, gasping.

  “No. I shouldn’t have said that,” she replies, her voice as quiet as his. “I don’t hate you, Joseph.”

  He kisses her on her shoulder. “It’s okay. You were just mad. I’m sorry for pushing your buttons like that. I was… upset… over losing you again.”

  Rose lies still, thinking. “I still don’t agree with what you do.”

  “I know.”

  “Will you stop? For me?”


  “You will?” she asks in surprise, rising up to look him in the eyes.

  “Yes. But I have to find another source of income. Something that will allow me to stay under the radar.”

  “Like what?”

  “I don’t know. And it will likely be just as illegal. You realize that?”

  Rose places her head back on his chest, thinking about what he said as she listens to the thudding of his heart. As she thinks, she realizes that he’s right. Anything legal is going to require paperwork… paperwork that will put him squarely on the government’s radar. “We’ll talk about it, okay?”

  Joseph smiles at the idea that they will be together. “Can we talk about it somewhere other than on his cold, hard, floor? My back is killing me.”

  She snickers as she gets to her feet. “I hope you don’t mind that I had my way with you. I don’t know what came over me. I was so mad at you… I had to either fuck you or punch you out. I guess I decided that fucking is more fun.”

  “If this is how you get over being mad
, I may have to piss you off more often.”

  “Careful what you ask for. The next time I may decide to punch you out,” she says as her lips pull into a playful grin before dissolving into the smile of a seductress. “You know what I want?”

  “What?” he asks as he stands, pulling his pants up, looking around to make sure there are no windows that will allow someone to see down the hall. There’s are, but they are not on the parking lot side of the building.

  “I want you to take me in the storeroom. Remember when Tim caught us in there?”

  “I do. Jesus… I have never been so embarrassed in my life. He has never let me forget it either.”

  “Me either. But I have been fantasizing about it ever since. Since we have gone this far…”


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