God’s FURY, England’s FIRE

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by Braddick, Michael

  women as 410, 411

  See also New Model Army

  Leven, Alexander Leslie, 1st Earl 4, 39, 112, 449, 328, 335–6, 375, 386

  at Marston Moor 330, 332–3

  Lewes, Stephen 188

  Licensing Ordinance 1643 459–60

  See also print licensing

  Lichfield/Lichfield Cathedral 265, 266, 345

  Lilburne, Elizabeth (wife of John Lilburne) 411

  Lilburne, Henry (brother of John Lilburne) 544

  Lilburne, John 136, 137, 252, 273, 440, 442–4, 463, 534, 559

  attacks on 279, 442–3, 444–5

  John Bastwick and 442–3

  Henry Burton and 440, 441–2

  C’s trial, opposition to 565

  Copie of a letter… To Mr. William Prinne Esq. 344

  England’s Birth-Right Justified 443

  George Glover’s engraving of 440

  imprisoned for publishing illicit tracts 440, 441, 486–7, 489

  William Lenthall, Speaker of the Commons and 443

  as a Leveller 458, 508, 565

  New Model Army, his influence on 490, 508, 512

  Parliament, his attacks on 443, 507–8, 584

  in parliamentary army 440; resignation from 372

  print campaign in defence of 442–3

  William Prynne and 343–4, 441, 442–3

  religious beliefs 372, 440, 486

  William Walwyn and 440, 441–2, 443, 444

  Lilburne, Robert (brother of John Lilburne) 488, 544

  Lilly, William 363–9, 407, 448, 454, 485

  Christian Astrology 368

  Merlinus Anglicus Junior 367, 368

  as the parliamentary astrologer 366, 450

  his prophecies 368

  Supernaturall sights and apparitions seen in London 364–5, 366, 368

  as a quack 366

  Lincoln 326

  Lincolnshire 99, 106, 130, 211, 213, 220, 223, 234, 345, 402, 409

  neutralism 219–20

  parliamentarians in 251, 327

  Lincolnshire fens 462

  Lindsey, Robert Bertie, 1st Earl 106, 242

  at Edgehill 244; death 244, 284

  Lisle, Sir George 548

  literacy levels 50, 51 See also books/reading

  Littleton, Sir Edward, Lord Keeper 185, 212

  Livesey, Colonel Sir Michael 205, 542

  local communities 393–9, 400–404, 406–7, 413–36

  clubmen as part of 286, 384, 385, 413–21, 461, 462, 463

  disorder/lawlessness in, caused by soldiers 415–17, 419–21

  disruption of 393–4, 424–6, 435–6, 461–3

  local government 57, 58–63, 74, 201, 284–5, 424–6

  Books of Orders (Privy Council) for 59, 60, 65

  in boroughs 60

  by committee 422, 424–6, 427

  dearth orders 59, 61

  disputes/rivalry in 85–7

  ideals of active service 54, 55, 60–61, 70–71, 79–80

  local opinion and 67, 209

  in opposition to the king 70–71, 80

  by royalists 284–5

  as self-government 60–61, 67, 70, 79–80, 415, 418, 426

  tax collection and 132–3

  in parishes 61

  as voluntary 58, 70, 71, 79–80

  local opinion 182, 183, 187, 197–208, 212–13, 216–17, 533–4

  on enclosure 234–5, 418, 420–21

  local government and 67, 209

  on mustering troops 210, 211, 421

  neutralism in 219–22, 225

  in towns 221–2

  partisanship in 209, 216–17, 218–22, 231–2

  local politics 419–26, 435–6

  See also individual counties

  Locke, John 203

  London 115, 128, 137, 541

  alehouses/taverns see alehouses/taverns brothels 115

  C’s return to from Scotland, 1645 175–6, 178; his loss of control of 179–80; departure from 180, 181, 182

  C’s advance on, 1642 247, 248–9, 266; 1643 290, 320, 321; 1644 328, 333

  fortification of, 1643 268–9, 392–3, 392

  government of 115, 117; See also Common Council of the City of London

  as manufacturing centre 114

  migration to 114, 115

  monsters reported as being seen in 206–7

  mortality rate 114

  as parliamentarian 222, 224, 252

  partisanship in 223, 473

  peace movement 254; proposals sent to C, 1642 260–61

  petitioning in 236, 254; Root and Branch petition 128–31

  population levels 114

  Presbyterian coup, 1647 491–2, 532

  the Protestation, support for 144

  public celebrations 120–21, 124

  public disorder 93–4, 97, 115–17, 121, 135–7, 138, 178, 184–5, 293, 458, 480–85, 504, 532–3; army action gainst 501–2; on Newcastle propositions 500–502; Parliament’s attempt to control 496–7; by Presbyterians 480–81, 532; pro-royalist 532–3; at Smithfield, 1647 484–5

  public opinion in, after Edgehill 254–5

  radicalism 291–2, 458

  religious life 115, 121, 137, 410;

  Independent churches 410, 458, 486, 489

  royalists in 254, 532–3

  Southwark 115, 116, 121, 146, 501, 502

  as trading centre 113–14

  See also individual buildings and sites

  London apprentices 103, 11, 406–7, 496

  London Trained Bands 243, 248–9, 267, 290, 320, 374, 497, 561

  London’s Account 484

  Long Parliament, 1640–53 105–6, 113, 181, 183, 237

  business 119, 120, 122–4, 142–3, 178–9, 186; private suits 123

  C’s relationship with 139, 176, 179–80, 185, 186, 187–8; See also Five Members

  Commons see Commons, House of

  defence of: by army 209, 210; by London Trained Bands 561

  dissolution 514, 519; difficulty of 118, 122, 316; Triennial Act 1641 and 132, 140, 499

  elections to 118–19

  as an executive body 181, 188, 192–3, 270–72, 323

  Fast Days instituted 125–31, 143–8, 149, 161

  financial issues 131–4, 140–41, 268–70

  Grand Remonstrance, 1641 presented to 169–70, 175, 176, 195, 337, 525

  as a Great Council 183, 188–9, 192

  grievances presented 113, 117, 118, 119–20, 122, 141, 148–9

  harvest recess, September 1641 148–9, 151, 155

  Irish Parliament’s denunciation of Wentworth sent to 165

  Irish rebellion, 1641 and 169–70

  Junto group 125

  Lords see Lords, House of

  management/organization 122, 124, 126; committee structure 122–3, 271–2, 285, 323

  members 118; See also John Pym below

  New Model Army demand to purge eleven members, 1647 497, 498–9;

  members readmitted 552

  New Model Army coup, 1648 and 560–62, 563

  Nineteen Propositions see Nineteen Propositions

  ordinances issued 183, 187, 189, 270

  peace negotiations see peace negotiations

  political settlement, attempts to reach 120–21, 122–3, 148, 154–5, 158, 161, 187–8

  preachers invited to address 124, 157

  Presbyterian influence 477–8, 480–81, 492–3

  Privy Council and 126–7, 140, 183

  Protestation issued by see Protestation

  John Pym as MP 125, 126–7, 131, 133, 139, 148, 160–61, 161, 169, 177, 183–4, 186, 189

  religious reform/settlement, attempts to reach 113, 125–31, 143–8, 149, 161, 185–6, 193

  Root and Branch proposals 130–31, 143, 145, 151, 226, 228

  Ten Propositions 142, 183

  Vow and Covenant imposed by, 1643 288, 293, 297

  Lords, House of 186

  C’s letter to, offering compromise settlement see Hampton Court proposals

  Commons, relations with 131, 183, 186, 192–3, 248

  function 123, 234

  William Laud’s execution, attempt to prevent 360

  in Long Parliament 123, 125, 126, 131–2, 183, 184, 186

  No Addresses vote passed 524

  opposition to 487; by New Model Army 554

  peace negotiations see peace negotiations religion, defence of 145

  Self-Denying Ordinance 1644 and 352, 353

  See also Commons, House of; Parliament

  Lords of the Congregation (Scottish Protestants) 12

  Lostwithiel, battle of, 1644 332, 336, 349, 370

  Loudoun, John Campbell, 1st Earl 92, 104, 520, 529

  Louis XIII, Covenanters and 89, 90–91

  Lucan (M. Annaeus Lucanus): Pharsalia, translated by Thomas May 54–5, 431, 582

  Lucas, Sir Charles 230, 529

  at siege of Colchester, 1648 541–2, 548; his execution following 548

  Lucas, Sir John (brother of Sir Charles Lucas) 548

  Ludlow 59, 204

  Ludlow, Edmund 554

  Lunsford, Colonel 178, 182, 215

  Luther, Martin 6–7, 8

  Lyme, siege of, 1643–4 312, 326, 327, 331

  Maidstone, battle of, 1648 541

  Malet, Justice 25

  malignancy 275–7, 296, 314, 461–2

  ordinances against 462

  Mallow (Ireland), battle of, 1647 530

  Manchester 216–17, 222, 398

  Manchester, Edward Montagu, Lord

  Mandeville and then 2nd Earl 105, 289, 314, 346, 503

  criticism of 346, 347, 350, 351, 353; endorsed by Commons 350

  Cromwell and 347, 350, 503

  financial responsibilities 321–2

  at Marston Moor 330, 331, 333

  military expertise 350

  at Newbury 333–4, 346

  as a parliamentarian 326, 327, 336, 346, 450; loss of command 372

  religious beliefs 314, 346

  Manchester, Henry Montagu, 1st Earl 59, 105

  Marie de Medici (Queen Mother) 94, 103, 138

  Marprelate, Martin 442

  Marriot, Thomas 218

  Marshall, Samuel 255

  Marshall, Stephen 124

  Marston Moor, battle of, 1644 329–33, 347

  casualties 330, 331, 362–3

  Cromwell at 330, 347, 439

  effects of 329, 331, 333, 336, 353, 362

  Prince Rupert at 329, 347–8

  Marten, Henry 257, 285, 297, 476, 518, 522, 537

  No Addresses vote proposed by 510, 515, 524

  Mary I (Mary Tudor) 19, 21

  Mary, Princess (daughter of C) 577

  Mary of Guise, Queen Regent of Scotland 12, 13

  Massey, Sir Edward 290, 301, 327, 371, 374, 477, 491, 501

  on the clubmen 415, 421

  New Model Army’s charges against 498, 500

  Maurice, Count of Nassau, Prince of Orange 244, 265, 287, 331, 388 at Lyme 318, 326

  relationship with other commanders 284, 290

  May, Thomas 121, 177, 248

  The history of the parliament Of England… 582–5

  Lucan: Pharsalia, translation of 54–5, 431, 582

  Mayerne, Theodor 357

  Maynwaring, Roger 48

  McColla, Alastair 492

  medical help, on the battlefield 246, 247, 390–91, 457–8

  aftercare 391, 402, 408; cost of 402–3

  Melville, Andrew 14, 15–16

  Mercurius Aulicus 282, 332, 356, 358

  An Answer to… 357, 358, 359

  Mercurius Britannicus 266, 358

  Mercurius Cambro-Britannicus 363

  Mercurius Rusticus 231, 282–4, 303, 354

  Mere 418

  middling sort 57–8

  in Scotland 32, 59, 62, 137

  Middlesex, Lionel Cranfield, 1st Earl 235

  Middleton, John 544

  Midland Association 254

  Midlands 75, 172, 225, 265, 266, 267, 396–7

  See also individual counties

  Mildmay, Sir Henry 533

  Miles, Thomas 460

  military strategy/tactics 228, 242–3, 266

  action, constraints of 285

  battle formations 244

  codes of conduct 395–6

  field armies 215–16, 223–5, 271

  fortification 392–3, 392, 402, 402

  inexperience in 244, 247

  of Irish troops 317–18

  laws of war 285, 300

  parliamentarian 266, 271–2, 324, 327, 336–7, 346–7, 349–51, 370, 373

  printed sources 242, 243

  royalist 266, 284, 356, 374–5

  sieges 391–4; See also individual sieges

  skirmishing 391

  military supplies/equipment 397–9, 400

  for New Model Army 373, 398, 399, 400, 404

  See also weapons/ordnance


  C’s mobilization of, by royal prerogative 81–2, 83, 84, 86, 106

  demands made by, to Parliament 142–3

  iconoclasm by 100–102, 215, 345

  as local in sympathy 218

  numbers of 84

  officers 87, 243

  Parliamentary control of 183, 192, 214–15, 465 in Prayer Book rebellion 4, 19, 81, 83, 84, 85, 87–8, 111; casualties 105; payment of 89, 91, 92, 96; in second campaign 89, 104–6

  reform of 64, 65

  religious beliefs 99–102, 101

  training/weapons 87, 243

  See also New Model Army; Trained Bands

  Militia Ordinance 1642 186, 187, 192, 199, 210, 212, 297, 356

  C’s rejection of 182, 187

  implementation of 183, 192, 210, 211, 214, 219–20, 224, 268

  millenarian beliefs 345, 454, 455, 464, 567–8

  Milton, John 279, 341–3, 369, 440, 448, 460, 534

  Aereopagitica… 342–3, 458

  The doctrine and discipline of Divorce 341, 342, 409, 585, 587

  Of Education 342, 343, 454

  Samuel Hartlib and 454

  on sectarianism 452

  Mistris Parliament Brought to Bed… 534

  Modbury, Battle of, 1643 264

  Moderate Intelligencer 482–3, 485

  Mohun, Lieutenant William 100, 101


  abolition of proposed 565

  authority of the King 191

  C’s perception of 24, 26, 122, 153–4, 161, 316, 468, 472, 474–6, 527

  Cromwell’s defence of 510, 514–15, 562

  dedate on xxiv, 108–9, 448–9, 466, 512

  demystification of 475–6

  hostility towards, at Putney debates 517–18

  the King as God’s anointed 451

  Parliament and 45, 46, 49, 54, 183, 188–90, 192–3, 196, 237, 323–4


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