God’s FURY, England’s FIRE

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by Braddick, Michael

  Buckingham as focus of 40–45, 47

  as partisan 449–51

  in print see pamphlets/tracts: political in public domain see public opinion; public disorder

  on religious/secular authority xxiii, xxiv, xxv, 10–11, 12, 15–16, 35, 125–6, 459

  two kingdoms theory 15, 19, 21

  Pontefract Castle, siege of, 1648 542, 543, 548

  Poole, Elizabeth 410, 566–7

  the poor 57–8, 59, 61

  employment for 455, 456

  in local communities 428, 429

  in London 184, 483

  relief for 102, 236, 400, 483, 485

  Poor Laws 102, 400

  popish plots 201, 223

  pamphlets/tracts on 196–200, 324–5, 449

  as source of public disorder 158, 171–2, 174–5, 177–8, 181, 184

  See also Catholicism

  population levels/migration 57, 114–15

  Portland, Richard Weston, 1st Earl 587

  Portsmouth 172, 182, 191, 216

  Buckingham assassinated in 40, 41, 46

  C’s failure to control 191, 215, 216, 222

  Powell, Alexander 81, 105

  Povey, Thomas 403

  Poyer, Colonel John 538

  Poyntz, Sydenham 374, 498, 499, 502, 545

  in York 493, 498

  Prayer Book 17, 23, 27, 475, 500, 580

  attacks on 247, 152, 153, 155, 185, 201, 202, 536

  defence of 148, 151, 152–4, 155, 158, 201, 204; by clubmen 418; Commons refusal to 186; petitions on 152–3, 161, 178, 205, 212, 228

  Directory of Worship intended to replace 343, 354

  See also Scottish Prayer Book

  Prayer Book rebellion, 1637–40

  background/causes 6–27, 31, 36–9, 106–11

  C and 38, 39, 83–4, 87, 89, 90

  England (north), invasion of 3–6

  English troops in 4, 19, 81, 83, 84, 85, 87–8, 89; funding of 85, 87

  James Hamilton and 36–7, 38, 39, 83

  Irish troops in 39, 83, 84, 96

  negotiated settlement (Pacification), 1639 88

  opposition to 81–2, 85, 91

  second campaign 89, 96–100, 104–6; casualty figures 105

  support for 82–3

  See also Covenanter army; Covenanters

  preaching 24, 71, 72, 81, 276, 312–13, 314

  lay preachers 107, 344–5

  lectureships 73

  licensing of 72; in Scotland 24

  ‘mechanic preachers’ 344, 424

  outside the church 74, 108

  shortage of preachers 73, 277

  subject matter 75, 76, 337, 340, 531

  by women 344-5, 409, 410

  predestination theology 7, 8, 11, 18–19, 71

  Calvinist belief in 20, 21, 47–8

  opposition to 22, 47–8

  Preece, William (‘Scogan of Goblin Hole’) 389, 406, 408

  Presbyterianism 314, 343, 466, 527

  aims/beliefs 337–8, 340

  as anti-monarchical 467

  C receives instruction in 471

  Thomas Edwards on 445–8

  Independent churches and 339, 345–6, 354, 466, 467–8, 486, 504–6

  influence of 354, 440–41, 442, 445, 446–7, 473, 490, 491–2;in Parliament 477–8, 480–81, 492–3;

  on Parliamentary troops 440–42, 445, 446–7, 491–2

  New Model Army, Presbyterian distrust of 466, 480–81, 492–3, 497–503, 507

  Protestantism and 347

  Puritanism and 445

  in Scotland see Scottish Reformed Church

  Preston, battle of, 1648 544–5, 547, 553

  price levels/controls 57, 59, 61, 400–401, 483

  Pride, Colonel Thomas 488, 561

  Prideaux, Edmund 381

  print licensing 153, 172–3, 294–5, 338, 342, 487, 582

  lapse of 459; Licensing Ordinance 1643 459–60; new restrictions, 1647 510


  growth/spread of 50–54, 172–3, 279, 365, 367–9, 380–81, 583

  of official documents 272–3

  of petitions 173

  power/influence 173-4, 188, 195, 282–4, 411–12, 440, 441–8, 458, 459, 466, 462–4

  underground/seditious 108–9

  See also books/reading; pamphlets/tracts

  The Privileges of the Commons, 1642 258

  Privy Council 38, 85, 96, 117, 168

  Books of Orders 59, 60, 65

  John Felton and 42, 44

  militia reform and 64, 65

  Irish Rebellion and 161–2

  Long Parliament and 126–7, 140, 183

  membership 61, 140

  See also Scottish Privy Council

  property rights 48, 59, 119, 516–17

  prophecies 205–6, 368, 410, 566–7

  See also astrology

  Protestantism 8, 29–30, 108, 197, 337, 338

  Bible, importance of 7–8, 9, 227

  bishops, attitude to 21, 107

  Calvinism and 18–22

  discipline and 11, 17, 151, 343–4

  forms of worship 6, 7, 8, 9, 11–12, 16–18, 20–21, 22, 23, 47–8, 54, 71

  in France 40, 44, 46

  Samuel Hartlib on 454, 455–6

  in Ireland xxiii, 162–3, 164–7, 469; See also Church of Ireland

  predestination theology 7, 8, 11

  Presbyterianism and 347

  secular authority, relationship with 10–11, 35

  tensions within 8, 108, 454, 455

  as the true religion xxiii, 11–12, 17, 22, 23, 34–5, 196–7, 200

  See also Reformation

  Protestation, 1641 137, 143, 144, 180–81, 298

  contents 143, 144, 149, 151, 186

  as divisive 143–4, 147, 153

  requirements of 143, 183, 200–201

  support for 144, 149, 155, 200–201; by clubmen 417–18

  Providence Island Company 69,

  providentialism 453

  See also monsters/monstrous births; supernatural phenomena; wonders

  Prynne, William 77, 120, 121, 343, 359, 441, 463

  attacks on 278, 442

  on deposition of the king 257, 451

  A Fresh Discovery… 442

  Histrio-Mastix, burning of 278

  John Lilburne and 441, 442–3

  as an MP 560–61

  on Newport negotiations 560–61

  The Soveraigne Power… 257

  Truth Triumphing… 343–4, 441–2

  public disorder 98–9, 463, 531–4

  apprentices involved in 103, 116, 136, 178, 407, 482–3, 496, 533

  attitudes to 130–31, 236

  enclosure riots 234–5, 418, 420–21

  on excise tax 483, 484–5

  grain riots 61, 236, 483–4

  in London see London: public disorder

  on peace negotiations 234–5 293, 479, 500–502

  popish plots as cause of 158, 171–2, 174–5, 177–8, 181, 184

  pro-royalist 531–42

  on Strafford’s impeachment/execution 135–7, 138

  on religious issues 100–103, 293

  purgation of churches 274–6, 281, 313–14, 406, 427–8, 433

  See also iconoclasm

  Puritan calendar 482–3, 485

  Puritan martyrs 77–8, 120–21, 257

  Puritan preachers/clergymen 81, 125, 137, 204

  Puritanism 54, 62–3, 165, 230, 351, 579

  aims/beliefs 21, 48, 49, 79, 337

  among English troops 99–102, 101

  anti-Puritanism 42, 72, 79, 146, 152, 177, 178, 204

  Church of England and 21, 48–9

  definition 49

  Presbyterianism and 445

  religious holidays, suppression of 204, 482

  Putney debates, 1647 508, 512–19

  William Clarke’s notes on 515, 517, 584

  Cromwell’s part in 514–15, 516, 517–18

  effects of 587–93

  John Pym 69, 92, 97, 106,
120, 157, 173, 174, 194, 195, 230, 322, 419

  attacks on/opposition to 179, 181, 183, 229, 298, 323, 356

  in Civil War 267-8, 269-70

  Essex and 210, 288

  and Grand Remonstrance 169–71

  Denzil Holles and 252–3

  influence/importance 253, 323

  as ‘King Pym’ 183, 204–5

  in Long Parliament 125, 126–7, 131, 133, 139, 148, 160–61, 161, 169, 177, 183–4, 186, 189

  plague sore dressing sent to 160–61, 160, 174

  his speeches 195, 323

  Vow and Covenant proposed by 288, 293–4

  death 323, 324, 325, 356–9; autopsy 369, 459; cause of 356, 357–8; burial 358; news coverage of 357–8

  Quakers 345

  Radcot Bridge engagement, 1645 374

  radicalism 195, 297, 443, 445, 457, 486, 549

  deposition of kings 257, 451, 474

  growth of 106–12, 205, 257–9, 261, 303

  in London 292–3, 458

  See also Levellers

  Rainborough, Colonel Thomas 384–5, 516, 558

  in Doncaster, 1648 548–9

  at Putney debates 518, 519

  as Vice-Admiral in command of navy 541

  death 548–9, 550, 559; funeral 549; seen as a martyr 549

  Ratcliffe, Sir Alexander 217

  Reading 374, 395

  surrender to parliamentarians, 1643 280, 287; retaken by royalists 322

  Reasons Why this Kingdom ought to adhere to the Parliament 194–5

  recreations/sports, allowed on Sundays 279–80

  recusants 74, 171–2, 197–8, 199

  See also Catholicism

  Reformadoes (disbanded parliamentarian troops) 477, 496, 499, 500, 501

  Reformation xxiv, 3–30

  aims/beliefs 7–8, 9, 10–11, 19, 76–7, 109–10, 453

  in England 19–20, 26, 107–8, 111–12, 113, 124, 199, 294, 456–7, 463, 590, 591; See also Church of England

  in Scotland 12–18, 30; See also Scottish Reformed Church

  See also Protestantism

  religious authority 147–8, 590–91

  Bible as central to 3, 7–8, 9, 227, 451

  collapse of 451–3

  secular authority and xxiii–xxiv, xxv, 10–11, 12, 35, 125–6, 459

  See also bishops; pamphlets/tracts: religious

  religious freedom/toleration xxv, 340, 341, 343, 442, 443, 490, 500, 521, 590–91

  religious pluralism see sectarianism

  religious reform/settlement 274–82, 294, 309, 312–15, 322, 337–46, 471–2, 499–500

  church unity 311–12

  Long Parliament’s attempts at 113, 125–31, 143–8, 149, 261, 185–6, 193

  Newcastle Proposals on 466, 467–8

  Solemn League and Covenant 310–13, 319, 320, 321, 323

  Westminster Assembly as instrument for see Westminster Assembly

  Remarkeable Passages 357, 358

  The Remonstrance of the Army, 1648 556–9, 560, 561

  Remonstrants see Arminiansm

  rent rises 404

  republicanism 55, 60, 79

  revolution/rebellion 431, 433, 514–15, 517

  Rich, Colonel Nathaniel 549, 567

  Richmond and Lennox, James Stuart, Duke 228, 564

  Ricraft, Josiah 453, 583

  England’s Champions 499–500

  Rinuccini, Cardinal, Papal Nuncio 470–71, 530

  Ripon, Treaty of, 1640 105–6, 112, 113, 118, 122

  Roe, Alban 199–200

  Rollock, Henry 29

  Root and Branch proposals, 1640 128–31, 143, 145, 147, 151, 153, 178, 226, 228

  contents 128–9

  local petitions based on 129–30

  second petition, 1641 178

  Rossingham, Edward 97


  etymology of 407

  first use of term 178, 204

  Roundway Down, battle of, 1643 288, 289

  Rous, Francis 49, 97, 120, 125

  Rowe, Owen 458

  Rowton Heath, battle of, 1645 386

  Roxburgh, Robert Kerr, 1st Earl 29

  Royal Exchange, London 52, 93, 587

  royal prerogative 47, 237

  C’s use of 45–6, 48, 54, 67–8, 69, 71, 78–9; for military mobilization 81–2, 83, 84, 86, 106

  Rubens: Apotheosis of James I 577

  Rudyerd, Sir Benjamin 91

  Rupert, Prince 228–9, 266, 284, 287, 288, 318–19, 326, 328, 433, 376

  astrological prediction of his death 365, 366

  at Brentford 248, 286

  at Bristol 386

  C’s banishing of, to France 386, 388

  George Digby and 229, 347–8

  disagreements with other commanders 284, 290, 329, 347, 374, 375

  at Edgehill 244, 245, 246

  at Gloucester 290–91

  at Marston Moor 329, 347–8

  military experience/reputation 228–9, 241, 242, 286

  at Naseby 376, 377–8

  as ‘Prince Robber’ 397

  at Worcester 241

  at York 328; C’s letter to, on importance of 328–9

  Rushworth, John 119, 172, 584

  Historical Collections 584

  Ruthven, William, see Gowrie, William Ruthven, 1 st Earl

  Ruthven Raid, 1582 15

  Rutland 254

  Rutland, John Manners, 8th Earl 105

  Rye 396

  Ryves, Bruno 231, 283–4, 303, 354, 450, 515, 583

  on John Pym 358

  [George Wharton]: Micro-chronicon, publisher of 450

  See also Mercurius Rusticus

  sacking/firing, of captured towns 248, 266, 286

  See also plunder

  Saffron Walden, New Model Army in 488, 489, 492

  St Albans 559, 560

  St Fagan’s (Wales), battle of, 1648 539

  St George’s Fields 93

  St Ives 462

  St James’s Palace 93, 138

  St John, Oliver 69

  St John, Sir Rowland 86

  St Mary Woolchurch, London 313

  St Paul’s Cathedral 587

  St Stephen’s church, London 345

  Saltmarsh, John 297

  saltpetre 455–6

  Salusbury, Thomas 224

  Sancroft, William 473

  Sandys, Edwin 215

  satire/satirists 196, 206–7

  Saye and Sele, William Fiennes, 1st

  Viscount (father of Nathaniel Fiennes) 68–9, 83, 105, 555

  Scarborough 386, 543, 548

  Scarborough Castle 297

  schism 312, 337, 343, 446, 523, 536


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