Warrior: A Salvation Society Novel

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Warrior: A Salvation Society Novel Page 12

by A. M. Brooks

  Brody studies me for a second before nodding. “Valid concerns. I’ll get this to Mark right away. Everyone else pass?”

  “To the best of my professional knowledge, everyone else should be ready to go.” I nod again and sit back down behind my desk.

  “That’s good news,” Brody answers, the folder in his hand tapping against his palm. “Thanks for your help, Doc.”

  “Anytime.” I fake salute him, earning another laugh. Silence again descends around the space. My mind backtracks over Deveroix’s interviews again, comparing them to the other soldiers I’d been working with over the past few weeks. I’m a professional in my own field and in no way am I proficient in military life. I have spent more than enough time, though, talking with soldiers, both new recruits and the ones looking at a career in the military, to make an educated opinion when needed. After his interview, I called Mark right away with my concerns, pushing away the small voice in my mind telling me I had a vested interest in this mission.

  “No.” I shake my head. I would have reported his behavior and my concerns whether or not Colt and Zane were going to be part of the same mission. Sighing, I go back to documenting my notes before closing time, right as my phone vibrates.

  Colt: Dinner tonight?

  My lip glides between my teeth while I contemplate how to turn him down again, until my conversation with Camryn comes back. An idea pops into my head.

  Me: Sure. Same place as before? Bring Zane. My friend Reece is single and will be there too.

  I watch, my breath hitched, as the bubble of dots starts and stops three times before I receive a reply.

  Colt: Ok. We’ll see you later.

  I exhale immediately. A group date will be easier to slide into and Colt can’t keep giving me romantic speeches about wanting to try again if we’re with others. That would be rude. It’s the perfect plan. I quickly send Reece a text and beg her to come. She is single and instantly replies that she’s in.

  Three hours later, Reece and I are the last to arrive. Zane and Colt are holding a table on the back patio, both dressed to kill and smelling incredible. My fingers itch to touch Colt, an old sensation that had been dormant for years, and I quickly put my hand behind my back. Like the gentlemen they were raised to be, both men stand when we get to the table and wait for us to sit, before they do. A margarita is placed in front of me by the waitress, even though I haven’t ordered anything yet. Colt’s eyes meet mine. I swallow the lump of emotion I feel that he remembered and ordered it for me.

  Since I’ve known her, Reece has always been outgoing, so I’m not surprised when she and Zane hit it off right away. Soon the whole table is cracking up from a joke she told and some of the tension leaves my shoulders.

  “So you guys are Lyric’s friends from high school, right?” Reece asks, innocently, going off what I had told her earlier. I feel Colt’s gaze burning into me from across the table, but keep my eyes fixed on my tostadas.

  Zane chuckles. “We were best friends back in the day.”

  Heat creeps up my cheeks at the distinction he makes by flicking a finger back and forth between him and I. Reece’s gaze bounces back and forth between us, intrigue written across her features.

  “Those two were practically married,” he then adds, before taking a bite of his fish tacos. I’m about to argue when Colt cuts me off. “I fucked up though. We just reconnected recently.”

  “I see.” Reece, turns to me, her eyes narrowed playfully. “Been holding out on me, Taylor?”

  “It’s not exactly how it sounds,” I tell her, taking a huge gulp of my margarita. “It was a long time ago.”

  “I’ve been trying all week for her to let me take her on a date,” Colt adds, taking a small sip from his beer bottle. “After meeting up again, I’ve been trying to convince Lyric to give me another chance.”

  I shake my head in denial, a nervous laugh bubbling up my throat. “Let’s just have fun tonight, ya’ll.”

  Zane and Reece make light of my discomfort and move on from the discussion. Not Colt though. Even with my head turned toward the other two, I can feel the heat of his stare on my face. His presence seems to grow bigger while my chest feels like it’s closing in on itself. He can’t be serious, right? In a few weeks, he’ll leave on his mission and when he comes back, we’ll go our separate ways again. Even if Colt was serious and I considered taking him back, there are too many obstacles.

  Everyone finishes their food and drinks. Somehow I manage to squeeze in one more than everyone else, and now I need to secretly order an Uber under the table. I can barely hide my grimace at how childish that feels; yet, I’d rather not have to be at Colt and Zane’s mercy, and Reece lives on the other side of town. We all stand from the table at the same time with Reece and Zane leading us back to the front. Like last time, I’m hyperaware of Colt behind me, his hand gently placed on my back to guide me through the crowded inside restaurant area. I discreetly check my phone and see that my car is still thirty minutes away.

  “You guys go ahead,” I tell them, tilting my head toward the restroom.

  “You sure?” Reece stops, her brow raised.

  “Yes,” I laugh, “I’ll head out as soon as I’m done.”

  “Call me when you get home,” she says, waving her hand, while she and Zane exit at the same time.

  Colt keeps his eyes on me as I walk away, giving him a small wave over my shoulder. I hate the sinking feeling inside that I didn’t let the night live up to its potential. I tried. I gave the group date a shot and gave Colt the opportunity he’s been after me for. There should be no reason for my heart to feel the way it does.

  I take my time in the bathroom, finger combing my hair and even adding a new coat of lip gloss, until I’m sure my group has left. Glancing at my phone, I see that my Uber is still twenty-five minutes away. Two women slide inside and I don’t miss the curious looks they give me. Rolling my eyes, I leave the bathroom before I become the creepy girl just hanging out in the restroom. I make it to the front doors when I’m stopped dead in my tracks. Colt’s gaze meets mine across the space. I swear I see his lips twitch and my irritation level rises.

  “What are you still doing here?”

  His hand pushes the front door open. “You didn’t really think I’d let you walk out to your car on your own, did you?”

  My lips smash together as I walk past him, then come to stop on the sidewalk out front.

  “Lyric, I’m just walking you to your car. I want to make sure you’re safe.”

  “I’ve walked to my car many times on my own, Colt. I’m not scared. Plus,” I pull up my phone, “I have a ride coming.”

  “That last margarita set you back?” Colt smiles.

  “It’s called being responsible,” I fire back, the tension from before rising between us.

  “Cancel the car.” He nods his head at my phone. “I can take you home. I only had one.”

  “I don’t think--”

  “It’s just a ride, Lyric,” he answers, probably sensing the dread building in my stomach. I don’t live far from here, but it is still time alone with Colt. Just him and me. No buffers this time.

  Without answering, I let him lead me over to the rental car he’s been driving around courtesy of Cole Security. After a few minutes of complete silence, Colt finally turns the radio on low and I feel myself relax a little with some background noise.

  “Reece seems nice,” Colt says, startling me out of my thoughts.

  “She’s amazing,” I tell him, nodding my head. “Reece was one of the first people I met when I moved here. We used to be neighbors.”

  “Speaking of which,” Colt chuckles, “where am I bringing you?”

  I give him directions and we manage to make small talk the rest of our drive. For the first time, I miss the way we used to be. I used to be able to tell Colt all the random thoughts in my brain. He knew me inside and out when we were kids. Now everything is forced and awkward, both of us terrified; I’m afraid to let him close and he’
s scared to push me away.

  I’m so lost in my thoughts I hardly notice we arrived until the car jerks lightly from being put into park. “Thanks for the ride.”

  I unclip my belt and slide out from my seat, barely rounding the front of the car before Colt is standing in front of me.

  “I can’t let this go. I can’t let you go again, Lyric. I’ve lived without you for eight years. I thought I was fine, I thought I was surviving, but that’s just it, I was surviving, not living. That day in your office was the first time in years that my heart beat with life again. I know I was an idiot. I know I fucked-up. I will do anything to make it up to you. If it takes weeks, months or years, I’ll be here. I never stopped loving you, Lyric. And I’m the biggest ass for letting you go.” Colt’s words strike chords deep in my soul, strumming my organs to life with each word. His fingers slide to cup my face, bringing us closer, until I can feel the warmth of his lips on mine.

  “Colt,” I say, his name a plea on my lips. Please don’t stop. Please let me go. Please don’t hurt me. Please don’t leave. Our gazes hold, and I read the determination in his eyes. His will to fight against any barrier I attempt to erect. It should piss me off. I should be annoyed. Instead, my body sways toward him, silently giving him what he’s asking. Colt’s lips fall on mine, gentle yet rough in the way he pushes and takes. My hands flutter against his shoulders, my fingers, sinking into the fabric of his shirt. His arms circle my waist and bring my chest flush against his. Memories of us, of the many kisses we’ve shared, flood my mind and drown out any doubts I have in this moment. We’re back to being just Colt and Lyric. I kiss him back just as hungrily, soaking up this moment, knowing it’s all we’ll have.

  Chapter Fourteen


  My legs are killing me, my arms are dead, and the weight on my chest won’t ease up. Flashes of last night interrupt my concentration, and, once again, I find myself on my back on the grappling mat.

  “What’s up today?” Zane eyeballs me.

  Getting onto my feet again, I shake my head. There is no way to explain the way last night ended. I kissed her. I told her everything I was feeling, thinking, and wanting then kissed her. Lyric sank into me as if no time had passed between us. She was warm, willing, and participating. Then in the flip of a switch, she pulled away and headed inside without another word. Like a dumbass, I thought things had changed. I thought we were getting somewhere and starting to piece things back together.

  “Too in my head,” I tell Zane, rolling my shoulders back and getting into a fight stance again.

  “Have you even heard the shit running around here all day?” he asks, lifting a brow and peeling his gloves off.

  Dropping my arms, I stand and look around. Everyone looks on edge again, a few are even talking lowly amongst themselves. One look at Brody’s door and I see the blinds are drawn.

  “What happened?”

  “Mark let one of the recruits go. Deverouix, I think his name was. Dude was being looked at for faking his evaluations. Brody came in hot this morning because a case file is also missing,” Zane rattles off the info. This is all news to me.

  “How did he fake evaluations?”

  “Tried to,” Zane reminds me, “Dr. Taylor caught on to what he was doing.”


  “Do you know any other Dr. Taylors at this moment?” Zane chuckles. “She’s a badass around here. All the higher-ups take her word seriously.”

  Heat flares in my chest at the same time my body stiffens. Lyric is accomplished and has built a reputation for herself. I’m proud of her and what she has done. It raises my hackles, though, thinking that other men are appreciating her as well. Lyric is the whole package.

  “What’s Brody going to do?” I nod toward the office.

  “I only know he’s been in meetings all day.” Zane lifts his shoulders.

  I sort through the information as I always do: take a piece of information, analyze, then repeat. The same algorithm that’s kept me alive all this time. I’m about to voice my thoughts when the office door flies open and a flushed and grim Brody walks out. His eyes bounce around the room until they land on me and Zane. He stalks over, fingers flexing at his side.

  “Mark would like you to head over to Bluebird Behavioral Testing. Appears they had a break in overnight. The owner is pretty shaken,” Brody tells me, his brow raised. It doesn’t take a genius to know he’s aware that Zane and I know Lyric on a personal level.

  “Yes, Sir,” I tell him, already unwrapping my hands.

  “You’re with me, Thompson,” Brody calls over his shoulder, sending Zane into a flurry of action. He packs away our equipment and follows Brody to where he’s gathering a small group of people.

  I take off to the locker room, change and clean up as fast as I can, before sprinting to the parking garage. I break more than a few speeding laws on my way over and the ramifications mean shit to me when I spot Lyric outside the building, leaning against the brick wall. She has a suit jacket thrown over her, her arms wrapped around her middle, and I swear I see her legs shaking.

  “Lyric,” I call her name gently. Her head snaps up, and tears spill down her cheeks. “Babe,” I manage to get out before her body hurtles itself into mine. The suit jacket falls to the ground when she wraps her arms around my waist. I rub my hands down her back, soothingly, and her body shudders in my arms. She feels cold, and each sniffle I hear breaks my heart and makes me see red.

  “Why are you out here by yourself?” I murmur into her hair.

  “I couldn’t be in there,” she replies, her face pressed against my chest. “The cops are gathering their evidence and taking a statement from Ruby.”

  “What happened?”

  She shrugs. “I don’t know. I got in this morning and the back door was cracked. I thought maybe Scott didn’t close it on his way in. He’s always the first one here. Only the lights were off and I thought that was weird too, but I went to the main lobby to find him and--”

  Her voice catches while another wave of sobs wrack her chest. My arms tighten around her, lending her strength and reminding her she isn’t alone.

  “He. He was on the floor. I called 9-1-1 and saw that he was breathing. The ambulance just left,” Lyric manages to breathe out.

  The implication is not lost on me. Whoever broke in did so using the person who arrived first. That person was also able to overpower another man and render him unconscious. Adrenaline crackles to life in my veins while my anger also rises. It could have been Lyric. What if that person had been hoping it would be her?

  “Did they take anything?” I ask, trying to take her mind off of finding her friend and co-worker unconscious.

  “I’m assuming so. My file cabinet was destroyed and the computers damaged.” She takes a deep breath in. “Colt, please don’t freak out okay?”

  I peer down at her and frown at the seriousness of her features. “I make no promises, babe.”

  She sighs. “They had to bring in forensics. There was a message or something in my office, a threat. They aren’t sure if it’s paint or blood or something different.”

  My hands cup her face and tilt her head back until our eyes meet. Her baby blues shine with tears and fear. My heart hammers in my chest. Some asshole terrified her and threatened her. All the information Zane told me earlier starts to piece together and form a story in my head. Deverouix has some explaining to do. If Brody and Cole Security don’t find him first, I will.

  “Let me take you home,” I demand, unable to keep the worry I feel restrained.

  Lyric shakes her head. “I have to stick around for questions and to lock up.”

  I’m about to argue and shove her into my car when a taxi pulls up to the curb in front of us. Reece steps out and rushes over to us.

  “Girl,” she rubs Lyric’s arm, comfortingly. “Why didn’t you call? I would have been here sooner.” Reece’s gaze darts to me. “Zane sent me to stay here with her until she can go home. They need you back at CS.
I’m also supposed to tell you to check your damn phone.” She laughs at herself and I let out a breath.

  Keeping one arm wrapped around Lyric, I dig my phone out of my pocket and see the texts and calls from Zane. “I have to go back.”

  “Okay,” Lyric says, her voice quiet and empty. I hate leaving her like this.

  “You can stay and get her home?” I fix my gaze on Reece.

  “Yes,” she tells me, holding her arms out for Lyric. I transfer her to Reece’s waiting arms.

  “Call me when you get home, okay? I’ll stop over when I’m done with work,” I tell them both, my gaze flipping from one to the other. They both nod in agreement.

  I hustle back to Cole Security, hating the distance between Lyric and me with every mile I drive. She was shaken and afraid and I wanted to bust some heads together. Blowing through the front doors, I quickly find where they’re holding the meeting in one of the briefing rooms and slide into an empty seat next to Zane.

  “What did I miss?” I whisper, and he jumps slightly in his seat.

  “Do not stealth mode me like that. How do you not make noise?” Zane scolds under his breath. I smirk. He blows out a breath. “Not much yet. Brody went over the break in and how Lyric’s work tipped them off about Deverouix.”

  “He’s a dead man,” I mutter under my breath.

  “You’ll have to get in line. Mark’s on a rampage and it’s up to Brody to lead the charge.” Zane shakes his head.

  Brody ends the call he was on and turns back to the room. His eyes land on me. “How is everything over at BBT?”


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