'Til There Was You

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'Til There Was You Page 2

by Jerry Cole

  “Oh...” Finn tried for interested, but landed on feigned. “Tell me about that. Lee Lesson did you say?”

  “Mhhhmmm. He’s one of my favorites – I have got to tell you about...”

  As Anthony prattled on, waving to the waitress and very rudely ordering another cocktail, Finn smiled and nodded, doing his best to seem interested. He really was! But then he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. It was a vibration that he recognized all too well, and one that told Finn he’d probably be ending this date sooner rather than later.

  It was Datematch, going off in his pocket like a bomb about to explode. The type of vibration suggested a new message, rather than a new match. At the moment there was one other guy that Finn had been speaking to, one that he had actually really hoped to have already heard back from. He’d wanted to set something up with him before Anthony came along. And now... well, it was going to take a lot of self-control for Finn to not check that message.

  “So, Finn Connor. Tell me about yourself.” Anthony was finished with his Lee Lesson explanation and was now transitioning into small talk. “What do you do for a living? This all happened so fast we didn’t get a chance to cover basics.” Finn hated small talk.

  “Say... can we hold that thought.” Finn grimaced and pushed his chair back as if to stand. “I’ve just got to go to the bathroom – but I’ll be quick. Don’t move a muscle,” he winked... and then groaned inwardly. What the fuck was he doing flirting? He couldn’t stop himself sometimes!

  The moment that Finn was in that bathroom, he pulled his phone out, opened Datematch, went straight to that new message and groaned aloud. The message was even better than he had hoped.

  Sorry! Only just read this! What r u doing tonight? I’ve literally got nothing on and could not be more bored. This was followed by a cheeky grin emoji.

  Finn stared at that message and felt himself begin to sweat. Why couldn’t this guy have messaged him two hours ago? An hour ago, even? Thirty minutes ago?! Why now?!

  Just to double check that he wasn’t exaggerating how hot this new match was, Finn opened the profile for a quick stalk... and then groaned aloud again. This was very quickly followed by increased breathing, a little more sweating, and a tightening of his pants. The guy was fire.

  His name was Alexander, and he was possibly the best match that Finn had ever had... although to be fair, every match was the best that Finn had ever had, until he ended up meeting them. That was one of the many problems with online dating... but either way, this guy was still a stud. He was tall, dark, muscular, handsome and looked like he knew how to have a good time. He might not have been ‘the one’ but he was the one that Finn wanted to be with right now.

  Finn thought quickly. His date was sitting outside waiting. Alexander was most likely staring at his phone, hoping for a message to appear. What was he going to do?

  That’s all G! So, you’ve got nothing on tonight? What a coincidence, me either. Where abouts r u exactly btw... just curiously. Finn ended this message with his own cheeky grin emoji and then hit send.

  Finn gave it a moment after sending, as if expecting an instant reply. His heart was pounding in his chest, and only increased when he went back into Alexander’s profile to have another look. Plenty of shirtless photos, but no dick pics, which Finn actually preferred as it left a little to the imagination.

  As he waited, Finn wandered to the bathroom vanity and gave his face a quick wash. As he did so, he did a double take of himself in the mirror, making sure that he at least looked how Anthony had probably been expecting. The short answer was, yes. The longer answer was: fuck yes.

  Finn Connor was a good-looking guy. There could be no doubt. Physically, he was taller than most and in better shape than a lot. That wasn’t to say that he was ripped, just well-built with enough charisma to hold it all together. His hair was cut short on the sides and longer on top, his mustache was thicker than some might like, but blended into his five o’clock shadow nicely, and his skin was tanned year-round. On top of that, his multiple tattoos gave him an edge which most men seemed to love. Yep, Finn looked good... if only he could have said the same for Anthony.

  Finn finished checking himself out and realized that he’d need to be getting back to his date. A final glance at his phone, a depressed sigh and Finn trudged from the bathroom and back into the bar. Maybe it would be a good thing if Alexander didn’t get back to him? He was already on a date. Surely, he couldn’t just cancel this one... could he?

  “I thought you’d fallen in,” Anthony joked as Finn pulled up his seat and sat back down. “I was about to call a lifeguard,” he then chortled.

  “I did,” Finn joked back as pleasantly as he could. “But I’ve always been a good swimmer. The flush nearly got me... but I doggy paddled my way out.”

  Anthony was no Alexander. Heck, even if Alexander were a little chunkier than his photos, Finn was pretty sure than he’d still be head and shoulders above Anthony. There was just something annoying about Anthony now, something that Finn couldn’t get past. Everything he said and did seemed to frustrate or anger. And it wasn’t just his two chins, or his high-pitched laugh, or his boring stories about theater. It was... it was... Finn actually knew the exact reason why Anthony was getting to him so much, and that just annoyed him more!

  “So, Finn,” Anthony leaned forward on both his elbows, eyes wide and eager, thick lips moist and hungry. “Tell me. What are you looking for on Datematch?”

  Finn was actually looking for a serious relationship... as hard as that might be to believe. Growing up, Finn had always had a little trouble settling down. Some called him selfish, some called him a fuck-boy, and others just said he was picky. Whatever the terminology, the fact remained that Finn had never, not once, had a serious relationship. This was a pretty big deal when considering that he was thirty-five.

  But a lot had changed in Finn’s life lately. Not only was he getting older, but he had also started to connect with his twelve-year-old son, or at least he was trying to. In doing so, he’d come to realize that he was a little behind the eight-ball when it came to life experience and where he needed to be at his age. Worse too was that he was a life coach for a living, and he was sick of feeling hypocritical whenever he spoke to his clients.

  The obvious solve for this was to finally settle down. No more one-night stands. No more easy sex, or days spent swiping on Datematch or Tinder or wherever. He was going to go on real dates, meet with men he liked, and hopefully build a serious relationship. That was the plan anyway. One of the reasons he’s matched with Anthony in the first place was because he looked like a good type, the kind of guy that would be perfect for this.

  The problem was... well, the grass was always greener. Online dating offered up a smorgasbord of options, never ending, right at the tip of one’s fingers. Finn came into this date hoping that he’d be entranced by what was in front of him, but in the end the unknown stud vibrating in his pocket become a much more desirable lure.

  “Oh... I’m not trying to go into this sort of thing with labels,” Finn answered Anthony vaguely. “I like to meet someone, see if we get along and then go from there... you know?” He chuckled nervously, and then winked. God! He could not help himself.

  “Me too!” Anthony reached his soft, pudgy hand across the table and rested it on Finn’s. “Whatever that might be,” he finished suggestively.

  It was just as Anthony’s manicured hand graced the top of Finn’s, that he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket again. Again, it was a message from Datematch, and again it had to be Alexander. Most likely he was telling Finn he was free tonight, where he lived and what time he’d want to meet up.

  “I might get another drink,” Finn indicated to his empty glass. He was on the vodka lime and sodas, of course, and even though they did table service here he figured that standing at the bar might be a good chance to check his phone.

  “Oh! Okay, I’ll pop into the little boy’s room then. Meet you back here?” Anthony asked with
a cheeky grin.

  “Try and stop me,” Finn responded coolly.

  Anthony giggled as he jumped from his chair and skipped to the bathroom. Finn indicated to the waitress, quickly ordered another drink to be brought to his table, and then got about checking his phone. The timing was too good and if he played his cards right... well, this night might be taking a turn for the better very soon.

  That is a coincidence! We should really take advantage of it! I’m in Surry Hills. Where r u? And what time r u free? This message ended with a very suggestive emoji that had Finn feeling hot under the collar.

  Surry Hills. That was where he was right now. If he played this right, he could finish this date up within the hour and then meet Alexander without missing a beat.

  Finn glanced toward the toilets, saw that Anthony was still inside, and quickly sent a response – just a quick one, asking if he’d be free within the hour and explaining that he could meet in Surry Hills somewhere, Alexander’s choice. He then shoved his phone back in his pocket just as Anthony reappeared.

  The sight of Anthony waddling across the bar and toward him had Finn feeling a combination of extreme guilt and disgust... both at himself, and Anthony. Truly, Finn didn’t want to be doing this. And he hated himself for it. He had come on this date to have a good time and hopefully meet someone he liked... but that didn’t happen.

  And yes, Finn was very much aware that whatever was going to happen tonight with Alexander wasn’t going to be a long-term thing. Heck, he’d be surprised if they exchanged numbers. But just because Finn was looking for something serious, didn’t mean he couldn’t have some fun along the way too, right?

  “Sorry about that tinkle,” Anthony giggled as he sat back down. “I nearly didn’t make it.”

  “Lucky you did,” Finn joked along. “It would have been super embarrassing to have to call for a mop and bucket – but I also love a good date story, so I kind of wished it did happen.”

  “Savage!” Anthony howled in an over-the-top manner that Finn hated.

  If there was one thing Finn didn’t like about the gay scene, it was the “queen” gays, the ones that screeched and carried on in an over-the-top manner. There was just something so unappealing about them, so emasculating. Finn hadn’t always been gay, so to speak. When he was a teenager, he didn’t know what he was. He had just assumed he was straight because he was told to be. He’d even had a girlfriend in high school, and then another in college. But it had never felt right, which had led to a little bit of experimentation, and a lot of fun, and a huge realization in his mid-twenties. Now he was out in the open, with no regrets.

  “So... Anthony... tell me about yourself.” Finn leaned forward on the table and prepared himself for some small talk. He would keep this going for an hour, all the while coming up with an excuse to end the date early.

  “Oh, where to start!” And then Anthony launched into what had to be a rehearsed speech, complete with plenty of hand movements and eyelash batting.

  The date went for another forty-eight minutes. In that time, Finn managed to check his phone and respond two more times, setting up a place and time to meet Alexander. He had two more drinks too, so as to build enough courage to end the date with Anthony. And when that time did come, he did it rather easily, feigning a stomach cramp that might have also been something more.

  “Oh, no,” Anthony gasped sympathetically as Finn explained his ailment. “Is there anything I can do?”

  “Unfortunately, it’s best if I just go home and lie down. I get them all the time. They suck, but they don’t kill me at least. So, there’s that.” He then tried for a pitiful laugh and a groan as if he were in pain.

  Again, Finn felt terrible about all of this. He did his best to be gracious toward Anthony, and even promised a make-up date next week. They hugged, kissed on the cheek, and parted ways on good terms too, good enough so that Finn wouldn’t feel like the worst person that ever lived.

  But any guilt he felt evaporated the moment he checked his phone and saw that Alexander, the hottie, was on his way. This was going to be the date that made the night... and his next morning if things went well. Yes, Finn was searching for the one, and he knew one day he’d find him. But until then, he may as well have a little fun. Why else be single?

  Chapter Three

  “Hey, Mr. ‘skim latte two sugars.’ Haven’t seen you hear in a while. How ya been? Still writing that novel?” The hipster barista leaned across the counter to fist bump Austin’s hand. He grinned eagerly and nodded his head as he did so, like the two were old friends.

  “Oh... hey.” Austin kept his voice low and quickly fist bumped the barista. He had never known the guy’s name specifically, but had always liked him, and the two always engaged in a little small talk whenever he came in... with Freddy. “Yeah, still working on it,” he finished nervously.

  “Too good. So... what else has been going on?” The barista was a young guy, wearing large glass, with a shaved head, more tattoos than Austin cared to count and a ridiculously silly goatee.

  “Oh... this and that.” Austin offered a shy smile and quickly glanced around the café. He kept his head low as he did, careful not to be seen. “How much is that again?” he asked.

  “Right.” The barista rolled his eyes at himself. “The boss always tells me to serve first, chat later. But I can’t help it! I love to chat! That’s probably why I got into this – look at me go!” the barista slapped at his forehead and chuckled. “That’ll be $4.70.”

  Austin whipped his card out and held it to the POS system. When he heard it beep, he offered a quick, “Cheers,” and then scurried to the back of the café, careful to be hidden from view.

  Although the congenial nature of the barista had caught Austin by surprise, it had nothing to do with the way he was acting. Austin had sneaked into this cafe for a very specific purpose, and were it not considered rude to do so, he wouldn’t have even ordered a drink. He would have sat at the back, alone, and waited. But he thought that to be a tad arrogant, so he ordered himself the “usual” and then got to his hiding place.

  The cafe in question was a dive cafe called Scout’s Honor; the kind of place that looked like an abandoned construction site, turned eatery. The chairs were milk crates, the tables were old wooden boxes and the decor was whatever had been left behind by the previous owner. That was all part of the cafe's charm, and the reason it was so popular. That and the fact that their coffee was the best in the area.

  It also happened to be Freddy’s favorite cafe in all of Sydney... and his local cafe... and one that he visited every single morning, at the exact same time without fail.

  All right, so Austin was still stalking Freddy. He hadn’t meant to! Seriously, he’d just been unable to sleep the previous night on account of what he had seen. And then he’d just been going for a walk. And then he’d spotted Scout’s Honor, noticed what time it was and figured he may as well pop in and see if Freddy was there... and if his new squeeze was with him. For some reason, Austin thought that if he saw Freddy alone, without the new guy on his arm, then it meant it wasn’t serious and he’d be able to breathe again.

  And so, Austin sat hidden in the back corner, and when his coffee was ready, he hurried down and scooped it up – nodding his thanks to the overly friendly barista. He then hid himself again, making sure that the fake tree in the café covered him nicely. And then he waited... and waited a little longer... and did some more waiting. Freddy was late! Ten minutes late. Then fifteen! He was never late. Ever.

  The cause of his tardiness arrived some two minutes later, wrapped in-between Freddy’s arm like he was a part of the man. It was the same hottie from the previous night, the movie-star-like dreamboat that had stolen Freddy from him! The two floated into the cafe, laughing hysterically at whatever had been said. The moment Austin saw them, his heart tore itself from his chest and sprinted headfirst into the nearest wall, so as to smash itself into a million pieces.

  “... stop!” he heard the handsome
side-piece cackle at something Freddy had said.

  “I will not!” Freddy shot back with zest.” Lord, he was so perfect, and funny, and charming and clever and a whole host of other things that Austin couldn’t fathom. “Actually... I have to visit the bathroom. So, I'll give you a break from my sass. Order for me, will you?”

  “Too easy,” his side-piece said with a wink and smile.

  Austin stepped out a little from behind the tree as he watched Freddy disappear into the bathroom. Once he was gone, he turned his attention on Freddy’s new man, now at the counter ordering. He leaned over the counter as he spoke to the barista, and popped his cute little bubble butt—wearing black skinny jeans—out as if on purpose. He really was divine, and if Austin didn’t despise him so much, he might have even been into it.

  It was because of this distraction that when Freddy’s new man finished ordering, and then turned back to take the cafe in, Austin didn’t dart back behind the tree, or even just leave. Instead he remained where he was, watching and staring right up until the moment that they made eye contact.

  Austin’s eyes widened, but he didn’t move. He froze where he stood as Freddy’s man furrowed his brow in confusion, then smirked his sudden realization and waved at Austin. He waved like he knew him!

  “Oh, hey there.” Freddy’s side-piece sauntered right toward Austin, so confident, so cool. “I should have known you’d be here.”

  Austin’s mind raced as he tried to figure out what was going on. He took a sip of his coffee to try and act cool, he blinked a few times to focus, and then he muttered a very awkward. “Do I know you, sorry?” while looking at the man’s expensive sneakers.

  “It’s Charles.” Charles’ voice was smooth like velvet, and his eyes were dark green, mysterious and confident. “But you probably know me as ‘that hot guy fucking your ex.’ And yes, I threw hot in there purposefully. I just naturally assumed.”


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