'Til There Was You

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'Til There Was You Page 12

by Jerry Cole

  “Look at me,” Austin said with a half-chuckle.

  Freddy let Austin go, took and step back, put his hands on his hips and looked him up and down like he was assessing a new piece of art. He wore a sly smile on his thick lips, and his eyes danced as they worked up his body. “I’ll say,” he purred. “Have you been working out?”

  “Nope.” Austin didn’t want to see Freddy right now. And not because he was nervous, or not prepared. He just didn’t want to.

  “I mean, the clothes, obviously – stopped dressing at Target, I see.” His laugh was high-pitched, like nails on a chalk board. “And I love your hair.”

  “Thanks, Freddy. Trying something new, you know.” Austin glanced around the park, searching for Finn. He wanted this conversation to end. “So... how’s... whoever you’re seeing?”

  “Oh, single and ready to mingle,” Freddy cackled. “But you know me!” He paused, as if hoping Austin would add something, maybe even flirt a little. “What’s that?” he then asked, pointing the USB that Austin still held.

  “Oh.” Austin blinked again and looked down at the USB. “It’s my novel. I’m showing it to—”

  “Your book?!” Freddy exclaimed in shock. He even slapped both sides of his face as if trying to knock himself back into the moment. “You finished your book – how? When? Honestly, I thought you never would. Tell me everything!”

  It was just then that Austin spotted Finn, striding across the park and toward them. He hadn’t seen Austin yet, which was good as it gave Austin the upper hand. Without even thinking, or caring how rude he might have come off, Austin offered a slight, “I’ll see you around, Freddy,” and then strode right on past him.

  And as for Freddy? Austin had no idea. He didn’t turn back to see his ex’s reaction, or even worry about it. Without even trying, Freddy had become a thing of the past, less than a distant memory. How very strange.

  “Finn!” In the end, Austin decided he didn’t really care how he approached Finn, just that he did. He was eager. He was excited. So why not show it? “Hey!”

  “There he is!” Finn beamed at Austin when he saw him approach. He then looked over Austin’s shoulder and spotted Freddy still watching. “Who was that?”

  Austin reached Finn and slapped him on the arm. It wasn’t quite a handshake, and it wasn’t a hug. But it was something. “No one important,” Austin said truthfully. Then he pivoted to, “Honestly, I’m just shocked you’re here on time.”

  Finn rolled his eyes. “How long are you going to hold my feet to the flames on that one?”

  “Oh, at least two more times,” Austin continued seriously, like he actually meant it. “And every time you’re late after that, it’ll come back up. So, you’ve got some work to be doing, is what I’m saying – next time, arrive a day early. Just to be safe.”

  “And here I was, thinking that it was meant to be me teaching you.”

  “I charge by the hour, just so you know. Cash up front.”

  The two chuckled together, just enjoying the easy flow between them. So much had changed in the past two weeks, and both men could feel it. There was an electricity to their conversation, a vibrance that Austin rarely felt. Even at the height of his Freddy infatuation, he’d never felt this at ease around another man before.

  “Oh!” Austin suddenly remembered. “Guess what I have.” He held up the USB drive.

  “A piece of technology from 2010?” Finn joked. “You didn’t have any floppy disks lying around?”

  “It’s my novel, prick,” Austin joked. “I finished it.”

  Finn’s mouth literally dropped open he was so surprised. “What? How? You finished it? The whole thing? That novel you were working on for three years – how?!”

  “Because I’m that good.” Austin put his hands on his hips like Superman and looked into the distance. He then relaxed and waved Finn down. “Also, I actually sat down and started writing. It’s crazy what you can get done when you put the work in.”

  “Wild,” Finn agreed with a smirk. “So...” he gingerly reached for the USB. “Did you just bring this here to show me, or am I going to get to read it?”

  “Oh!” Austin handed him the USB. “But it’s only a first draft,” he said quickly. “Like, I still want to do a couple more – the entire middle section is sloppy as hell. I also need to do some edits after that, maybe get another pair of eyes on it – you know what.” Austin held his hand out for the USB. “Maybe I shouldn’t give it to you yet. It’s not—”

  “No, no.” Finn pocketed the drive before Austin could act. “This is mine now. You’re just going to have to hope it’s not complete trash,” he chided. “I might drop you as a client if it is.”

  “Shit.” Austin’s entire body sagged like he believed it. “Speaking of, what’s on for today, coach? I can’t believe it’s only our second session.”

  To this, Finn actually looked surprised. He furrowed his brow and scratched at his chin. “Fuck... you’re actually right.”

  “What? Did you forget?”

  “No, I just...” Finn’s eyes suddenly lit up. “You know what, class is cancelled for the day, how’s that?”

  “Huh?” In all honesty, this was the opposite of good news. Austin tried not to let it show. “What do you mean?”

  “I mean that in celebration for you finishing your book, I’m taking you out to dinner tonight instead.”

  Now, Austin had to concentrate so as not to look too excited or eager. “Dinner?” he tried casually. “Are you sure – you don’t have to...”

  “I told you, I take all my clients to dinner when they complete the first goal they set for themselves. You just finished yours a little faster than I was expecting... and a little faster than that.”

  “Oh... well...” Austin waved him down and scratched at the back of his head. He didn’t really know what to say.

  “Trust me, you’ll like it – you do like to eat, don’t you?”

  “Only when I’m in the mood for survival.”

  Dinner with Finn. He did remember Finn saying something about taking his clients to dinner when they first started this whole thing, but he hadn’t really thought about it since. And besides, this felt different somehow. Finn could say all he liked that it was standard practice, but Austin wasn’t' so sure. There was something in his tone, the way he was standing and that look in his eyes. This was more than just a regular dinner, Austin was sure of it.

  “So... what time are you picking me up?”

  Chapter Fourteen

  For the first time ever, Finn did an outfit change. That’s right, Finn Connor the playboy, the fuckboy, the serial dater put on an outfit for dinner, checked himself out, didn’t like it, and then changed into something else. It had never happened before as far as he could remember, and there was only one possible cause.

  “You are such a bitch,” Clarice sighed from the end of his bed. She was laying on her stomach, half flipping through her phone, half watching him as he got changed.

  “Fuck you,” Finn shot back as he pulled his shirt off and went for another – this time settling on a dark-green and black stripped short-sleeve button down shirt. It went better with his black jeans than the previous.

  “So witty,” Clarice said back with acid. “So very witty – make sure you bring that to dinner. Austin will be sucking your cock in no time.”

  “No, he won’t be – this isn’t about that.” With the shirt on, Finn went for a new pair of shoes to the ones he was wearing. He’d had on a pair of sneakers, but decided on some boots as they were a little classier.

  “Sure, sure. But I have one very serious question.” Clarice sat herself up, put her phone away and turned all her attention onto Finn. “Did you or did you not shave and trim your pubes – be honest?” She raised an accusatory eyebrow at Finn. Finn scowled and looked away in shame. “I knew it! I fucking knew it!”

  Clarice didn’t know shit. The only reason Finn was changing his clothes was because he was going to a nice restaurant and di
dn’t want to look out of place. And the only reason he had manscaped was because he might get a match later that might lead to a date. And the only reason he was feeling nervous and excited at the same time was because... because... because he was hungry and wanted to eat? Maybe... but probably not.

  Finn didn’t know what the fuck was going on. Truly, he didn’t. He had dinner with Austin in thirty minutes, the same dinner he’d had with dozens of clients before, yet this one was different for so many reasons.

  Firstly, there was Austin himself. The two got along famously, so good in fact that Finn actually enjoyed seeing and being around him. Secondly, there was that feeling Finn got whenever he saw or even thought of the guy. It was similar to how he felt the moment he knew he was going to sleep with someone new, when that kinetic energy began to build within him to such a degree that he thought he might explode. It was just like that... only somehow different.

  Thirdly, and perhaps most importantly, Finn was pretty sure that Austin had a crush on him. The kid wasn’t very good at hiding his feelings, and the way he looked at Finn every time he spoke, the way he laughed at his jokes, or looked for reasons to touch him, spoke volumes to his feelings and his intent. Austin wanted Finn. Finn just wished he knew what he wanted.

  “Do you have a bouquet?” Clarice joked.

  “Not that I care... but how do I look?” Finn asked when he was finally done. He knew he looked good too. With the dark shirt, dark jeans and dark boots, not to mention his hair, tattoos and everything else he was working with, he was looking fine. But still...

  “Yum,” Clarice agreed. “Someone is getting laid tonight—”

  “Will you shut the fuck up!”

  Dinner was scheduled for eight o’clock at a restaurant called Jazushi – a sushi bar that had the setting of a fifties Jazz club. The food was delicious, the vibe was even better, and the company was... well, it was bound to be the best part. Finn, master of the late arrival, actually got there early this time. He wanted to be able to settle in and have a drink, calm himself, assess what he wanted to get out of tonight.

  But of course, when he walked in the door some ten minutes early, Austin was already there, seated at a table in the very back, looking even more delicious than anything on the menu.

  “You’re early,” he cooed as Finn headed over. The lighting was dim, there was a light mist in the air from the incense candles that burned, and the music was a vibe. “Trying to impress me?”

  “Yeah, that’s why.” Finn rolled his eyes as he sat down. “That’s all I try and do now.”

  Austin was looking good, and Finn wasn’t at all ashamed to admit it. He too was dressed in dark colors, but opted for a more casual approach; a black t-shirt, black jeans and his buckwheat colored Nikes. His blond hair was slicked back, his blue eyes seemed to pop in the candlelight and his teeth seemed bigger and whiter than usual. He was looking hot.

  “Nice place though.” Austin indicated the restaurant. “Jazz-sushi fusion, who would have guessed? You bring all your clients here?”

  “Every single one,” Finn said decidedly. For some reason he needed Austin to know that this was all business. There couldn’t be any misunderstandings.

  “Good to know.” Austin half-smiled as he picked up the drink menu. “We’re drinking tonight, though, yes? And it’s on you -- just making sure before I order the most expensive drink on the menu.”

  Finn hated how funny Austin could be. “Yes, it’s on me,” he laughed. “When they offer you the deed to the place though, I’d appreciate it if you turned it down. Money is a bit tight at the moment.”

  “All right... so I also shouldn’t order the gold encrusted lobster? With a side of gems?”

  “Unless you really had your heart set on it...” Finn pretend as if it were a real question. “... then I suppose you can – but you better eat the whole damn thing.”

  Austin bit into his lip in thought. “You know what? I’ll stick with the gin and diet-tonics. And maybe just some sushi?”

  “How very controlled of you,” Finn winked... and then cursed. He was already starting to flirt, and the drinks hadn’t even started flowing. Somehow, he was pretty sure that tonight was going to end in the exact fashion he didn’t want it to... even though he actually did.

  The next two hours of the night was an exercise in self-restraint. Finn and Austin ordered some drinks, and then some more, and then some more. On top of this they ordered plenty of sushi, all shared, all interesting and all providing plenty of opportunities for banter. They fought over pieces with their chopsticks, they joked about raw fish and prawns that still had the entrails in them, and they laughed at just about anything the other said.

  But as this perfect dinner went on, Finn made sure to monitor his self-control. If this were a date, it would have been two drinks in when he moved from across the table to sit next to Austin. It would have only been one more drink that saw him escalate to touching and a little bit of petting. And by the time the food arrived, Finn probably would have hinted very heavily how he expected this night to end. That was just how Finn was on dates.

  This wasn’t a date though. So, Finn remained on the other side of the table. He kept his hands to himself. And he kept his wicked tongue under wraps. And as a result? The two men ended in having a really good time.

  “... it’s not about that!” Austin argued with Finn about half-way through the dinner. He had a piece of sushi held up to his mouth, but was too busy to take a bite. “I don’t give a shit about special effects.”

  “But you have to admit, they add to the experience,” Finn countered. He then reached across the table, yanked the sushi from out of Austin’s chopsticks and plopped it in his mouth.

  Austin pretended not to notice. “They do, but only if the story is good enough. The special effects might be the best in the world, but if I’m bored then I’m bored. And that’s exactly what happened – three hours long. Give me a break.” He rolled his eyes and picked at another piece of sushi.

  “So, you didn’t like the movie is what you’re saying?”

  “Not as much as you, clearly.” Austin smirked and kept eye contact as he reached for his drink and threw it back in one mouthful. Finn eyed that mouth, those lips, as he swallowed.... fuck.

  The whole night was like that. It was good banter and better food, laced with innocent flirting and suggestive conversation. But it never got out of control, and that’s what was important. Finn needed it to stay neutral so that when the night ended, he could say goodnight and go home without feeling guilty, like he led Austin on. That was the plan anyway.

  But then the night did end and Finn realized something: he didn’t want it to. The restaurant was closing, the drinks had stopped, the night was technically done with, yet Finn was nowhere near ready for that to be the case. He suddenly realized that he wouldn’t be seeing Austin for a whole week after this and that would not do.

  He also realized that he was fighting a losing battle, and one he didn’t even want to win. He liked being around Austin. He liked being with him. And he didn’t just want to have sex and leave the guy. In fact, he was almost sure that if the two did have sex, Finn would want to see him again. It was the strangest of feelings... but it felt right.

  “What’s your plans now?” Finn asked casually as the two exited the restaurant. Neither of them had made mention of what was happening after dinner, as if waiting and hoping the other might instead.

  “Oh... no plans,” Austin shrugged. He was clearly nervous, but that just made him look even cuter. “You?”

  “None.” Finn’s heart was hammering inside his chest. He never felt this way. Ever! Especially in regard to inviting someone home with him. “I was thinking... do you want another drink?”

  “Yeah, for sure!” Austin said eagerly, before quickly realigning himself. “Where were you thinking?”

  “My — my house...” Finn half-smiled as his eyes connected with Austin’s. There was an implication to the look he gave him, a suggestion t
hat this was about more than just a drink.

  “Oh... yeah... definitely...” Austin blushed furiously, but maintained eye contact. “Let’s do it.”

  And so, they did.

  The plan was to have a drink, maybe two and then go from there. Finn knew what he had expected, but wasn’t sure if it would happen. Maybe the sizzle would die out and Austin would elect to go home? Maybe they’d talk into the night and then call it before either embarrassed themselves in any way. Or maybe they would drink a little, decide to quit while they were ahead and then end the night there. None of these were even close.

  The two men were barely through the front door when they started up. Finn stepped in first, then turned back and waved Austin in, all while giving him a fake tour of the apartment. It was an extension of the conversation they’d been having in the taxi, about how lucky Austin was to be getting the tour. Their knees had been touching during this taxi ride too and Finn could just about feel the blood coursing through Austin’s veins.

  And so, he stepped into the apartment, turned back and Austin threw himself at him. Or was it he that grabbed Austin and pulled him in? He actually couldn’t remember. All he knew was that they were in his apartment for less than a moment before the two men became one.

  Straight away, Finn went for that cock. It had been on his mind since the hand-job in the bar and he wanted it more than he’d wanted anything in his life. His hands were quick to undo Austin’s pants; buckle and fly both. He then grabbed them and yanked them down, with his boxers, so that Austin’s raging boner stood straight up like a flagpole.

  “Dang,” Finn growled as he wrapped his hand around Austin’s member. “I’d almost forgotten,” he then whispered as he gave it a squeeze. Doing so had Austin moaning his pleasure, which only turned Finn on more.

  Fucking hell, Austin did have a piece on him. It was a solid nine inches in length, thick, meaty and hard. He gripped it at the base, barely being able to even wrap his hand around the whole thing. He then slowly moved his hand upward toward the exposed tip, and just as he was about to reach it, he pulled his hand back, licked the tips of his fingers and gently started to massage the head.


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