The Captive Series 1-5

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The Captive Series 1-5 Page 29

by Erica Stevens

  "We'll stay together, right?" she asked worriedly.


  "That's all that matters then."

  His hands clenched around her, he would try to give her the moon if she asked for it, but she had never asked much of him. She didn't require money and jewels, didn't like fancy clothes, she merely desired safety, a place to call home, and him.

  Unfortunately, he couldn't give her those things right now. One day he would, he promised himself. The woods gave way to reveal a house within the center of the clearing. The light blazing from the windows illuminated the ground around it.

  Arianna's eyes were full of admiration as she gazed at it. Her hands curled in his shirt as she stared at the house. It was on stilts, high up in the air, and parts of it were built into the trees surrounding the clearing. The sides were all clapboard, though parts of it looked far more weathered than others. The house had been built onto since the last time Braith saw it. It disappeared into the woods behind it now, spreading outward in a ramble of buildings and rooms.

  Someone had been busy.

  "Wow," Arianna breathed.

  She wiggled in his arms, and this time he allowed her to drop to her feet. Her rosebud mouth formed a small O as she drank in the sight of the tree house before them. She was most comfortable amongst the trees; this was something spectacular and marvelous to her.

  "What is this place?" she asked.

  Braith stared at the growing ensemble of buildings and hallways connecting them. "It belonged to my mother's family originally."

  "And now?"

  "And now it belongs to my brother in law."

  Arianna's mouth dropped as she turned back to the tree house.

  "Where is your sister?" she inquired.

  "You met Natasha when you first arrived in the palace. She didn't leave the palace when Ashby was placed here."

  "Not even for her husband?"

  Braith slipped his hand into Arianna's and pulled her closer to him. "Not all relationships are like this, Arianna; not everyone chooses their partner. Natasha and Ashby were forced together by their families. Natasha is spoiled, rich, and well accustomed to the lap of luxury. Even if she had come to care for Ashby during their time together, she would never leave that behind for him. She wouldn't leave it behind for anyone."

  "You left it for me," she managed in a choked voice.

  He nodded as he stroked her cheek. "I'd do anything for you."

  A single tear slipped free. He brushed it away before bending to kiss her.

  "Why was Ashby put here?" she asked, her voice choked with emotion.

  Braith focused on the ramshackle buildings of the tree house. "During the war with the humans, Ashby's family took the side of the humans. As punishment, they were all slaughtered, but Ashby was sent to live in exile here, where he was to stay alone, and to starve. Though it appears he decided to add even more buildings to the original structure."

  "Why was he kept alive?"

  "My father felt this would be a better punishment for him. No luxury, no ready human blood, and no women. Ashby was well known for his love of women and blood. All people and vampires within the area were ordered to stay away. There used to be guards here, but they seem to have disappeared, and I have a feeling Ashby is not as weak and deprived as my father intended. At one time the guards reported he was so famished and decimated he was incapable of movement."

  Apprehension flashed over Arianna's face; she glanced sharply back at the buildings.

  "I won't let him anywhere near you, Arianna," he vowed.

  She nodded but still looked nervous. "Why wouldn't they come here to look for you, if it was your mother's home?"

  A shadow passed in front of one of the curtained windows as it moved across the room. Braith stiffened as he watched Ashby walk through the house. His gate and purposeful stride proved what Braith already suspected; Ashby was no longer too weak to be a threat.

  "Because Ashby is the reason I was blinded."

  Arianna inhaled sharply, her eyes bright in the radiance of the moon. "Braith..."

  He took her hand and brought her closer to him. Pulling her hair forward, he draped its thick waves around her neck, trying to mask the scent of her blood, though the sweet smell was impossible to miss. There was little to cover her with though as the summer months didn't allow for much extra clothing.

  Though it appeared Ashby had been feeding, Braith didn't know how well or the last time. Arianna was a temptation he wasn't sure Ashby wouldn't go after. And Braith didn't want to have to kill him, at least not immediately.

  "Come,” Braith said.

  She followed behind him, both her hands clasped around his as a tremor ran through her. He led her up a set of rickety steps, clenching his jaw as the creaking of them made it nearly impossible to keep their presence unknown.

  The stairs swayed as they stepped off them and onto a wobbly deck. He wasn't entirely sure it would hold up beneath their weights, and Braith wouldn't be surprised to discover Ashby had set up booby traps.

  When Arianna tried to walk beside him, he pushed her back with an admonishment to walk where he had. She frowned fiercely at him, but for once didn't argue.

  Braith wondered again where the guards were. He should have left Arianna in the woods, but even if he couldn't sense the guards, that didn't mean they weren't still out there. He couldn't take the chance with her life. He held his arm out, keeping her behind him as he tried the knob. He wasn't surprised to find it locked.

  He waited for a moment, trying to decide if he should break in or knock. He glanced back at Arianna, she was biting her bottom her lip, and sweat had begun to form along her hairline. He squeezed her hand for reassurance, but he could tell it did little to appease her.

  In the end, he decided to knock. There was something about this situation he found strange and offsetting, but for some reason, he felt knocking might be the bigger element of surprise here.

  He listened to the thud of approaching footsteps; a faint whistling pierced the air. For a second, Braith was thrown back to a time when they all lived together in the palace. Ashby had always whistled, not a loud piercing whistle, but a musical rhythm that drifted cheerfully through the halls.

  It had been lively and carefree, as upbeat and easygoing as the man who issued it. All the women had loved Ashby; they’d thrown themselves at his feet, enchanted by his good looks, and charming demeanor.

  Now that whistle drifted through the air, lazy and casual, not at all the sound a prisoner fighting for their lives should make, The whistle set Braith's teeth on edge. The two of them had once been good friends—more than brothers-in-law.

  Then, Ashby betrayed them, Braith was blinded, and their friendship forever severed. Ashby was supposed to be punished for his betrayal, but it was obvious he wasn’t serving that punishment anymore.

  The door flung open, and Braith came face to face with the man who was once his best friend and now one of his greatest enemies. Ashby was grinning stupidly; his eyes bright with merriment before reality sank in.

  He looked much as Braith remembered; not wasted away, not starved, and actually appeared to be a little heavier than he’d been in the palace.

  Then, Ashby's grin faded as disbelief, alarm, and finally, terror flitted over his face. Braith was moving forward even as Ashby was trying to slam the door shut. The solid door bounced off his hand and slammed back against the wall with a loud crash that shattered wood and caused Arianna to gasp. Scrambling backward, Ashby tried to escape, but Braith seized him by the throat, lifted him up, and smashed him into the wall with enough force to shatter the plaster.

  He hadn't seen Ashby in a hundred years, but the knife of betrayal stabbing through him was as fresh as back then. This had been a bad idea. Braith had come here knowing no one would look for him here; he’d come here thinking Ashby may still have contacts who would help him keep Arianna safe. He had come here expecting Ashby to be paying for his sins, not thoroughly enjoying his life.

bsp; The full force of his hatred for Ashby slammed into him, and all his reasons for being here vanished in an instant.

  Now he just wanted to kill him. Ashby's bright green eyes filled with terror, his hands clawed at Braith's arm as he tried to dislodge Braith's brutal grip. His heels kicked against the wall as a choked grunt escaped him. Braith's fangs extended; he pressed his face closer to Ashby's and enjoyed the growing fear radiating from him.

  "Hello, brother," Braith sneered.

  Ashby choked; his movements became wilder as Braith pressed down remorselessly.

  "Braith." Arianna's stunned whisper barely pierced his fury. He turned toward her, trying to make her out through the red haze blurring his vision. "Braith."

  Braith clenched down more forcefully and then eased his grip. Arianna knew what he was capable of, but he couldn't bring himself to kill in cold blood in front of her.

  He may kill Ashby later, but he would require more of an excuse than the fact his ex-brother-in-law had opened the door. He shoved Ashby roughly back as he stepped away from him.

  Ashby's hand went to his throat. When he staggered away from the wall, he stared at Braith. Arianna stood back with her bow at her side. He hadn't realized she’d pulled it out until now, and she wasn't going to put it away if the stubborn set of her jaw meant anything. She stared defiantly back at him before her angry gaze slid to Ashby.

  Ashby's forehead furrowed as his attention drifted to Arianna. Then, his gaze raked her from head to toe. The confusion in his bright green eyes was apparent as he turned back to Braith.

  "Where are the guards?" Braith inquired his voice low and ferocious.

  Ashby swallowed and rubbed his throat again, but he didn't speak. Braith grabbed his shoulders, slammed him off the wall and shook him roughly. Ashby staggered but quickly caught his balance. His lips curled into a sneer, his fangs extended but he didn't come at Braith, he was too smart for that. Braith was older, stronger, and well sated.

  "Where are the guards?" Braith demanded again.

  Ashby straightened his shoulders and fixed his shirt as he stepped away from the wall. He’d always been meticulously dressed and groomed.

  "Dead," Ashby stated.

  Braith nodded as he glanced around the large room, he’d expected that answer.

  His mother's family once had the home finely appointed with classical furniture and works of art. All those things were stripped from the house when Ashby was banished here.

  Now, though the room was still mostly bare, Braith wasn’t surprised to see Ashby had managed to find a few things to decorate it. Ashby had always appreciated the finer things in life; he would find a way to incorporate them into his home.

  "Who speaks with the guards from the palace when they call?" Braith asked.

  "I do,” Ashby said,

  "So you discovered the code word and killed them."

  It hadn’t been a question, but Ashby answered anyway. "Yes."

  "When will someone from the palace be getting into contact again?"

  "Not until tomorrow morning. They checked in about an hour ago. I won't tell you the password."

  Braith hadn't thought he would. Ashby would stay alive for as long as it was necessary.

  When Ashby's gaze slid back toward Arianna, Braith stepped in between them.

  "She's human,” Ashby said.

  "Very astute of you," Braith retorted.

  Ashby's eyes narrowed on Braith. "Why are you here, Braith? What are you doing with a human? Why isn’t she wearing a leash?"

  Arianna bristled as she stepped forward. "I am not a blood slave."

  “Arianna." Braith pushed her back as he tried to keep her as far from Ashby as possible.

  Ashby studied her in surprise and disbelief. Then his gaze drifted to her shoulder. Her loose shirt had slid down to reveal the bite marks marring her porcelain skin. Hunger flashed through his eyes, but something even more flitted over his features.

  "You're not a blood slave, and you're not a palace woman, yet you nurture him?" Ashby inquired.

  Arianna's hands twitched on her bow. Braith wouldn't put it past her to draw an arrow and shoot Ashby just to make herself feel better. He pulled the collar of her shirt up and briefly stroked her skin before he covered the marks. Her eyes fired with love, and a smile curved her mouth.

  "How did you know her shirt was down?" Ashby blurted.

  Braith turned back to Ashby, a small smile curving his lips. Ashby's mouth dropped, and his eyes widened as realization staggered him.

  "You can see!" Ashby cried.

  Braith just shrugged in response.

  "What? How? I don't understand." Ashby's attention turned back to Arianna; his dark blond hair spilled across his forehead as he shook his head. "I thought your eyesight was gone for good."

  "Do you have a place where she can lie down?" Braith inquired, unwilling to ease some of Ashby's curiosity.

  "I'm not leaving you," Arianna protested.

  "You're exhausted."

  "I'm fine, Braith."


  "No, I am not leaving you alone with him!" she retorted.

  "What the hell?" Ashby whispered as his head bounced back and forth like a ping-pong ball between them.

  "Shut up!" Braith snapped at him. "Arianna—"

  "I'm fine, Braith. I slept on the way here, remember. I don't want to leave you alone, or be alone right now."

  Her response was so honest that it tugged at his heart. He didn't like her anywhere near Ashby, but he couldn't force her away. Especially not when he realized that beneath her defiant expression and posture, she was terrified.

  "Sit down,” he said.

  He wasn't surprised when she didn't move but stood with her hands clenched around the bow.

  "Jesus," Ashby muttered. "What is going on, Braith? Why are you here? And what is she to you?"

  "That's not your concern," Braith informed him. "Who were you expecting?"

  "I don't know what you mean," Ashby replied, trying to appear nonchalant but failing miserably.

  "You were whistling when you opened the door, and you weren't worried there may be a threat on the other side. Who were you expecting?"

  Ashby tilted his chin to glare at Braith. "You have your secrets, and I have mine," he responded crisply.

  "I have my secrets but I can, and will, tear your eyes out." Braith pressed him firmly against the wall. "I already owe you one, Ashby; you think I won't take great pleasure in blinding you before drawing out your death."

  Ashby turned toward Arianna; his brows quirked upward. "She doesn't look too pleased with that notion."

  "I don't have to watch," Arianna informed him tautly.

  Braith gave her an approving nod before turning his attention back to Ashby. The knock on the door snapped all their heads around. Ashby opened his mouth to shout a warning, but Braith seized his throat and cut off his cry.

  Before Ashby could react, Braith delivered a crushing blow that immediately knocked him out. Arianna gaped at him. Braith placed his finger on his lip, directing her to remain silent as he made his way to the door. He heard the arrow nocking against the bow, but he didn't look back.

  He pulled aside the curtain a little. He couldn't see who was on the porch, but he was satisfied it was only one person. He threw the door open, not at all surprised to see a girl standing outside. She was, however, surprised to see him. A small cry escaped her as Braith seized her arm and jerked her into the house.

  Chapter Twelve

  Aria sat on the edge of the couch with her hands clasped before her, but she could grab the bow and quiver by her feet in an instant. Ashby was holding a rag to his cut lip. Aria leaned forward, not liking the look in Ashby's bright green eyes as he watched Braith.

  He was exceptionally good looking in an easy going, charming way. His shaggy, dark blond hair fell forward in waves across the chiseled planes of his face. There was an air of indifference surrounding him, yet Aria sensed something more to him, something that
even Braith didn't know about him. Something Ashby had managed to keep hidden from everyone who knew him.

  She didn't know why she was so convinced of this; perhaps it was years of learning to read people within the forest. But she couldn't shake the feeling there was far more to Ashby than met the eye.

  The young girl sat across from him; her brown eyes darted frantically around as she watched them. She was pretty, with dark hair that fell in thick waves about her delicate shoulders. Older than Aria, she was about twenty-two or three. Though there was no way to know her real age, as she wasn’t human. Something made clear when she attempted to attack Braith, only to be quickly rebuffed.

  He’d tied her hands behind her back, then secured her to a beam in the ceiling with enough rope to let her keep her hands down. Another length of rope bound her legs and ran to a different beam. Aria was edgy, nervous about this situation, uncertain as to what they were doing here, and what Braith planned for these two.

  Ashby appeared as uncertain as he watched Braith suspiciously. "What have you gotten yourself into, Braith?" he inquired.

  "I don't see how that is any of your concern,” Braith replied.

  She felt the spark of curiosity racing through Ashby as his eyes raked over her again. Aria hated the way he continued to look at her like she was something to eat or an oddity he couldn't explain. Aria forced herself not to squirm under his scrutiny and to return his gaze.

  "You've come to me, Braith; that makes it my concern. You have brought whatever trouble you are in into my world. I have a right to know what it is."

  Braith turned to him, but his jaw was taut, and Aria knew he wasn’t going to talk to Ashby. She was as curious as Ashby, just as puzzled as to what Braith planned, but if Braith was unwilling to say it in front of Ashby, then she wasn't going to press him.

  "This isn't your world, Ashby, it's your prison. Or at least it was supposed to be. Who is the girl?" Braith asked.

  "Who is your girl?" Ashby retorted.


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