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by Jack Hurst

  40 Cozzens, Shipwreck, 246–248; O. R. (1), vol. 31, pt. 2, 68.

  41 Cozzens, Shipwreck, 246–248; Johnson and Buel, Battles and Leaders, 3:724; Simon, Papers of U. S. Grant, 9:447n; O. R. (1), vol. 31, pt. 2, 68.

  42 Cozzens, Shipwreck, 259. The 45 percent angle of ascent comes from War Department official Charles Dana, O. R. (1), vol. 31, pt. 2, 68.

  43 Grant, Memoirs, 358n; Cozzens, Shipwreck, 260.

  44 Cozzens, Shipwreck, 261.

  45 Ibid., 249–255.

  46 Ibid., 262, 392; Johnson and Buel, Battles and Leaders, 3:723; Grant, Memoirs , 357.

  47 Cozzens, Shipwreck, 258, 265; O. R. (1), vol. 31, pt. 2, 276.

  48 Cozzens, Shipwreck, 273.

  49 Ibid., 272–276.

  50 O. R. (1), vol. 31, pt. 2, 278.

  51 Cozzens, Shipwreck, 286, 282.

  52 O. R. (1), vol. 31, pt. 2, 282, 275–276, 278.

  53 Ibid., 69.

  54 Ibid.

  55 Simon, Papers of U. S. Grant, 9:440, 454n, 449.

  56 O. R. (1), vol. 31, pt. 2, 45; Cozzens, Shipwreck, 353, 364, 365.

  57 Cozzens, Shipwreck, 369–384.

  58 O. R. (1), vol. 31, pt. 2, 49; Simon, Papers of U. S. Grant, 9:564.

  59 Simon, Papers of U. S. Grant, 9:474n; O. R. (1), vol. 31, pt. 3, 297.

  60 Cozzens, Shipwreck, 387.

  61 Cozzens, Shipwreck, 389; O. R. (1), vol. 31, pt. 2, 36; Faust, Historical Times Illustrated Encyclopedia of the Civil War, 421.

  62 Simon, Papers of U. S. Grant, 9:503–504n.

  63 Simon, Papers of U. S. Grant, 9:522n, 541.

  64 Ibid., 502n.

  65 Ibid., 397–398n.

  66 Ibid., 475n, 476n.

  67 Ibid.

  68 Ibid., 476n. Major General David Hunter, who also visited Grant at this time, reported to Halleck on December 14 that he “saw [Grant] almost every moment, except when sleeping, of the three weeks I spent in Chattanooga. I mention these, to you otherwise very unimportant facts, to show you that I had a first-rate opportunity of judging of the man. He is a hard worker, writes his own dispatches and orders, and does his own thinking. He is modest, quiet, never swears, and seldom drinks, as he only took two drinks during the three weeks I was with him. He listens quietly to the opinions of others and then judges promptly for himself; and he is very prompt in the field to avail himself of all the errors of the enemy. He is certainly a good judge of men.” Lagow submitted his resignation on November 18.


  1 See Dan T. Carter, When the War Was Over (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1985), 9, for Forrest’s reaction to the appeal to continue fighting. For the Klan tactics’ similarity to prewar intimidation in Tennessee, see Derek Frisby, “The Vortex of Secession: West Tennesseans and the Rush to War,” in Sister States, Enemy States: The Civil War in Kentucky and Tennessee, edited by Kent Dollar, Larry Whiteaker, and W. Calvin Dickinson (Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 2009), 46–71; and James B. Jones Jr., “The Reign of Terror of the Safety Committee Has Passed Away Forever”: A History of the Committees of Safety and Vigilance in West and Middle Tennessee (Nashville: Tennessee Historical Commission, 2010).

  2 Memphis Daily Appeal, July 6, 1875, 1.

  3 Wyeth, Life of General Nathan Bedford Forrest, 621.

  4 Smith, Grant, 627–628; Edmund Wilson, Patriotic Gore: Studies in the Literature of the Civil War (New York: Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 1962), 138–139.



  Atlanta Southern Confederacy

  Chicago Tribune

  Memphis Daily Appeal

  Memphis Eagle & Enquirer

  Montgomery Daily Mail


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  Abbeville, Mississippi

  Adams, Daniel

  Adams, Wirt

  African Americans

  Forrest’s slaughter of

  whipping black soldiers

  See also Slaves and slavery

  Alcohol. See Drunkenness, Grant’s

  Ammen, Jacob

  Amphibious approach at Vicksburg

  Anderson, Charles W.

  Anderson, James Patton

  Antietam Creek, Battle of

  Anti-Semitism, Grant’s

  Appler, Jesse

  Arkansas Post assault

  Armstrong, Frank

  Avery, Isaac

  Baird, Absalom

  Banks, Nathaniel

  Baton Rouge, Louisiana

  Baxter, Nat, Jr.

  Baxter’s Bayou

  Beauregard, Pierre Gustave Toutant (fig.)

  Bragg succeeding

  Confederate retreat from Pittsburg Landing


  defending Union expansion to the north and west

  Emancipation Proclamation


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