Black Butterfly

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Black Butterfly Page 4

by Tiffany Patterson

  “Without further ado, welcome to the stage, performing to MJ’s Dirty Diana, the beautiful, the talented, the incredible, JAZMINE Noooiiiiir!!!” Coco shouted loudly as the audience clapped.

  “Oh shoot, I thought you were sprung before. She’s dancing to Michael Jackson? He’s a goner,” Hwan announced to the table. “Our boy Andre over here loves himself some Michael Jackson,” Hwan said in response to the confusion on Mercedes’ face.

  “Yeah, he still takes off work on August 29th, MJ’s birthday,” Nikola smirked.

  “That’s because he was a God among men. Now, shut up while the King is singing,” Andre barked at the table as the opening chords of the song began to play. He barely registered the snickers from the group as his senses were awakened not only by the music, but the figure emerging from behind the curtain.

  Andre’s heart nearly stopped when Stacey appeared on stage in a sky blue corset and bustle skirt set, paired with black peep-toe heels, black silk gloves that extended up to her elbow, and black stockings that reached mid-thigh and were connected by a garter belt to her corset.

  Andre let his eyes roam over her creamy brown thighs as she floated across the stage. She had the grace of a gazelle, each move performed precisely but looking as if it took the least bit of effort. When she whipped those long twists around and rose up, her hands on the buttons of the corset, Andre felt his heart rate increase. He was torn between wanting to see more of her smooth skin and wanting to hide her from everyone in the audience. Andre’s hand unconsciously clenched into fists each time the crowd roared or some randy male audience member called out “take it off.”

  The shouts of the crowd were overshadowed when Stacey removed her corset and threw it across the stage. Andre felt his arousal growing and had to shift in his seat. By the time Stacey’s set ended, Andre was halfway out of his seat, adjusting himself as he stood so his partial erection wasn’t obvious to the table.

  “Where are you going?” Hwan asked.

  “I’ll be back.” Andre didn’t have an answer for where he was going or what he was going to do once he got there. He just needed to see Stacey.

  “Whoa, whoa, young man where do you think you’re going?” Andre found himself confronted by Mistress Coco as he attempted to enter the hallway he was told led to the changing rooms.

  “I need to see Stac--uh Jazmine,” he gave by way of explanation.

  “And you think you can strut around my club without permission,” she said folding her arms over her chest.

  Yes, Andre thought, but figured it was best not to say out loud.

  “I’ll be quick. I just wanted to compliment her on a performance well done,” he explained, giving Mistress Coco a grin he knew most women couldn’t resist. “I won’t be more than two, maybe three minutes. Promise.” He threw her a wink, turning up the charm.

  “Uh huh.” Coco eyed him wearily. “Down the hall, second door on the right is my office. I’ll let her know you’re waiting,” she said as she turned and proceeded down the hall.

  Andre swore he heard her mumble something about “all she does for Iris and her pushy ass sons,” but decided it was best not to ask her about it.

  He strolled down the hallway, admiring the visuals of past burlesque performers on the walls. When he arrived at Coco’s office, he took in the sight of the various posters of performers he knew who performed regularly at the Black Kitty. Among them were Mercedes, Devyn and Stacey’s pictures, all the women posing in one of their performance costumes. Andre paced in the office for a few minutes as he waited, stuffing his hands in his pockets as his anticipation to see Stacey built. Within minutes, he heard the door creak open.

  “Holy shit,” he mumbled out.

  Stacey was dressed in a pair of fishnet stockings and cream-colored short shorts that were covered in shiny rhinestones. The shorts hugged her firm upper thighs to perfection. The shorts had lace ruffling and were accompanied by a half-shirt that showed a considerable amount of cleavage. The shirt was also covered in rhinestones and around the back, a pair of fairy wings were attached. It showed off her flat, toned stomach to perfection. Her twists were now in a braid resting over her shoulder.

  Andre’s feet moved on their own accord. “You were amazing,” he said reverently.

  Stacey dipped her head and cleared her throat. “Thank you. What are you doing here?” she questioned looking back up at him.

  “I wanted to tell you how wonderful you were out there,” he said, stepping closer. “And to tell you I can’t wait to get a play-by-play of your private.”

  Stacey’s eyes widened before she placed her hands on her hips, and cocked her head to the side. “In private? What makes you th--”

  “I don’t think. I know.” Andre stepped into Stacey’s space and trailed his finger down the bridge of her nose. He felt her shiver at the contact. He had to resist the urge to cover her lips with his. He knew if he did that there was no way she was going to make it to her next performance.

  “Tomorrow night. Dinner,” he said pulling back slightly from her. He didn’t want to ask to give her a chance to say no.

  “I-I can’t,” Stacey said stuttering.

  Andre lifted a questioning eyebrow. “Can’t?”

  “Yes. Can’t.”

  “You have plans already?”


  Andre smiled mischievously, stepping closer. “I like you.” He smiled at his own admission. “I have no doubt you’d keep a man on his toes. What’s so important you can’t have dinner with me tomorrow night? I know it’s not your date from the other week.”

  Stacey’s perfectly sculpted eyebrows lowered. “And what makes you so certain?”

  Andre’s mirthful chuckle sounded around the room. “Because I know you’re not turning down a date with me for a night out with him.” He shook his head as if the thought were completely ridiculous.

  Stacey’s mouth opened in shock at how sure of himself he was. “Cocky much?”

  “In more ways than one.” He responded without hesitation.

  Stacey lowered her head, not wanting him to see the smile she tried to hide. Andre didn’t miss it, however. “Not that it’s any of your business, but no. I have to study. I have a few assignments due this weekend,” she said, folding her arms across her breasts.

  Andre raised an eyebrow at her admission. “Studying? You’re in school?”

  “For what?” he asked when Stacey nodded.

  “Nosy aren’t you?”

  “Answer the question, babe.”

  “I’m getting my BSW and MSW.”

  “Social Work?”

  “Yup.” Stacey smiled with pride.

  Her smile made something akin to butterflies flutter in Andre’s stomach. If he didn’t know any better, he would have sworn he might have been feeling something slightly deeper than just a physical attraction to the woman in front of him. But, that was silly. He barely knew her. He probably was just feeling the excitement of a new dating prospect and the fact that she was obviously excited about her education. Maybe they’d have more to talk about on a date besides the latest celebrity gossip or what finance company was taking over whom. It seemed most of his dates fell only into the two above categories. He’d been looking for something a little different to occupy his time lately. Maybe Stacey was it.

  “Nice. You can tell me about it on our date. Monday at seven. I’ll pick you up.” Again, it wasn’t a question.

  “How can you pick me up? You don’t even know where I live?” she asked again with her hands at her hips.

  Andre found himself smirking. She looked cute standing there looking at him like he was half crazy. He had half a mind to show her what she could do with those perfect lips of hers. In fact, he took a step closer to do just that. He saw Stacey inhale deeply and her eyes widen as she realized his intentions.

  That’s right. I’m coming for you. His smirk widened.

  Knock! Knock!

  “Jazmine, girl! Shake a leg. You got t
en minutes before you’re on stage!” Mistress Coco shouted as she opened the door.

  Dammit, Andre frowned at their interruption.

  “And you, you’re not in here molesting one of my girls are you?” Mistress Coco jutted her finger at Andre.

  Stacey gasped at Coco’s blunt question, but Andre was undeterred.

  “Not yet, but soon.” He winked at Stacey, letting her know he had every intention of following through on his word.

  “Oh, you both shoo, now!” Mistress Coco said waving both Stacey and Andre out of her office.

  “All right,” he conceded before turning to look at Stacey. “Monday at seven p.m. sharp. Do you like Moroccan food?” Andre asked catching Stacey off guard.

  “Um, yes, I think. Yes,” she said nodding her head.

  “Good. Have another great performance. I’ll be in the audience.” He winked again before turning and leaving.

  Again, he swore he heard Mistress Coco mumble something about him and Nik being “just like they daddy.” He’d have to ask her what she meant later.

  Andre decided to buy a drink at the bar before he went back to claim his seat at the table. He strolled over to the bar and took a seat at an empty stool, motioning for the bartender. When she looked over and saw him, Andre didn’t miss the appreciative once-over she gave him. She sauntered over to where he was sitting, adding a little extra sway of her hips, no doubt for his benefit. She was dressed in a short black corset with a matching bustle skirt. Her long legs, long dark hair, and green eyes probably made most men sit up and take notice. Andre suspected she did very well in the tips department.

  “What’s your drink of choice, lover?” she asked suggestively.

  Andre’s lips quirked up into a grin. “I’ll just have another Sam Adams. Thank you,” he said, wanting to keep the flirtation to a minimum.

  “Sure thing, lover. Anything else I can get you?” she asked wiggling her eyebrows.

  He knew what she was asking, and any other night he might be interested, but not tonight. He’d come to the Black Kitty with a specific aim in mind and now that he’d accomplished it, he would stay for a few more performances and then head out.

  “No thanks.” He smiled as he tipped her and retrieved the beer she offered and stood.

  “Damn, what took you so long and did you get me another martini?” Hwan asked as Andre sat back down at the table.

  “Mind your business. And no, I didn’t get you another martini. Your legs aren’t broken.”

  “Um hmm, well did you at least get what you came for? Tell me you got a number, a date, something?” Hwan pushed for information.

  Andre looked at him out of the side of his eye. “I told you to mind your business.”

  “Ha! That means he at least got a date. Good, maybe you will leave that Maria chick alone. I told you I don’t know how many times I can’t stand her.” Hwan’s face twisted into a mask of disgust.

  “Whatever,” Andre mumbled before taking a swig of his beer. He wasn’t interested in thinking of Maria or any other woman tonight besides the woman who was getting ready to grace the stage again.

  Andre sat back in his seat as he watched Mistress Coco saunter onto the stage. He knew Stacey’s performance was next and he couldn’t wait to see her again. He barely heard Mistress Coco’s announcement as the image of Stacey in those thigh hugging short shorts played through his mind. He was so caught up in the image of Stacey’s smooth thighs wrapped around him, he didn’t even notice the seven foot dance pole that had been dragged onto the stage.

  When the beat dropped for Ne-Yo and Juicy J’s She Knows, he saw Stacey emerge from behind the curtain and hop onto the small circular platform that held the pole. She walked enticingly around the pole before grabbing it with both hands and letting her body swing effortlessly around the pole. Andre’s breath caught when he saw her do a flip and suddenly she was upside down, her legs wrapped around the pole and her arms free, moving in waves. Before he knew it, she flipped again and was back on her feet, presenting her barely covered ass to the crowd and winding it around.

  What Andre wouldn’t give to spank that ass, he thought as he adjusted himself in his seat. The room felt about ten degrees warmer.

  Slowly, Stacey lowered the shorts revealing a sparkling, hot pink thong. She dipped it low and brought it back up slowly as she held on to the pole. She climbed onto the pole again, and did some acrobatic shit Andre could barely keep up with. She looked weightless, in the air as she performed a series of splits and moves while on the pole.

  The applause and yells from the crowd brought Andre back to reality, and he had to refrain from the urge to go up on stage and cover Stacey with his jacket and yank her off. He felt relieved as the song ended and he saw Stacey, now dressed in only her fishnets, thong, and hot pink pasties with tassels, her tawny brown skin glowing in a sheen of body glitter, blow a kiss to the crowd as she exited the stage. He ran his fingers through his hair and blew out a breath as the audience applauded.

  “I’m ready to go,” he leaned over and told Hwan.

  “Aww, the night’s just getting started,” Hwan half-whined.

  “You can either leave with me now, or get a ride home from one of them,” Andre insisted motioning towards Nikola and Raul’s side of the table.

  The men were now sitting and chatting with their wives, barely paying attention to Andre and Hwan.

  “Ugh, fine. You can be such a spoil sport. Let’s go,” Hwan said draining the final sip of his martini and standing.

  A little while later, after Andre had dropped Hwan off at home, he walked into his own twenty-fifth floor, luxury style condo. Andre remembered the image of seeing Stacey swinging around on the pole, her strong thighs holding her in place, and the flicker of arousal he thought had burned out began to rise again. He decided the only way he’d get to sleep that night was to work off this energy in the gym. Changing into a pair of workout shorts and sneakers, he headed to his personal gym for a few rounds on the punching bag, and ended it with a long run on the treadmill. By the time he finished his workout, showered, and climbed into bed, thoughts of Stacey had returned. He grunted in frustration, wanting to feel if her legs were as satiny smooth as they looked. He vowed he would get his question answered come this Monday night.

  Chapter 5

  Stacey sat back against the soft-cushioned couch. This hour of her week could be one of the most relaxing or one of the most stressful depending on the topic of conversation.

  “Tell me how classes are going?” Stacey’s therapist, Linda asked.

  The response to that question was easy enough. “They’re going well, just started, but I’ve already got some assignments I need to work on today and tomorrow. Nothing too stressful though,” she replied happily.

  “And what about your internship? How’s that going?”

  Stacey took a deep breath and looked at a spot over Linda’s shoulder on the wall. She saw all the licenses and degrees Linda had hung up on her wall that attested to her professionalism. She’d been seeing Linda for about a year now, and felt comfortable opening up to her, but it was still difficult at times.

  “It’s going really well. I enjoy it, but it can get tough…” she trailed off.

  “How so?” Linda asked.

  Stacey knew Linda wouldn’t let her get away with providing incomplete thoughts.

  “The other day I was leading a group session and some of the women’s shares just took me back to that place, you know? I felt their pain as they shared hiding their secret from their friends and family. I felt for them,” she finished.

  “Any good social worker or therapist feels for their clients. The question is, were you triggered?” Linda asked. “Feeling for someone and feeling triggered are two different things,” she stated.

  “I know.” Stacey knew her triggers all too well by now. Luckily, she had come a long way in her recovery and being exposed to the stories of her clients didn’t make her want to go back to the place she once was.

bsp; “It just makes me realize how broken I was and how far I’ve come. I want that for all the women I work with,” she admitted honestly.

  “I’m sure you’re doing your best to give them what they need. And you have your strategies in place in case you ever are triggered. Now, anything else you want to share with me before our time is up?” Linda asked.

  “I have a date this Monday,” Stacey blurted out. She didn’t even know where that came from, but ever since last night, Andre had been on her mind. Heck, ever since their encounter on Labor Day, he’d been on her mind. Seeing him at the Black Kitty last night had her feeling a little off kilter.

  “Oh, with Damon?” Linda smiled looking down at her notes.

  “No,” Stacey shook her head, “Someone else.”

  Linda’s mahogany colored face became a mask of curiosity. “Oh, someone new?” she asked.

  “Yes, he’s the brother-in-law of a friend of mine. We’ve only met a couple of times…”

  Stacey told Linda a few details of how she and Andre met and how he asked—well told her they were going out on a date. Stacey hated to admit it, but his take charge manner actually made him more attractive to her. In spite of hardly knowing Andre, she was really looking forward to their date. Though Stacey dated, it’d been a long time since a man had held her interest. And no man had ever made her feel as desired as Andre did with just one look, and a brief touch. She felt tingly just envisioning those brilliant blue eyes of his and the way they saw right through her.

  “All right, well that’s it for today’s session,” Linda said, rising from her leather chair.

  Stacey shook her head, reprimanding herself for getting so caught up in daydreaming about a man she hardly knew. She would definitely have to pull it together before Monday night.


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