Falcon Hunter

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Falcon Hunter Page 8

by Shonna Brannon

  "Christina.” He nodded toward her.

  "Yes?” She didn't recall ever having met this gentleman on the reservation before. She knew if she had, she'd never have forgotten it. He held such a presence that one wouldn't easily forget him.

  "Your grandmother brought your dream to my attention. I do have the answers you seek, but you aren't ready to hear them."

  "What do you mean?"

  "When you are ready, I will tell you the whole story. Until then, be patient and listen to your heart."

  She opened her Jeep door and set her shoes inside. “Why am I not ready?” Christina turned back to the gentleman, but he was gone, as though he'd vanished into thin air.

  * * * *

  Falcon Hunter couldn't have been more proud of Christina than he was when the chief had finally given her the acceptance she needed and deserved. But he had to wonder who that old man was who had stopped her. He looked vaguely familiar, but he couldn't place where he'd seen him before. What could he possibly want with her? He flew close to them, but by the time he'd gotten there, the man was gone. Where did he go? He couldn't have vanished into thin air. Could he? That was impossible. He looked at Christina shaking her head. Apparently she was as confused with his disappearance as he was.

  He followed her back to her house. When she didn't get out of the Jeep, he alighted on a nearby branch and peered through the windshield. She was on her cell phone. With the sun reflecting on the glass, it was difficult to see the look on her face, but when she pinched her nose, he figured she must be talking to someone she didn't really feel up to dealing with. Snapping the phone closed, she backed her Jeep out of the drive again and headed toward town. Hunter wondered where in the world she would be going now. As far as he knew, she didn't have any business in town today. Although he wasn't privy to all the details of her life, there wasn't much he missed.

  She pulled to a stop near the park and got out. He followed her to a nearby bench and recognized the person sitting there. Kyle. Why couldn't the man just leave Christina alone? He didn't know what it was, but there was something about the man that rubbed him the wrong way. He didn't like him and didn't plan on letting him get his hooks into Christina.

  When Christina sat down, Kyle laid his arm behind her shoulders and leaned in for a kiss on the cheek. It was more than Hunter could handle. Taking flight, he dove at Kyle's head and flapped his wings hard, slapping the man's head a few times.

  In an attempt to protect himself, Kyle raised his hands above his head and tried to shoo him away. “Get this damned animal away from me, Christina. If it doesn't leave me alone, it'll be a dead bird."

  Christina couldn't believe Kyle had threatened to kill her bird. Sure, flogging him was uncalled for, but that was no reason to threaten her companion with death. “Leave Kyle alone, please.” She barely got the words through her clenched teeth. Her falcon friend flew straight to a nearby tree and watched them. If she didn't know better, she'd swear he was trying to protect her from something. Why he'd want to protect her from Kyle, she didn't know. It wasn't as if he were a real threat to her.

  "I'm sorry. He's never done anything like that before.” It was hard for her to make her apology sound sincere since he'd said he'd kill her feathered companion if he didn't leave him alone. She knew now she was making the right decision in ending this thing between them before it went any further. Not only was she more attracted to the real life Falcon Hunter, but she couldn't get involved with someone who would threaten an animal's—her animal's—life.

  Kyle gave the falcon a hard look and straightened his hair. “It's fine. No harm done."

  Dread weighed heavily on her heart. Christina didn't want to hurt Kyle, but she didn't want to lead him on either. Turning to him she said, “The reason I wanted to meet with you today was to talk about us. I—"

  "I think things are going great. I can't wait to see where this goes.” He smiled at her and put his arm back behind her, toying with her hair.

  Boy, he wasn't going to make things easy on her, was he? Christina pulled her hair away from his hand. “I know you feel that way.” She took a deep breath to calm her nerves. “I don't think we are going to go anywhere, and I'm not interested in casual dating at this point in my life."


  Holding up her hand, she continued, “I don't want to hurt you. That was never my intent, but I don't want to lead you on. The truth is, I think we're better off as friends than anything else."

  "What changed?” He shook his head in denial, but something in his eyes—something dark—made her wary of him.

  "I've had a lot of time the past couple of days to think this through, and I don't see us having a future as anything more than friends. If you can't handle that, I understand, but it's how I feel, and it's how it has to be."

  Kyle sat forward and remained silent.

  "I guess I'll leave and let you decide if that's something you'd want.” She got up to move, but Kyle whipped around faster than she'd thought possible.

  He grabbed hold of her wrist and squeezed, pinching the skin in his hand. “This isn't over until—"

  The piercing caw of her falcon as he dove toward Kyle again drew Kyle's attention away from her. He let her go with a slight shove. “That damn bird can't watch you forever. You will see me again. You can bet on that.” He stood up and stalked away.

  Her whole body shook from the threat. The fear burrowed all the way to her very core. No one had made her feel so scared in her life. If not for her bird friend, there was no telling what might've happened. Thankfully he'd been there and ran Kyle off. She hoped Kyle was all bark and no bite. She didn't know how she'd be able to deal with him if his threats rang true.

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  Chapter Nine

  Who the hell does she think she is refusing me? Kyle stalked to his car and slammed the door once inside. Striking his hand against the steering wheel, he ground out, “She belongs to me, dammit! Not him."

  There was no way in hell Falcon Hunter would have her. He would make sure of that. She was intended to bear only one man's child, and that man wasn't Falcon Hunter. He had to finish what his ancestor started long ago. It was destined for his family to lead the people. To make them great again. The only way to do that would be for a great shaman and a great healer to come together and create new life. She was the healer, always had been, even when she hadn't practiced it outwardly in her past lives. Shamanism had been in his family for centuries, and he was no different. Christina had to give birth to his child, or all would be lost to him and his line.

  Falcon Hunter had come from a line of shamans, too. If he got to her first, then it would be over. Kyle shook his head. He couldn't let that happen. No way.

  I will have her. One way or another, I will have her. She may not give me her heart, but she will give me her body ... whether she wants to or not.

  Kyle smiled at the thought of her putting up a little fight. That could be quite fun. At least it wouldn't be boring. He liked his women a little feisty in bed, and he was sure she wouldn't disappoint him on that front. He only had to figure out how to get her where he wanted her.

  * * * *

  Hunter wanted to kill Kyle for manhandling Christina. She deserved so much better than that. No woman should be treated with such disrespect. If he'd been in human form, he'd have attacked the man right then. If he thinks he has to control a woman to show how much of a man he is, then I can teach him a thing or two on what it takes to be a real man.

  Christina's hands trembled as she continued to stare off in the distance, her face devoid of color. He hated seeing her shaken up this way. She shouldn't have had to experience that. After he made sure she was okay, he'd pay Kyle a little visit and see exactly what he was up to.

  Christina clasped her hands together as if to stop the shaking and slowly got up from the bench. She moved back to her Jeep and drove home. Once he made sure she was safely inside and was going to be all right by herself, he took flight. He started h
is search back at the park, but Kyle's car was already gone. Flying over to the university, he spotted Kyle pulling into a parking space. He got out of his car and headed inside the building.

  Hunter landed on a low-hanging branch and watched Kyle through the front door's windowpanes. Kyle went through a nearby door and closed it. He flew around the side of the building and found Kyle sitting in his office with a huge grin on his face. What is he up to? What's going through his mind that makes him that happy? After the way he'd treated Christina, he had thought he'd still be angry.

  As if sensing his presence, Kyle turned and stared Hunter in the eye through the glass panes. If possible, he smiled even bigger as he got up and opened the window. “Well, hello, Falcon Hunter."

  Shock raced through his system.

  "Ahh ... I see you don't recognize me. I believe you knew my ancestor, Black Wolf."

  He wasn't aware Black Wolf had any offspring. How could he have missed that?

  "Just so you know, Falcon Hunter, you better watch your back. If you don't, then you could get what's coming to you for what you did to my ancestor, and Christina will then be mine."

  Kyle shut the window with such force the panes shook, then stalked off laughing. Afraid for his love, he flew off in the direction of her house. With this threat looming, there was no way he could leave her side. Tingles prickled beneath his feathers. His human form was doing its damnedest to take over. Shoving it to the back of his mind, he did his best to make it to her house before that happened. No doubt about it, Kyle's threat to Christina could keep his human form around for a while.

  * * * *

  Christina still couldn't believe Kyle's sudden change in behavior. His demeanor had flipped like a light switch being shut off. He'd gone from the light and fun guy from their previous dates to dark and threatening in a single breath. How had she not seen this side of him? He'd seemed so nice ... so perfect. Now what was she supposed to do? Live in fear of what he'd threatened? Would he actually go through with them?

  Shaking her head, she tried to get that possibility out of her mind. She couldn't let it control her. But how could she not worry? He'd all but threatened her life. Maybe her grandmother could help her get some of the worry out of her mind. But she couldn't tell her about what happened with Kyle. Spring Rain had enough to worry about without adding her problems to the mix.

  She was picking up the phone to dial her when there was a knock on the door. Setting the phone back in its cradle, she eased her way to the door. What if it was Kyle? She didn't think she could handle him. In the confines of her house, he could really hurt her.

  "Who is it?” She prayed with all her heart it was anyone but Kyle. She'd even take a salesman over him right now.

  "It's Falcon Hunter."

  The flood of relief almost sank her to the floor. Opening the door, she'd never been happier to see a man in her life. He looked so good standing on her doorstep, the sun shining on his face.

  "Can I come in?” His gaze roamed over her face. “Is everything okay?"

  Remembering her manners, she stepped aside and motioned him in. “You seem to be asking me if I'm okay a lot lately."

  "You seem like something's wrong. I can see it in your eyes.” He placed his hands on her shoulders. “Would you like to talk about it?"

  The soft look he gave her sent her tenuous hold on her emotions over the edge. Wrapping her arms around him, she cried, her sounds muffled by the expanse of his chest. Falcon Hunter held her close, rubbing his palm across her back. “It's okay, Christina."

  When she finally got herself back under control, she held his hand and led him to the couch. Sitting beside him, she told him about the conversation with Kyle and his threats toward her and her bird friend. Pure, unadulterated anger washed over his face. Eyes narrowed, mouth thinned, nostrils flared—it was evident he wanted to get his hands on Kyle.

  "Someone needs to teach him to keep his hands to himself.” Getting up, he moved to the door.

  She jumped up after him. “No, Falcon Hunter. I didn't tell you that so you would beat the hell out of him."

  "I know that, but that still doesn't excuse his behavior. He needs to know he can't get away with it."

  She couldn't argue with that, but what could she do? She didn't want to let another man fight her battles for her. But she wasn't as strong as Kyle either. How could she fight him off herself? He may have grabbed her and hurt her earlier, but he didn't leave any marks. The police wouldn't do anything about it without proof. She felt as if she had no choice but to let it go and hope to God it didn't happen again ... pray that he was all bark and no bite.

  "I just want to forget it ever happened. I don't think he'll go through with what he said. He was only mad because I turned him down.” She sniffled and swiped at her eyes. “Please."

  His shoulders relaxed some, and she knew he wouldn't fight her on it. At least not now, anyway. Who knew what he would do once he left, though? The thought of him leaving brought some of her fear back. What if Kyle was watching her house, waiting for the right time to make good on his promise? She didn't want to be alone if that was the case.

  "I can't stay long, Christina. I wanted to come by and see how you were. I know your ankle was hurting yesterday."

  The memory of his touch as he had soothed her aching foot sent a flood of desire washing through her. She longed to have his hands touching her like that all over. Loving her, caressing her, bringing her to the brink and back again. Her gaze roamed over his face, taking in every curve that made up the handsome man who haunted her daydreams and fantasies. His lips were so close to hers. She only had to lean forward, and she'd be kissing him. Would he taste as good as he had in her dreams? Giving in to her needs, she leaned forward and pressed her mouth to his. The electrical current of desire raced from her lips down to her toes.

  Her dreams had lied. They could never compare to the feelings the real thing brought out in her. Nothing could've prepared her for the onslaught of sexual awareness ... lust ... and something she couldn't quite identify, as he deepened the kiss. His tongue slipped past her parted lips to mate with hers. A moan echoed in the living room. Hers or his? She didn't know, and she didn't care. All Christina knew at that moment was she needed this man. She never wanted this moment to end.

  A rush of disappointment punched her in the gut when Falcon Hunter pulled away. She grunted her protest. Opening her eyes, she zeroed in on his smile. “What are you smiling about?” He better not be thinking about getting her all hot and bothered and then leaving her high and dry. That would be the cruelest thing he could do to her at this moment.

  Looking up, she saw that his warm, amber eyes were glazed over. His emotions—his passion—ran as deep as hers did. He wanted her, too. So what was the problem? Why had he stopped?

  "Christina, I'm not going to take advantage of you. Not after what that asshole did to you today."

  Damn it, didn't he ever stop to think she might want to be taken advantage of? It had been so long since a man had touched her, much less made her feel the things Falcon Hunter did.

  "I want you, too. I started it.” She ran her fingers through his jet black, shoulder length hair. “I don't want you to stop ... please."

  His eyes searched hers. Sighing, he gave in to her plea and melded his mouth to hers. He glided his fingers down her jaw line, sending ripples of need straight for her groin. God, she'd never needed anyone as much as she needed him now.

  "Let's take this to your bedroom,” he said in between kisses. He pulled away, panting, and rested his forehead on hers. “I want to love you properly, and I can't do that here."

  Nodding her head, she led the way upstairs. She hadn't cared if he'd taken her on the couch. As much as she wanted him, he could've made love to her on the floor, and it would've been perfect for her. The thought of him burying himself inside her while they made love on the floor sent another shiver through her. Maybe next time. She couldn't hold back the grin spreading across her face. If he only knew wh
at fantasies she'd had about him. Would he think she was a wanton woman? Would he be willing to try any of them?

  As soon as she reached her bedroom, she turned in his arms and wrapped hers around him. Her fingers automatically forked through his soft hair as if they were doing something out of habit. He leaned down and softly kissed her lips, then moved up to place a gentle kiss first on one eyelid then the other. Tucking her hair behind her ear, he rained kisses down her neck to nibble on her shoulder. He was so loving and tender, tears burned behind her eyes. No one had treated her as though she was precious, and that's exactly how he made her feel ... precious.

  Hunter wanted to show Christina the tenderness and care that she hadn't experienced at Kyle's hands. He wanted her to know how special she really was, and he intended to do just that. No matter how long it took. He trailed his hands down her sides, grazing her nipples with his thumbs. He slipped his hands under her T-shirt and slowly pulled it over her head, savoring every inch of her that was revealed as it came off. It was as if he were seeing it all in slow motion.

  She may be the reincarnation of his beautiful Running Doe, but her beauty seemed to grow with each lifetime. Standing in front of him in only her bra and shorts, a blush crept into her cheeks. He lowered his gaze to her shorts and hooked his fingers into her waistband. Slowly, he unbuttoned them, and they pooled at her feet. He'd never thought her matching white lace panties would be such a turn on.

  He bent low between her legs and gazed up at her. He wanted to worship her body the way she deserved to be. Wrapping his arms around her backside, he lightly brushed his fingertips over her buttocks and down her thighs, stopping at the back of her knees. He turned his head to place a kiss on the inside of her right thigh, then unlaced the moccasin on that leg. After removing it, he repeated the same actions for the other leg so that she stood before him in only her underwear. A Cherokee angel in white. His angel. He knew in that moment he couldn't give her up for anything in the world.


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