Falcon Hunter

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Falcon Hunter Page 10

by Shonna Brannon

  "Miss Christina, the old village storyteller sent me with this note.” Pride shone in her eyes at being chosen to perform such an important task. The child glanced back to the sidewalk where her parents waited for her to finish delivering her message.

  "Thank you.” She took the note from the little girl's hand.

  They watched her skip off to meet her parents, who waved in greeting then headed off down the street.

  "What does it say?"

  She opened the note for him to see.

  You are ready.

  Christina couldn't understand it. What made her ready now and not earlier? What had changed in so short a time? And how did that man know that something had changed to make her ready? It didn't make any sense. She didn't know if she wanted to go find out what the man was talking about or not. The way he'd spoken to her earlier made her think he might not be all there; although, tribal storytellers were held in high esteem. She didn't know who or what to believe anymore.

  "What's that mean, Christina?” Falcon Hunter took the note from her and looked it over as though it held the answers he sought.

  "Your guess is as good as mine.” She told him about the strange conversation she'd had with the storyteller. “I don't even know if I should go and check it out."

  Something in his eyes told her that he knew more about what the storyteller had meant. He turned away. “If we are going to go see this man tonight, then we need to hurry up and eat. It's already growing dark outside."

  She walked up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder. “Do you know something I don't?"

  Turning to face her, he wrapped his arms around her. “Honey, I don't know what he's going to tell you. I don't know anything about your dreams or what they mean."

  She drew comfort from him. He made her feel safe ... secure ... cared for. It was as if she were home. She'd only known him for a few days, but it seemed as though she'd known him all her life. Sighing, she went to the kitchen and wondered if maybe she should tell him about her dreams. She hadn't wanted to tell him for fear he would think she was crazy, but if this storyteller thought there might be something to them, then maybe Falcon Hunter would too. At the very least, she hoped he didn't think she was nuts.

  "You want to know about my dreams? I'll tell you...” Christina made them some deli sandwiches with the works while she told him about the strange dreams she'd had. She even told him about the vision she'd had in the bathroom mirror ... the vision of him. No matter how crazy it made her sound, it was as if a huge weight had been lifted off her by telling someone about them.

  Falcon Hunter had sat and intently listened to her story of unbelievably real dreams. Not once did he give any indication he thought she was losing her mind. But when she told him about the vision in the mirror, he couldn't hide the shock on his face.

  "You had a vision of me in a mirror? How is that possible?” He sat back in his chair, a look of bewilderment on his face. “Do you think you are not only a gifted healer, but also have been given the gift of visions?"

  "I don't know. All I know is what I saw. You said ‘Running Doe'. Do you know who that is?"


  Her cell phone vibrated, interrupting him. Holding up her finger, she flipped it open. “Hello, Nana."

  "Christina, I was told that you found someone who knew what your dreams might mean. Have you gone to see them yet?"

  Her grandmother seemed to know everything. “No, not yet. I was about to leave.” The last thing she wanted her grandmother to know was that she had a man here.

  "Okay, let me know what he says when you get home."

  "I will, Nana. Love you.” She flipped the phone shut and stood. “If we're going to the reservation, then we should get going. Lightning lit up the sky in the distance. It looks like a storm's coming. I don't want to get caught in it."


  "We can talk about it when we get back."

  He grabbed her hand and they left, locking up behind them.

  Thunder roared to life in the distance, the sound vibrating to her very core like an ominous telling of what was to come.

  * * * *

  Christina pulled up to the reservation and parked her car. Lightning flashed in her rearview mirror, drawing her gaze to it. What she saw froze her in her place. A black wolf stalked out of the mist swirling in the mirror. He appeared to be growling at her. In the distance, a dark shape began to take form in the sky. A falcon came into view and swooped down at the wolf, scoring the wolf's neck with his claws. Christina gasped as the wolf fell over, his blood flowing on the ground.

  A falcon's shriek rent the air, his wings stretched out as he began to descend to the ground. Before he landed, the bird shifted shape and headed toward her in the form of a man. What confused the hell out of her was that it was the man sitting by her side.

  "Christina?” Someone shook her. “Christina? Are you all right?"

  She turned her head and looked at Falcon Hunter. It took her a minute to actually see him. “Huh?"

  "Where did you go? You seemed a million miles away.” Concern darkened his eyes.

  "Oh, yeah, I'm fine.” She glanced in her rearview mirror again, but only saw the night sky. The vision she'd had was gone.

  What could it mean? She wondered if she should tell him about it, but decided against it. She didn't want him to think she was any crazier than he probably already did. “Come on. Let's go see what this elder has to say."

  It didn't take her long to find the man in question. He stood outside one of the smaller homes on the reservation. A fire cast shadows across his face. “You came.” He didn't sound surprised.

  What else was she supposed to do, though? These dreams puzzled her. She'd finally gotten the tribe to accept her as their healer; the last thing she wanted was to make them change their mind because they thought she might be crazy. And if they found out about her dreams, they'd think that. Wouldn't they? She didn't think she could take going back to the ridicule.

  "Yes, I did. What is it you think I am ready for now that I wasn't ready for earlier?"

  "First, let's go inside and sit down before the rain gets here.” Without another word, he turned and went inside.

  Shrugging her shoulders, she followed him and motioned for Falcon Hunter to come, too. She didn't know what the storyteller expected of her, so she sat down and waited for him to begin.

  "My name in this lifetime is Snow Wolf. I—"

  "What do you mean, this lifetime? Surely you aren't suggesting you've lived more than one."

  His smile was indulgent. “No, I'm not suggesting anything of the sort. I'm flat out saying it. I'm in my seventh and final reincarnation.” He sighed, and great wisdom shone through his eyes. “Thankfully, I've had all these lifetimes to learn from the mistakes I made in the first. Also, I've been able to remember every lifetime I've lived."

  Christina didn't know what to think about that. She'd never really believed in the phenomenon herself, although she knew several of her people who did.

  The elder turned to the man by her side. “I'm glad to see you've brought Falcon Hunter with you. This concerns him also."

  "How can that be? We just met."

  "When we are finished tonight, you will understand.” He sat down across from them on a blanket on the floor. “Your dreams aren't simply that. They are repressed memories of your first life."

  Christina couldn't help the laugh that spilled from her. This was absurd. She didn't want to offend the elder, but she was beginning to think he wasn't playing with a full deck. “If that's the case—"

  He held up his hand. “There'll be time for questions once you have heard my story.” Clearing his throat, he eyed them both as he continued. “You are remembering your first life with Falcon Hunter."

  She gazed over at the gorgeous man who'd just spent the past few hours in her bed, but he wouldn't meet her gaze. If she didn't know better, she'd actually think he believed what this man said or he was hiding something.

your first life, you two were married. You were destined to be together and produce the most powerful leader our tribe has ever known.” Snow Wolf picked up a mug from beside him and took a drink. “The village's shaman and his brother figured this out through their vision quests. You have to understand that these two men were hungry for power at a time when most of our people were powerless."

  She couldn't believe she was sitting here listening to this drivel. There was no way in hell this man knew what he was talking about. She couldn't understand how he could actually believe what he was saying.

  "These two men were Black Wolf and Running Bear. Running Bear wanted that heir for himself, so he attempted to force himself on Falcon Hunter's wife. Her name was Running Doe."

  Holy hell!

  "Falcon Hunter came up on Running Bear as he was about to rape his wife, and killed him. No one condemned him for killing the man since he was protecting his wife. That is, no one except Black Wolf.” Taking a long sip from his mug, he eyed Falcon Hunter.

  She wasn't sure what passed between the two men, but they seemed to be coming to an understanding of some sort.

  "Black Wolf felt jilted, as if he'd been deprived of something he thought was his right ... He believed if he or his brother were the father of Running Doe's heir, then he and his brother could rule the tribe together. They thought they'd have enough influence over the child when he came of age to be able to sway his decisions."

  Falcon Hunter shifted as if uncomfortable with the whole conversation. Not that Christina blamed him. She wasn't entirely comfortable with it herself.

  "Black Wolf exacted revenge on Falcon Hunter for killing his brother and his chance of ruling with him by cursing both Falcon Hunter and Running Doe. He cursed Falcon Hunter into the form of a falcon and Running Doe into being reincarnated without her soul mate."

  Sighing, he looked down, but not before she caught a glimpse of the sorrow shaping every wrinkle and curve of his face. “Falcon Hunter was cursed to remain in the form of the falcon unless his true love was in danger or hurt.” A deafening silence filled the home. Lightning flashed brightly through the window. Thunder rolled ominously across the sky, breaking the still of the night. The coming storm promised to be a rough one.

  Snow Wolf gazed at Falcon Hunter. Flecks of remorse darkened his eyes. “Unfortunately, Black Wolf didn't count on the curse coming back to bite him in the ass. He was also cursed into reincarnation to make up for the great wrong he'd caused in his first life.” Taking another drink from his cup, he said, “Believe me, Falcon Hunter, when I say this old man has learned from his mistakes in that life, and I'm sorry for all the pain I've put you through."

  He turned back to Christina. “I traveled here to make things right and to end this thing once and for all. You, Christina, have returned to your people as a great healer. You will do awesome things with your gift of healing and as a visionary. It's those gifts you will pass down to yours and Falcon Hunter's child. You will finally be able to give the world and your people the great leader they were deprived of so many lifetimes ago."

  He stood and looked down at them both. “I hope you can both see fit to forgive me for what I did to you both in my first lifetime. My only consolation is that I've done my best to make things right in this life.” Patting her on the shoulder and nodding his head toward Falcon Hunter, the elder wandered outside into the coming storm.

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  Chapter Twelve

  Damn! The stupid old man had to go and tell Christina the truth. Kyle paced back and forth between the trees behind Snow Wolf's house. Why did he have to ruin it? She wasn't supposed to know the truth until it was too late.

  Snow Wolf came around the corner and stopped. He stared directly at Kyle, but there was no fear in his eyes. “I knew you'd be here. I expected it."

  "What the hell were you thinking, old man? You had no right to interfere with my plan.” Kyle stalked toward him, stopping when he was but inches from his face.

  "I had to make it right. I made a mistake in that lifetime, and it had to be corrected. It ends now, and I can die in peace.” The elder stood proud, never backing away.

  "You're damn right it ends now.” Pulling the bowie knife from behind his back, Kyle stabbed it into Snow Wolf's side. Blood spurted then poured over Kyle's hand as he shoved the weapon in as far as it would go. “You're nowhere near the man you were in your first lifetime. You're too late anyway. She will be mine, and so will her baby."

  The old man simply smiled as he fell to his knees, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth. “Thank you.” He fell onto his side ... dead.

  Lightning streaked across the sky, illuminating the gruesome scene before him. Thunder shook the earth. In the distance, he heard the faint cry of a falcon as it began closing in on its prey. That prey will never be me. Falcon Hunter should know his damned bird form was no match for a wolf.

  * * * *

  Hunter sat on the floor of the house, shock weighing on him. He couldn't believe Black Wolf had come through the ages and tried to make things right. He knew he should be pissed and give him what he deserved, but if he'd spent his seven lifetimes making amends, he couldn't condemn him for trying to do good.

  "That was the biggest line of bull I have ever heard in my life.” Christina's body shook with closely held laughter. “I don't want to offend Snow Wolf, but I don't think he's all there. I mean ... really. Does he expect me to believe all that?” Rising, she dusted off her pants.

  "You don't believe him?” How could she not after all she'd seen in her dreams and visions? It all fit perfectly. How could she dismiss the truth?

  "Don't tell me you believe all that malarkey.” She eyed him and shook her head.


  "I don't want to hear it. Let's just go.” She stormed out the door and headed toward her Jeep.

  How could he convince her that everything Snow Wolf had said was true? He knew he didn't have a choice, but if she didn't believe Snow Wolf, then how could he expect her to believe him? As he followed her to the car, his shoulders drooped with what felt like the weight of the world.

  After he slid into his seat and shut the door, she said, “Do you honestly believe a word out of that man's mouth?"

  "I have something I need to tell you, honey.” As he opened his mouth to explain, a dark figure darted out from behind Snow Wolf's house. He looked around, as if making sure no one was watching, then lifted something off the ground and tossed it over his shoulder. With one last look at the reservation, he headed off toward the woods. “Did you see that?"

  "Yeah, I did. Who do you think they were, and what were they doing?” Lightning flashed, highlighting the concern on her face for the old man staying in that house.

  "I don't know, but I'm going to find out.” He got back out of the Jeep. “Stay here."

  He headed toward the back of Snow Wolf's house. Darkness shrouded the area and made it hard to see. He searched the area around the house as well as the edge of the woods, but found nothing. Rain began to fall, splashing across his cheeks, so he headed back to the car. As he passed the back of the house, he stepped into something slick and nearly lost his footing. Assuming it was a place where water was beginning to build up, he regained his balance and ran toward the Jeep.

  He shook the rain from his shoulder length hair and looked at Christina. She stared wide-eyed at him. “What? Do I have something on me?"

  She swallowed hard enough for him to hear it and slowly shook her head. The way she was eyeing him made the truth finally dawn on him as to what was wrong. Or in this case, right. She was turned on by him being drenched. His little woman was insatiable. And he loved it.

  Unfortunately, that would have to wait. They had to talk, and once she knew the truth, she may never want to make love with him again. The thought ripped his heart out.

  "I didn't see anything out there, but it is getting slick outside. We ought to head back to your house."

  Christina nodded her head an
d finally looked away. She backed out of the parking area and headed home.

  * * * *

  Christina didn't know what Falcon Hunter wanted to talk to her about, but she hoped he made it quick. After seeing him rain soaked and looking so deliciously sexy, she couldn't wait to get him back into her bed. They walked into her home, and he tugged on her hand as he led her to the couch.

  The serious look on his face worried her. What could he possibly have to say that would put such strain around his mouth and eyes? She much preferred the sexy squint he did when he smiled. “What's wrong?"

  "I know it's going to sound crazy, but what Snow Wolf said was true."

  "Don't tell me you believed that—"

  He held up his hand. “I know it's true, Christina. That falcon who follows you around everywhere ... it's me. I've been around you since you were a teenager. Watching after you ... wishing I could tell you who I was."

  Oh, my God! He's losing his mind. He can't expect me to believe this shit.

  "Whenever you were in trouble, I was there to rescue you. I caught you when you fell from the ladder. When you hit your head falling from the shower, I carried you to your bed. Everything you experienced and thought was crazy, was true. You are my beautiful Running Doe, and I am the Falcon Hunter from the legend."

  Shock hit her like a ton of bricks. He was insane. He had to be. There was no way in hell that legend was true.

  He got down on his knees in front of her and held her hand. “We belong together, Christina. Surely, you can see that."

  Anger and confusion washed over her. That he would actually think she could ever believe what he was telling her was ludicrous. She couldn't look at him. Not now. Maybe not ever again. He was as insane as the old man.

  "Get out."


  "Get out now.” She stood up and stalked to the door, then jerked it open.

  "Please. You have to believe—"

  She pointed outside where the rain fell hard. “Go"

  He sighed and went out the door. Turning around to face her, he opened his mouth to speak, but she slammed the door in his face.


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