One Night with Hemsworth (One Night Series Book 1)

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One Night with Hemsworth (One Night Series Book 1) Page 17

by Eden Finley

  We had to park a few streets away as it was on a busy strip. When we finally made our way into Sugar Shooters, I saw Cole immediately. He was slumped in a corner booth. There was a guy sitting next to him, distracted by his phone.

  I rushed over to them.

  “Cole,” I said, trying to rouse him.

  “Won’t work,” the guy said. “I’ve tried.”

  Glaring at him before turning back to Cole, I checked for a pulse.

  The guy laughed. His eyes seemed nice and kind, but his tats screamed bad boy. “He’s fine, just really out of it.”

  “Yeah … he’s a pretty heavy sleeper.”

  “I’ve been keeping an eye on him. He was going on and on and on about his ex-girlfriend, how she left him, blah, blah, blah, and I kept feeding him Jack Daniels thinking he needed it.”

  “He was drinking Jack?” Shit.

  “He actually didn’t have all that much. Not really.”

  “He never drinks spirits,” I mumbled, more to myself. “And you work here?” I asked.

  “I own this place.” He stands from the booth and holds out his hand for me to shake. “I’m Jake. I’m guessing you’re Shortcake?”

  “Uh … Paige, actually. But yeah”—I pointed to Cole—“he calls me Shortcake.”

  He nodded as I shook his hand.

  “This is my brother Danny.” They exchanged a handshake.

  “I’ll need you guys to get him out of here. I would’ve called the cops, but that’d just bring shit on me that I don’t need. They’d ask how he became so inebriated in the first place. I shouldn’t have kept feeding it to him, but he was really messed up. I went to call the first number in his recent call list, but I figured his ex was ‘Bitchface,’ and went for your number instead.”

  “I’m actually the ex he was talking about.” I didn’t know why I was admitting that to him. Maybe it was bartender syndrome. They’re like hairdressers; they make you spill your secrets with warm eyes, kind words, and all sorts of pleasantness. It was trickery, dammit.

  Jake let out a whistle. “Shit. Sorry.”

  “Wait … did you say his last dialled number was ‘Bitchface’?” He called Reece after me?

  “Yeah. Who’s that?”

  “I would assume it’s his other ex. Uh … we have to go. Thanks for not calling the cops. We’ll get him out of your hair.” I looked at his shaved head. “Well … you know what I mean.”

  He chuckled. “Yeah, I do. You guys need help carrying him to your car?”

  Danny stepped forward. “I got it.” Picking up Cole, he chucked him over his broad shoulders in a fireman’s carry easier than if Cole was a ragdoll.

  “Far out, bro, lay off the steroids.”

  With a quick nod to Jake, Danny carried Cole through the not-so-crowded bar and out the car, laying him in the backseat. I climbed in after him, lifting Cole’s head and laying it in my lap.

  “Where to?” Danny asked, getting in the driver’s side.

  “His place is only a few blocks away.”

  I gave him directions as he drove, while I mindlessly stroked Cole’s face.

  “She’s a bitch,” he mumbled. I double-checked, but he was definitely still asleep.

  Must be talking about Reece.

  “Paige doesn’t even care. She left me.”

  Nope, not Reece. That would be me. Hearing him say he didn’t think I cared pinched me in my chest. How could he have not realised how hard this was on me? I couldn’t even look at him at Cody’s party. I couldn’t breathe.

  Danny found a lucky parking spot right out front of Cole’s apartment building.

  “It’s on the top floor,” I said, climbing out of the car so Danny could pick Cole up once again.


  “Son-of-a-biscuit? Really?”

  Danny rolled his eyes. “I can’t swear in front of the kids at work, okay? Force of habit. Can we start moving, please?”

  I ran ahead while Danny struggled to get Cole out of the car. I was hoping to get the door open to the apartment before he made it up the stairs and save him from holding Cole up longer than he had to.

  I banged on the door at the top of the building, and it only took Hunter half a second to open it. “Paige? What are you …” he trailed off when he saw Danny climbing the stairs, Cole slung over his shoulder. “Shit, why didn’t you call me?”

  “Because it only occurred to me tonight that in the two months I’ve known you, you’ve never given me your number, and I’ve never needed it. Well, until now.”

  He stepped back, making space for Danny to get by him. Danny’s forehead was beaded with sweat as he made his way past.

  “His room’s down the hall on the right,” I called after him.

  “What happened?” Hunter asked as Danny deposited Cole into his room.

  “Dunno,” I said, flopping down on the couch in the living room. “I got a phone call from some guy at a bar telling me Cole was passed out. We’ve tried to wake him, but he’s completely out of it.”

  “Shit,” Hunter swore. “I shouldn’t have let him leave. I knew he was upset over this afternoon and …”—he let out a loud breath—“I didn’t actually think he’d fall off the wagon. He’s been sober for over two years now.”

  That’s when it occurred to me that Hunter still didn’t know. I cleared my throat. “He never told you how we met, did he? It was at a bar.”

  Hunter’s eyes went wide, but before he had a chance to completely take in what I’d just said and respond, Danny interrupted, plopping himself on the couch next to me.

  “That fucker gets heavy after a while.” He was covered in sweat.

  Hunter laughed. “Thanks for doing that. I’d hate to think what would’ve happened had you not been there. I don’t really think Paige could’ve made it up with him.”

  “No worries. But can I grab a water or something?” Danny asked breathlessly.

  Hunter jumped up. “No problem.”

  I was debating whether to tell them they both had a thing with Sara but thought better of it. They were getting along for now. Sara was still ignoring Danny and hadn’t even mentioned Hunter since we had dinner with him a few weeks back. Apart from trying to console me that I dodged a bullet if Cole was anything like Hunter.

  Once Danny got his glass of water, I went into crisis mode. “Okay, so apparently Cole called Reece tonight at some point. Danny, you need to go back to the house and try to get her phone and delete whatever message he left. Unless she actually answered. Either way, she records everything, so it’ll be stored on her phone, and you need to delete it.”

  “Do I look like the kind of person who could pull off that type of espionage?” Danny yelped.

  “Have you looked in a mirror?” Hunter asked. “You’re intimidating as fuck.”

  “Thanks … I think.”

  I turned to Danny. “Please. Please try for me.”

  “Uh … Paige,” Hunter started but was hesitant. “You shouldn’t be covering this stuff up for him. When he fucks up, he needs to own up to it. It’s the only way he won’t let it fester. I’ve been through this with him before.”

  “But it was just a slipup. It doesn’t mean anything …” Deep down, it was all sinking in, and I was getting the horrible feeling that Reece was right. The look Hunter was giving me confirmed it.

  Cole has a problem.

  “I’ve got it from here. You two should get going home,” Hunter said.

  “I’m staying,” I said.

  “That’s not a good idea. I can handle Cole.”

  “I’ll stay out here, not in his room. I just want to make sure he’s okay.”

  Hunter ran his hand through his hair. “I dunno. He saw you today and now he’s drunk. And you just told me he was drunk when he met you. I think … you shouldn’t be around him when he’s like this.”

  “He won’t hurt me. I know he won’t.” I was adamant I knew Cole well enough to know he’d never hurt me.

  “He wouldn�
�t want to even risk it, Paige. You know that. I can handle him, I promise.”

  “Hunter’s right, P,” Danny said. “If he was out drinking tonight because of you, he probably won’t want to wake up with you here.”

  I threw my head back on the couch. I knew they were right, but I just didn’t want them to be. “He thinks our breakup isn’t getting to me. I have to show him—”

  “Paige, he’s drunk,” Hunter cut me off. “His mind goes to a dark place when he drinks and he always thinks the worst. You need to leave him with me. There’s no point in trying to show him anything right now. He either won’t remember it or won’t believe you.”

  “He’s not your responsibility. You do so much for him. He—”

  “He’s not your responsibility either, Paige. Not even when you were together. He has demons that he needs to deal with. I happen to love the guy like a brother, and I’ll be there for him no matter what. I’ve pulled him out of his hole before, and I’ll do it again. And that makes him my responsibility.”

  My resolve was weakened, but I still didn’t move to get off the couch. Neither did Danny, but I think that had more to do with the inability to with his tired muscles.

  “You’re too good for him,” Hunter said with a shake of his head, but smiling. “I’ve got this, okay? I think you both need time away from each other until you can handle being in the same room without going all emo.”

  I huffed a sad laugh.

  “Come on, sis, let’s get you home,” Danny said standing.

  When I stood, Hunter approached and wrapped me in a surprising hug. “As much as I think Cole needs to own up to what he did, if you can get to Reece’s phone, do it,” he whispered quietly in my ear.

  I nodded as he released me and fought tears as Danny started dragging me away. “Sara was wrong about you. You’re not a complete wanker.”

  As the words tumbled out of my mouth, Danny’s grip tightened on me. “Sara? My Sara?”


  “Your Sara?” Hunter snapped but then averted his gaze from both of us. “I didn’t realise she was seeing anyone.” His voice was quiet but his new stance was defensive.

  I narrowed my eyes at his behaviour, confused by his reaction. He was a complete dick to her a few weeks ago, and now he was suddenly caring who she was or wasn’t dating?

  Both of them were looking at me for some type of answer. I threw my hands in the air in defeat. “I’m so not touching this one. And now, seeing as I’m not allowed to stay, I’m going home.” I turned to Hunter. “I’ll see you at the wedding.”

  “Wedding?” Hunter asked.

  “Oh, right. You guys skipped out early. Seems Dad and Reece don’t want to wait. The wedding’s in three weeks.”

  “Great. Another thing Cole’s going to have to deal with. I guess I’ll see you in a few weeks then.”

  “Give me your phone,” I said.

  Without question, Hunter handed it over. I dialled my number, hit the call button, and then hung up as my phone started ringing. “Just in case this happens again. Or if you need me.”

  Danny and I left. Danny didn’t even give Hunter a goodbye.

  We were halfway home before he even said anything to me. “Sara was with Hunter?”

  “Way long before you.”

  His grip on the steering wheel hardened.

  “Why do you care? You’re leaving again in a month, and I don’t think Sara will put herself through saying goodbye to you again … well, correction, having you leave her again without any closure. Not even a goodbye, Danny? That was low. It’s no wonder she’s pissed.”

  “I know.” He sounded boyish.

  “Help me swipe Reece’s phone, and I promise I’ll put in a good word to Sara for you.”


  “I can’t guarantee she’ll listen to me. In fact, I can probably guarantee that she won’t. But I promise to try.”

  He put his foot down on the accelerator, making his car rev and drive off faster. “Deal, li’l lady.”

  “You sound so Texan when you say that.”

  His lips curled up at the edges, confirming my fears. He loved Texas and had every intention of going back. I was half-hoping he might’ve been staying this time. Maybe I’d talk to Sara anyway. If anyone could get him to stay, it’d be her.

  With our mission in place, we walked through the front door of Dad’s house with only that on our minds. However, as soon as we reached the living room, we found Dad and Reece standing there with their arms folded. Reece looked pissed, Dad seemed confused, and I felt small.

  Reece held out her hand, her phone facing up.

  “Everything is your fault.” Cole’s slurred voice made my lip tremble in fear and my stomach leap into my throat. “You fucking bitch. I lost Paige because of you, I lost Cody because of you. I lost everything I ever fucking cared about…”

  Reece hit stop. “He goes on and on like that for about a full minute.”

  I stood, shocked, unable to move.

  “I think that’s my cue,” Danny said, turning on his heel to walk out.

  “Don’t even think about it,” Dad barked. “We’re all going to sit down, and you’re all going to explain to me what the hell has been going on.”

  All I could think was Shiiiiiiit.


  “So you’re telling me you were with Cole?” Dad asked. “Not Hunter?”

  I’d explained everything, from meeting him before we knew who each other was to carrying on a relationship with him after.

  “Not anymore,” I mumbled, looking at Reece.

  “Good. It needs to stay that way. He’s not good for you,” Dad said.

  “You don’t even know him.”

  “Way to play the immaturity card, P.”

  I glared at Danny. He just shrugged.

  “And what do you have to do with any of this?” Dad asked Danny.

  “Nothing. I just gave Paige a lift.”


  “We took Cole home. I got a phone call saying he needed help,” I said.

  “Because he was drunk?” Reece asked.

  I couldn’t deny it, the proof was on her phone. I nodded.

  “You’re not to see him again,” Dad ordered.

  I wanted to stand up and fight, tell them that I was a grown woman and could do whatever I wanted, but I also couldn’t see the point. Reece had made her threats known, and Cole and I were over anyway.

  “It’s over,” I reassured him. “Thanks to your fiancée’s threats, she made sure it was over.”

  Dad’s brow wrinkled in confusion, but he didn’t ask me or Reece what I meant.

  I scoffed. “Typical,” I muttered. “And just because you think he’s all wrong for me, doesn’t mean he is. I’ll keep my distance because I’m being forced to, but you need to know that you’re with someone who’s completely wrong for you, and yet you’re still marrying her.”

  Reece’s mouth dropped open, and Dad scowled. Danny covered his laughter with a fake coughing fit, and I stood and stalked out of the room, muttering to myself, “That probably could’ve gone better.”


  - COLE -

  Why does my head hurt?

  As I rolled over in bed, it took a while for my eyes to adjust and my mind to clear.

  “Get up.” Hunter’s voice pulled me out of my stupor as I sat up and saw him sitting in the corner of my room on a chair he’d dragged in from the dining table.

  “What the fu—”

  “Don’t you think that should be my question?” Okay, he was pissed.

  Then it all came flooding back to me. My urge to drink, spilling my guts to the bartender, drinking … a lot. Then everything was black.

  “I screwed up,” I muttered.

  “Understatement of the century, my friend.”

  I groaned. “What did I do?”

  “What didn’t you do? You got wasted at a bar. The bartender called Paige to come pick you up. Her brother carried you up three flights of stai
rs because your drunk ass was passed out. Shall I go on?”

  “There’s more?” I felt sick. It was probably the hangover, but more than likely it was the guilt churning my stomach. I burped, and all I could taste was Jack Daniels. Nope. Definitely the hangover.

  I’d never screwed up this bad … okay, apart from the Reece incident. But I was moving on, I was doing better. I wasn’t like my father. And then I went and did this?

  “Paige saw what you were truly like under the influence. Apparently you told her she didn’t care you were broken up and that she’s a bitch.”

  “Fuck.” I rubbed my temple, the pressure not easing.

  He took out his phone. “And according to the text Paige sent me after she got home last night, you called Reece and yelled at her for taking Paige away from you. So apparently Paul now knows everything.”

  My stomach continued to churn, but now it was joined by heart palpitations.

  “You didn’t just screw up this time, Cole. I don’t know if this is fixable.”

  Yup, it was happening. Just like a high school kid with his first hangover, I rushed to the bathroom and puked my guts up into the toilet.

  I couldn’t see him, but I knew Hunter had moved to the bathroom door.

  “I don’t want to deal with this,” I mumbled, my head still in the toilet bowl. I meant in general, but that also included the vomiting.

  “Too fucking bad. I’ve already called your psychologist’s office, you have an appointment tomorrow after work.” Hunter paused. “You are going to work tomorrow, right? There’s not going to be a repeat of last night?”

  I lifted my head, glaring at him. He just cocked his eyebrow at me. He had a right to ask; he was there three years ago when I was in my dark phase. Calling in sick to work a lot was merely a side effect of my descent into self-destruction. I shook my head, a silent promise that I wasn’t going to drink again tonight. But somehow, the gesture felt like a big fat lie.


  Hunter knew I was lying. He guarded the front door all day like his life depended on it. He’d just finished tipping all the beer out that he had sitting in the fridge, and it was clear he was on a mission—Keep Cole Sober. I could imagine the hashtag on Twitter like it was some charity event.


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